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Encore   Listen
Encore  n.  A call or demand (as, by continued applause) for a repetition; as, the encores were numerous.

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"Encore" Quotes from Famous Books

... twice, and I must have the same pleasure before I go to bed. Singers and musicians pass into the next room. Cimarosa will come, too, and preside at the banquet prepared for you. When you have had sufficient rest, we will begin again. I encore the whole opera, and in the mean while let us applaud ...
— Great Italian and French Composers • George T. Ferris

... of Dickens that his characters repeat themselves quite misses the mark. As well object to an actor that he frequently responds to an encore. If indicted for the offense, he could at least insist that the audience be indicted with him ...
— Humanly Speaking • Samuel McChord Crothers

... Bourrienne is his place of secretary to Napoleon, and who remained attached to the Emperor until the end, says of Josephine (tome i. p. 227), "Josephine was irresistibly attractive. Her beauty was not regular, but she had 'La grace, plus belle encore que la beaute', according to the good La Fontaine. She had the soft abandonment, the supple and elegant movements, and the graceful carelessness of the creoles.—(The reader must remember that the term "Creole" does not imply any ...
— The Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte • Bourrienne, Constant, and Stewarton

... faut avoir." I sang the phrase over again, trying to imagine what Medje's lover must have felt; but I could not satisfy Delsarte. He said my voice ought to tremble; and, in fact, I ought to sing false when I say, "Ton image encore vivante dans mon coeur qui ne bat plus." "No one," he said, "in such a moment of emotion could keep on the right note." I tried again, in vain! If I had had a dagger in my hand and a brigand before me, I might perhaps have ...
— In the Courts of Memory 1858-1875. • L. de Hegermann-Lindencrone

... fall. The enemy retired. Next morning Du Guesclin, on his return to Pontorson, met Felton and his party, attacked them, and took them prisoners. When Typhaine saw Felton, she tauntingly exclaimed, "Comment, brave Felton, vous voila encore! C'est trop pour un homme de coeur comme vous d'etre battu, dans une intervalle de douze heures, une fois par la soeur, une autre par le frere." Du Guesclin caused the faithless "chambrieres" to be sewed up in sacks and ...
— Brittany & Its Byways • Fanny Bury Palliser

... had never heard her reach this pitch before. The audience listened as if spell-bound, and, when the last note died away, broke into a storm of applause. There was no question about their enthusiasm, and an encore was inevitable. They stamped heartily, indeed, for a second encore, but Mrs. Fleming refused to return to the platform, and sent on the next performer instead. The "Ballade in A flat", in the second part of the ...
— A harum-scarum schoolgirl • Angela Brazil

... et vos interets le permettront, vous vous occuperez toujours du bien de la Grece; vous lui serez toujours utile partout ou vous vous trouverez; mais si vous voulez lui etre utile plus directement, revenez encore au milieu d'un peuple qui vous connait et qui vous aime, et son gouvernement se hatera de vous mettre a meme de lui rendre ...
— The Life of Thomas, Lord Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald, Vol. II • Thomas Lord Cochrane

... grandes langues du Nouveau Monde [the Iroquois and the Algonkin] etaient tres claires, tres precises, exprimant avec facilite non seulement les relations exterieures des idees, mais encore leur relations metaphysiques. C'est ce qu' out commence de demontrer mes premiers chapitres de grammaire, et ce qu'achevera de faire voir ce que je vais dire sur les verbes."—Rev. M. Cuoq, Jugement Errone de M. Ernest Renan sur les Langues Sauvages. p. ...
— Aboriginal American Authors • Daniel G. Brinton

... soit par rapport a ceux qui sont contraints d'en employer les victimes, existe dans toute l'etendue des deux Louisianes. Il ne seroit pas facile de determiner pendant combien d'annees la partie septentrionale en aura besoin; mais on peut assurer qu'il doit exister bien des siecles encore dans le Midi si le Gouvernement veut y encourager l'agriculture, qui est son unique ressource. Les Negres seuls peuvent se livrer aux travaux dans ces climats brulans: le Blanc qui y perit jeune malgre toutes sortes ...
— The Journal of Negro History, Volume 2, 1917 • Various

