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Ai   Listen
Ai  n.  (pl. ais)  (Zool.) The three-toed sloth (Bradypus tridactylus) of South America. See Sloth.

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"Ai" Quotes from Famous Books

... je prolonge mon reve, La route est commencee, il faut que je l'acheve; Il est trop tard pour m'arreter. Que la gloire m'oublie, ou qu'elle me couronne, Quel que soit mon destin, a lui je m'abandonne, J'ai besoin de chanter. ...
— Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. 15, - No. 90, June, 1875 • Various

... had a card from Omer which began: "J'ai l'honneur de faire savoir a Votre Excellence que je suis encore toujours vivant!" Encore toujours sounds as though he were pretty emphatically alive. We were all ...
— A Journal From Our Legation in Belgium • Hugh Gibson

... in his extended right hand. The head of the arrow was of stone, the fletching of eagle feathers, and the "breath feather" of the downy plume of the Tsenáhale (the Harpy of Navajo mythology). As they held the arrows they ejaculated, "ai', ai', ai', ai'," as they who dance the kátso-yisçà u do in the ceremonies to this day, and after the fourth ai' each one swallowed his arrow, head foremost, until the fletching touched his lips. Then he withdrew the arrow and they said: "Thus do we wish the ...
— The Mountain Chant, A Navajo Ceremony • Washington Matthews

... resistance, R, a quantity of heat is developed in the circuit, and this heat is the exact equivalent of the force expended, so long as the current is not made use of for doing any external work. The expression for this quantity of heat, per unit of time, is AiR; A being the thermal equivalent of the unit of power corresponding to the units of current and resistance, in which i and R are respectively expressed. The product, iR, is a certain quantity of power, which the author proposes to call power ...
— Scientific American Supplement No. 275 • Various

... voudrais bien me marier, Je voudrais bien me marier, Mais j'ai qrand' peur de me tromper: Mais j'ai grand' peur de me tromper: Ils sont si malhonnetes! Ma luron, ma lurette, Ils sont si ...
— The Crossing • Winston Churchill

... n'es-tu la, oh Hadjadj!' Cette nouvelle etant parvenue a Hadjadj, il repondit: 'Me voila.' Aussitot il envoya un depute a Daher pour l'inviter a faire mettre ces femmes en liberte. Mais Daher repondit: 'Ce sont des pirates qui ont enleve ces femmes, et je n'ai aucune autorite sur les ravisseurs.' Alors Hadjadj engagea Obeyd Allah, fils de Nabhan, a faire une expedition ...
— Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and • James Emerson Tennent

... the Aracoeli, had been dedicated to the goddess Annona by an importer of wheat. The pavement of the basilica of S. Paul was patched with nine hundred and thirty-one miscellaneous inscriptions; and so were those of S. Martino ai Monti, S. Maria in Trastevere, SS. Giovanni e Paolo, etc. We have one specimen left of these inscribed pavements in the church of SS. Quattro Coronati on the Caelian, which may be called ...
— Pagan and Christian Rome • Rodolfo Lanciani

... crown of glory is won only when all men are singing his songs. And every genuine artist, as opposed to the mere improviser or dilettante, wishes his work to endure.[Footnote: See Anatole France: Le Lys Rouge. "Moi, dit Choulette, je pense si peu a l'avenir terrestre que j'ai ecrit mes plus beaux poemes sur les feuilles de papier a cigarettes. Elles se sont facilement evanuies, ne laissant a mes vers qu'une espece d'existence metaphysique." C'etait un air de negligence qu'il se donnait. En fait, il n'avait jamais perdu une ...
— The Principles Of Aesthetics • Dewitt H. Parker

... this accident. It seems to hang upon his mind, as if he had been out-braved. His anxiety, as might well be expected from such a temper, was excessive, while Clifton was in danger: but he seems to repent now, that he did not follow the mad example. Parbleu! Madame, je suis Provencal; on dit que j'ai la tete un peu chaude; mais Messieurs les Anglois vont diablement vite aux epreuves! Mes compatriotes meme ne sont pas si fous!—Je ne suis pas content de moi—J'aurais du faire le saut—J'aurais sauve la vie a man rival! Voila une belle occasion manquee, et beaucoup ...
— Anna St. Ives • Thomas Holcroft

... have a comforting belief that scarcely a reader of mine has been a reader of the "Grande Illustrazione de Lombardo-Veneto."[Mantova e Sua Provincia, per 'Avvocato Bartolomeo Arrighi: Grande Illustrazione del Lombardo-Veneto, ossia Storia delle Citta, des Borghi, Communi, Castelli, etc., fino ai Tempi moderni. Per Cura di Cesare Cantu, e a' altri Literati. Milano, 1859.] Yet I suppose that he forms some notion of this work from its title, and figures to himself a physical bulk of six volumes,—large, ...
— Italian Journeys • William Dean Howells

... concerts as well as at private parties on instruments of Broadwood's, we may conclude that he also appreciated the pianos of this firm. In a letter dated London, 48, Dover Street, May 6, 1848, he writes to Gutmann: "Erard a ete charmant, il m'a fait poser un piano. J'ai un de Broadwood et un de Pleyel, ce qui fait 3, et je ne trouve pas encore le temps pour les jouer." And in a letter dated Edinburgh, August 6, and Calder House, August 11, he writes to Franchomme: "I have a Broadwood piano in my room, and the Pleyel of Miss Stirling ...
— Frederick Chopin as a Man and Musician - Volume 1-2, Complete • Frederick Niecks

... dans les iles.—Au physique, tous ces noirs sont generalement vigoureux,[1] d'une forte constitution, capables des travaux les plus penibles; ils sont generalement actifs.—Domestiques, ils sont sobres et fideles.—Ce portrait s'applique aux femmes de cette couleur.—Je n'ai vu faire aucune distinction entr'eux a cet egard et les domestiques blancs, quoique ces derniers les traitent toujours avec mepris, comme etant d'une espece inferieure.—Ceux qui tiennent des boutiques, ...
— The Journal of Negro History, Vol. I. Jan. 1916 • Various

... second day after he landed fitted out an expedition of a dozen soldiers to take possession of a little uninhabited island called Pianosa, which lies a few leagues from Elba; on this occasion he said good-humouredly, "Toute l'Europe dira que j'ai deja fait une conqute" (All Europe will say I have already made a conquest). The cause of the island of Pianosa being left uninhabited was the marauding of the Corsairs from the coast of Barbary, against whom Bonaparte considered himself fully protected by the ...
— The Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte • Bourrienne, Constant, and Stewarton

... later writers say that Mary was born on the 7th of December. Prince Labanoff, however, proves that it was the 8th, "C'est la veritable date.—J'ai trouve dans le State Paper Office de Londres, une lettre autographe de Marie Stuart de 1584, dans laquello elle dit: le viij Decembre, xlij^e de ma naissance."—(Lettres de Marie Stuart, vol. i. ...
— The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) • John Knox

