"Afflation" Quotes from Famous Books
... dirty weather, ugly weather, stress of weather; dirty sky, mare's tail; thick squall, black squall, white squall. anemography[obs3], aerodynamics; wind gauge, weathercock, vane, weather-vane, wind sock; anemometer, anemoscope[obs3]. sufflation[obs3], insufflation[obs3], perflation[obs3], inflation, afflation[obs3]; blowing, fanning &c. v.; ventilation. sneezing &c.v.: errhine[obs3]; sternutative[obs3], sternutatory[obs3]; sternutation; hiccup, hiccough; catching of the breath. Eolus, Boreas, Zephyr, cave of Eolus. air pump, air blower, lungs, bellows, blowpipe, fan, ventilator, punkah[obs3]; branchiae[obs3], ... — Roget's Thesaurus
... supply the deficiencies of language; and the Mimansa justly considered itself as only interpreting the true meaning of the Mantras, when it proclaimed that, in the beginning, "Nothing was but Mind, the Creative Thought of Him which existed alone from the beginning, and breathed without afflation." The idea suggested in the Mantras is dogmatically asserted and developed in the Upanischadas. The Vedanta philosophy, assuming the mystery of the "ONE IN MANY" as the fundamental article of faith, maintained not only the Divine Unity, but the identity ... — Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry • Albert Pike |