... learning, for the first time, sorrow. This was Clara Wieck, who was already electrifying the most serious critics and captivating the most cultured audiences by the maturity of her art, already winning an encore with a Bach fugue,—an unheard-of miracle. As Wieck wrote in the diary, which he and his daughter kept together, "This marked a new era in piano music." At the age of twelve, she played with absolute mastery the ...
— The Love Affairs of Great Musicians, Volume 2 • Rupert Hughes

... shopkeeper, whose throbbing ear Aches with orchestras which he pays to hear, Whom shame, not sympathy, forbids to snore, His anguish doubled by his own 'encore!' Squeezed in 'Fop's Alley,' jostled by the beaux, Teased with his hat, and trembling for his toes, Scarce wrestles through the night, nor tastes of ease Till the dropp'd curtain gives a glad release: Why this and ...
— Life of Lord Byron, Vol. II - With His Letters and Journals • Thomas Moore

... montagne, qu'on appelle la Plaine des Caffres, ou l'on trouve un gros oiseau bleu, dont la couleur est fort eclatante. Il ressemble a un pigeon ramier; il vole rarement, et toujours en rasant la terre, mais il marche avec une vitesse surprenante; les habitans ne lui ont point encore donne d'autre nom que celui d'oiseau bleu; sa chair est assez ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 22., Saturday, March 30, 1850 • Various

... cannot do everything. But I pledge myself to keep this Freethought flag flying at every hazard, and if I am temporarily disabled I pledge myself to unfurl it again, and if need be again, and again. De l'audace, et encore de l'audace, et toujours ...
— Prisoner for Blasphemy • G. W. [George William] Foote

... well till de fall come along, An' Joe got to go on de bush encore, But w'en he come back he sing no song, For dere was two leetle baby more. Now he 's los' hees life too, All on account of de wife too, An' I know you 'll be sorry 'bout dat poor feller, I know you 'll be ...
— The Voyageur and Other Poems • William Henry Drummond

... of blue woollen wristlets, which she kept wrapped up in a towel and gave to the wardrobe woman to hold when she went on. One night there was a quicker call than usual, owing to Ada Howard's failing to get her usual encore for her waltz song, and Brady hurried them. The wardrobe woman was not in sight, so Agnes handed her novel and her knitting to M'Gee and said: "Will you hold these for me until I come off?" She looked at him for the first time as she handed him the things, ...
— Van Bibber and Others • Richard Harding Davis

... refaite, a grand meschief est ruinee et chue jusqu'en terre, avec la closture et tout le dortoir ars, ensemble nos biens et nos lits.... De plus sommes endettez en Cour de Rome pour les finances dez Abbez qu'avons eus en brief temps; et devons encore a plusieurs persones de grosses sommes de deniers que n'avons pu, et ne pouvons encore acquitter; dont c'est pitie.... finalement pour paier 10 livres sur les 56 livres demandees par le Receveur, avons engage nos Calices ...
— Architectural Antiquities of Normandy • John Sell Cotman

... fortunate, perhaps, that minuets have gone out of fashion, if they involved such a test of endurance as that in which Claude Duval and his fair captive now disport themselves with an amount of bodily exertion it seems real cruelty to encore. His concluding caper shakes the mask from his partner's face, and the young lady falls, with a shriek, into his arms, leaving the audience in that happy state of perplexity, which so enhances the interest of a plot, as to whether her distress originates ...
— M. or N. "Similia similibus curantur." • G.J. Whyte-Melville

... avocat n'a pas droit a un honoraire pour prix de ses travaux. Jamais on n'a refuse d'en allouer a ceux qui en ont reclame. Dans plusieurs barreaux, ces reclamations sont meme tolerees. Mais le barreau de Paris s'est montre plus severe; et non seulement autrefois, mais encore aujourd'hui, tout avocat a la cour qui actionnerait un client en paiement d'honoraires serait raye du tableau. Du reste, s'il est defendu d'exiger, il est permis de recevoir tout ce que le client veut bien assigner pour prix aux services ...
— An Essay on Professional Ethics - Second Edition • George Sharswood

