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Couleur   Listen
Couleur  n.  
Color; chiefly used in a few French phrases, as couler de rose, color of rose; and hence, adjectively, rose-colored; roseate.
A suit of cards, as hearts or clubs; used in some French games.

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"Couleur" Quotes from Famous Books

... mettre sur la terre entre les pilers et par bonne espace de hors beilles fuystes et grosses piers de bonne hautesse et lacune iffint gils i soyent continuellement pour faire estoppoil a les faux foles que y beignont par couleur de devotion." The offerings were not, however, thus checked. Close by was the Chapel of St. Stephen, in which was the chantry of the Scropes, and so many offerings in memory of the archbishop were deposited there that it increased in riches ...
— The Cathedral Church of York - Bell's Cathedrals: A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief - History of the Archi-Episcopal See • A. Clutton-Brock

... tales, or known to what kind of people her brother-in-law was presenting her son? Only once, leaning on Arthur's arm, she had passed through the room where the green tables were prepared for play, and the croaking croupiers were calling out their fatal words of Rouge gagne and Couleur perd. She had shrunk terrified out of the pandemonium, imploring Pen, extorting from him a promise, on his word of honour, that he would never play at those tables; and the scene which so frightened the simple widow, only amused the worldly old veteran, ...
— The History of Pendennis • William Makepeace Thackeray

... 7:—"Un de mes compagnons s'tonnait de re trouver la Panagia de St. Luc, le saint Jean Chrysostome qu'il avait dessin dans le baptistre de St. Marc, Venise. Le costume des personnages est partout et en tout temps le mme, non-seulement pour la forme, mais pour la couleur, mais pour le dessin, mais jusque pour le nombre et l'paisseur des plis."] We do not severely criticise the manner in which a true history is told, but we become harsh investigators of the faults of an invention; so that in the modern religious ...
— Stones of Venice [introductions] • John Ruskin

... said, "I come from Versailles * * * It only remains for us to choose our colours. Quelle couleur voulez vous? Green, the colour of hope; or the blue of Cincinnati, the colour of ...
— Royal Palaces and Parks of France • Milburg Francisco Mansfield

... benit encore aujourd'hui le quatrieme Dimanche de Careme, nomme 'Laetare,' et qu'il envoye a quelque prince pour marque d'estime et de bienveillance. Ce jour-la, la station se fait a Sainte Croix de Jerusalem. Le Pape, accompagne des cardinaux, vetus de couleur de rose, marche en cavalcade a l'eglise, tenant la Rose d'Or a la main. Il la porte, allant a l'autel, charge de baume et de mare. Il la quitte au 'Confiteor,' et la reprend apres 'l'Introite.' Il en ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 193, July 9, 1853 • Various

... porcelains contain them all. Those Lowestoft pitchers against the wall Hold a lighter kind of bright conceit; And those old Saxe vases, out of the heat On that lowest shelf beside the door, Have a sort of Ideal, "couleur d'or". Every castle of the air Sleeps in the fine black grains, and there Are seeds for every romance, or light Whiff of a dream for a summer night. I supply to every want and taste." 'Twas slowly ...
— Sword Blades and Poppy Seed • Amy Lowell

... and is forming new associations. The romance of the vine-covered cottage, with the girl of his heart—which, as fortune smiled, should gradually grow into the stately mansion, with none to share or distract the peculiar joys of early married life, when all is couleur de rose—were not for him. Life is too earnest for romance; for high and holy responsibilities, in the dispensations of an all-wise Providence, he has to meet and to discharge. He is young and inexperienced, but here are boys, bound to him by a new, but tender tie, just entering the most ...
— A Biographical Sketch of the Life and Character of Joseph Charless - In a Series of Letters to his Grandchildren • Charlotte Taylor Blow Charless

... M. Souverain heaped it up dexterously, and blew upon what remained of red ashes under his pile, whilst a kettle was placed upon the glowing embers. "I am afraid I can't offer you the same cheer that you would give me at the maison Doree," Gilbert said to his friend. "Ca serait gater la couleur locale; oh! some bread-and-cheese, with a bottle of beer, will do very well for me." But there was neither bread nor cheese nor beer; and no kind of abode, however miserable, had M. Souverain ever known to be without bread. "What do they live upon then?" he asked. ...
— Philip Gilbert Hamerton • Philip Gilbert Hamerton et al

... noyes de pleurs; Comme les anges de douleurs, Il etait couronne d'epine; Son luth a terre etait gisant, Sa pourpre de couleur de sang, Et ...
— French Lyrics • Arthur Graves Canfield

... very French either, I think she's as pretty—though not so distinguished, not so alluring—as Irene. Because she was alluring, wasn't she? with that white skin and those dark eyes, and that hair, couleur de—what was ...
— Forsyte Saga • John Galsworthy

... Malayans have not only frequented Madagascar, but have also been the progenitors of some of the present race of inhabitants there, is confirmed to us by the testimony of Monsieur de Pages, who visited that island so late as 1774. "Ils m'ont paru provenir des diverses races; leur couleur leur cheveux, et leur corps l'indiquent. Ceux que je n'ai pas cru originaires des anciens naturels du pays, sont petits et trapus; ils ont les cheveux presque unis, et sont olivatres comme les Malayes, avec qui ils ont, en ...
— A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. 15 (of 18) • Robert Kerr

... pleur 635 De son teint tout coup efface la couleur? Esther, que craignez-vous? Suis-je pas votre frre? Est-ce pour vous qu'est fait un ordre si svre? Vivez, le sceptre d'or, que vous tend cette main, Pour vous de ma clmence est un gage ...
— Esther • Jean Racine

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