... "Pardonnez-moi. J'ai quitte ma train et maintenant je ne sais pas ou le trouver encore. Est-ce que vous pouvez me montrer le route a ...
— Jokes For All Occasions - Selected and Edited by One of America's Foremost Public Speakers • Anonymous

... beasts came to devour me, and I became your man: they fled." "If you have called yourself my man I will not eat you"—Lion finds an Elephant: "I have a lame Goat; let him go on your back and eat the young leaves as you graze"—He agrees, and the Goat says, "Khoj pakar liyo baran ko hasti mili hai ai gaj mastak achchhi charhi ajaya kopal khaya" ("By betaking myself to the footprints of the great, I have got an Elephant")—Mounting on the Elephant's head, the Goat feeds well ...
— The Talking Thrush - and Other Tales from India • William Crooke

... que despues se vieron bien manifiestan lo mui injusta que fue, . . . . puesto que todos quantos entendieron en ella tuvieron despues mui desastradas muertes." (Naharro, Relacion Sumaria, Ms.) Gomara uses nearly the same language. "No ai que reprehender a los que le mataron, pues el tiempo, i sus pecados los castigaron despues; ca todos ellos acabaron mal." (Hist. de las Ind., cap. 118.) According to the former writer, Felipillo paid the forfeit of his crimes sometime afterwards, - being hanged by Almagro on ...
— The History Of The Conquest Of Peru • William H. Prescott

... volaille perfide, Qui brave les efforts d'une dent intrepide; Souvent par un ami, dans ses champs entraine. J'ai reconnu le soir le coq infortune Qui m'avait le matin a l'aurore naissante Reveille brusquement de sa voix glapissante; Je l'avais admire dans le sein de la cour, Avec des yeux jaloux, j'avais vu son amour. Helas! la malheureux, ...
— Pelham, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... distance from the place where the mountain path entered the outskirts of the city lived Hiya-ai-Shao with her parents, who were persons of assured position, though of no particular wealth. For a period not confined to a single year it had been the custom of Yang Hu to offer to this elegant and refined maiden all the rarest ...
— The Wallet of Kai Lung • Ernest Bramah

... on the part of Nature was observed, as if existence struggled for superiority, but in the following instance of the sloth life sunk in death without the least apparent contention, without a cry, without a struggle and without a groan. This was an ai, or three-toed sloth. It was in the possession of a gentleman who was collecting curiosities. He wished to have it killed in order to preserve the skin, and the wourali poison was resorted to as ...
— Wanderings In South America • Charles Waterton

... Talleyrand was standing, he looked up and significantly exclaimed, "Ah!" In the course of the dinner, the lady having asked him across the table, why on her entrance he said "Oh!" Talleyrand, with a grave, self-vindicatory look, answered,—"Madame, je n'ai pas dit 'Oh!' J'ai ...
— Atlantic Monthly Volume 6, No. 37, November, 1860 • Various

... place in Asgard one day to wander upon the earth, as the gods were wont to do. He had not gone far ere he came to a poor hut on the seashore, where he found Ai (great grandfather) and Edda (great grandmother), a poor but worthy couple, who hospitably invited him to share their meagre meal of porridge. Heimdall, who gave his name as Riger, gladly accepted this invitation, and remained with the couple three whole days, teaching them many ...
— Myths of the Norsemen - From the Eddas and Sagas • H. A. Guerber

... chief violence of a storm which might otherwise have exploded in a manner very dangerous to the Empire. 'I think I might say,' he writes, 'with less poetry but with more truth, what Lamartine said when they accused him of coquetting with the Rouges under the Provisional Government: "Oui, j'ai conspire! J'ai conspire comme le paratonnerre conspire avec le nuage pour desarmer la foudre."' But the thunder-cloud was not entirely disarmed; and it burst in a direction which popular passion in Canada has always been too apt to take, threats ...
— Letters and Journals of James, Eighth Earl of Elgin • James, Eighth Earl of Elgin

... mange, Ce que j'ai bu, Ce que j'ai dissipe, Je l'ai maintenant avec moi. Ce que j'ai laisse, ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Volume 3, Issue 17, March, 1859 • Various

... [1] j'ai pris la nature sur le fait. A happy, good-natured turn of phrase expressed by Fontenelle upon making some ...
— Romans — Volume 3: Micromegas • Voltaire

... mis a execution bien convenablement, il convient avoir plusiers voyes et baillier a chascun ce qui lui est plus convenable; et ainsi pourroit il le commandement de Dieu accomplir; .... Pour tant je, vostre petit chappelain, a vostre requeste, que je tieng pour commendement, vous ai volu translata de latin en francais le Gieu des Eschas moralise, que fist l'un de nos freres, appele frere Jaques de Cossoles, maistre en divinite, si que vous l'entendes plus legierrement; et a exemple des nobles hystoires qui y sont nottees, ...
— Game and Playe of the Chesse - A Verbatim Reprint Of The First Edition, 1474 • Caxton

... rcompense, il est plus vertueux, plus dsintress que nous." There are many recorded instances of Holbach's gracious benevolence. As he said to Helvetius, "Vous tes brouill avec tous ceux que vous avez oblig, mais j'ai gard tous mes amis." Holbach had the faculty of attaching people to him. Diderot tells how at the Salon of 1753 after Holbach had bought Oudry's famous picture, all the collectors who had passed it by came to him and offered him ...
— Baron d'Holbach - A Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France • Max Pearson Cushing

... uglier African tribes; and that later supplies may have been procured from other parts of the slave coast. Writing half a century later, Pre Labat declares having seen freshly disembarked blacks handsome enough to inspire an artist:—"J'en ai vu des deux sexes faits peindre, et beaux par merveille" (vol. iv. chap, vii,). He adds that their skin was extremely fine, and of velvety softness;—"le velours n'est pas plus doux."... Among the 30,000 blacks yearly shipped to the French colonies, there were doubtless many representatives ...
— Two Years in the French West Indies • Lafcadio Hearn

... now, I am glad to say, subsided into a very quiet, placable, and peacemaking old gentleman; but at the time I speak of he was much blamed for his duel with F—, a young man of nineteen. While dining at a cafe he exclaimed, "J'ai envie de tuer quelq'un," and rushed out into the street and to the theatres, trying to pick a quarrel; but he was so well known that no one was found willing to encounter him. At last, at the Theatre de la Porte St. Martin, he grossly insulted this ...
— Reminiscences of Captain Gronow • Rees Howell Gronow

... "Ai, ai! stop pulling my hair. You are choking me. Ai! Listen. It was not I who shut you in under ...
— Old Peter's Russian Tales • Arthur Ransome

... the extent to which the diction of the third Evangelist impressed itself upon his writings). [Greek: epibibazein], xix. 35 (and twice, only by St. Luke). [Greek: epipiptein], i. 12, xv. 20 (eight times in the Acts and three times in the rest of the New Testament). [Greek: ai eraemoi], only in St. Luke, i. 80, and twice. [Greek: etos] (fifteen times in the Gospel, eleven times in the Acts, three times in the other Synoptics and three times in St. John), four times in chap. ii, iii. 1, 23, xiii, 7, 8, xv. 29. [Greek: ...
— The Gospels in the Second Century - An Examination of the Critical Part of a Work - Entitled 'Supernatural Religion' • William Sanday

