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English Dictionary      examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

Come   Listen
Come  v. i.  (past came; past part. come; pres. part. coming)  
To move hitherward; to draw near; to approach the speaker, or some place or person indicated; opposed to go. "Look, who comes yonder?" "I did not come to curse thee."
To complete a movement toward a place; to arrive. "When we came to Rome." "Lately come from Italy."
To approach or arrive, as if by a journey or from a distance. "Thy kingdom come." "The hour is coming, and now is." "So quick bright things come to confusion."
To approach or arrive, as the result of a cause, or of the act of another. "From whence come wars?" "Both riches and honor come of thee!"
To arrive in sight; to be manifest; to appear. "Then butter does refuse to come."
To get to be, as the result of change or progress; with a predicate; as, to come untied. "How come you thus estranged?" "How come her eyes so bright?" Note: Am come, is come, etc., are frequently used instead of have come, has come, etc., esp. in poetry. The verb to be gives a clearer adjectival significance to the participle as expressing a state or condition of the subject, while the auxiliary have expresses simply the completion of the action signified by the verb. "Think not that I am come to destroy." "We are come off like Romans." "The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year." Note: Come may properly be used (instead of go) in speaking of a movement hence, or away, when there is reference to an approach to the person addressed; as, I shall come home next week; he will come to your house to-day. It is used with other verbs almost as an auxiliary, indicative of approach to the action or state expressed by the verb; as, how came you to do it? Come is used colloquially, with reference to a definite future time approaching, without an auxiliary; as, it will be two years, come next Christmas; i. e., when Christmas shall come. "They were cried In meeting, come next Sunday." Come, in the imperative, is used to excite attention, or to invite to motion or joint action; come, let us go. "This is the heir; come, let us kill him." When repeated, it sometimes expresses haste, or impatience, and sometimes rebuke. "Come, come, no time for lamentation now."
To come, yet to arrive, future. "In times to come." "There's pippins and cheese to come."
To come about.
To come to pass; to arrive; to happen; to result; as, how did these things come about?
To change; to come round; as, the ship comes about. "The wind is come about." "On better thoughts, and my urged reasons, They are come about, and won to the true side."
To come abroad.
To move or be away from one's home or country. "Am come abroad to see the world."
To become public or known. (Obs.) "Neither was anything kept secret, but that it should come abroad."
To come across, to meet; to find, esp. by chance or suddenly. "We come across more than one incidental mention of those wars." "Wagner's was certainly one of the strongest and most independent natures I ever came across."
To come after.
To follow.
To come to take or to obtain; as, to come after a book.
To come again, to return. "His spirit came again and he revived." - -
To come and go.
To appear and disappear; to change; to alternate. "The color of the king doth come and go."
(Mech.) To play backward and forward.
To come at.
To reach; to arrive within reach of; to gain; as, to come at a true knowledge of ourselves.
To come toward; to attack; as, he came at me with fury.
To come away, to part or depart.
To come between, to intervene; to separate; hence, to cause estrangement.
To come by.
To obtain, gain, acquire. "Examine how you came by all your state."
To pass near or by way of.
To come down.
To descend.
To be humbled.
To come down upon, to call to account, to reprimand. (Colloq.)
To come home.
To return to one's house or family.
To come close; to press closely; to touch the feelings, interest, or reason.
(Naut.) To be loosened from the ground; said of an anchor.
To come in.
To enter, as a town, house, etc. "The thief cometh in."
To arrive; as, when my ship comes in.
To assume official station or duties; as, when Lincoln came in.
To comply; to yield; to surrender. "We need not fear his coming in"
To be brought into use. "Silken garments did not come in till late."
To be added or inserted; to be or become a part of.
To accrue as gain from any business or investment.
To mature and yield a harvest; as, the crops come in well.
To have sexual intercourse; with to or unto.
To have young; to bring forth; as, the cow will come in next May. (U. S.)
To come in for, to claim or receive. "The rest came in for subsidies."
To come into, to join with; to take part in; to agree to; to comply with; as, to come into a party or scheme.
To come it over, to hoodwink; to get the advantage of. (Colloq.)
To come near or To come nigh, to approach in place or quality; to be equal to. "Nothing ancient or modern seems to come near it."
To come of.
To descend or spring from. "Of Priam's royal race my mother came."
To result or follow from. "This comes of judging by the eye."
To come off.
To depart or pass off from.
To get free; to get away; to escape.
To be carried through; to pass off; as, it came off well.
To acquit one's self; to issue from (a contest, etc.); as, he came off with honor; hence, substantively, a come-off, an escape; an excuse; an evasion. (Colloq.)
To pay over; to give. (Obs.)
To take place; to happen; as, when does the race come off?
To be or become after some delay; as, the weather came off very fine.
To slip off or be taken off, as a garment; to separate.
To hurry away; to get through.
To come off by, to suffer. (Obs.) "To come off by the worst."
To come off from, to leave. "To come off from these grave disquisitions."
To come on.
To advance; to make progress; to thrive.
To move forward; to approach; to supervene.
To come out.
To pass out or depart, as from a country, room, company, etc. "They shall come out with great substance."
To become public; to appear; to be published. "It is indeed come out at last."
To end; to result; to turn out; as, how will this affair come out? he has come out well at last.
To be introduced into society; as, she came out two seasons ago.
To appear; to show itself; as, the sun came out.
To take sides; to announce a position publicly; as, he came out against the tariff.
To publicly admit oneself to be homosexual.
To come out with, to give publicity to; to disclose.
To come over.
To pass from one side or place to another. "Perpetually teasing their friends to come over to them."
To rise and pass over, in distillation.
To come over to, to join.
To come round.
To recur in regular course.
To recover. (Colloq.)
To change, as the wind.
To relent.
To circumvent; to wheedle. (Colloq.)
To come short, to be deficient; to fail of attaining. "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God."
To come to.
To consent or yield.
(Naut.) (with the accent on to) To luff; to bring the ship's head nearer the wind; to anchor.
(with the accent on to) To recover, as from a swoon.
To arrive at; to reach.
To amount to; as, the taxes come to a large sum.
To fall to; to be received by, as an inheritance.
To come to blows. See under Blow.
To come to grief. See under Grief.
To come to a head.
To suppurate, as a boil.
To mature; to culminate; as a plot.
To come to one's self, to recover one's senses.
To come to pass, to happen; to fall out.
To come to the scratch.
(Prize Fighting) To step up to the scratch or mark made in the ring to be toed by the combatants in beginning a contest; hence:
To meet an antagonist or a difficulty bravely. (Colloq.)
To come to time.
(Prize Fighting) To come forward in order to resume the contest when the interval allowed for rest is over and "time" is called; hence:
To keep an appointment; to meet expectations. (Colloq.)
To come together.
To meet for business, worship, etc.; to assemble.
To live together as man and wife.
To come true, to happen as predicted or expected.
To come under, to belong to, as an individual to a class.
To come up
to ascend; to rise.
To be brought up; to arise, as a question.
To spring; to shoot or rise above the earth, as a plant.
To come into use, as a fashion.
To come up the capstan (Naut.), to turn it the contrary way, so as to slacken the rope about it.
To come up the tackle fall (Naut.), to slacken the tackle gently.
To come up to, to rise to; to equal.
To come up with, to overtake or reach by pursuit.
To come upon.
To befall.
To attack or invade.
To have a claim upon; to become dependent upon for support; as, to come upon the town.
To light or chance upon; to find; as, to come upon hid treasure.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Come" Quotes from Famous Books

... at her, he did not tease her, he no longer put out his tongue at her. He was older than that now—he was simply reserved and silent, watching her with his large eyes, his square body set, and resolved as though he knew that his moment would come. ...
— Jeremy • Hugh Walpole

... stopped, the blood ceased, the limbs became palsied and cold, and corruption, decay and dust stood ready to follow. Now why was this? There is but one answer: 'God willed it!' If then one question resolves itself into one answer,—'the will of God'—so may all of the same species; and we come out, after a long train of analytical reasoning, exactly where we started—with this difference—that when we set out, we believed in being able to explain the wherefore; but when we came to the end, we could only assert it as a wonderful ...
— Ella Barnwell - A Historical Romance of Border Life • Emerson Bennett

