"Anear" Quotes from Famous Books
... war-bronzed soldier standing by, who looked doubly grim from the blood trickling down his powder-blackened cheek from a scalp wound received during the morning skirmish. "I stood anear him when he fell, an' God knows I'd rather the bullet had struck me; my fighting days will soon be over, anyhow. But we'll avenge his death afore the day is done. They call us the green tigers, them fellers do, an' there's not a man of us won't fight like a tiger robbed ... — Neville Trueman the Pioneer Preacher • William Henry Withrow
... Buddha's words, Let go the purpose of their speed, and mixed, Heedless of all, amid the Master's train. Wherefore the King bade that Udayi go— Chiefest in all the Court, and faithfullest, Siddartha's playmate in the happier days— Who, as he drew anear the garden, plucked Blown tufts of tree-wool from the grove and sealed The entrance of his hearing; thus he came Safe through the lofty peril of the place And told the message ... — The Light of Asia • Sir Edwin Arnold
... the very truth will dawn on us to-day. A Persian by his garb and speed, a courier draws anear— He bringeth news, of good or ill, for Persia's land to hear. [Enter ... — Suppliant Maidens and Other Plays • AEschylus |