... sigh Ai ai Tan Kuuerheian That hath a memory, or that had a heart? Alas! her star must fade like that of Dian: Ray fades on ray, as years on years depart. Anacreon only had the soul to tie an Unwithering myrtle round the unblunted dart Of Eros: ...
— Don Juan • Lord Byron

... ses ay? R. un solo dios. P. qua tas personas. R. tres P. como se llama la primera? R. Dios padre. P. como se llama la seu da? R. Dios hijo. P. como se lla ma la tercera? R. Dios spiritu sancto. P. son por uenturatres Dioses. R. no sontres dioses. las personas son tres, ysolo ai un dios. P. qual de las tres per sonas se hizo hombre? R. la se gunda persona que es el hijo. P. como se hizo hombre? R. por obra del spiritu sancto, en las entranas de sancta Maria uirge antes del parto, ydespues del parto. P. para q se hizo hombre? R. ...
— Doctrina Christiana • Anonymous

... Reine devroit le prendre pour aller en Saxe Gotha, car je suis convaincu qu'il est assez intelligent pour pouvoir decouvrir ce Royaume. Gore House vous envoye un cargo d'amities des plus sinceres. Donnez de ma part 100,000 kind regards a Madame Dickens. Toujours votre affectionne, Ce D'ORSAY. J'ai vu le courier, c'est le tableau de l'honnetete, et de la bonne humeur. Don't forget to be here at ...
— The Life of Charles Dickens, Vol. I-III, Complete • John Forster

... which an equivalent is wanting in our language; "J'ai fait prosateur a l'imitation de l'italien prosatore, pour dire un homme qui ecrit en prose." To distinguish a prose from a verse writer, we once had "a proser." Drayton uses it; but this useful ...
— Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 3 (of 3) • Isaac D'Israeli

... Catoni." Those who knew him in Brittany tell me that long before he became a personage, "le plan de Trochu" was a standing joke throughout that province. The General, it appears, is fond of piquet; whenever he sat down to play he said, "j'ai mon plan." When he got up after losing the game, as was usually the case, he went away muttering, "Cependant, mon plan etait bon." He seemed to have this word "plan" on the brain, for no one who ever played with him could perceive in his mode of handling ...
— Diary of the Besieged Resident in Paris • Henry Labouchere

... the lands of T'ai and Ch'in And Wei and Cheng1 Gladden the feasters, and old songs are sung: The "Rider's Song" that once Fu-hsi, the ancient monarch, made; And the harp-songs of Ch'u. Then after prelude from the flutes of Chao The ballad-singer's voice rises alone. ...
— More Translations from the Chinese • Various

... I know has intended to ask for service with Turkey, with a view to a war, against Russia, and has been withheld only by some differences with General Klapha, the Turco-Hungarian, from doing so. I had a long letter from him to- day, in which he expresses his restlessness characteristically, J'ai la nostalgic de ...
— The Life of Froude • Herbert Paul

... wide circle the vaa crept around to head back toward our port, and it was after sunset before we were in Teta's house in Puforatoai. The villagers met us with torches and incredulous aues and we walked up the road singing the song of the "Ai Dobbebelly Dobbebelly," which was known wherever a fisher for market dwelt in all Tahiti. The farther from Papeete and more and more as time passed, the words lost resemblance to English, and became mere native sounds without ...
— Mystic Isles of the South Seas. • Frederick O'Brien

... les vaches ... ca avale du verre a tout age. J'en ai connu une qui a mange une eponge a laver les cabriolets ... a sept ans! Elle ...
— Adventures in Criticism • Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

... effet? Comment l'a-t-elle pris, et comment l'a-t-il fait? Where it is almost inconceivable, that the poet could have failed to see the application which might be made of the passage, especially as he allows the confidant to answer, J'ai tout vu. That Attila should treat the kings who are dependent on him like good-for-nothing fellows: Ils ne sont pas venus, nos deux rois; qu'on leur die Qu'ils se font trop attendre, et qu' Attila s'ennuie Qu'alors que je les mande ils doivent se hater: may in ...
— Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature • August Wilhelm Schlegel

... "Cock-a-doodle-doo" and M. Rostand's "cocorico"? And we need not go as far as the animal world. See how the nations differ in spelling out that elementary human sound which is the expression of pain or surprise, and which in this country we hear as "Oh," and the Germans hear as "Ach," and the Greeks heard as "Ai, Ai." If the human vocal chords can be so imperfectly imitated, what shall we say of birds speaking after a manner all their own? For myself I confess that in congenial company I can hear birds say anything, but that left to myself I am sometimes ...
— The Patient Observer - And His Friends • Simeon Strunsky

... orage On me laisse perir; En courant au naufrage Je vois chacun me plaindre et mil me secourir, Felicite passee Qui ne peux revenir Tourment de ma pensee Que n'ai-je en te perdant perdu le souvenir! Le sort, plein d'injustice M'ayant enfin rendu Ce reste un pur supplice, Je serais plus heureux ...
— Innocent - Her Fancy and His Fact • Marie Corelli

... strong mouth, 'is—not to be duped. Put too much faith in these fine things the altruists talk of, and you arrive one day at the condition of Louis XIV. after the battle of Ramillies: "Dieu a donc oublie tout ce que j'ai fait pour lui?" Read your Renan; remind yourself at every turn that it is quite possible after all the egotist may turn out to be in the right of it, and you will find at any rate that the world gets on excellently well without your blundering efforts to set it straight. ...
— Robert Elsmere • Mrs. Humphry Ward

... iloko o ka lani, e hoa noia kou inoa. E hiki mai kou Aupuni; e malamaia kou makemake ma ka honua nei, e like me ia i malamaia ma ka lani la. E haawi mai ia makou i keia la i ai na makou no neia la; e kala mai hoi ia makou i ka makou lawehala ana, me makou e kala nei i ka poe i lawehala i ka makou. Mai hookuu oe ia makou i ka hoowalewaleia mai; e hoopakele no nae ia makou i ka ino; no ka mea, nou ke Aupuni, a me ka mana, a me ka ...
— Scenes in the Hawaiian Islands and California • Mary Evarts Anderson

... at Odessa! I was accused of spending my time at the theatre, instead of watching the conspirators. They even said I was in the conspiracy! Oh, Lord! Odessa! The gallows! Froloff! Well, it was Stephanie Gavaud who was the cause of it. Don't tell that to Marsa! Ah! that little Stephanie! 'J'ai vu le vieux Bacchus sur sa roche fertile!' Tautin—no, Tautin couldn't sing like that little Stephanie! Well," continued Vogotzine, hiccoughing violently, "because all that happened then, I now lead here the life of an oyster! Yes, the life of an oyster, of a turtle, of a clam! ...
— Serge Panine • Georges Ohnet