... l'entre-croisement monstrueux des tonnerres; il entend, comme un rale au fond d'une tombe, la clameur vague de la bataille-fantome; ces ombres, ce sont les grenadiers; ces lueurs, ce sont les cuirassiers; . . . tout cela n'est plus et se heurte et combat encore; et les ravins s'empourprent, et les arbres frissonnent, et il y a de la furie jusque dans les nuees, et, dans les tenebres, toutes ces hauteurs farouches, Mont-Saint Jean, Hougomont, Frischemont, Papelotte, Plancenoit, apparaissent confusement ...
— Ponkapog Papers • Thomas Bailey Aldrich

... of this, a friend has kindly sent me the following extract from Balzac:—"Historiquement, les paysans sont encore au lendemain de la Jacquerie, leur defaite est restee inscrite dans leur cervelle. Ils ne se souviennent plus du fait, il est passe a l'etat ...
— Evolution, Old & New - Or, the Theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck, - as compared with that of Charles Darwin • Samuel Butler

... la sagacite de votre Majeste; et votre Majeste pourra toujours compter sur la loyaute et la franchise du Gouvernement Anglais. Et si votre Majeste avait jamais une communication a nous faire sur des idees non encore assez muries pour etre le sujet de Depeches Officielles, je m'estimerais tres honore en recevant une telle communication de ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume III (of 3), 1854-1861 • Queen of Great Britain Victoria

... les terrains en pente, compris entre la mer et les montagnes sont l'ancien rivage de la mer, on doit supposer, pour l'ensemble, un exhaussement que ce ne serait pas moindre de deux cent metres; il faudrait supposer encore que ce soulevement n'a point ete graduel;...mais qu'il resulterait d'une seule et meme cause fortuite," etc. Now, on this view, when the sea was forming the beach at the foot of the mountains, many shells ...
— South American Geology - also: - Title: Geological Observations On South America • Charles Darwin

... also have been most unpatriotic in preferring endless repetition of dry foreign arias to fresh compositions from home. The little encore song, which generally appeared anonymously, was the opening wedge for ...
— Contemporary American Composers • Rupert Hughes

... coughed—'d'un vieillard qui vous veut du bien. Je vous ai recommand mon frre et je ne doute pas qu'il ne respecte mes volonts....' He coughed again, and anxiously felt his chest. 'Du reste, j'espre encore pouvoir faire quelque chose pour vous... dans mon testament.' This last phrase cut me to the heart, like a knife. Ah, it was really too... too contemptuous and insulting! Ivan Matveitch probably ascribed to ...
— The Jew And Other Stories • Ivan Turgenev

... that secret sap there. Then we landed 'em a dirty one, and bombed their blanky souls to hell. They didn't half squeal. Not content with one dose, the silly blanks came on again, and we had a bloomin' encore. Well, old man, I suppose the poor devils 'll have sorrowing harems. 'Spose my poor old mater'd drop on me if she knew I was rejoicin' over the fallen. Anyhow it's what we're here for, and they oughter keep out of our way if they don't want to ...
— The Tale of a Trooper • Clutha N. Mackenzie

... much with him. Immediately he brightened from his complaint and demanded that I do it once more. And lately, when a puppy bounced out of the house next door and, losing its footing, rolled heels over head to the bottom of the steps, at once he pleaded for an encore. To him all the world's ...
— Chimney-Pot Papers • Charles S. Brooks

... de vous recevoir dimanche prochain rue Racine 3. C'est le seul jour que je puisse passer chez moi, et encore je n'en suis pas absolument certaine. Mais j'y ferai tellement mon possible, que ma bonne etoile m'y ...
— The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Volume II • Elizabeth Barrett Browning

... toute particuliere de pouvoir vous en donner aujourdhui un gage solennel. Je vous felicite de l'avantage remporte le 7 de ce mois par une partie de votre escadre; et vous devez etre bien persuade, qu'il ajoute encore au prix que j'attache a vos efforts pour assurer la defense des cotes de la Suede. Et sur ce je prie Dieu qu'il vous ait, Monsieur le Vice-amiral de Saumarez en sa sainte et ...
— Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral Lord de Saumarez. Vol II • Sir John Ross

