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English Dictionary      examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

Doggoned   Listen
doggoned, doggone  adj.  Damned; confounded; used as an expression of displeasure; as, I wish those doggone telemarketers would quit calling at suppertime. (Informal)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Doggoned" Quotes from Famous Books

... Miss Rema. What good can you do, miss, by making of a rout? Here you be in as quiet a place as you could find, and all of us likes and pities you. Your father was a wise man to settle you here in this enlightened continent. Let the doggoned old folk t'other side of the world think out their own flustrations. A female young American you are now, and a very fine specimen you will grow. 'Tis the finest thing to ...
— Erema - My Father's Sin • R. D. Blackmore

... hell-talk, but I see I can't kill you—you're such a poor, miserable cuss. And I thought you were a big strong man, handy with a gun and all that, and like as not I'd have to make a quick draw on you when the time come. And now look at you! Why, Mister, I'm doggoned if I ain't almost sorry for you! You sure have been getting your deservance good and plenty. Say, what in God's name did you all do such a hellish ...
— The Lions of the Lord - A Tale of the Old West • Harry Leon Wilson

... again, kid," admitted Old Bunk mournfully, "I'm sure sorry I made you that talk. But I was so doggoned sore at that pardner of yours that I kinder went out ...
— Silver and Gold - A Story of Luck and Love in a Western Mining Camp • Dane Coolidge

... can't take a mite of advice. I was tellin' him how to go to work on that bung that's formed between the gre't gray rock an' the shore,—the awfullest place to bung that there is between this an' Biddeford,—and says he: 'Look here, I've be'n boss on this river for twelve year, an' I'll be doggoned if I'm goin' to be taught my business by any man!' 'This ain't no river,' says I, 'as you'd know,' says I, 'if you'd ever lived on the Kennebec.' 'Pity you hed n't stayed on it,' says he. 'I wish to the land I hed,' says I. An' then I come away, for my tongue's so turrible spry an' sarcustic ...
— Homespun Tales • Kate Douglas Wiggin

... You'n Tom think I do everything mean on this ranch! You think Lance is an angel! He's your pet and you let him pick on me an' you never say a word. Lance can do any darn thing he pleases, an' so can Al. I'm goin' to run away, first thing you know. You can have your sweet little angel pet of a doggone ole cowardly-calf Lance!" Then he whined, "Aw—you lemme go! I never done it, I tell yuh! It ...
— Rim o' the World • B. M. Bower

... "Well, doggone, if that isn't the limit! All right. Don't get mad. I'll do it." The young gentleman leisurely ascended to the top of the stepladder and fell into line ...
— Jane Cable • George Barr McCutcheon

... unless he was astraddle of an eagle er somethin' like that," declared the other, grinning. "An' even then he'd have to be flyin' purty doggone high ef I couldn't see him. Nope. I guess he took to the woods, Mr. Gwynne, for one reason er 'nother,—an' it must ha' been a mighty good reason, 'cause from what I know about Barry Lapelle he allus knows which way ...
— Viola Gwyn • George Barr McCutcheon

... got angry: "Doggone it! you will have the marriage contract. That is the best kind ...
— Une Vie, A Piece of String and Other Stories • Guy de Maupassant

... shouted the Earl in alarm, "you mustn't think of doing that! I couldn't get along without you and Harrigan, the butler. Doggone it, Inspector," he added, as that personage slowly and painfully arose from the floor and brushed himself off, "now you have done it. Offended the chef,—and the best chef in the whole country, too! You'd better go outside, and take a walk for your ...
— The Adventures of the Eleven Cuff-Buttons • James Francis Thierry

... there was such fun at funerals" he soliloquized while returning from the cemetery. He bit a large piece out of his "chewing" and gazed around him. "Doggone it" he muttered, "if this ain't the worst town in California for killin's. I never did see such a one-horse camp with such a big potter's field. If I wasn't a inquisitive old hunks I'd get out of such a pesky hole P. D. Q. I wouldn't ...
— The Long Chance • Peter B. Kyne

... so doggone good himself that he has to pry into other people's business and get them in wrong. It beats me how he ever got to be a captain—a prim ...
— The Search • Grace Livingston Hill

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