... employed, I could not help thinking of my type, Don Juan. I was nearly suffocated before I had completed my work. I shoved off again, and away she flew before the wind. "I don't go with you this time," said I; "J'ai ete", as the Frenchman said, when he was ...
— Frank Mildmay • Captain Frederick Marryat

... possessions that the hostility of the deities still left to Sun Wei at the time of these happenings was a young slave of many-sided attraction. The name of Hia had been given to her, but she was generally known as Tsing-ai on account of the extremely affectionate ...
— Kai Lung's Golden Hours • Ernest Bramah

... critic, plausible, self-confident, very liberal minded, talks about poetry; condescendingly agrees with one—and I see that he is a man absolutely without talent (I haven't read him). Some one suggests going to Ai-Petri. I say that it is going to rain, but we set out. The road is muddy, it rains; the critic sits next to me, I feel his lack of talent. He is wooed and made a fuss of as if he were a bishop. And when it cleared up, I went back on foot. How easily people deceive themselves, how they ...
— Note-Book of Anton Chekhov • Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

... but some of their simple sounds, were difficult of pronunciation to mouths purely English. Diphthongs often occur. One of the most common is that of 'ae', or perhaps, 'ai', pronounced not unlike those letters in the French verb 'hair', to hate. The letter 'y' frequently follows 'd' in the same syllable. Thus the word which signifies a woman is 'dyin'; although the structure of our language requires us to spell ...
— A Complete Account of the Settlement at Port Jackson • Watkin Tench

... suis pas la rose, mais j'ai vecu avec elle," is assigned to Constant by A. Hayward in his Introduction to the "Autobiography and Letters" ...
— Familiar Quotations • John Bartlett

... "Ai" runs together almost like "eye." The word is repeated rapidly, Eye-eye Y[o] ...
— Things as They Are - Mission Work in Southern India • Amy Wilson-Carmichael

... and also since all the good works that men do while they be in deadly sin be utterly dead, as for to have the life perdurable [everlasting], well may that man that no good works doth, sing that new French song, J'ai tout perdu — mon temps et mon labour . For certes, sin bereaveth a man both the goodness of nature, and eke the goodness of grace. For soothly the grace of the Holy Ghost fareth like fire, that may not be idle; for fire faileth anon as it forleteth [leaveth] its working, and right so ...
— The Canterbury Tales and Other Poems • Geoffrey Chaucer

... continue: 'Aucune distinction absolue n'a ete et ne pout etre etablie entre les especes et les varietes.' Je vous ai deja dit que vous vous trompiez; une distinction absolue separe ...
— Lectures and Essays • T.H. Huxley

... sono i capricci degli huomini e le fantasie delle persone inquiete, aprendo la porta alla discordia e alla confusione: e dimostrava con lunga commemorazione di segnalati esempj, che la diversita della fede aveva sempre messo l'arme in mano ai sudditi, e sempre sollevate atroci perfidie e funeste rebellioni contra i superiori: onde conchiudeva nel fine, che siccome le controversie della fede avevan sempre servito di pretesto e di argumento alle sollevazioni de' mal contenti, cosi era necessario rimovere ...
— The Works Of John Dryden, Vol. 7 (of 18) - The Duke of Guise; Albion and Albanius; Don Sebastian • John Dryden

... China are divided into three classes, one of which has since the days of the T'ai-p'ings totally disappeared from all parts over which the tide of rebellion passed. This is the tien tang, where property could be left for three years without forfeit, and to establish which it was necessary to obtain special authority from the Board ...
— Chinese Sketches • Herbert A. Giles

... he! I have seen him myself,' was his only comment; and to all questionings but one reply was vouchsafed: 'Deux fois je l'ai vu: mille fois je l'ai senti.' He would tell them nothing of the provenance of the book, nor any details of his experiences. 'I shall soon sleep, and my rest will be sweet. Why should ...
— Ghost Stories of an Antiquary • Montague Rhodes James

... of the same indifference. A most sympathetic observer of German manners and customs, and a man for whose honesty and gentleness I have the highest esteem, Pere Didon, remarked of the Germans: "J'ai essaye maintes fois de decouvrir chez l'Allemand une sympathie quelconque pour d'autres nations; je ...
— Germany and the Germans - From an American Point of View (1913) • Price Collier

... other hand, when he went to Laon, he became vehement in praise of the cathedral tower there, which must have been then quite new: "I have been in many countries, as you can find in this book. In no place have I ever such a tower seen as that of Laon.—J'ai este en mult de tieres, si cum vus pores trover en cest livre. En aucun liu onques tel tor ne vi com est cele de Loon." The reason for this admiration is the same that Viollet-le-Duc gives for admiring the tower of Chartres—the "adresse" ...
— Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres • Henry Adams

... tous ces jours d'abaissement, de peine, Pour tous ces outrages sans nom, Je n'ai jamais charge qu'un etre de ma haine,... Sois maudit, ...
— The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (The Physician and Poet not the Jurist)

... MS. No. 6829, p. 241. In a window in the north aisle was the inscription "Orate pro ai'a Thomae Coppuldike armig., et D'nae Margaretae, Consortis suae, fundatoria gildae cantar . . . fenestram fieri fecit. Ano D'ni 1526." In the eastern window of the south aisle was the inscription "Orate pro benefactoribus ...
— A History of Horncastle - from the earliest period to the present time • James Conway Walter

... "Diamo atto volentiere ai due egregi gentiluomi delle loro dichiarazioni, inspirate a uno scrupolo patriottico ...
— Chit-Chat; Nirvana; The Searchlight • Mathew Joseph Holt

... the office a strange scene was presented to her startled gaze. The sing-song girl, her fiddle broken, was beating her forehead upon the floor and wailing: Ai, ai! Ai, ai! Spurlock—or Taber, as he called himself—sat slumped in a chair, staring with glazed eyes at nothing, absolutely uninterested in the confusion for which he was primarily accountable. The hotel manager was expostulating and Ah Cum was replying by ...
— The Ragged Edge • Harold MacGrath

... "See how he fights! A true Rajput! Nay, beat me not. Some day thou too shalt bear a sword for England, great-grandson mine. Ai-ee! But ...
— Told in the East • Talbot Mundy

... suivre l'etude des plantes sous cette direction qui je crois en releve beaucoup l'importance et l'interet. Je m'estimerai heureux si en vous l'indiquant je puis concourir a vos succes futures et a vous initier dans une etude que j'ai toujours regarde comme une de celles qui peut le ...
— Personal Recollections, from Early Life to Old Age, of Mary Somerville • Mary Somerville

... magnificent vocal gesture rested on the single word Si in reply to Guido's "Tu ne reviendras pas?" Her performance of this work, however, offers many examples of just such instinctive intonations. One more, I must mention, her answer to Guido's insistent, "Cet homme t'a-t-il prise?"... "J'ai dit la verite.... Il ne m'a pas touchee," sung with dignity, with force, with womanliness, and yet with growing impatience and a ...
— The Merry-Go-Round • Carl Van Vechten

... trifle wider. If I had my way I would never do the same work or talk with the same people—hardly live in the same place for two days running. Life is too short to do a thing twice. When I come to the end of mine I don't want to say J'ai manque la vie; but make my brag, ...
— Stories by American Authors, Volume 8 • Various

... The guardian of hidden treasures. A-ha'va. The West-wind; the father of the swift dogs. Ah'ti. The same as Lemminkainen. Ah'to. The great god of the waters. Ah'to-la. The water-castle of Ahto and his people. Ah'to-lai'set. The inhabitants of Ahtola. Ai-nik'ki. A sister of Ahti. Ai'no (i'no). Youkahainen's sister. An'te-ro. A goddess of the waves. Ai'ue-lake. The lake into which the Fire-child falls. An-nik'ki. Ilmarinen's sister. An'te-ro. Another name for Wipanen, or Antero Wipunen. Dus'ter-land. ...
— The Kalevala (complete) • John Martin Crawford, trans.