... was ready to be placated. It gave cordial hearing and warm favour to the singer of Scottish melodies—it even played into Mr. Concert-Director Weiss's hands by according the local singer an encore. But when he had finally retired there was another wait, a longer one which lengthened unduly, a note of impatience sounded from the gallery; it was taken up elsewhere. And suddenly Weiss came again upon the platform—this ...
— The Rayner-Slade Amalgamation • J. S. Fletcher

... presente quelquefois une lecture interessante. Nous en copiames quelques pages. Le morceau le plus digne d'etre conserve est sans doute l'Ode latine suivante du celebre poete anglais Gray. Je ne crois pas qu'elle ait ete publiee encore." ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 62, January 4, 1851 • Various

... discovered in Vienna, where she was fined fifty florins for violating the law which forbids the recognition of applause. It seems cruel to mulct a pretty prima donna for condescending to acknowledge an encore. ...
— Lippincott's Magazine, December 1878 • Various

... very insecure foundation; but she is full of hope and confidence, and to me her love is the faith that moveth mountains. We have, as you may be sure, a thousand difficulties in our way, but like Danton I take for my motto, "De l'audace et encore de l'audace et toujours de l'audace," and look forward to a ...
— The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley Volume 1 • Leonard Huxley

... so?" he said. "I think her grace is her strong point, 'la grace encore plus belle que la beaute,' and longer-lived beside. Few women move as she does, making it a pleasure to follow her with the eyes. And her height and suppleness: at ...
— Richard Vandermarck • Miriam Coles Harris

... conducted, as usual, by the herdsmen into a hollowed pine-trunk I stooped to it and drank deeply: as I raised my head, drawing breath heavily, some one behind me said, "Celui qui boira de cette eau-ci, aura encore soif." I turned, not understanding for the moment what was meant; and saw one of the hill-peasants, probably returning to his chalet from the market-place at Vevay or Villeneuve. As I looked at him with an uncomprehending expression, he went on with the ...
— Modern Painters, Volume IV (of V) • John Ruskin

... rehearsing his mishaps, he says: "After all, of what use is such information to you? You can say with confidence, changing the mot of Louis XIV, 'L'orchestre, c'est moi; le chour, c'est moi; le chef c'est encore moi.' My piano-forte sings, dreams, explodes, resounds; it defies the flight of the most skillful forms; it has, like the orchestra, its brazen harmonies; like it, and without the least preparation, it can give to the evening breeze its cloud of fairy chords and ...
— Great Violinists And Pianists • George T. Ferris

... etudes et d'une vie innocente autant qu'on la puisse mener, et malgre tout ce qu'on m'avoit pu dire, la peur de l'Enfer m'agitoit encore. Souvent je me demandois—En quel etat suis-je? Si je mourrois a l'instant meme, serois-je damne? Selon mes Jansenistes, [he had been reading the books of the Port Royal,] la chose est indubitable: mais, selon ma conscience, ...
— Narrative And Miscellaneous Papers • Thomas De Quincey

... last gleaming" for some weeks when the regiment marched past the gate again. I must tell you the truth,—the first man who attempted to cry "Vivent les Etats-Unis" was hushed by a cry of "Attendez-patience— pas encore," and the line swung by. That was all right. I could afford to smile,—and, at this stage of the game, to wait. You are always telling me what a "patient man" Wilson is. I don't deny ...
— On the Edge of the War Zone - From the Battle of the Marne to the Entrance of the Stars and Stripes • Mildred Aldrich

... the rooms are gay with flowers. Almost always a phonograph is going, "Carmen," or "Onegin," or "Pagliacci." Sometimes, Peter and I one-step to the music on the pavement outside, and the officers and nurses crowd to the windows and clap and cry, "Encore!" Often, after sundown, when the children have gone indoors, and we go out for a walk before dinner, we see a patient with a bandage around his head, perhaps, but both arms well enough to be clasping a pretty nurse in them. They laugh and we laugh. There is no cynicism about ...
— Trapped in 'Black Russia' - Letters June-November 1915 • Ruth Pierce