... garbage he declared to be the only food that might be eaten with a clear conscience. Even so the eater must plant the pips of any apples or pears that he may have eaten, or any plum- stones, cherry-stones, and the like, or he would come near to incurring the guilt of infanticide. The grain of cereals, according to him, was out of the question, for every such grain had a living soul as much as man had, and had as good a right as man to possess that ...
— Erewhon • Samuel Butler

... 18th of June, I detained and sent to Sir Henry Hotham, the AEneas French store-ship, commanded by a lieutenant of the navy, with a crew of fifty men, loaded with ship-timber for the arsenal of Rochefort; but he, being of opinion that she did not come within the intention of the order, ...
— The Surrender of Napoleon • Sir Frederick Lewis Maitland

... father had received some intelligence of his way of living, and out of tenderness of its consequences, wrote to him assuring him of forgiveness for all that was past, if he would come down into the country and live honestly. Such undeserved tenderness had some weight even with our criminal himself, and he at last began to frame his mind to comply with the request of so good a father. ...
— Lives Of The Most Remarkable Criminals Who have been Condemned and Executed for Murder, the Highway, Housebreaking, Street Robberies, Coining or other offences • Arthur L. Hayward

... the Prophets no man had ever uttered more prophetic words than Friedrich Helmuth von Moltke spoke then, all unconsciously. But in the days to come they were fulfilled in such fashion that only one man in all the world had ever dreamed of, and that was the man who had beaten John Castellan by a yard in the swimming race for the rescue of that American ...
— The World Peril of 1910 • George Griffith

... Camps, To find out this Rest at last?— [Leans on, and kisses her Bosom. Upon thy tender Bosom to repose; To gaze upon thy Eyes, and taste thy Balmy Kisses, [Kisses her. —Sweeter than everlasting Groves of Spices, When the soft Winds display the opening Buds: —Come, haste, my Soul, ...
— The Works of Aphra Behn, Vol. I (of 6) • Aphra Behn

... thought does occasionally cross one's mind, giving birth to feelings of a more or less thankful nature that such a store of heat and light was long ago laid up in this earth of ours for our use, when as yet man was not destined to put in an appearance for many, many ages to come. We can scarcely imagine the industrial condition of our country in the absence of so fortunate a supply of coal; and the many good things which are obtained from it, and the uses to which, as we shall see, it can be put, do indeed ...
— The Story of a Piece of Coal - What It Is, Whence It Comes, and Whither It Goes • Edward A. Martin

... foothills cut his eyes down to crafty slits. "I was 'lowing just tother day as how a house pattern would come in handy. Ef you'll saw me out one I'll take you to the spot." And so the deal was consummated, the hill-billy gleefully driving away, joyous over having got a fine house pattern worth $40 for merely showing a fellow where you could pick up a ...
— How To Write Special Feature Articles • Willard Grosvenor Bleyer

... Pharaoh, therefore, despatched his nobles and an army to receive them, but he was careful to conceal the anxiety which he felt all the while, and, according to custom, took counsel of his patron god Sutkhu: "Who are these people who come with a message at this time to the country of Zahi?" The oracle, however, reassured him as to their intentions, and he thereupon hastened to prepare for their proper reception. The embassy made a triumphal entry into the city, the princess at its head, escorted by the Egyptian troops told ...
— History Of Egypt, Chaldaea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 5 (of 12) • G. Maspero

... specimens in the well-known Keam collection, now in the Tusayan room of the Peabody Museum at Cambridge, are undoubtedly from Sikyatki, and still more are from Awatobi. Since the beginning of my excavations at Sikyatki it has come to be a custom for the Hopi potters to dispose of, as Sikyatki ware, to unsuspecting white visitors, some of their modern objects of pottery. These fraudulent pieces are often very ...
— Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895 • Jesse Walter Fewkes

... it. We'll fix him. You come and get on John Doe and let me take you to the ranch. Come on—you're ...
— The Quirt • B.M. Bower

... but one, the Companion of St. Michael and St. George came in to Craighton with evil tidings. He had heard in the village that Sir Gilbert Gildersleeve was ill—very seriously ill. The judge had come home from the Holkers' the other evening much upset by ...
— What's Bred In the Bone • Grant Allen

... side, was tumbled flat, and the foremost soldiers of the Dublin, pouring through the thicket, penetrated to the wall and hedge on the farther side. Here their line was prolonged by the King's Royal Rifles, who had come through the wood on the right. In front of this line the crest of Talana was 550 yards distant. With the Dublin Fusiliers, the general trend had been towards the left; now after a short pause at the edge of the plantation they attempted to push on in that direction. Enticed by a donga, which, ...
— History of the War in South Africa 1899-1902 v. 1 (of 4) - Compiled by Direction of His Majesty's Government • Frederick Maurice

... When you come right down to it, it is the courage and the character of our Nation—and of each one of us as individuals-that will really decide how well ...
— Complete State of the Union Addresses from 1790 to the Present • Various

... of the gale the wind had come out dead ahead, and the brigantine was consequently on a taut bowline on the starboard tack when the hatches were opened and the bodies of the suffocated negroes were passed up on deck and thrown ...
— The Pirate Slaver - A Story of the West African Coast • Harry Collingwood

... he will try," replied Mr. Baxter. "Whether he can bring enough of his friends to drive away this band of rascals is another matter. He ought to come along pretty soon, if he had good luck in reaching a camp and can persuade enough to ...
— The Young Treasure Hunter - or, Fred Stanley's Trip to Alaska • Frank V. Webster

... of the most trusted and energetic lieutenants of General Meade—was mortally wounded while disposing his men for action, and borne from the field. The Federal troops continued, however, to fight with gallantry. Some of the men were heard exclaiming, "We have come to stay!" in reference to which, one of their officers afterward said, "And a very large portion of them never left ...
— A Life of Gen. Robert E. Lee • John Esten Cooke

... Day, the Imperial chapel was, as usual, early crowded in expectation of Their Majesties, when the chamberlain, Salmatoris, entered, and said to the captain of the guard, loud enough to be heard by the audience, "The Emperor and the Empress have just resolved not to come here to-night, His Majesty being engaged by some unexpected business, and the Empress not wishing to come without her consort." In ten minutes the chapel was emptied of every person but the guards, the priests, and three old women who had ...
— Memoirs of the Court of St. Cloud, Complete - Being Secret Letters from a Gentleman at Paris to a Nobleman in London • Lewis Goldsmith

... United States will be OBLIGED, by this provision, once at least in every two years, to deliberate upon the propriety of keeping a military force on foot; to come to a new resolution on the point; and to declare their sense of the matter, by a formal vote in the face of their constituents. They are not AT LIBERTY to vest in the executive department permanent funds for the support of an army, if they were even incautious enough to be willing to repose in ...
— The Federalist Papers • Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison

... and Jack Sheppard sprang through the window, they were instantly assailed by Wild, Trenchard, and their attendants. Jack attacked Jonathan with such fury, that he drove him into a shrubbery, and might perhaps have come off the victor, if his foot had not slipped as he made a desperate lunge. In this state it would have been all over with him, as, being stunned by the fall, it was some moments before he could recover himself, if another party had not unexpectedly come ...
— Jack Sheppard - A Romance • William Harrison Ainsworth

... given a long exposure, say four minutes, in the electric light. The sugary coating hardens under the whites and the lighter shades—it only remains tacky under the blacks. The positive cliche is removed, the plate powdered, and bitten; the blacks alone come out. ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 312, December 24, 1881 • Various

... ever since the beginning of September. He reckoned also upon detachments being sent from his depots, on the sick and wounded who had recovered, and on the stragglers, who would be rallied and formed at Wilna into marching battalions. All these would successively come into line, and fill up the chasms made in his ranks by the sword, famine, and disease. He should therefore have time to regain that position on the Duena and the Borysthenes, where he wished it to be believed that his presence, ...
— History of the Expedition to Russia - Undertaken by the Emperor Napoleon in the Year 1812 • Count Philip de Segur