... le profil de mon vieil ami M. Bonzig, que j' n' connais pas, que j' n'ai jamais vu, mais q' j'aime beaucoup." (Now do me the side face of my old friend M. Bonzig, whom I don't know, but am very ...
— The Martian • George Du Maurier

... ne sais si je vous ai communique autrefois les curieux passages qui suivent: On lit dans le Lotus francais, p. 271, l. 14, C'est que c'est une chose difficile a rencontrer que la naissance d'un bouddha, aussi difficile a rencontrer que la fleur de l'Udumbara, ...
— Chips From A German Workshop - Volume I - Essays on the Science of Religion • Friedrich Max Mueller

... chap. I. Quand j'ai eloigne de son esprit la preoccupation que fait naitre l'idee de magnetisme ... je lui dis "Regardez-moi bien et ne songez qu'a dormir. Vous allez sentir une lourdeur dans les paupieres, une fatigue dans vos yeux: ils clignotent, ils vont se mouiller; la vue devient ...
— Hinduism and Buddhism, Vol I. (of 3) - An Historical Sketch • Charles Eliot

... not carve that way," she protested. "It is not sculpture. Thou wouldst fill the land with frozen creatures—ai!" with another little shrug. "It would be haunted and spectral. Nay, give me the old forms. They ...
— The Yoke - A Romance of the Days when the Lord Redeemed the Children - of Israel from the Bondage of Egypt • Elizabeth Miller

... custom, which was to allow prisoners, capitally convicted, three days to prepare for a Christian death. Rolando continues, "Oh! je regrette mon premier metier, j'avoue qu'il y a plus de surete dans le nouveau; mais il y a plus d'agrement dans l'autre, et j'aime la liberte. J'ai bien la mine de me defaire de ma charge, et de partir un beau matin pour aller gagner les montagnes qui sont aux sources du Tage. Je sais qu'il y a dans cet endroit une retraite habitee par une troupe nombreuse, et remplie de sujets Catalans: c'est faire son eloge en un mot. Si tu veux ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 55, No. 344, June, 1844 • Various

... des regrets, L'homme s'agite, et s'use, et vieillit sans progres Sur sa toile de Penelope; Comme un sage mourant, puissions-nous dire en paix J'ai trop longtemps erre, cherche; je me trompais; Tout est ...
— Amiel's Journal • Mrs. Humphry Ward

... jugemens sont remplis d'equite; Toujours tu prens plaisir a nous etre propice: Mais j'ai tant fait de mal, que jamais ta bonte Ne me pardonnera sans choquer ta Justice. Ouy, mon Dieu, la grandeur de mon impiete Ne laisse a ton pouvoir que le choix du suplice: Ton interest s' oppose a ma felicite; Et ta clemence meme attend que je perisse. Contente ton desir ...
— The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 - With Translations and Index for the Series • Joseph Addison and Richard Steele

... 'No, I tell you! Time was, time is not. I have now joined with France; and to join against it in this manner? Talk to me no more!'" [Friedrich to Hyndford: "Au Camp [de Neuendorf] 14me septembre," 1741. "Milord j'ai recu les nouvelles propositions d'alliance que l'infatigable Robinson vous envoie. Je les trouve aussi chimeriques que les precedentes."—"Ces gens sont-ils fols, Milord, de s'imaginer que je commisse ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XIII. (of XXI.) • Thomas Carlyle

... existence. The attempt would have been not only needless and absurd, but almost inconceivable, in a purely spectacular universe, where no such disagreeable necessity can possibly arise. It is sufficient for me to say (and I am saying it at some length in these pages): J'ai vecu. I have existed, obscure among the wonders and terrors of my time, as the Abbe Sieyes, the original utterer of the quoted words, had managed to exist through the violences, the crimes, and the enthusiasms of the French Revolution. J'ai vecu, as I apprehend most ...
— A Personal Record • Joseph Conrad

... 721: This was a frequent rite at funerals. Cf. Apollon. Rh. i. 1059; Virg. AEn. xi. 188, sqq.; Heliodor. Ethiop. iii. p. 136: [Greek: Epeide to mnema tou Neoptolemou periestoichesato e pompe, kai triton oi epeboi ten ippon perielasan, eloluxan men ai gunaikes, lalaxan de oi andres]. Among the Romans this rite was called decursio. Cf. Liv. xxv. 17: Tacit. Ann. ii. 7; Sueton. Claud. Sec. i. According to Plutarch, Alexander the Great performed the same honours at the tomb of Achilles, that Achilles had bestowed upon the manes of his friend ...
— The Iliad of Homer (1873) • Homer

... (Medecine Operatoire), in reference to the relative frequency of cases in which the obturator artery is derived from the epigastric, remarks, "L'examen que j'ai pu en faire sur plusieurs milliers de cadavres, ne me permet pas de dire qu'elle se rencontre un fois sur trois, ni sur cinq, ni meme sur dix, mais bien seulement sur quinze a vingt." Monro (Obs. on Crural Hernia) states this condition ...
— Surgical Anatomy • Joseph Maclise

... fois que j'ai vu tomber monsieur le colonel. La premiere fois c'etait sur le champ de bataille de Magenta." (Madame, this is the second time I have seen the colonel fall. The first time was on ...
— The Secret Memoirs of the Courts of Europe: William II, Germany; Francis Joseph, Austria-Hungary, Volume I. (of 2) • Mme. La Marquise de Fontenoy

... a play on words. Madelon says, in addressing her father, vous devriez un pen vous faire apprendre le bel air des choses, upon which he answers, je n'ai que faire ni d'air ni de chanson. Air means tune as well ...
— The Pretentious Young Ladies • Moliere

... Possessive pronouns had the unmeaning syllable quien before them, as, Nous gagne quien a nous, for Nous avons les notres; and demonstrative pronouns were changed in this way: Mo voir z'animaux la yo, for J'ai vu ces animaux, and Ci la yo qui te vivre, for Ceux qui ont vecu. A few more examples will suffice to make other changes clear. A negro was asked to lend his horse; he replied, Mouchee (Monsieur), mo pas gagne choual, mais ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 11, No. 65, March, 1863 • Various