... m'assurant que le droit etait le meme pour tous, et que les auteurs americains ne pouvaient conceder de privilege a qui que ce fut. Forte de cette assurance, je me mis a l'oeuvre, mais j'avoue que j'eus besoin d'encouragements reiteres pour mener mon travail a bonne fin. Encore un mot d'explication, si vous le permittez, Madame. Je ne suis pas mere, mais je suis tante; j'ai vu naitre mes neveux et nieces, je les ai berces dans mes bras, j'ai veille sur leurs premiers pas, j'ai observe ...
— The Life and Letters of Elizabeth Prentiss • George L. Prentiss

... her bouquet to her face again, and laughed into it, not displeased. She made no other comment, and for another period neither spoke. Meanwhile the music stopped; loud applause insisted upon its renewal; an encore was danced; there was an interlude of voices; and ...
— The Magnificent Ambersons • Booth Tarkington

... in a wailing baritone, taking an imaginary encore by bowing a head picturesquely adorned with a crop of excelsior curls, accumulated during his activities in ...
— Outside Inn • Ethel M. Kelley

... himself construct and he may alter it at will; the costumes and personal appearance of the characters are the creations of his own mind; his thunder has no metallic sound and his lightning always flashes. He may bring his favorites back with many an encore and may show his disapproval with hisses that would drown the gallery. He may linger over the passages he loves and find new encouragement in his defeats and ever fresh joys for his hours of gloom. He is never hurried: ...
— Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 10 - The Guide • Charles Herbert Sylvester

... effect of this remedy is, to send him into a sound sleep during the whole of the two o'clock anatomical lecture; and awakened at its close by the applause of the students, he thinks he is still at the Cyder-cellars, and cries out "Encore!" ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 1, October 16, 1841 • Various

... et de toute theorie, nous montre comment la nature peut produire la disposition fondamentale du type vertebre (l'existence d'une corde dorsale) chez un invertebre par la seule condition vitale de l'adaptation, et cette simple possibilite du passage supprime l'abime entre les deux sous-regnes, encore bien qu'en ignore par ou le passage s'est fait en realite.") We should then be justified in believing that at an extremely remote period a group of animals existed, resembling in many respects the larvae of ...
— The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex • Charles Darwin

... frequently looked at her husband. Wilfrid did not notice it, he was absorbed in listening. Towards the end Emily, too, lost thought of everything save the magic with which the air was charged. There was vociferous demand for an encore ...
— A Life's Morning • George Gissing

... thought as she waited her turn, "It's only for ten minutes! And an encore if they ...
— Little Miss By-The-Day • Lucille Van Slyke

... cet effet en chaque piscine, comme en peut voir encore a une infinite d'autels, deux conduits, ou canaux, pour faire ecouler l'eau, l'un pour recevoir l'eau qui avoit servi au lavement des mains, l'autre pour celle qui avoit servi au purification ou perfusion du chalice."—De Vert, Explication des Ceremonies ...
— The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, Elucidated by Question and Answer, 4th ed. • Matthew Holbeche Bloxam

... months, and renewed my acquaintance with Jasmin and his dark-eyed wife. I did not expect that I should be recognised; but the moment I entered the little shop I was hailed as an old friend. "Ah!" cried Jasmin, "enfin la voila encore!" I could not but be flattered by this recollection, but soon found it was less on my own account that I was thus welcomed, than because a circumstance had occurred to the poet which he thought I could perhaps explain. He produced several French newspapers, in which he pointed ...
— Barn and the Pyrenees - A Legendary Tour to the Country of Henri Quatre • Louisa Stuart Costello

... ce que vous chrissiez tant ces souvenirs, et que, de l'avis et avec l'assistance de Lord Dufferin, vous ayez rsolu de faire tout ce qui est en votre pouvoir, non seulement pour conserver ce qui rappelle au voyageur vos jours de gloire, mais encore pour embellir le plus possible la prcieuse relique qui vous a t lgue en votre ...
— Memories of Canada and Scotland - Speeches and Verses • John Douglas Sutherland Campbell

... dismasted frigates in a gale; and I may look so. But ere I break, ye'll hear me crack; and till ye hear that, know that Ahab's hawser tows his purpose yet. Believe ye, men, in the things called omens? Then laugh aloud, and cry encore! For ere they drown, drowning things will twice rise to the surface; then rise again, to sink for evermore. So with Moby Dick—two days he's floated—to-morrow will be the third. Aye, men, he'll rise once more,—but only to spout his last! D'ye ...
— Great Sea Stories • Various