... and encouraged by the presence of the Emperor, I was making towards the Russian, when my example and probably the praise I received from the Emperor, persuaded a lieutenant of artillery named Roumestain to come ...
— The Memoirs of General the Baron de Marbot, Translated by - Oliver C. Colt • Baron de Marbot

... a Coffee-house I often draw the Eyes of the whole Room upon me, when in the hottest Seasons of News, and at a time that perhaps the Dutch Mail is just come in, they hear me ask the Coffee-man for his last Weeks Bill of Mortality: I find that I have been sometimes taken on this occasion for a Parish Sexton, sometimes for an Undertaker, and sometimes for a Doctor of Physick. In this, however, I am guided by the Spirit ...
— The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 - With Translations and Index for the Series • Joseph Addison and Richard Steele

... But"—she faced him with a sudden inspired appeal—"must you wait until you are dead to speak to her? Would it not be better to go to her now with your message? I do not know what has come between you both, but I know this much—all ...
— The Native Born - or, The Rajah's People • I. A. R. Wylie

... so with me. I never feel the spring Come on in beauty, but my swelling soul Seems ready in its gush of joy, to fling All trammels off, that would in aught control Its wild pulsation. O'er it feelings roll Too mighty for expression; and each sense Appears to be commingled in one whole; ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 17, No. 476, Saturday, February 12, 1831 • Various

... happens then that individual souls come to be influenced differently as to their habits and inclinations, according to the diverse degrees of ascension and descension, and come to display various kinds and orders of enthusiasms, of loves, and of senses, not only in the scale of Nature according to the ...
— The Heroic Enthusiasts,(1 of 2) (Gli Eroici Furori) - An Ethical Poem • Giordano Bruno

... wash him, and though he did not like being washed, the process did at least make him feel that someone cared about him. Now at sight of this strange little girl an almost overpowering desire to cry had come over him—to fling himself into someone's arms and ...
— The Dark House • I. A. R. Wylie

... "Come back! Come back!" he cried in grief, "Across this stormy water: And I'll forgive your Highland chief, ...
— The American Union Speaker • John D. Philbrick

... It was a man. It was the minister's son wha has come lately frae America. But I heard na a ...
— Allison Bain - By a Way she knew not • Margaret Murray Robertson

... governor to surrender, not obscurely threatening him with the fate of Drogheda. "It will clearly appear," he said, "where the guilt will lie if innocent persons should come to suffer with the nocent." His terms were quarter and prison to the officers, quarter and freedom to the soldiers, protection from plunder to the town. These terms were refused, and both sides continued the fight. Suddenly, some breaches being made ...
— The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 11 • Various

... older, my boy," he remarked, "you may learn that, though an old fool may be the biggest fool, he's not the only one. Come to see us when you feel ...
— The Voice of the People • Ellen Glasgow

... thought. "Yes; I'll come and see you fast enough. It will give me the greatest pleasure to ...
— Not George Washington - An Autobiographical Novel • P. G. Wodehouse

... saving Name of God, and naught but Christ was on their lips, as they plainly proclaimed to all men the transitory and fading nature of this present time, and the fixedness and incorruptibility of the life to come, and sowed in men the first seeds, as it were, towards their becoming of the household of God, and winning that life which is hid in Christ. Wherefore many, profiting by this most pleasant teaching, turned away from the bitter darkness of error, and approached the sweet light of Truth; insomuch ...
— Barlaam and Ioasaph • St. John of Damascus

... roughly hewn oak beams. I was convinced there was no great weight of earth resting upon these, and the tunnel, which I followed without difficulty, or the discovery of any serious obstruction, for fifty feet, inclined steadily upward, until, in my judgment, it must have come within a very few feet of the surface. Here there occurred a sharp turn to the right, and the excavation ...
— My Lady of Doubt • Randall Parrish

... light-hearted, honest couple with the courage of their convictions," I remark to Josephine, tentatively. "Before the sermon has begun they will be on the river and they will come home delightfully tired just in ...
— The Opinions of a Philosopher • Robert Grant

... all right," Tom said. But to make certain he circled several times over his own landing field, that a good place to come down might be assured if something ...
— Tom Swift among the Fire Fighters - or, Battling with Flames from the Air • Victor Appleton

... he implored, very pitifully. "'Tis the first time iver I kent ye not come and me ...
— Bob, Son of Battle • Alfred Ollivant

... commercial regulations of each other. The separate States or confederacies would be necessitated by mutual jealousy to avoid the temptations to that kind of trade by the lowness of their duties. The temper of our governments, for a long time to come, would not permit those rigorous precautions by which the European nations guard the avenues into their respective countries, as well by land as by water; and which, even there, are found insufficient obstacles to the adventurous stratagems ...
— The Federalist Papers • Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison

... "I don't know what has come over me, but for some unexplained and inexplicable reason I am inclined to give Lazarus a lead—across that gulf, the first one, I mean, ...
— The Yellow God - An Idol of Africa • H. Rider Haggard

... are you, young gentleman?" Fionn demanded, "and from which of the four corners of the world do you come?" ...
— Irish Fairy Tales • James Stephens

... But, come now, my son, put yourself in my place! I'm here to save the Union for which you are fighting—for which you have poured out your blood. I've armed two million men and we are spending four millions a day, ...
— A Man of the People - A Drama of Abraham Lincoln • Thomas Dixon

... days of literary Athens were chiefly distinguished by the genius of her ORATORS and PHILOSOPHERS. There were ten Attic orators, whose works were collected by the Greek grammarians, and many of whose orations have come down to us. Their names are Antiphon, Andocides, Lysias, Isocrates, Isaeus, AEschines, Lycurgus, Demosthenes, Hyperides and Dinarchus. ANTIPHON, the earliest of the ten was born B.C. 480. He opened a school of rhetoric, and numbered among his pupils the historian Thucydides. Antiphon was put to ...
— A Smaller History of Greece • William Smith

... good and fine; Came on a steed a bowshot near, Before all other that there were: And knew the king, for that he saw Him so range his men on raw,[3] And by the crown that was set Also upon his bassinet. And toward him he went in hy.[4] And the king so apertly[5] Saw him come, forouth[6] all his feres,[7] In hy till him the horse he steers. And when Sir Henry saw the king Come on, forouten[8] abasing, To him he rode in full great hy. He thought that he should well lightly Win him, and have him at his will, Since he him horsed saw so ill. Sprent they samen ...
— Specimens with Memoirs of the Less-known British Poets, Complete • George Gilfillan

... he continued, 'that when the man obtained his liberty, I tried to win the affections of the animal, and you shall see how far I have succeeded.' With these words he seized something on the table and called out, 'Raton! Raton! Come here, my little friend.' Immediately Raton's head was protruded, and as soon as he saw his well-known benefactor, he did not hesitate for a moment to jump upon his hand and to eat what had been offered to him. From this moment ...
— Chatterbox, 1906 • Various

... who thought that if the matter could be brought to a joint ballot they could then win and exclude Clay from the contest. But the Adams men had conciliated the supporters of Clay by guaranteeing to them five electoral votes, which were expected, if the ultimate choice of the president should come to the House of Representatives, to make Clay one of the three candidates before that body. [Footnote: Clay, Private Corresp., 99, 104, 106; National Intelligencer, September 15, 1824; Van Buren to Crawford, November 17, 1824; Van Buren Papers (Cong. Libr.).] The Clay following, therefore, ...
— Rise of the New West, 1819-1829 - Volume 14 in the series American Nation: A History • Frederick Jackson Turner

... As an angel may, between the maze Of midnight palace-pillars, on And on, to sow God's plagues, have gone Through guilty glorious Babylon. And while such murmurs flow, the nymph Bends o'er the harp-top from her shell As the dry limpet for the nymph 180 Come with a tune he knows so well. And how your statues' hearts must swell! And how your pictures must descend To see each other, friend with friend! Oh, could you take them by surprise, You'd find Schidone's eager Duke Doing the quaintest courtesies ...
— Dramatic Romances • Robert Browning

... know of them," said the chaplain; "and she prays to God for you. But take heed, and restrain that wild, haughty temper of yours. It might, indeed, come to pass that she would know nothing about your dreams, and that would be if your soul were separated from your body; and then the holy angels also would cease to know anything ...
— Sintram and His Companions • Friedrich de la Motte Fouque

