"Asphaltic" Quotes from Famous Books
... still produce the native pitch. Strabo, who had not seen the Nymphaeum, describes it thus after the account of Poseidonius: "In the territory of Apollonia is a place called the Nymphaeum; it is a rock which sends forth fire, and at the base of it are springs of warm asphaltus, the asphaltic earth, as it appears, being in a state of combustion: and there is a mine of it near on a hill. Whatever is cut out, is filled up again in course of time, as the earth which is thrown into the excavations ... — Plutarch's Lives, Volume II • Aubrey Stewart & George Long
... to the capital was hourly on the increase. At Pest the excitement and alarm became intense, for the mighty waters were visibly and inexorably rising. We saw the steps of the quay disappear one after another; then the whole subway of the embankment became engulfed. Ominous cracks appeared in the asphaltic promenade of the Corso, and the public were warned not to approach the railings, lest they should give way bodily and fall over into the water, which was lapping at the stonework. The "High-Water Commission" found it necessary to close all the drains, and ... — Round About the Carpathians • Andrew F. Crosse |