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Align   Listen
Align  v. t.  To form in line; to fall into line.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Align" Quotes from Famous Books

... knife should be so adjusted as to align exactly with the inner side of the mold. Under proper conditions this knife does not trim the side face of the slug, but acts only to remove any slight fins or ...
— A Book of Exposition • Homer Heath Nugent

... their iron spades glitter and how beautifully their three-pronged mattocks glisten in the sun! How regularly they align the plants! I also burn myself to go into the country and to turn over the earth I have so long neglected.—Friends, do you remember the happy life that Peace afforded us formerly; can you recall the splendid baskets of figs, both fresh and dried, the myrtles, ...
— Peace • Aristophanes

... proper direction," said La Salle. "Now, Creamer, take your birds, gun, and one decoy, and align yourself with these oars when you have counted one hundred paces. When you have done so, face about and turn the beak of the decoy towards the boat. Now, Ben," continued he, when this was done, "walk up within twenty yards of Creamer, and let me align ...
— Adrift in the Ice-Fields • Charles W. Hall

... thousand throats. The forward fringe of brave and hardy assailants was arrested in its mutable extensions; the edge of our swarm grew dense and clearly defined as the foremost halted, and the rest pressed forward to align themselves beside them, all firing. The uproar was deafening; the air was sibilant with streams and sheets of missiles. In the steady, unvarying roar of small-arms the frequent shock of the cannon was rather felt than heard, but the gusts of grape which ...
— The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce • Ambrose Bierce

... my judgment is any good," said Westlake, "you're welcome to it. I could be more certain of helping you when it comes to assaying or developing a mine. Are you-all taking up claims? Do you want to align them, or do you want to pool interests and locate here and there where the chances ...
— Rimrock Trail • J. Allan Dunn

... not be rightly aligned, if Bill Todhunter himself aligned it? This he was well disposed to do. He also would align the lower switch, that at the lower X, that it might receive into its willing embrace the ...
— The Brick Moon, et. al. • Edward Everett Hale

... "Align those guns!" (We knew it was Pleasonton's.) The cannoneers bent to obey, And worked with a will at his word: And the black guns moved as if they had heard. But ah, the ...
— Dreams and Days: Poems • George Parsons Lathrop

... moments. They cannot be many. The heads of the horsemen already align with the tufts of grass growing topmost on the ridge. Their brows are above it; their eyes. They have ...
— The Death Shot - A Story Retold • Mayne Reid

... donna, concerning whom he and his enameled Italian friend raved tediously. But I never greatly cared for music; besides, the opera that night was Faust; the last act of which in particular, when three persons align before the footlights and scream at the top of their voices, for a good half hour, about how important it is not to disturb anybody, I have never been able to regard ...
— The Cords of Vanity • James Branch Cabell et al

... could continue after June became strong enough to move around and talk with the women of Bear Cat. Though she had outraged public opinion all her life, Mollie Gillespie found herself tugged at by recurring impulses to align herself as ...
— The Fighting Edge • William MacLeod Raine

... and leaders: there are no political parties but members of Parliament usually align themselves in ...
— The 2000 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.

... sent orders to the infantry, artillery, and cavalry to form in line of battle, evidently determined that, if war was intended, we should be prepared. The cavalry being the last to form on the right, came into line on a gallop, and without waiting to align the ranks carefully, the command was given to "Draw sabre." As the bright blades flashed from their scabbards into the morning sunlight, and the infantry brought their muskets to a carry, a contrast was presented which, ...
— The Old Santa Fe Trail - The Story of a Great Highway • Henry Inman

... report quite near to him, and then Harry could plainly distinguish the man kneeling up, withdrawing the old cartridge from his Remington. He levelled his rifle, but could not see the fore-sight, so as to align it with the object. For a moment he was nonplussed, but suddenly remembered having read of a dodge for night shooting, and resolved ...
— For Fortune and Glory - A Story of the Soudan War • Lewis Hough

Words linked to "Align" :   tally, array, realign, correct, address, gibe, fall in line, line up, stand, realine, focalise, agree, true, synchronise, reorient, check, collimate, true up, aline, alignment, match, ordinate, adjust, synchronize

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