... of his fever, he being att the Chancery Bar, he fell so ill of the fever, that he was forced to leave the Court and come to his chambers in the Temple, with one of his clerks, which constantly wayted on him and carried his bags of writings for his pleadings, and there told him that he should return to every clyent his breviat and his ...
— A Book About Lawyers • John Cordy Jeaffreson

... years, And passed as elderly, When, in the street, with flush of fears, One day discovered she, From shine of swords and thump of drum. Her early loves from war had come, The King's-Own Cavalry. ...
— Wessex Poems and Other Verses • Thomas Hardy

... window but the old gentleman with sandy-gray hair. Along with him was a stout young man, with a decided red head, and mustache and whiskers to match. Probably the son, thought I,—ardent temperament, remorse,—come to confess, etc. Except as to the temper, I was never more mistaken in my life. I was about to go regularly through my patients, when the old gentleman began ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 121, November, 1867 • Various

... is faith? Where is law? Where is reason? Where is humanity? Where is the fear of God? Dost thou think that these atrocious abuses are hidden from the eternal spirit and the supreme God who is the just rewarder of all our undertakings? If thou so think, thou deceivest thyself; for all things shall come to pass as in his incomprehensible judgment he hath appointed. Is it thy fatal destiny, or influences of the stars, that would put an end to thy so long enjoyed ease and rest? For that all things have their end and period, so as that, when they are come to the superlative point of ...
— Gargantua and Pantagruel, Complete. • Francois Rabelais

... but the shouting, I suppose?" Again she shrugged. The fatalism of her training spoke in that shrug, and the necessity for taking everything as it comes—since everything is bound to come! ...
— The Strange Cases of Dr. Stanchon • Josephine Daskam Bacon

... dryness of the Great Basin is the presence of that lofty barrier, the Sierra Nevada mountain range, between the Basin and the Pacific Ocean. The storms, which usually come from the ocean, are intercepted by this range, and the greater portion of their moisture is taken away. The little moisture that remains falls upon the highlands of the Great Basin, and so relieves its surface from utter barrenness. The adjacent slopes of ...
— The Western United States - A Geographical Reader • Harold Wellman Fairbanks

... with vin sur pointe, and bottles with their necks downwards are encountered in endless monotony along a score or more of long galleries. The only variation in our lengthened promenade is when we come upon some solitary workman engaged in his monotonous task of shaking his 30,000 or 40,000 ...
— Facts About Champagne and Other Sparkling Wines • Henry Vizetelly

... relations of food to the needs of the body would not come within the scope of a work of this character; but there are a few facts concerning the diet of children to which we would call the attention of those mothers who wish their little brood to brighten home with radiant eyes, rosy cheeks, plump, graceful forms, and hearts bubbling ...
— The Cooking Manual of Practical Directions for Economical Every-Day Cookery • Juliet Corson

... [389][Greek: Ton Heraklen phesi kata ten Aiguption dialekton Kona legesthai]. From hence we find, that it was a sacred Egyptian title. According to some readings the place is expressed Cocome; which is of the same purport. Co-Chome, the same as Cau-Come, signifies the house of Chom, or the Sun; and seems to betray the purpose for which the chief pyramid was erected: for it was undoubtedly nothing else but a monument to the Deity, whose name it bore. According to [390] Herodotus the great pyramid was built by Cheops; whom others called ...
— A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume I. • Jacob Bryant

... journey the King made to Marly after Easter. 'Brelan' was then the fashion. Monseigneur, playing at it one day with Madame de Bourgogne and others, and being in want of a fifth player, sent for M. de Vendome from the other end of the saloon, to come and join the party. That instant Madame de Bourgogne said modestly, but very intelligibly, to Monseigneur, that the presence of M. de Vendome at Marly was sufficiently painful to her, without having him at play with her, and that she begged he might be dispensed ...
— Marguerite de Navarre - Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois Queen of Navarre • Marguerite de Navarre

... coolies to search, I pressed on to the most dangerous precipice of our yesterday's route, and, descending to the torrent, searched about the grass and weeds at the bottom, but without finding any traces. About this place I met three lonely travellers, laden with meal, who had come along the entire path, but had seen no sign of a human creature anywhere. I now gave up our man as lost, but still held on, in a pouring mixture of sleet and snow, which added considerably to the gloom of the scene. Every now ...
— Diary of a Pedestrian in Cashmere and Thibet • by William Henry Knight

... Keokuk's band to return this spring to the Rock river village, but Keokuk himself would not come. I hoped that he would get permission to go to Washington to settle our affairs with our Great Father. I visited the agent at Rock Island. He was displeased because we had returned to our village, and told me that we must remove to the west of the ...
— Autobiography of Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak, or Black Hawk • Black Hawk

... at the houses in the village, where we were stripped and put to bed, and treated by the inhabitants with the greatest hospitality and kindness. When I awoke, I found another seaman had been placed in the same bed with me; he had come on shore some time after myself upon a piece of wreck. He said, just as he reached the shore the poop and forecastle were capsized, and not a man to be seen, except a few upon pieces of wreck. In the evening, a gentleman who spoke English came to ...
— Narratives of Shipwrecks of the Royal Navy; between 1793 and 1849 • William O. S. Gilly

... strange and great, and much pleased the king, the quene, and all the company. All these archers were of the king's guard, and had thus appareled themselves to make solace to the king. Then Robin Hood desired the king and quene to come into the green wood, and see how the outlaws live. The king demanded of the quene and her ladies, if they durst venture to go into the wood with so many outlaws, and the quene was content. Then the horns blew till they ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Vol. 19, Issue 544, April 28, 1832 • Various

... 'ome, we're goin' 'ome, Our ship is at the shore, An' you must pack your 'aversack, For we won't come ...
— A Yeoman's Letters - Third Edition • P. T. Ross

... little reason to doubt that the Colombia field, commercially dominated by the United States, holds great promise for the future. The output has come largely from native hand labor, and with the installation of dredges can probably ...
— The Economic Aspect of Geology • C. K. Leith

... would draw on herself, and those with her, certain destruction. Her answer was noble:—'I will descend into the crater,' said she; 'and if I do not return safe, then continue you to worship Peli; but, if I come back unhurt, you must learn to adore the God who created Peli.' She accordingly went down the steep and difficult side of the crater, accompanied by a missionary, and by some whom love or duty induced ...
— The World of Waters - A Peaceful Progress o'er the Unpathed Sea • Mrs. David Osborne

... sought and always risen to every challenge. Who would say that, having come so far together, we will not go forward from here? Who would say that this age of possibility ...
— Complete State of the Union Addresses from 1790 to the Present • Various

... could myself last but very little longer. All the events and associations of my life passed rapidly through my brain. My country, my friends, and my family all appeared as it were in a vision, and seemed as though they had come to bid ...
— The Survivors of the Chancellor • Jules Verne

... as he could, out of the battle, he consulted with his friends how he might make another expedition against the Israelites. Now those friends advised him not to fight with them on the hills, because their God was potent in such places, and thence it had come to pass that they had very lately been beaten; but they said, that if they joined battle with them in the plain, they should beat them. They also gave him this further advice, to send home those kings whom he had brought as his auxiliaries, but to retain their army, and to set ...
— The Antiquities of the Jews • Flavius Josephus

... Swiss, he had paved the way for other alliances in that quarter. In 1473 he had sent "to the most high and mighty lords and most dear friends of ours, them of the league and city of Berne and of the great and little league of Germany, ambassadors charged to make proposals to them, if they would come to an understanding to be friends of friends and foes of foes" (make an offensive and defensive alliance). The proposal was brought before the diet of the cantons assembled at Lucerne. The King of France "regretted that the Duke of Burgundy would not leave the Swiss ...
— A Popular History of France From The Earliest Times - Volume III. of VI. • Francois Pierre Guillaume Guizot

... in the midst of a vast plain of shifting white sand, trades in salt only, the soil being quite unsuitable to any sort of cultivation. The town is always full of people, who come to exact what they call presents, but what might with more justice be styled forced contributions. It is a public calamity when a Tuarick chief arrives. He remains in the town a couple of months, ...
— Celebrated Travels and Travellers - Part III. The Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century • Jules Verne