... of the well-known air "J'ai perdu mon Eurydice" (che faro senza Euridice?) from Orphee (Gluck), revised by Madame Pauline Viardot-Garcia, no mention is made of two traditions which have been used and handed down by a number of the most famous singers of the role ...
— Style in Singing • W. E. Haslam

... translated his work from the English of one Mr. D'Avisson (Davidson?) although there is a terrible ambiguity in the statement. "J' en ai eu," says he "l'original de Monsieur D'Avisson, medecin des mieux versez qui soient aujourd'huy dans la cnoissance des Belles Lettres, et sur tout de la Philosophic Naturelle. Je lui ai cette obligation entre ...
— The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 1 (of 5) of the Raven Edition • Edgar Allan Poe

... in the course of these expeditions, and they brought back this report—'It is positively wicked to let these children grow up being taught that there is no difference in value between Joshua and St Matthew: that the God of the Lord's Prayer is the same who commanded the massacre of Ai.' Well, perhaps it is. Seeing how bloodthirsty old men can be in these days, one is tempted to think that they can hardly be caught too young and taught decency, if not mansuetude. But I do not remember, as a child, feeling any horror about ...
— On The Art of Reading • Arthur Quiller-Couch

... pour prier votre seigneurie de vouloir bien agreer l'assurance de mon respect et de la plus haute estime avec laquelle j'ai l'honneur d'etre, milord, de votre seigneurie le tres ...
— The Life of Thomas, Lord Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald, G.C.B., Admiral of the Red, Rear-Admiral of the Fleet, Etc., Etc. • Thomas Cochrane, Earl of Dundonald

... voulez pas cela. Vous me dites cela seulement pour me faire de la peine, parce que je vous ai regardee pendant toute la soiree. Eh! bien, oui. Je vous ai regardee pendant toute la soiree. Votre beaute m'a trouble. Votre beaute m'a terriblement trouble, et je vous ai trop regardee. Mais je ne le ferai plus. Il ne faut regarder ni les choses ni les personnes. Il ne faut regarder ...
— Selected Prose of Oscar Wilde - with a Preface by Robert Ross • Oscar Wilde

... round the door; and the moment we left the room empty, in they rushed, with the mother and the women who had listened to us, and flinging themselves on the floor, cried the Tamil cry of sorrow, full of a pathos of its own: "Ai-y[o]! ...
— Things as They Are - Mission Work in Southern India • Amy Wilson-Carmichael

... till he reached Uaran Garad on Magh Ai. It could not hide itself from him: so he brought thereout the full of his cup, and the ...
— The Harvard Classics, Volume 49, Epic and Saga - With Introductions And Notes • Various

... ago we crossed the Jordan, blessed be God. Those were great days in Canaan! God was very near us, and our foes trembled. Jericho fell down, Ai was taken, kings of darkness and giants of iniquity melted before the army of the Lord, until the land was in ...
— Adventures in the Land of Canaan • Robert Lee Berry

... combien je regrette Le temps que j'ai perdu en ma jeunesse! Combien de fois je me suis souhaite Avoir Diane pour ma seule maitresse. Mais je craignais qu'elle, qui est deesse, Ne se ...
— Women of Modern France - Woman In All Ages And In All Countries • Hugo P. Thieme

... Was it any fault but yours—you that kept me far from your huts lest I should see and carry word to the gods how unworthy you were! You that feared yourselves lessened when I walked among you with my power—Ai! Ai! Did you think at all what became of the woman so long as you had my medicine to ...
— The Arrow-Maker - A Drama in Three Acts • Mary Austin

... la claire fontaine Down to the crystal streamlet M'en allant promener, I strayed at close of day; J'ai trouve l'eau si belle Into its limpid waters Que je m'y suis baigne. I plunged without delay. Lui ya longtemps que je t'aime, I 've loved thee long and dearly, Jamais je ne t'oublierai. I 'll ...
— Canada • J. G. Bourinot

... N'ai-je pas quatre pieds aussi bien que les autres? Mon portrait jusqu'ici ne m'a rien reproche; Mais pour mon frere l'ours, on ne l'a qu'ebauche; Jamais, s'il me veut croire, il ne se ...
— The Education of Henry Adams • Henry Adams

... paused at the end of the first verse she thought she heard an echo of it. It seemed that off to the north somewhere she had heard an eerie "Ai-i-e!" But she listened attentively, bringing Magpie to a stop, and hearing it no more, concluded that she had ...
— Ted Strong in Montana - With Lariat and Spur • Edward C. Taylor

... sacerdoti che fanno gli usura per formare un patrimonio da lasciare ai loro spurii; altri che tengono osteria coll' insegna del collare e vendono vino ... Salimbene, Cantarelli, Parma, 1882, 2 vols., ...
— Life of St. Francis of Assisi • Paul Sabatier

... en ai oi conter, Nes voil laisser ne oublies, &c.[4] Plusurs le me ant conte et dit Et jeo l'ai ...
— The Lay of Marie • Matilda Betham

... reclamer? Mais ecoutez-moi sans colere: Le voeu que je vais exprimer Pourrait bien, ma foi, vous deplaire. Je suis fourbe, avare, mechant, Ladre, impitoyable, rapace; J'ai fait se pendre mon parent: Sire, cedez-moi ...
— She Stands Accused • Victor MacClure

... name, and what a man he was! "J'ai l'honneur de me vous representer," he would say, "mon nom est Knaak ... And this one does not say while one is bowing, but when one is again standing upright—not loudly and yet clearly. One is not every day in a position where one must introduce oneself in French, ...
— The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries - Masterpieces of German Literature Vol. 19 • Various

... que j'aime, En ces lieux est venu. Oui! oui! c'est lui meme! C'est lui! je l'ai vue! Petit blanc! mon bon frere! Ha! ha! petit blanc ...
— A Romance of the Republic • Lydia Maria Francis Child

... pale, seedy-looking young man, who appeared full of life, however, with whom I had to settle my business. When I wished to give him my name, he enthusiastically interrupted me with the exclamation, 'O, je connais bien Monsieur Richard Wagner, puisque j'ai son portrait suspendu au-dessus de mon piano.' Much astonished, I asked what he knew about me, and learned that by careful study of my pianoforte arrangements he had become one of my most fervent admirers. After he had helped me with self-sacrificing attentions to complete my tiresome business ...
— My Life, Volume II • Richard Wagner

... at the end of the garden, and at tea. I could not refrain from showing the airs to Mussard and to Mademoiselle du Vernois, his 'gouvernante', who was a very good and amiable girl. Three pieces of composition I had sketched out were the first monologue: 'J'ai perdu mon serviteur;'—the air of the Devin; 'L'amour croit s'il s'inquiete;' and the last duo: 'A jamais, Colin, je t'engage, etc.' I was so far from thinking it worth while to continue what I had begun, that, had it not been for the applause and encouragement I received from ...
— The Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, Complete • Jean Jacques Rousseau

... est pass devant notre porte, sur son cheval Piero. Il m'a demand comment papa se portait, et je lui ai rpondu... ...
— Quatre contes de Prosper Mrime • F. C. L. Van Steenderen

