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Atlantean   Listen
Atlantean  adj.  
Of or pertaining to the isle Atlantis, which the ancients allege was sunk, and overwhelmed by the ocean.
Pertaining to, or resembling, Atlas; strong. "With Atlantean shoulders, fit to bear The weight of mightiest monarchies."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Atlantean" Quotes from Famous Books

... hast thou acted thy part, My country, worthily thee! Lifted up often thy load Atlantean, enormous, with glee:— For on thee the burden is laid to uphold World-justice; to keep the balance of states; On thee the long cry of the tyrant-oppress'd, The oppress'd in the name of liberty, waits:— Ready, aye ready, the blade In its day to draw forth, unafraid; Thou ...
— The Visions of England - Lyrics on leading men and events in English History • Francis T. Palgrave

... now to its zenith; but still many years of mortal time intervene between the present day and the day when it will rule in the height of its power. It is climbing fast in these days; but still, compare it with the corresponding point in the Atlantean civilisation, and you will realise that it has not yet climbed to its highest point. For every Race must overtop the Race that has gone before it, and we have not yet reached even the level of the old Atlantis in knowledge, and therefore in power over the lower nature, ...
— London Lectures of 1907 • Annie Besant

... regions. Occult science gives the name of "Atlantis" to that part of the earth which once existed between the present continents of Europe, Africa, and America. (This particular stage of human evolution has its special nomenclature in theosophical literature. The period preceding the Atlantean is called the Lemurian age, whereas that during which the Moon-forces had not yet fully developed is called the Hyperborean age. This is preceded by yet another, which coincides with the earliest period of the evolution of the physical earth. Biblical tradition describes the period before ...
— An Outline of Occult Science • Rudolf Steiner

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