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Cretaceous   Listen
Cretaceous  adj.  
Having the qualities of chalk; abounding with chalk; chalky; as, cretaceous rocks and formations. See Chalk.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Cretaceous" Quotes from Famous Books

... the birds of the Tertiary Period. Reptiles begin in like manner in the magnesian limestone, and if we now add that the first mammalia are met with in Oolite, the Stonefield slate; and that the first remains of birds have been found in the deposits of the cretaceous period, we shall have indicated the inferior limits, according to our present knowledge, of the four great divisions of ...
— The World's Greatest Books - Volume 15 - Science • Various

... system, appear especially around the basin of Sofia. Above these, in the western Balkans, are Mesozoic deposits, from the Trias to the upper Jurassic, also occurring in the central part of the range. The Cretaceous system, from the infra-Cretaceous Hauterivien to the Senonian, appears throughout the whole extent of Northern Bulgaria, from the summits of the Balkans to the Danube. Gosau beds are found on the southern declivity of the chain. Flysch, representing ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 - "Bulgaria" to "Calgary" • Various

... Haiti. Among these rocks and bent and broken by them are the slates, conglomerates and calcareous rocks which are found in the mountains and over the whole surface of the island. The character of the central range and the inclination of the strata of cretaceous rocks make it probable that the island emerged from the sea in the eocene period, its area being then confined to the extent of the central mountain chain, with a few small islands to the south, one or more islets to the northeast, comprising ...
— Santo Domingo - A Country With A Future • Otto Schoenrich

... glands become inflamed, a still more viscid or even cretaceous humour is produced upon the surfaces of the membranes, which is the cause or the effect of rheumatism, gout, leprosy, and of hard tumours of the legs, which are generally termed scorbutic; all which ...
— Zoonomia, Vol. I - Or, the Laws of Organic Life • Erasmus Darwin

... rocks which form such remarkable features in the geology of other countries are almost unknown in Ceylon; and the "clay-slate, Silurian, old red sandstone, carboniferous, new red sandstone, oolitic, and cretaceous systems" have not as yet been recognised in any part of the island.[1] Crystalline limestone in some places overlies the gneiss, and is worked for oeconomical purposes in the mountain ...
— Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and • James Emerson Tennent

... our period is probably one of relative impoverishment and faulty adjustment both of life to life and of life to physical environment.[292] The continent of North America contained a small vital area during the Later Cretaceous Period, when a notable encroachment of the sea submerged the Atlantic coastal plain, large sections of the Pacific coast, the Great Plains, Texas and the adjacent Gulf plain up the Mississippi Valley to the mouth of ...
— Influences of Geographic Environment - On the Basis of Ratzel's System of Anthropo-Geography • Ellen Churchill Semple

... yet to be described (with a few exceptions), but it has been stated that Dr. Stoliezka was much struck with the affinities of certain of the Cutch fossils to African forms; and Dr. Stoliezka and Mr. Griesbach have shown that of the Cretaceous fossils of the Umtafuni river in Natal, the majority (22 out of 35 described forms) are identical with species from Southern India. Now the plant-bearing series of India and the Karoo and part of ...
— The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria • W. Scott-Elliot

... dreary track to cross at any time, but especially detestable when the dust lies thick upon the white road and the summer sun is blazing overhead. But how delightful is the contrast when, going down at length from these cretaceous uplands, where even the potato plants look as if they had been whitewashed, you see below the verdant valley of the Dronne, that seems to be blessed with eternal spring, the gay flash of the winding stream, the grand rocks that appear to be standing in its bed, ...
— Two Summers in Guyenne • Edward Harrison Barker

... or matter of fact man, who preferred to talk about "erratic blocks" and "cretaceous formations" rather than to indulge in poetic descriptions. The outline which follows, however, of the western part of the territory is what he considers "a faint description of this beautiful country." ...
— Minnesota and Dacotah • C.C. Andrews

