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Catchy   Listen
Catchy  adj.  
Apt or tending to catch the fancy or attention; catching; taking; as, catchy music.
Tending to catch or insnare; entangling; usually used fig.; as, a catchy question.
Consisting of, or occuring in, disconnected parts or snatches; changeable; as, a catchy wind. "It (the fox's scent) is... flighty or catchy, if variable."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Catchy" Quotes from Famous Books

... Mr. Marrapit's heroic defence, leaving the unfortunate gentleman senseless and bleeding on the hearth-rug. Mr. Marrapit had offered 100 pounds reward for the recovery of his pet; and the Daily, under the heading "Catchy Clues," proceeded to tell its readers all over the country how best ...
— Once Aboard The Lugger • Arthur Stuart-Menteth Hutchinson

... in the ladder is the Humorous Ballad. The "Comic Ballad" we have had with us from the days of Robin Hood, but W. S. Gilbert in his "Bab Ballads" reached heights before his time unsuspected. By the use of catchy stanzas and unusual rhymes he made the type a thing of art. Most readers are familiar with the "Yarn of the Nancy Bell," in which the ...
— Rhymes and Meters - A Practical Manual for Versifiers • Horatio Winslow

... Satellite Circus Company. His real name—plain Jimmy Green—was scornfully cast aside. Mr. Harris voted it slow and commonplace. After a good deal of thought and much indecision, he substituted the more catchy one of Bambo as being both novel and appropriate to the profession—Bambo, the musical dwarf; though why he was dubbed musical was always a puzzle to the poor little man, because nobody had ever known him to sing a note in his life. Sing! why, with his hoarse, croaky voice he could no more make ...
— Two Little Travellers - A Story for Girls • Frances Browne Arthur

... the point during a whole day, but some enterprising agent settled it for us by exhibiting a catchy sign—'Why not see America?' And we both cried 'Why not?' Mr. Devar senior, who has what you call a pull in such matters, has secured us the use of a railway president's car for the trip, and a whole lot of friends join us at ...
— One Wonderful Night - A Romance of New York • Louis Tracy

... an article you can retail at a nickel—any little thing everybody needs—or gi' me a song with a catchy chorus—something you can turn out on them ten-cent records.—That makes me. Don't want any Wall Street stuff. That's for Rockefeller and the boobs. But just one time le' me catch on with one little old hunch that'll go in vaudeville or the pi'tures—get Smith and Jones diggin' for ...
— The Best Short Stories of 1921 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story • Various

... the weak spots. One was its name. People in general did not understand the title, "For Old Eli." There was nothing "catchy" or drawing ...
— Frank Merriwell's Nobility - The Tragedy of the Ocean Tramp • Burt L. Standish (AKA Gilbert Patten)

... about that. From the window close at hand came out the excruciating strains of a very lusty instrument, and the record was that of a vulgar "catchy" waltz-tune, taken down from a brass-band. All Riseholme knew what her opinion about gramophones was; to the lover of Beethoven they were like indecent and profane language loudly used in a public place. Only one, so far as was known, had ever come to Riseholme, ...
— Queen Lucia • E. F. Benson

... I ran up north last week, after I'd got a tip that Conway hailed originally from a little New England village back in the hills—one of those towns that are almost as up-to-date today as they were fifty years ago. It looked like a nice catchy little story, which I will, of course, admit I could have faked just as well as not. But it was the cartoons I wanted. You can't really fake them—not after you've once known the real thing. And as it happens I have known it, ...
— Once to Every Man • Larry Evans

Words linked to "Catchy" :   difficult, hard, tricky, catch

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