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Delph   Listen
Delph  n.  Delftware. "Five nothings in five plates of delph."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Delph" Quotes from Famous Books

... aliquid, quod esset libero dignum? Quis denique in publico vidit? Cum collegae tui domus cantu et cymbalis personaret; cumque ipse nudus in convivio saltaret, in quo ne tum quidem, cum illum suum SALTATORIUM VERSARET ORBEM, FORTUNAE ROTAM pertimescebat. Oratio in Pisonem, prima pars, s. 22. Delph. edit. ...
— A Dialogue Concerning Oratory, Or The Causes Of Corrupt Eloquence • Cornelius Tacitus

... Street, he pointed out to Mrs. Carbuncle sundry articles which he had seen in the bedroom on the Saturday. "But, my dear Sir Griffin,—that's of course," said Mrs. Carbuncle. "Oh;—that's of course, is it?" said Sir Griffin, turning up his nose again. "Where did that Delph bowl come from?" "It is one of Mortlock's finest Etruscan vases," said Mrs. Carbuncle. "Oh,—I thought that Etruscan vases came from—from somewhere in Greece or Italy," said Sir Griffin. "I declare that you are shocking," said Mrs. Carbuncle, ...
— The Eustace Diamonds • Anthony Trollope

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