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Culpa   Listen
Culpa  n.  (Law) Negligence or fault, as distinguishable from dolus (deceit, fraud), which implies intent, culpa being imputable to defect of intellect, dolus to defect of heart.

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"Culpa" Quotes from Famous Books

... manner, and the free, somewhat challenging look of her black eyes, was reserved, unresponsive, stupid. I took a prejudice against her—I own it—and for that and other sins committed against a woman who would have been my friend if I would have let her, I say humbly, Mea culpa! ...
— The First Violin - A Novel • Jessie Fothergill

... war. In the midst of these troubles, and when it was hoped that the exhortation of his ministers would produce some effect, Chitsong died, leaving behind him a will or public proclamation to be issued after his death, and which reads like a long confession of fault. Mea culpa, exclaimed this Eastern ruler at the misfortunes of his people and the calamities of his realm, but he could not ...
— China • Demetrius Charles Boulger

... lumiosa. 66 E por minha triste sorte & diabolicas maldades violentas estou mais morta que a morte, sem deporte, carregada de vaydades pe[c,]onhentas. [p] Sou a triste, sem meezinha, peccadora abstinada perfiosa, pella triste culpa minha mui mesquinha a todo mal inclinada & deleytosa. 68 Desterrey da minha mente os meus perfeytos arreos naturaes, nam me prezey de prudente mas contente me gozey com os trajos feos mundanaes. [p] Cada passo me perdi em lugar de ...
— Four Plays of Gil Vicente • Gil Vicente

... plerumque coeunt absque culpa, licet contingat semen extra vas effundi; id enim per accidens fit ex infirmitate naturae. Quod si vires adeo sint fractae ut nulla sit seminandi intra vas spes, jam nequeunt jure conjugii ...
— The Priest, The Woman And The Confessional • Father Chiniquy

... pardoned. John Grey punished it after one fashion; by declining to allude to it, or to think of it, or to take any account of it. And now Lady Midlothian had punished it after another fashion, and Alice went out of the Countess's presence with sundry inward exclamations of "mea culpa," and with many ...
— Can You Forgive Her? • Anthony Trollope

... building on such a weighty basis as that on which Lady Boyd had for long been building, Rutherford was quite safe to lay weighty and unusual comforts on her mind and on her heart. 'Christ has a use for all your corruptions,' he says to her, to her surprise and to her comfort. 'Beata culpa,' cried Augustine; and 'Felix culpa,' cried Gregory. 'My sins have in a manner done me more good than my graces,' said holy Mr. Fox. 'I find advantages of my sins,' said that most spiritually-minded of men, ...
— Samuel Rutherford - and some of his correspondents • Alexander Whyte

... much of his account from San Antonio; but in this case he inserts no, without any apparent justification. San Antonio says, y oblige a culpa mortal su observacia (ante, p. 128); and Delgado, cuya observancia no obliga a culpa moral (the last word ...
— The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 (Vol 28 of 55) • Various

... says the chaplain. "It was mea culpa, mea maxima—no, mea minima culpa, only the rehearsal of an old game at piquet, which we had ...
— The Virginians • William Makepeace Thackeray

... Nox signa per horridas Diffundat auras, et benigna Luna face imminuat tenebras: Sic prima caecam gens hominum tulit Ignara vitam: regna nec Elysi Novere nec valles opacas Tartareae timuere sedis; Non spes futuri, non reverentia Coelestis aulae; culpa piaculis Vacavit, Eleique luci Fatidicae siluere frondes: Donec reclusa caelicolum domo, Jussu parentis, dicitur huc cohors Venisse Musarum, capillos Castalia redimita lauro, Sacramque qui Delum et Pataram regit, Cyrrhaeque turres: ...
— Gustavus Vasa - and other poems • W. S. Walker

... come from yourselves," roundly replied the Englishman, "for you refuse to do what in reason and law you are bound to do. And the more demands the more 'mora aut potius culpa' in you. You, of all men, have least cause to hold such language, who so confidently and even disdainfully answered our demand for the commission, in Mr. Cecil's presence, and promised to show a perfect ...
— The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1555-1566 • John Lothrop Motley

... kick or blow: from the words mea culpa, being that part of the popish liturgy at which the people beat their breasts; or, as the vulgar term is, thump ...
— 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue • Captain Grose et al.

... molestissime ferre debent homines quae ipsorum culpa contracta sunt, men ought to chafe most over those things which have been brought about by their own fault (as opposed to ...
— New Latin Grammar • Charles E. Bennett

... aCudir a Rescatar al otro con la mitad del precio qe conciertan y El preso queda libre ansi de la deuda, de la conpania Como del Rescate qe despues se le da, y No es obligado a pagar nada y si El que lleua El dinero se pierde por Culpa suya jugandolo o gastandolo con mugeres, esta obligado a pagar, Al Conpanero la Cantidad qe le dio y quedan obligados El y sus hijos a la paga y si la cantidad es tanta qe No alcancan conqe pagar dentro del tienpo qe se Conciertan, queda por Esclauo del otro ...
— The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803, Volume V., 1582-1583 • Various

... a new experience for myself and people. Ah me! what a sting of compunction in all the honeyed delights of that glorious morning, to think that for all these years I had been pastor there. Well, never mind; mea maxima culpa! Ignosce, Domine! ...
— My New Curate • P.A. Sheehan

... had granted the declaration of Breda. He had conceded to England oblivion of the period in which the son of the Huntingdon brewer placed his foot on the neck of Louis XIV. England said its mea culpa, and breathed again. The cup of joy was, as we have just said, full; gibbets for the regicides adding to the universal delight. A restoration is a smile; but a few gibbets are not out of place, and satisfaction is due to the conscience of the public. ...
— The Man Who Laughs • Victor Hugo