... unhappiness, had reacted disastrously on her work. It must be so. Her own judgment she might have doubted, but the word of her teacher—no. She had to succeed, she had to justify herself, to justify de Myeres. "Travaillez, travaillez, et puis encore travaillez," she murmured, as she had heard him say a hundred times, and tore the sketch across and across, tossing the pieces into a large wicker basket. With a little shrug she turned to the tea table beside which Mouston was sitting up in eager expectation, watching the dancing ...
— The Shadow of the East • E. M. Hull

... your shooting! Come to breakfast!" Cried the gallant Commodore. "After eating we will let them Have a rousing old encore. Stow your lanyards, O my Jackies; Let the ...
— Cobwebs from a Library Corner • John Kendrick Bangs

... his father try the piano on the day of its arrival, and draw from it a little rain of arpeggios like the drops that a puff of wind shakes from the wet branches of a tree after a shower. He clapped his hands, and cried "Encore!" but Melchior scornfully closed the piano, saying that it was worthless. Jean-Christophe did not insist, but after that he was always hovering about the instrument. As soon as no one was near he would raise the ...
— Jean-Christophe, Vol. I • Romain Rolland

... Vapid. Bravo! encore, encore—it is the very best sentiment I ever heard—say it again, pray say it again—I'll take it down, and blend it with the incident, and you shall be gratified, one day or other, with seeing the whole ...
— The Dramatist; or Stop Him Who Can! - A Comedy, in Five Acts • Frederick Reynolds

... des exagerations de Lamarck, si l'on suppose un premier type de chaque genre, de chaque famille tout au moins, on se trouve encore a l'egard de l'origine de ces types en presence de la grande question ...
— Darwin and Modern Science • A.C. Seward and Others

... in any Claude in existence. I know many pictures which had that hue, but they have been so daubed and retouched that they are no longer the same. He showed me the Episodes. One begins, "Mes malheurs, O Caliphe sont encore plus grands que les votres, aussi bien que mes crimes, tu a ete trompe en ecoutant un navis malheureux; mais moi, pour me desobir d'une amitie la plus tendre, je suis precipite dans ce ...
— Recollections of the late William Beckford - of Fonthill, Wilts and Lansdown, Bath • Henry Venn Lansdown

... Tom, as he dropped into his seat. "It was the finest 'break-down' you ever saw! That one next but one to Bones kept it up best. We couldn't get an encore out of them. Never mind; perhaps they'll have another to finish up. There's ...
— Roger Ingleton, Minor • Talbot Baines Reed

... or his sleeve. There was one boss dog, Joe, with a head like yours. Bob, they called him, and he did all his tricks alone. The Italian went off the stage, and the dog came on and made his bow, and climbed his ladders, and jumped his hurdles, and went off again. The audience howled for an encore, and didn't he come out alone, make another bow, and retire. I saw old Judge Brown wiping the tears from his eyes, he'd laughed so much. One of the last tricks was with a goat, and the Italian said it ...
— Beautiful Joe • Marshall Saunders

... A compte mes jours; Dans la cheminee Tu niches toujours. Je t'ecoute encore Aux froides saisons. Souvenir sonore Des ...
— Books and Habits from the Lectures of Lafcadio Hearn • Lafcadio Hearn

... cheered: "Oh, you Barnesy!" "Kill it, Kid!" "Whatcha know about dat!" "Sand it down, Barnesy!" The old-timer was doing the famous lock-step jig he had done with Pat Rooney in "Patrice" fifteen or twenty years before. It was so old that it was new. Encore followed encore. The perspiration cascaded through his pores; he grinned and winked and frisked and capered. They would not let him stop. At the end of twenty-five minutes he bowed himself off the stage, and ...
— McClure's Magazine, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, July 1908. • Various

... qui l'enveloppait laissait deviner encore dans ses yeux clairs et sur sa face camuse l'expressions d'audace craintive et de grace moqueuse qui y etait profondement empreinte. Nous echangions d'abord des souhaits solennels de bonne sante, de paix et ...
— Suspended Judgments - Essays on Books and Sensations • John Cowper Powys

