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Aramaic   Listen
Aramaic  adj.  Pertaining to Aram, or to the territory, inhabitants, language, or literature of Syria and Mesopotamia; Aramaean; specifically applied to the northern branch of the Semitic family of languages, including Syriac and Chaldee.

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"Aramaic" Quotes from Famous Books

... to suggest that besides "Mark," "pseudo-Matthew" used an Aramaic version of the Gospel, originally set forth in that dialect. Finally, as to the second ...
— Collected Essays, Volume V - Science and Christian Tradition: Essays • T. H. Huxley

... far flown Earthwards, that to those innocent ears 'twas brought Which bent the mighty measure to their thought? Or, haply, from breast-shaped Beth-Haccarem, The hill of Herod, some waft sent to them Of storming drums and trumps, at festival Held in the Idumaean's purple hall? Or, it may be, some Aramaic song Of country lovers, after partings long Meeting anew, with much "good will" indeed, Blown by some swain upon his Jordan reed? Nay, nay! your abbas back ye did not fling, From each astonished ear, for swains to sing Their village-verses ...
— In The Yule-Log Glow—Book 3 - Christmas Poems from 'round the World • Various

... prophet of ancient Mosaism, but regarded Jesus Christ as a false Messiah sent by the powers of darkness.[208] Modern Jewish opinion confirms this affirmation of Judaic inspiration and agrees with Matter in describing the Mandaeans as Gnostics: "Their sacred books are in an Aramaic dialect, which has close affinities with that of the Talmud of Babylon." The Jewish influence is distinctly visible in the Mandaean religion. "It is essentially of the type of ancient Gnosticism, traces of which are found in the Talmud, the Midrash, ...
— Secret Societies And Subversive Movements • Nesta H. Webster

... the Gospels keep a phrase actually used by Jesus, and in his native Aramaic speech. The Greek was not apt to use or quote foreign phrases—unlike the Englishman who "has been at a great feast of languages and stolen the scraps." Why, then, do the Evangelists, writing for Greek readers, keep the Aramaic ...
— The Jesus of History • T. R. Glover

... as the early part of the twelfth century. For Purim, many Synagogue liturgies contain serious additions for each of the eighteen benedictions of the Amidah prayer, and equally serious paraphrases of Esther, some of them in Aramaic, abound among the Genizah fragments in Cambridge. Besides these, however, are many harmlessly humorous jingles and rhymes which were sung in the synagogue, admittedly for the amusement of the children, and for the child-hearts of adult growth. For them, too, the Midrash had played round ...
— The Book of Delight and Other Papers • Israel Abrahams

... [914] He proclaimed the Torah not only in the language of Sinai, that is Hebrew, but also in the tongue of Seir, that is Roman, as well as in Paran's speech, that is Arabic, and in the speech of Kadesh, that is Aramaic, for He offered the Torah not to Israel alone, but to all the nations of the earth. These, however, did not want to accept it, hence His wrath against them, and His especial love for Israel who, despite their awed fear and trembling upon God's appearance ...

... languages, the scholars of the last century had to deal only with Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, Coptic and Greek, but as the result of exploration we now deal with the ancient Egyptian whence Coptic is derived, and with various languages in cuneiform script, including the Akkadian (resembling pure Turkish) and the allied dialects of Susa, Media, Armenia and of the Hittites; the ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 1157, March 5, 1898 • Various

Words linked to "Aramaic" :   Assyrian Neo-Aramaic, Assyrian, Mandean, Mandaean

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