... "Pardonnez-moi, monsieur le commandant, mais c'est pour monsieur," said the Colonel; "monsieur has not yet heard the circumstance, and is good enough to feel an interest." Presently after, however, he began to lose the thread of his narrative; and at last: "Que que j'ai? Je m'embrouille!" says he. "Suffit: s'm'a la donne, et Berthe en etait bien contente." It struck me as the falling of the curtain or the ...
— The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 20 (of 25) • Robert Louis Stevenson

... Ai, Gula, or Anunit, was the female power of the sun, and was commonly associated with San in temples and invocations. Her names are of uncertain signification, except the second, Gula, which undoubtedly means "great," being so translated in the vocabularies. ...
— The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 1. (of 7): Chaldaea • George Rawlinson

... l'homme n'est que dans l'accord du sentiment liberal et du sentiment religieux.—September 17, 1853, OEuvres Inedites, ii. 228. Qui cherche dans la liberte autre chose qu'elle-meme est fait pour servir.—Ancien Regime, 248. Je regarde, ainsi que je l'ai toujours fait, la liberte comme le premier des biens; je vois toujours en elle l'une des sources les plus fecondes des vertus males et des actions grandes. Il n'y a pas de tranquillite ni de bien-etre qui puisse me tenir ...
— A Lecture on the Study of History • Lord Acton

... doting folly of a man who can be driven mad by a piece of sugar soaked in coffee. There is a ghastly French phrase not to be found in Lamartine, Chateaubriand, or any of the polite sentimentalists avoir les sangs tournes de quelqu'un. It is so with me. J'ai les sangs tournes d'elle. Somebody has said something somewhere about the passion of a man of forty. It must have to ...
— The Morals of Marcus Ordeyne • William J. Locke

... not regard me as exceedingly presumptuous, and utterly ridiculous by the comparison, I will add that, with reference to unfavorable criticism, I have followed the illustrious example of Buffon, who said, when critics opened their batteries, 'Je n'ai jamais repondu a aucune critique, et je garderai le meme ...
— St. Elmo • Augusta J. Evans

... p'sonal'r constitut'. discretus vir Bernardus deu Troy scutifer de vasconia. licet infirm' corpore mente t'n sanus et intellectu. Corpus sac^{a}tissimu' ih'u x'p'i. q'd ut fidel' xp'ian' Recip'e volebat p' ei' Ai'e saluat'one in manu sacerdotis habens p'oc'lis in domo habitato'is sue London' in Carreria et Rop'ia verba dixit et p'tulit que sequntur. Carissimi d'ni. q' nil certius morte nec incertius hora mortis. Et quia tempus p'ic'losum ...
— A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 • Anonymous

... "Ai! Ai! In the name of Zeus!" cried Pisander, dropping the beaker, and spilling the wine all over his threadbare himation. "Oh, such a plot! Such a crime! Was ever anything so villanous ...
— A Friend of Caesar - A Tale of the Fall of the Roman Republic. Time, 50-47 B.C. • William Stearns Davis

... moy Un beau present q vo' envoy, Non pas dor ne dargent Mais de bon enseignment, Que en escriptur ai trove E ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 25. Saturday, April 20, 1850 • Various

... toutes les Russies en sistant sur la cessation des dits actes militaires. La Russie ayant refuse de faire droit a cette demande et ayant manifeste par ce refus, que son action etait dirigee contre l'Allemande, j'ai l'honneur d'ordre de mon Gouvernement de faire savoir a Votre Excellence ...
— Why We Are At War (2nd Edition, revised) • Members of the Oxford Faculty of Modern History

... alout chantant De Karlemaigne e de Rollant E d'Oliver e des vassals Qui morurent en Rencevals. Quant il orent chevalchie tant Qu'as Engleis vindrent apreismant: "Sire," dist Taillefer, "merci! Io vos ai longuement servi. Tot mon servise me devez. Hui se vos plaist le me rendez. Por tot guerredon vos require E si vos veil forment preier Otreiez mei que io ni faille Le premier colp de la bataille." ...
— Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres • Henry Adams

... tres—triste," he said; "j'ai grand misericorde. Je ne placerai pas de soldats ...
— All In It K(1) Carries On - A Continuation of the First Hundred Thousand • John Hay Beith (AKA: Ian Hay)

... est une specialite. Celui qui en fait metier ne fait jamais des reponses. La question est une maniere tres commode de dire les choses suivantes: "Me voila! Je ne suis pas fossil, moi,—je respire encore! J'ai des idees,—voyez mon intelligence! Vous ne croyiez pas, vous autres, que je savais quelque chose de cela! Ah, nous avons un peu de sagacite, voyez vous! Nous ne sommes nullement la bete qu'on pense!"—LE FAISEUR DE QUESTIONS ...
— The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (The Physician and Poet not the Jurist)

... to his feet. "Colonel Sahib," said he, "that man is no Afghan, for they weep Ai! Ai! Nor is he of Hindustan, for they weep Oh! Ho! He weeps after the fashion of the white men, who ...
— This is "Part II" of Soldiers Three, we don't have "Part I" • Rudyard Kipling

... my return, I found that the baths of Titus were nearly entire in the thirteenth century, but were demolished with great labour and difficulty by the ferocious Senator Brancaleone, who, about the year 1257, destroyed an infinite number of ancient edifices, "per togliere ai Nobili il modo di fortificarsi." The ruins were excavated during the pontificate of Julius the Second, and under the direction of Raffaelle, who is supposed to have taken the idea of the arabesques in the Loggie of the Vatican, from the paintings here. We were shown the niche in which the Laocoon ...
— The Diary of an Ennuyee • Anna Brownell Jameson

... showered blessings on them as they went, and daily masses were ordained for the downfall of the foes of Heaven and of France. [Footnote: Saint-Vallier, Etat Present. Even to the moment of marching, Denonville pretended that he meant only to hold a peace council at Fort Frontenac. "J'ai toujours publie que je n'allois qu'a l'assemblee generale projetee a Cataracouy (Fort Frontenac), J'ai toujours tenu ce discours jusqu'au temps de la marche." Denonville ...
— Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV • Francis Parkman

... by the Republicans, and was elected provisional President. But the Nothern Army remained faithful to the dynasty, and could probably have defeated the revolutionaries. Its Commander-in-Chief, Yuan Shih-k'ai, however, hit upon a better scheme. He made peace with the revolutionaries and acknowledged the Republic, on condition that he should be the first President instead of Sun Yat Sen. Yuan Shih-k'ai was, of ...
— The Problem of China • Bertrand Russell

... the small quantities of potash, or with the lime of the plaster. Nitrogen, presented in other forms, as ammonia, for instance, may be transformed into nitric acid, by uniting with the oxygen of the air, and this nitric acid combines immediately with the alkalies of the mortar.[AI] ...
— The Elements of Agriculture - A Book for Young Farmers, with Questions Prepared for the Use of Schools • George E. Waring