... sweep the floor, Sweep the dust, pick up the pin; Make it clean from fire to door, Clean for father to come in! ...
— Poetical Works of George MacDonald, Vol. 2 • George MacDonald

... that loveth thee doth ride away, but in a week two that love thee shall return. And needs must these two love thee ever and always, very greatly, Benedict, since but for thee they had not come to their joy." So saying, he touched spur to flank and bounded away, with Giles and ...
— Beltane The Smith • Jeffery Farnol

... of iron; if I let go, it falls to the ground, impelled by an unseen but very tangible force which you call gravitation. The scientist will tell you that gravitation exists because the earth is a great magnet, attracting to itself all negative bodies which come within the reach of its positive influence. But the principle of magnetic attraction implies, also, the principle of magnetic repulsion. Every child is familiar with the practical results of magnetic ...
— How to Become Rich - A Treatise on Phrenology, Choice of Professions and Matrimony • William Windsor

... it was all right, and as by this time it was nearly the hour for the parade to come back and the preliminaries to begin, Joe went over to the circus office to see if any matters ...
— Joe Strong The Boy Fire-Eater - The Most Dangerous Performance on Record • Vance Barnum

... away, and she withdrew her gaze and glanced at the patient. To her, too, the wounded man was but a case, another error of humanity that had come to St. Isidore's for temporary repairs, to start once more on its erring course, or, perhaps, to go forth unfinished, remanded just there to death. The ten-thirty express was now pulling out through the yards in a powerful clamor of clattering switches and hearty pulsations that shook the ...
— The Web of Life • Robert Herrick

... and lofty flight by toppling out into the helpless void of opinion with wings yet callow. The gross and carnal hallucinations of what is called "Spiritualism"—the weakest-kneed of all whimsies that have come upon the parish from the days of the augurs down to our own—would be disenchanted at once in a neighborhood familiar with Del Rio, Wierus, Bodin, Scot, Glanvil, Webster, Casaubon, and the Mathers. Good books are the enemies of delusion, the most effectual extinguishers of self-conceit. ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Volume 3, No. 20, June, 1859 • Various

... able to cut them off, if they were twice as many as before; so they had no concern about that. Then I entered into a serious discourse with the Spaniard, whom I call governor, about their stay in the island; for as I was not come to carry any of them off, so it would not be just to carry off some and leave others, who, perhaps, would be unwilling to stay if their strength was diminished. On the other hand, I told them I came to establish them there, not to remove them; and then I let them know that I had brought with ...
— The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe • Daniel Defoe

... and tablecloths and sheets and pillowslips, and such things. And you might get a good set of china. You know it'll come hard for her to settle down to this sort of thing. You can freight them in by steamer around by Bering Sea. And, I say, what's the matter with ...
— The Faith of Men • Jack London

... moreover, on the same simple principles of justice and equal rights as the Mosaic Commonwealth from which the Puritan Fathers drew their inspiration. In America, therefore, the Jew, by a roundabout journey from Zion, has come into his own again. It is by no mere accident that when an inscription was needed for the colossal statue of Liberty in New York Harbour, that "Mother of Exiles" whose torch lights the entrance to the New Jerusalem, the best expression of the spirit ...
— The Melting-Pot • Israel Zangwill

... matter?" inquired Mr. Figgins from within; "do you wish me to come and play you a tune?" and he then ...
— Jack Harkaway's Boy Tinker Among The Turks - Book Number Fifteen in the Jack Harkaway Series • Bracebridge Hemyng

... o'clock. Have lunch with me and see me off. Come to the hotel as early as you can and we'll hold post-mortems on the games. Let's hope that Princeton and Brimfield both ...
— Left Guard Gilbert • Ralph Henry Barbour

... to illustrate the above three modes by which, in the present class, the two sexes and the young may have come to resemble each other, by the curious case of the genus Passer. (33. I am indebted to Mr. Blyth for information in regard to this genus. The sparrow of Palestine belongs to the sub-genus Petronia.) In the house-sparrow (P. domesticus) the male differs much from ...
— The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex • Charles Darwin

... have come to a perfectly proper and harmonious close had it not been for the unrestrained exuberance of Sam's humorous qualities on the one hand and the complete absence of sense of humour in Ernest Switzer on the other. The final number on the programme, which ...
— The Major • Ralph Connor

... with their eyes fixed on the ground, and stumbling as if they could not drag their feet along. We should tell them why we sing, or they might think it was a mockery. Tell them that the Grenadiers of the Rhone mean to show that, come what may, they intend to be soldiers to the last, and to face death, whether from the Russians or from the winter, heads erect and courage high. Let us show them that, as we have ever done our duty, so we shall ...
— Through Russian Snows - A Story of Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow • G. A Henty

... for some time. Then The Chief asked the girls to come into the house for a time. As they entered the living room they noticed an array of plants on ...
— The Library of Work and Play: Gardening and Farming. • Ellen Eddy Shaw

... said Pencroft, "are we not going back to work? Let Mount Franklin smoke, groan, bellow, or spout forth fire and flame as much as it pleases, that is no reason why we should be idle! Come, Ayrton, Neb, Herbert, Captain Harding, Mr Spilett, every one of us must turn to at our work to-day! We are going to place the keelson, and a dozen pair of hands would not be too many. Before two months I want our new Bonadventure—for ...
— The Secret of the Island • W.H.G. Kingston (translation from Jules Verne)

... laboured under the stress of great excitement. So far everything had gone well; the prisoner had made no attempt at escape, and apparently did not mean to play a double game. But the crucial hour had come, and with it darkness and the mysterious depths of the forest with their weird sounds and sudden flashes of ghostly lights. They naturally wrought on the nerves of men like Heron, whose conscience might have been dormant, but whose ears were nevertheless filled with the cries of innocent victims ...
— El Dorado • Baroness Orczy

... convinced that a woman so innately conscious of her dignity as she appeared to be was incapable of a bad action. Her dark eyes told of inward peace; the lines of her face were so noble, the profile so pure, and the passion he had come to investigate seemed so little to oppress her heart, that the old man said to himself, while noting all the promises of love and virtue given by that adorable countenance, "My nephew is ...
— Madame Firmiani • Honore de Balzac

... the window when a heavy step was heard on the stair, and loud knock at the door roused Dumiger from his fit of abstraction, nearly making him jump from his chair. The impulsive "Come in!" which he uttered, was immediately succeeded by the appearance of ...
— International Weekly Miscellany, Vol. 1, No. 2, July 8, 1850 • Various

... language of the great age. He is a friend of 'country contents': no lover of the town, no keen student of urban ways and mundane men. A new taste, modelled on that of the wits of Louis XIV., had come in: we are in the period of Dryden, and ...
— Andrew Lang's Introduction to The Compleat Angler • Andrew Lang

... midst of extraordinary events. British-American Civilization and Spanish-American Society have come into collision, each in its fullest maturity. The armies of the North have penetrated the chapparels at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma—passed the fortresses of Monterey, and rolled back upon the heart of Mexico the ...
— Life and Public Services of John Quincy Adams - Sixth President of the Unied States • William H. Seward

... impoverished Scots earl, was waiting in London till the regiment in which he held a lieutenant's commission should be "broke," following the Peace. James Boswell, heir to the considerable estate of Auchinleck in Ayrshire, also aged twenty-two, had come to London in the previous November in an attempt to secure a commission in the Foot Guards. Dempster, Erskine, and Boswell had constituted themselves a triumvirate of wit in Edinburgh as early as the summer of 1761, and had already made ...
— Critical Strictures on the New Tragedy of Elvira, Written by Mr. David Malloch (1763) • James Boswell, Andrew Erskine and George Dempster

... surgeon in charge, who sent her and her "feelin's" to her quarters, and told her not to come back. ...
— Half a Century • Jane Grey Cannon Swisshelm