... vengeance. The misery and disaster that surround us like a cloak are the penalty of our crimes and the price of our expiation. As the divine St. Thomas has said: Deus est auctor mali quod est poena, non autem mali quod est culpa. There is a certain quantity of wrong done over the face of the world; therefore the great Judge exacts a proportionate quantity of punishment. The total amount of evil suffered makes nice equation with the total amount of evil done; the extent of ...
— Critical Miscellanies (Vol. 2 of 3) - Essay 4: Joseph de Maistre • John Morley

... or ellys by some certeyn temptacyons of the fende," &c. The original of the passage runs thus: "Frequenter enim (ut inquiebat) contingit animae Deum amanti quod fervor mentalis, vel ex divina providentia, vel ex aliquali culpa, vel ex haustis adinventionibus inimici, tepescit, et quandoque quasi ad frigiditatem usque deducitur" (Legenda ...
— The Cell of Self-Knowledge - Seven Early English Mystical Treaties • Various

... velo negro cre ver el rostro del que fue mi amigo, del que dej de serlo... no por culpa ma. ...
— Heath's Modern Language Series: Mariucha • Benito Perez Galdos

... frequent, and were put down with great severity. "The poor Low-Bretons collect by forty or fifty in the fields," writes Madame de Sevigne on the 24th of September, 1675: "as soon as they see soldiers, they throw themselves on their knees, saying, Mea culpa! all the French they know.. ...
— A Popular History of France From The Earliest Times - Volume V. of VI. • Francois Pierre Guillaume Guizot

... cigueenal, crank-shaft compania de ferrocarril, railway company con manchas, (designs)—spot con puntitas, con bolitas, (designs) spot contestar, to answer, to reply cuadritos, (designs) checks cuenta simulada, pro forma account culpa, blame, fault dano, damage, injury, breakdown de buena tinta, from a good source derecho, right duda, doubt equivocarse, to be mistaken existencias, stocks of goods expedidor, sender fecha de, dated listados, ...
— Pitman's Commercial Spanish Grammar (2nd ed.) • C. A. Toledano

... vowche yow Awnswere directly.s. yow mean as you may direct me Awnswere me shortly.s. yea that yow may coment vpon it. The cases will come together.s. It wilbe to fight then. Audistis quia dictum est antiquis Secundum hominem dico Et quin[18] non novit talia? Hoc praetexit nomine culpa Et fuit in toto notissima fabula celo Quod quidam facit Nee nihil neque omnia sunt quae dicit Facete nunc demum nata ista est oratio Qui mal intend pis respond Tum decujt cum sceptra dabas En haec promissa fides est? Proteges eos in tabernaculo tuo ...
— Bacon is Shake-Speare • Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence

... parent did not provide a husband for his daughter, by the time she arrived at the age of twenty five, and she afterwards made a slip in her conduct, he was not allowed to disinherit her upon that account; "quia non sua culpa, sed ...
— Commentaries on the Laws of England - Book the First • William Blackstone

... him who would love Calderon without making a deep study of his works, these are sufficiently characteristic of his genius at its highest. The reader in search of wider vistas should add to these 'Los Encantos de la Culpa' (The Sorceries of Sin), and 'The Great Theatre of the World,' the theme of which is that of Jacques's famous speech ...
— Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern, Vol. 7 • Various

... have gone to her daughter then, and begged for forgiveness. Instead she sat on before the dying fire, shivering without knowing it, sometimes unconsciously beating her breast with her hand, as Catholics beat their breasts during the mass, when they murmur, "Mea culpa, mea culpa." ...
— Kildares of Storm • Eleanor Mercein Kelly

... ingenious, but because, within three days after they had appeared in print, the moralist who wrote them, walking home with a friend, heard a story about another friend, which story he straightway believed, and which story was scarcely more true than that sausage fable which is here set down. O mea culpa, mea maxima culpa! But though the preacher trips, shall not the doctrine be good? Yea, brethren! Here be the rods. Look you, here are the scourges. Choose me a nice, long, swishing, buddy one, light and well-poised in the handle, thick and bushy at the ...
— English Satires • Various

... "Mea Culpa!" said Zulka, suddenly remembering his grievous breach of decorum, turning now to bow deeply with a humility which seemed but half sincere. Of course Trusia forgave him for she seemed vastly pleased with the favorable ...
— Trusia - A Princess of Krovitch • Davis Brinton

... Innocence. — N. innocence; guiltlessness &c. adj.; incorruption, impeccability. clean hands, clear conscience, mens sibi conscia recti [Lat][Vergil]. innocent, lamb, dove. V. be innocent &c. adj; nil conscire sibi nulla pallescere culpa [Lat][Horace]. acquit &c. 970; exculpate &c. (vindicate) 937. Adj. innocent, not guilty; unguilty[obs3]; guiltless, faultless, sinless, stainless, bloodless, spotless; clear, immaculate; rectus in curia[Lat]; unspotted, unblemished, ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

... at Prince's Hall, Mr. Whistler made his first public appearance as a lecturer on Art.... There were some arrows ... shot off ... and (O, mea culpa!) at dress reformers most of all.... That an artist will find beauty in ugliness, le beau dans l'horrible, is now a commonplace of the schools.... I differ entirely from Mr. Whistler. An Artist is not an isolated fact; ...
— The Gentle Art of Making Enemies • James McNeill Whistler

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