... d'une fille entretenue, c'est on ne peut mieux; mais que vous oubliez les choses les plus saintes pour elle, que vous permettiez que la bruit de votre vie scandaleuse arrive jusqu'au fond de ma province, et jette l'ombre d'une tache sur le nom honorable que je vous ai donne—voila ce qui ne peut etre, voila ce ...
— The Book-Hunter - A New Edition, with a Memoir of the Author • John Hill Burton

... the Pope also wept at that dubious service to his Church from one who was, after all, a Huguenot in belief; and Huguenots themselves pitied his end.—"Ah! ces pauvres morts! que j'ai eu un meschant conseil! Ah! ma nourrice! ma mie, ma nourrice! que de sang, ...
— Gaston de Latour: an unfinished romance • Walter Horatio Pater

... this topic, the following anecdote was related by Mr. Adams: "As I was walking, this morning (in May, 1811), I was met by the emperor, who was also walking. As he approached he said, 'Monsieur Adams, il y a cent ans que je ne vous ai vu,' and took me cordially by the hand. After some common observations, he asked me whether I intended to take a house in the country this summer. I said 'No; that I had for some time that intention, but I had given it up,'—'And ...
— Memoir of the Life of John Quincy Adams. • Josiah Quincy

... the district that makes the wine, and our Bohemians accepted as the authentic growth of Ai the liquor that was served out to them in the appropriate glasses, and despite the scant degree of vivacity shown by the cork in popping from its prison, went into ecstacies over the excellence of the vintage on seeing the quality of the froth. Schaunard summoned up all his ...
— Bohemians of the Latin Quarter • Henry Murger

... the procession from one of the lime-trees in the avenue. "Elle est la," he said, laying his jewelled hand on his richly-embroidered velvet glass buttons, "Je t'ai vue, je te benis, O ma sylphide, O mon ange!" and he dived into the thicket, and made his way back to his furnaces ...
— The History of Pendennis • William Makepeace Thackeray

... qui serait enchants de vous avoir emp'ech'ee de vous abaisser jusqu''a la sollicitation. Votre m'emoire me blesse. Quoi! vous, vous, r'eduite 'a repr'esenter vos malheurs! Accordez moi, je vous conjure, la grace que je vous demande 'a genoux, et jouissez de la satisfaction de vous dire, J'ai un ami qui ne permettra jamais que je me jette aux pieds des grands. Ma Petite, j'insiste. Voyez, si vous aimez mieux me faire le plaisir le plus sensible, ou de devoir une grace qui, ayant 'et'e sollicit'ee, arrive toujours ...
— The Letters of Horace Walpole, Volume 1 • Horace Walpole

... bed; and I like this best," answered the child indifferently. "Encore ce malheureux trente-six! Je n'ai pas de chance ...
— My Little Lady • Eleanor Frances Poynter

... any scientific notability declared himself publicly in 1860. (However, the man who stands next to Darwin in his influence on modern biologists, K.E. von Baer, wrote to me, in August 1860, expressing his general assent to evolutionist views. His phrase, "J'ai enonce les memes idees...que M. Darwin" (volume ii.) is shown by his subsequent writings to mean no more than this.) None of us dreamed that, in the course of a few years, the strength (and perhaps I may add the weakness) of "Darwinismus" would have its most ...
— The Reception of the 'Origin of Species' • Thomas Henry Huxley

... ti sia sempre piombo ai piedi, Per farti mover lento, com' uom lasso, Ed al si ed al no, che tu non vedi; Che quegli e tra gli stolti bene abbasso, Che senza disfcinzion afferma o nega, Nell' un cosi come nell' altro passo; ...
— The Education of Catholic Girls • Janet Erskine Stuart

... vetir le neant, ... Pretres, votre richesse est un crime flagrant. Vos erreurs sont-ils mechants? Non, vos tetes sont dures, Freres, j'avais aussi sur moi ce tas d'ordures, Des perles, des onyx, des saphirs, des rubis, Oui, j'avais sur moi, partout, sur mes habits, Sur mon ame; mais j'ai vide bien vite ...
— Holidays in Eastern France • Matilda Betham-Edwards

... they were,—swept down, like cobwebs, before the flame-besom. 'Fuit Ilium!' The old bell will never again ring out the gay 'larums of a 'Third Entry' barring-out. Homer's head no longer perches owl-like and wise over the central door-way. 'Ai, Adonai!' No more wilt proud fingers point to the spot whereat entered—not like 'Casca's envious dagger'—that well-aimed cannon-ball which pierced the picture-gallery, punched 'Georgius Res' on the head, and frightened away forever the Hessians that were stabled there, fouling the ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 32, June, 1860 • Various

... where there were some more people. They told him that there were some people down the river, and some up in the mountains. But they said: "Do not go there, for it is bad, because Ai-sin'-o-ko-ki (Wind Sucker) lives there. He will kill you." It pleased K[)u]t-o'-yis to know that there was such a person, and he went to the mountains. When he got to the place where Wind Sucker lived, he ...
— Blackfoot Lodge Tales • George Bird Grinnell

... Plutarch, the prince of ancient biographers. [Greek: Oute tais epiphanestatais praxesi pantos enesti daelosis aretaes ae kakias, alla pragma brachu pollakis, kai raema, kai paidia tis emphasin aethous epoiaesen mallon ae machai murionekroi, kai parataxeis ai megistai, kai poliorkiai poleon.] Nor is it always in the most distinguished atchievements that men's virtues or vices may be best discerned; but very often an action of small note, a short saying, or a jest, shall distinguish a person's real ...
— Life Of Johnson, Vol. 1 • Boswell, Edited by Birkbeck Hill

... An epileptic licorice-water. I would give all the cellars of Epernay and Ai for a single Burgundian cask. Besides, we have neither grisettes to seduce, nor a vaudeville to write. I ...
— Bohemians of the Latin Quarter • Henry Murger

... cleverness, energy, daring, charm, industry—if he was nothing else. Gronow tells that he has sat at table with Dumas and Brougham, and that Brougham, out-faced and out-talked, was forced to quit the field. 'J'ai conserve,' says M. Maxime du Camp, in his admirable Souvenirs litteraires, 'd'Alexandre Dumas un souvenir ineffacable; malgre un certain laisser-aller qui tenait a l'exuberance de sa nature, c'etait un homme dont tous les sentiments etaient eleves. ...
— Views and Reviews - Essays in appreciation • William Ernest Henley

... vais gloater tout le blessed afternoon. Jamais j'ai gloate' comme je gloaterai aujourd'hui. Nous bunkerons ...
— Stalky & Co. • Rudyard Kipling

Words linked to "Ai" :   armed forces, t'ai chi chuan, Bradypus, U. S. Army, artificial insemination, computer science, United States Army, ic, artificial intelligence, insemination, USA, United States Intelligence Community, robotics, Intelligence Community, computing, office, Bradypus tridactylus, mt, Army Intelligence, authority, t'ai chi, army, war machine, agency, three-toed sloth, military machine, armed services, genus Bradypus, tree sloth, sloth, federal agency, government agency, bureau, machine translation

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