... which was close to maximum for an exploring expedition. They had entered eleven systems, and made landings on eight planets. Three had been reasonably close to Terra-type. There had been Fafnir; conditions there would correspond to Terra during the Cretaceous Period, but any Cretaceous dinosaur would have been cute and cuddly to the things on Fafnir. Then there had been Imhotep; in twenty or thirty thousand years, it would be a fine planet, but at present it was undergoing an extensive glaciation. And Irminsul, covered with forests of gigantic ...
— Naudsonce • H. Beam Piper

... evidence, again, that the process of covering up, or, in other words, the deposit of Globigerinae skeletons, did not go on very fast. It is demonstrable that an animal of the cretaceous sea might die, that its skeleton might lie uncovered upon the sea-bottom long enough to lose all its outward coverings and appendages by putrefaction; and that, after this had happened, another animal might attach itself to the dead and naked skeleton, ...
— Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews • Thomas Henry Huxley

... characteristic shells, in the valley of the Rio Tapajos, at the first cascade, and carboniferous deposits have been noticed along the Rio Guapore and the Rio Marnore. But the first chapter in the valley's geological history about which we have connected and trustworthy data is that of the cretaceous period. It seems certain, that, at the close of the secondary age, the whole Amazonian basin became lined with a cretaceous deposit, the margins of which crop out at various localities on its borders. They have been ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 105, July 1866 • Various

... your province some three million years ago and is now being exhumed from one of the cut-banks of the Red Deer River. He belongs to the Mesozoic order of archisaurian gentlemen known as Dinosauria, and there's about a car-load of him. This interest in one of your cretaceous dinosaur skeletons would imply, of course, that I'm wedded to science. And I am, though to nothing else. I'm as free as the wind, dear lady, or I wouldn't be holidaying here with a tractor-plow that makes my legs ache and a prairie ...
— The Prairie Mother • Arthur Stringer

... species already discovered and described by Heer and Lesquereux, some of which seem to have flourished over vast areas in the Arctic regions and in Europe and our own territories, during tertiary and cretaceous times,—then indeed it becomes plain that our two surviving species, restricted to narrow belts within the limits of California, are mere remnants of the genus, both as to species and individuals, and that they ...
— The Mountains of California • John Muir

... of Santa Eulalia, in Chihuahua, from which during the last century one hundred and twelve millions of dollars were taken, opened on ore deposits situated in Cretaceous limestones like those of San Carlos, and apparently similar ore-filled chambers; an igneous rock caps the hills in the vicinity, but is nowhere in contact or even proximity to the ore bodies. (See Kimball, ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 446, July 19, 1884 • Various

... how any vegetation has the faith to settle on its dreary waste, or how men have the patience, generation after generation, to renew the industry, still beginning, never ending, which reclaims such wildernesses. Comparing Monte Oliveto with similar districts of cretaceous soil—with the country, for example, between Pienza and San Quirico—we perceive how much is owed to the perseverance of the monks whom Bernard Tolomei planted here. So far as it is clothed at all with crop and wood, ...
— Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Complete - Series I, II, and III • John Symonds

... geological epochs, sedimentation had proceeded so that the accumulations of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic times had collected in the geosyncline formed by their own ever increasing weight. The site of the future Laramide range was in late Cretaceous times occupied by some 50,000 feet of sedimentary deposits; but the limit had apparently been attained, and at this time the Laramide range, as well as its southerly continuation into the United States, the Rockies, had their beginning. Chamberlin and Salisbury[1] estimate that ...
— The Birth-Time of the World and Other Scientific Essays • J. (John) Joly

... horse. While Dr. Tayler Lewis at Union, and Drs. Hodge and Duffield at Princeton, were showing that if evolution be true the biblical accounts must be false, the indefatigable Yale professor was showing his cretaceous birds, and among them Hesperornis and Ichthyornis with teeth. While in Germany Luthardt, Schund, and their compeers were demonstrating that Scripture requires a belief in special and separate creations, the Archaeopteryx, ...
— History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom • Andrew Dickson White

Words linked to "Cretaceous" :   geological period, chalk, Mesozoic era, period, Age of Reptiles, Mesozoic, Cretaceous period

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