... in the hold beneath him. His thoughts busied themselves lightly with a number of important questions, to whose answers the man realised that he was singularly indifferent. Who was he? What had happened to bring him back to life (for he was sure that he had died, a long time ago)? How had he come to that stateroom? What could the name of the vessel be? Where ... Deep thoughts were these and long; the man drowsed over them, but presently was aroused by the sensation of being no longer alone, ...
— The Bronze Bell • Louis Joseph Vance

... Catholics another sacrament, which contains the most strange mysteries. It is that of the Eucharist. Our teachers, under pain of being damned, enjoin us to believe that the Son of God is compelled by a priest to quit the abodes of glory, and to come and mask himself under the appearance of bread! This bread becomes forthwith the body of God—this God multiplies himself in all places, and at all times, when and where the priests, scattered over the face of the earth, find it necessary to command his presence in the ...
— Letters to Eugenia - or, a Preservative Against Religious Prejudices • Baron d'Holbach

... of the poem. "Go ye all to the swift battle that shall come to you from German the green-terrible" (? of ...
— Heroic Romances of Ireland Volumes 1 and 2 Combined • A. H. Leahy

... from hopeless and degrading slavery, so many millions of his fellow-beings described in the law and existing in fact as "chattels-personal, in the hands of their owners and possessors, to all intents, constructions, and purposes whatsoever." Rarely does the happy fortune come to one man to render such a service to his kind—to proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the ...
— The Papers And Writings Of Abraham Lincoln, Complete - Constitutional Edition • Abraham Lincoln

... together all the men on the ship, every man of them, and they'll come against us like ...
— Young Glory and the Spanish Cruiser - A Brave Fight Against Odds • Walter Fenton Mott

... Three extra Buddhas are sometimes mentioned but are usually ignored because they did not, like the others, come into contact with Gotama ...
— Hinduism and Buddhism, Vol I. (of 3) - An Historical Sketch • Charles Eliot

... erected; and it was patent to the world that Spain had lost her colonies. Acting on these considerations, Monroe sent a message to Congress, March 8, 1822, announcing that the time for recognition had come, and asking for appropriations for ministers to South America. [Footnote: Richardson, Messages and Papers, ...
— Rise of the New West, 1819-1829 - Volume 14 in the series American Nation: A History • Frederick Jackson Turner

... cloud that brooded over Odin and the AEsir. Nothing could avert this doom. When his hour came, a man must meet his death, and until his hour came he was safe. It might strike in the midst of the highest happiness, and then nothing could avert the evil, but until it struck he would come safe through the direst peril. This fatalism showed itself among this vigorous pushing race in no idle resignation. On the contrary, the Northman went boldly to meet the doom which he felt sure no effort ...
— The story of Burnt Njal - From the Icelandic of the Njals Saga • Anonymous

... I had just come in from dinner, and had changed my clothes for an old suit that had braved the weather in crossing, and was consequently well salted by ...
— The Confessions of a Caricaturist, Vol 2 (of 2) • Harry Furniss

... Little gossip had come to Warkworth Manor but Anne had read "The Blue Sepulchre" when she was seventeen, and after that her allowance went for his books. When a new volume appeared it was an event in her life comparable only to marriage or birth in the lives of other women. She abandoned ...
— The Gorgeous Isle - A Romance; Scene: Nevis, B.W.I. 1842 • Gertrude Atherton

... of individual colours is the basis on which various values can be built up in harmony. Pictures will come to be painted—veritable artistic arrangements, planned in shades of one colour chosen according to artistic feeling. The carrying out of one colour, the binding together and admixture of two related colours, are the foundations of most coloured harmonies. From what has been said above ...
— Concerning the Spiritual in Art • Wassily Kandinsky

... end of the drama had come. Mr. Magee felt his heart beat wildly. What was the end to be? What did this calm departure mean? Surely the little man descending the stair was not, Daniel-like, thrusting himself into this lion's den with the precious package in ...
— Seven Keys to Baldpate • Earl Derr Biggers

... that I were dead! I seem to be the prey of a horrible nightmare! O Pierre! my brother! hasten with all speed to me. When you left Germany, your little sister was a blooming girl, very beautiful in your eyes, very happy! and to-day! ah! to-day, my brother, come see ...
— Strange True Stories of Louisiana • George Washington Cable

... flour sacks. He smoked cigars and read French novels; Mose waited on him and Radnor knew about him—and didn't get much enjoyment out of the knowledge. It took money to get rid of him—a hundred dollars down and the promise of more to come. Radnor himself drove him off in the carriage the night he left, and Mose obliterated all traces of his presence. ...
— The Four Pools Mystery • Jean Webster

... see you, Mr Mark, sir," said Billy grinning. "He hasn't been well, and only come out of his berth this morning. Here, Jack, ...
— Mother Carey's Chicken - Her Voyage to the Unknown Isle • George Manville Fenn

... his freedom as a reward for having undertaken the labor of wooing Rebekah for his son, and of fetching her to his house. God also rewarded him in this world, that this wicked wight might not lay claim to a reward in the world to come. He therefore made a king of him. [689] During his reign he founded sixty cities, that he surrounded with high walls, the lowest of which was not less than sixty ...

... boat appeared, a launch, and came swiftly bobbing over the waves towards Isola Nobile. She must have kept very still during this vigil, for now, when she turned to leave the belvedere, she saw that at least a hundred lizards had come forth from their hiding-places, and were staring at her with their twinkling little pin-heads of eyes. But even as she saw them—zrrrp!—a flash, a rustle, and there was not a lizard ...
— The Lady Paramount • Henry Harland

... or Sobranie (120 seats - 85 members are elected by popular vote, 35 members come from lists of candidates submitted by parties based on the percentage that a party gains from the overall vote; all serve four-year terms) election results: percent of vote by party - NA%; seats by party - Together for Macedonia coalition ...
— The 2003 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency

... seekin' no favors an' I don't want nothin' but my dues. I didn't know ye stood obleeged ter pay us 'twell ther logs went down ter ther lowlands, but——" Though her words were slowly, even tediously enunciated they seemed to come with difficulty. "But ef I could take thet money back thar—an' tell him hit war all settled up——" The fullness of what that meant to her gained in force because she got no further with her explanation and Brent said with a brusqueness, affected to veil his ...
— A Pagan of the Hills • Charles Neville Buck

... the first is universally allowed, but the difficulty is to agree about its true meaning; and, I may add, that it is no easy matter to come to an understanding ...
— Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature • August Wilhelm Schlegel

... because nothing we know of wants to harm us. But, Dagaeoga, if the bears come at all they will come quickly, because in a few days winter will be roaring ...
— The Masters of the Peaks - A Story of the Great North Woods • Joseph A. Altsheler

... Hannibal was perhaps a greater captain, but not so great and good a man. Epaminondas did not do so much. Themistocles was a rogue." It is curious that Themistocles is the only one of these men of whom we have a biography by Plutarch. His Lives of Scipio and Epaminondas are lost. Hannibal did not come within ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 27, January, 1860 • Various

... steamship stopped in the open sea, just in front of the little bay of St. Filian; boats came off from shore for the party. I helped the beautiful original of the portrait into the boat, and promised her and her husband if ever I should come to St. Filian I would pay them a visit. The last I noticed of her was a Spanish farewell wave of her beautiful white hand, and the gleam of her dazzling teeth as she smiled adieu. So there 's a very tolerable touch of romance for a gentleman of ...
— Baddeck and That Sort of Thing • Charles Dudley Warner

... "Come over here and sit down," he commanded; then, seeing that Gryson hesitated and flung a glance over his shoulder at the door: "What are you ...
— The Honorable Senator Sage-Brush • Francis Lynde

... try to sleep, Betty. I hope you will be quite well by dinner-time. Don't stir till I come for you, dear." ...
— Betty Vivian - A Story of Haddo Court School • L. T. Meade

... is this to come? It will come by the complete emancipation of the American mind from the thraldom of the false philosophies, the false theologies, and the debasingly narrow conceptions of science which have been transplanted into American colleges. When the strong ...
— Buchanan's Journal of Man, March 1887 - Volume 1, Number 2 • Various

