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Crotched   Listen
Crotched  adj.  
Having a crotch; forked.
Cross; peevish. (Prov. Eng.)
(Billiards) Lying within a crotch; said of the object balls in the three-ball carom game whenever the centers of both lie within a 4½-inch square at a corner of the table, in which case but three counts are allowed unless one or both balls be forced out of the crotch.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Crotched" Quotes from Famous Books

... easier—it's as easy out as in—all you've got to do is to take and roll a couple of pretty sized billets for your fireplace and stick a couple o' crotched sticks for to hang the kittle over—I'd as lieve have it out as in, and if anythin' a leetle liever. If you'll lend me Philetus, me and him'll fix it all ready agin you come back—'tain't no trouble at all—and if the sticks ...
— Queechy • Susan Warner

... scattered all down the cushions, about a foot or two apart, and there wasn't a shot in sight anywhere that any man might hope to make. In a burst of anger and confessed defeat, he sent his ball flying around the table at random, and it crotched a ball that was packed against the cushion and sprang across to a ball against the bank on the ...
— Chapters from My Autobiography • Mark Twain

... heirlooms of an old family. Another house revealed bran new commonplace trinkets. Always the status of the family was plain to see—their mental life, their tastes, and ambitions. You would peek in through a broken front and see a cupboard with crotched mahogany trimmings, one door splintered, the other perfect. You would catch a glimpse of a round center table with shapely legs, a sofa drawn up in front of a fireplace. When we went, Pervyse was still partly upstanding, but the steady ...
— Golden Lads • Arthur Gleason and Helen Hayes Gleason

... prevailed with respect to discovering the proper place to dig wells. There were certain persons, I do not remember what they were called, whether water doctors or water witches, who professed to be able, with the aid of a small hazel crotched twig, which was held firmly in both hands with the crotch inverted, to tell where a well should be sunk with a certainty of finding water. The process was simply to walk about with the twig thus held, and when the right place was reached, the forked twig would turn downwards, ...
— Life in Canada Fifty Years Ago • Canniff Haight

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