... man, in his approach unto God by prayer, as has showed itself in thee? "I am not as other men!" sayest thou; but is this the way to go to God in prayer? Is this the way for a mortal man, that is full of sin, that stands in need of mercy, and that must certainly perish without it, to come to God in prayer? The prayer of the upright is God's delight. But the upright man glorifies God's justice, by confessing to God the vileness and pollution of his state and condition: He glorifies God's mercy by acknowledging, ...
— The Works of John Bunyan • John Bunyan

... swept the strong man's face. "I've asked Burgess to come up at three. I must find out what material is sent here for my shaping. It is a president's business to shape well, and I must do my ...
— A Master's Degree • Margaret Hill McCarter

... did not abut, was bounded by a wall; turning to the right by a walk by the side of the house, I passed by a door—probably the one I had seen at the end of the passage—and arrived at another window similar to that through which I had come, and which also stood open; I was about to pass by it, when I heard the voice of my entertainer exclaiming, "Is that you? pray ...
— The Romany Rye - A Sequel to 'Lavengro' • George Borrow

... story, new to me, but not new, I dare say, to many of my readers—I mean Cashel Byron's Profession, by G. BERNARD SHAW. To those who have yet the pleasure to come of reading this one-volume novel, I say, emphatically, get it. The notion is original. The stage-mechanism of the plot is antiquated; but, for all that, it serves its purpose. It is thoroughly interesting. Only one shilling, in the Novocastrian ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 98 January 11, 1890 • Various

... turned to practical account in play. Nor is the sense of touch so clean and poignant in children as it is in a man. If you will turn over your old memories, I think the sensations of this sort you remember will be somewhat vague, and come to not much more than a blunt, general sense of heat on summer days, or a blunt, general sense of well-being in bed. And here, of course, you will understand pleasurable sensations; for overmastering pain—the ...
— The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition - Vol. 2 (of 25) • Robert Louis Stevenson

... either by finding the body among the stalks of Indian corn as was expected, or by any one subsequent circumstance, it was hoped that the story had been fabricated, and that murder was a crime which for many years to come would not stain the annals of the colony. In proportion, indeed, as our numbers increased, and the inhabitants began to possess those comforts or necessaries which might prove temptations to the idle and the vicious, ...
— An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, Vol. 1 • David Collins

... did, after showing his tulip-roots to his father, was to run to Arthur's garden in search of him. Their gardens were separated only by a low wall of loose stones: "Arthur! Arthur! where are you? Are you in your garden! I want you." But Arthur made no answer, and did not, as usual, come running to meet his friend. "I know where you are," continued Maurice, "and I'm coming to you as fast as the raspberry-bushes will let me. I have good news for you—something you'll be delighted to see, Arthur!—Ha!—but here is something that I am not delighted ...
— The Parent's Assistant • Maria Edgeworth

... from Roman provinces. "But no," said Aurelian; "if you do that, I shall unchain my legions upon you. Be better advised: keep those excellent dispositions of mind, and that admirable taste for plunder, until you come whither I will conduct you. Then discharge your fury, and welcome; besides which, I will pay you wages for your immediate abstinence; and on the other side the Euphrates you shall pay yourselves." ...
— The Caesars • Thomas de Quincey

... use the faculties my country ordered me to exercise gone forever; the faculties themselves are rusting out in the miserable corner of the world in which I vegetate. Taking my chances at their best, the future seems to me a poor thing. I have just taken advantage of a furlough to come to Paris; I mean to change my profession and find some other way to put my energy, my knowledge, and my activity to use. I shall send in my resignation and go to some other country, where men of my special capacity ...
— The Village Rector • Honore de Balzac

... The weekly is less accurate than the monthly and less literary in form, and, moreover, it comes too often. It is apt to take too much time from the study of the fundamentals. The use of the periodical in the history class has probably come to stay and it should stay, but it should ...
— College Teaching - Studies in Methods of Teaching in the College • Paul Klapper

... states, retiring first to Brescia, and then to Florence. His publications since 1859 have been a Canto Politico and I Sette Soldati. He was condemned for his voluntary exile, by the Austrian courts, and I remember reading in the newspapers the official invitation given him to come back to Verona and be punished. But, oddly enough, he declined ...
— Modern Italian Poets • W. D. Howells

... came to Herod, and informed him of what had been done; and when he was come to Daphne by Antioch, they told him of the ill fortune that had befallen his brother; which yet he expected, from certain visions that appeared to him in his dreams, which clearly foreshowed his brother's ...
— The Antiquities of the Jews • Flavius Josephus

... command Bonaparte had resigned the army, was invited to come from Damietta to Rosette to confer with the General-in- Chief on affairs of extreme importance. Bonaparte, in making an appointment which he never intended to keep, hoped to escape the unwelcome freedom of Kleber's reproaches. He ...
— Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, v3 • Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne

... match, and perceived that the eyes belonged to an old woman, wrapped up in a greasy leather garment. Taking her by the arm, I dragged her out, for she could not, or would not, come by herself, and the stench was overpowering me. Such a sight as she was—a bag of bones, covered over with black, shrivelled parchment. The only white thing about her was her wool, and she seemed to be pretty ...
— Long Odds • H. Rider Haggard

... indulged in until it becomes a sort of melancholy luxury, like the "weeping for Thammuz" by the apostate daughters of Jerusalem. Our faith in a better day for the race is strong; but we feel quite sure it will come in spite of such abstract reformers, and not by reason of them. The evils which possess humanity are of a kind which go not out by ...
— The Complete Works of Whittier - The Standard Library Edition with a linked Index • John Greenleaf Whittier

... water, very much pleasure, all night good sleep by bank of river placing Miengs on floor of Boats. Next day very happy till noon then come very high winds, and much rough water, after long time men begin loud shoutings, and take down high covers from overhead. "What matter, What matter?" every body cry out, all fear some trouble come, ...
— Seven Maids of Far Cathay • Bing Ding, Ed.

... a year, had reduced him to great distress. My father had always taught him to regard himself as entitled to all the privileges of a son; had sent him to Europe under express conditions of supplying him with a reasonable stipend, till he should come of age, at which period it was concerted that Risberg should return and receive a portion with me, enabling him to enter advantageously on the profession of the law, to which he was now training. This stipend was far from being extravagant, or more ...
— Jane Talbot • Charles Brockden Brown

... me; For spendthrifts are insane, the world shall see. Soon as the youngster had received at last The thousand talents that his sire amassed, He sent round word to all the sharking clan, Perfumer, fowler, fruiterer, fisherman, Velabrum's refuse, Tuscan Alley's scum, To come to him. next morning. Well, they come. First speaks the pimp: 'Whatever I or these Possess, is yours: command it when you please.' Now hear his answer, and admire the mind That thus could speak, so generous and so kind. 'You sleep in Umbrian snow-fields, ...
— The Satires, Epistles, and Art of Poetry • Horace

... near," I exclaimed a moment later, while she rearranged her torn, blood-stained garments and smoothed her hair with her hands. "Come, ...
— The Great White Queen - A Tale of Treasure and Treason • William Le Queux

... settlements, but also attended with manifest prejudice to the interest of Great Britain, annually drained of great sums in favour of an ungrateful nation, from which no part of them returned; whereas the iron imported from America must of necessity come in exchange for our own manufactures. The commons having appointed a day for taking this affair into consideration, carefully examined into the state of the British commerce carried on with Sweden, as well as into the accounts of iron imported from the plantations ...
— The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.II. - From William and Mary to George II. • Tobias Smollett

... said she, "that the thunder should come as he said them very words; but thank God that it was Dalton that did the deed, for if it was himself he'd not keep it back now, when the truth would be sure to ...
— The Black Prophet: A Tale Of Irish Famine • William Carleton

... sentences. He introduced expressions now and then into his vocabulary which reminded one of his earlier literary efforts. He used stronger language at times than was necessary, coloring too highly, shading too deeply in his pictorial delineations. To come to the matter of his narrative, it must be granted that not every reader will care to follow him through all the details of diplomatic intrigues which he has with such industry and sagacity extricated from the old manuscripts in ...
— The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1555-1566 • John Lothrop Motley

... till the bones will come out; when cold, put the inside of the cheek together with salt between; put the ears round the sides. Put the cheeks into a cloth, press them into a sieve, or anything round; lay on a weight for two days. Have ready a pickle of salt and water, with about a pint of malt, boiled together; when ...
— The Lady's Own Cookery Book, and New Dinner-Table Directory; • Charlotte Campbell Bury

... moment before the door of six-eighteen and took a deep breath. At the first brisk rat-tat of her knuckles on the door there had sounded a shrill "Come in!" But before she could turn the knob the door was flung open by a kimonoed mulatto girl, her eyes all whites. The girl began to jabber, incoherently but Martha Foote passed on through the little hall to the ...
— Cheerful—By Request • Edna Ferber

... then," said I aloud, "that if pewter dishes, leaves of lettuce, grains of salt, drops of oil and vinegar, and slices of eggs, had been floating about in the air from all eternity, it might at last happen by chance that there would come a salad." "Yes," says my wife, "but not so nice and well-dressed as ...
— Problems of Immanence - Studies Critical and Constructive • J. Warschauer

... yell, eh?" retorted Worry. "All right, my boy, it's comin' to you. And if you lose your nut and get slammed all over the lot, don't come to ...
— The Young Pitcher • Zane Grey

... had two noble horses of the best Tartar blood, unequalled in the province, as we knew, for speed and strength; and Emerich's cheerful voice first saluted us with: "Ho! friends, it is seven hours yet till midnight: won't you come with us?—it is a shame to let Christmas in without ...
— The International Monthly, Volume 5, No. 3, March, 1852 • Various

... was a feeble imitation of the panic that smote him now. It had long been a favorite formula of Bijonah's that "A schooner's a gal you can understand. She goes where ye send her, an' ye know she'll come back when ye tell her to. She's a snug, trustin' kind of critter, an' she's man's best friend because she hain't got a grain o' ...
— The Harbor of Doubt • Frank Williams

... means well, and if we give Him time, He will make a real success of His creation. Human beings, too, commonly make a very poor thing of their lives here. But continue their training after they are dead and they will all come to perfection. We have been living on this secularised idealism for a hundred and fifty years. It has driven out the true idealism, of which it is a caricature, and has made the deeper and higher kind of religious faith abnormally difficult. Even the hope of immortality ...
— Outspoken Essays • William Ralph Inge

... to the Lord alone. He leads them and teaches them in the affairs of life. The truths that are called truths of judgment are written on their hearts; everyone knows them, perceives them, and sees them;{1} and in consequence matters of judgment there never come into question, but only matters of righteousness, which belong to the life. About these matters the less wise consult the more wise, and these consult the Lord and receive answers. Their heaven, that is, their inmost joy, is to live ...
— Heaven and its Wonders and Hell • Emanuel Swedenborg

... "Come," said the tortoise, "I am glad you are safe. I have an offer to make you. If you like our company, stay here and be one of our friends; you will find our hearts honest and our company useful to you. The sages say that a ...
— Boys and Girls Bookshelf (Vol 2 of 17) - Folk-Lore, Fables, And Fairy Tales • Various

... glad you come here no more. I see that you judge the honour and fulness of my heart by the infidelity and emptiness of your own. Go, sir, and remember, you discard not ...
— A Singer from the Sea • Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr

... is not one of these woman but loves thee; none in whom thou hast no share; but for myself none hath any share in me except thou alone." "Be not angry," said Cuchulain, "if in the future any birds come to the Plain of Murthemne or to the Boyne, the two birds that are the most beautiful among those that come shall ...
— Heroic Romances of Ireland Volumes 1 and 2 Combined • A. H. Leahy

... one, cara cowz in clowze, "the old rock of the tomb," and the other cara clowse in cowze, meaning possibly "the gray rock in the wood." The sound of the two is so like that, particularly to the people not very familiar with the language, the substitution of one for the other would come very naturally; and as a reason could more easily be given for the latter than for the former name, we need not be surprised if in the few passages where the name occurs after Carew's time, the secondary name, apparently confirming the monkish legend of ...
— Chips From A German Workshop. Vol. III. • F. Max Mueller

... of the 14th March we again saw smoke in the same direction as before, but somewhat to the eastward, as if the grass or brush had been fired. In hopes that we should come upon some of the natives on the plains, through which the creek appeared to run, I determined on examining them before I proceeded to the eastward. We accordingly crossed its channel when we mounted our horses after breakfast, and rode at some little ...
— Expedition into Central Australia • Charles Sturt

... alluding to the above incident that the noble poet is stated to have said that he had come out to the Islands prejudiced against Sir T. Maitland's government of the Greeks: "but," he added, "I have now changed my opinion. They are such barbarians, that if I had the government of them, I would pave these very ...
— Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 6 (of 6) - With his Letters and Journals • Thomas Moore

... million Jews of Russia. The valley of the Mississippi alone could throw her strong arms around, and draw them all to her opulent bosom, and bless them with homes of comfort, prosperity, and happiness. Thousands of them are praying to come. The throne of Jehovah is besieged with prayers for the powers of escape, and if they cannot live in peace under Russian laws without being subject to these awful persecutions, let us aid them in coming ...
— History of the Jews in Russia and Poland. Volume II • S.M. Dubnow

... He had said all along that she would make tracks for home just as soon as school was out, and he had calculated just when she would arrive; and on the second day after the close of school for the summer he drove down to the train to meet her. She did not come, but he got a letter which said that one of her friends wanted her to stay two weeks with her, until after ...
— A Little Norsk; Or, Ol' Pap's Flaxen • Hamlin Garland

... my office his first words were: "I's come. S'pose you been lookin' for me, but I didn't come on de railroad." Looking up the records, it was found that this young man had been given permission to come several months ago, but the correspondence had long since ...
— The Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 1995, Memorial Issue • Various

... had a rough time, never doubt that, with his high-strung, arrogant, sensitive nature and the dirty trick played on him by that heartless jade, Dame Fortune, before his birth. For the time, this illness had knocked the wind out of him. If he sulks for a bit, small blame to him. But he'll come round. He is coming round ...
— The History of Sir Richard Calmady - A Romance • Lucas Malet

... workmen were sent away, when all that dwelt in the house walked restlessly in the garden; a night when Mademoiselle Folly hurried back from her audience with her little fists clinched and when she made Molly come sit and hold her hand. That was the night when in Maman's room the architect's feeble wife fought out her battle; a night that seemed interminable. But early in the morning, after all of them had gone to bed save the doctors ...
— Little Miss By-The-Day • Lucille Van Slyke

... down in the hall beside the telephone, her fingers laced about one crossed knee. She knew that if Sheba O'Neill had not come on the scene, Macdonald would have asked her to marry him. He had been moving slowly toward her for months. They understood each other and were at ease together. Between them was a strong physical affinity. Both were good-tempered and were wise ...
— The Yukon Trail - A Tale of the North • William MacLeod Raine

... Madagascar, belonging to the African continent, still remains for discussion. Here the ethnological conditions are people were the Hova, a Malayo-Indonesian people who must have come from the Malay Peninsula or the adjacent islands. The date of their immigration has been line subject of a good deal of dispute, but it may be argued that their arrival must have taken place in early times, since Malagasy speech, which is the language of the ...
— Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia

Words linked to "Come" :   rise, come short, go through, occur, come through, come out of the closet, come upon, come in handy, come up to, ejaculate, come near, settle, come away, set down, come round, drive in, come close, plump in, sperm cell, fall, come forth, work out, come out, rank, get in, come over, semen, follow, lead, outnumber, seminal fluid, cum, come home, happen, draw near, result, go up, seed, attain, shore, change, originate, move in, come with, come to, come together, hit, time to come, bring down, develop, fare, address, go, pass, accost, move, come to light, grow, whatever may come, make out, come-on, come on, come off, pull in, come to mind, issue forth, add up, near, spermatozoon, descend, comer, come in for, hail, average out, make, come after, aggregate, average, exist, come of age, come to the fore, go on, kingdom come, leave, come to grips, liquid body substance, come in, turn, spermatozoan, sperm, coming, come about, body fluid, become, come before, experience, come to life, come alive, come forward, milt, travel, get along, land, draw in, come around, total, come into, come to hand, emanate, draw close, come up, be, first-come-first-serve, fall out

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