... Moscou?" I began, and, on receiving an affirmative answer, continued. "Et moi, je n'ai encore jamais frequente la capitale" (with a particular emphasis on the word "frequente"). Yet I felt that, brilliant though this introduction might be as evidence of my profound knowledge of the French ...
— Childhood • Leo Tolstoy

... continued Mrs. Kirby with the finality and decision that usually accompany the admission. "People may tell me she has a fine voice, but I detest enormous contralto voices! What I suffered during the last thing she sang as an encore! And that final yell of 'Asthore'! at least an octave below her voice! I could only think of the bellow of the cow that jumped ...
— Mount Music • E. Oe. Somerville and Martin Ross

... in the majesty of character and expression, without which no man can act well the representation of royalty. Even a little more severity of aspect would have better suited the part, and rendered le grand couvert encore plus grand. ...
— Recollections of Europe • J. Fenimore Cooper

... impossible de nous defendre et nous supplions Votre Majeste de nous donner Son aide le plus tot possible. La bienveillance precieuse de Votre Majeste qui s'est manifestee tant de fois a notre egard nous fait esperer fermement que cette fois encore notre appel sera entendu par Son genereux ...
— Why We Are At War (2nd Edition, revised) • Members of the Oxford Faculty of Modern History

... on voit cet oiseau, qui porte le tonnere, Blesse par un serpent elance de la terre; Il s'envole, il entraine au sejour azure L'ennemi tortueux dont il est entoure. Le sang tombe des airs: il dechire, il devore Le reptile acharne, qui le combat encore; Il le perce, il le tient sous ses ongles vainqeurs, Par cent coups redoubles il venge ses douleurs; Le Monstre en expirant, se debat, se replie; Il exhale en poison le reste de sa vie; Et l'aigle tout sanglant, fier et victorieux, Le rejette en fureur, ...
— The Life of Hugo Grotius • Charles Butler

... powers," he seems to challenge us, "if he possessed such a gift?" Seated on a conspicuous perch, as if inviting attention to his performance, with uplifted head and drooping tail he repeats the one exultant, dashing air to which his repertoire is limited, without waiting for an encore. Much practice has given the notes a brilliancy of execution to be compared only with the mockingbird's; but in spite of the name "ferruginous mocking-bird" that Audubon gave him, he does not seem to have the faculty of imitating other birds' songs. Thoreau says the Massachusetts farmers, when ...
— Bird Neighbors • Neltje Blanchan

... tout artiste a l'ecole de qui nous pouvons nous mettre sans craindre que ses lecons on ses exemples nous fourvoient. Ou encore, c'est celui qui possede . . . des qualites dont l'imitation, si elle ne peut pas faire de bien, ne peut pas non plus faire de mal.—F. Brunetiere, "Etudes ...
— A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century • Henry A. Beers

... "Pas encore," said he in French, with a smile. "But, sisters, I have brought a stranger here, a young English officer, who was recently ...
— Tom Cringle's Log • Michael Scott

... things, but only to the mode of using them. It is not even correct to say that the property of an individual was limited by the duty of using it for the common good. As Rambaud puts it: 'Les devoirs de charite, d'equite naturelle, et de simple convenance sociale peuvent affecter, ou mieux encore, commander un certain usage de la richesse; mais ce n'est pas le meme chose que limiter la propriete.'[1] The community of user of the scholastics was distinguished from that of modern Socialists not less strongly by the motives which inspired it than by the effect it ...
— An Essay on Mediaeval Economic Teaching • George O'Brien

... transported, his surroundings melted and once more he was gazing at the glorious woman, his Venus, his Holda. The audience was completely shaken out of its fashionable immobility, and "superb," "bravo," "magnificent," "encore," "bis," were heard on all sides. Elizabeth alone remained mute. Her skin was the pallor of ivory, and into her glance came the look of a lovely fawn run down by ...
— Melomaniacs • James Huneker

... que M. Naigeon a consacr la mmoire de M. le Baron d'Holbach suffit pour donner une ide juste de ses lumires, mais le hasard m'a mis porte de les juger encore mieux. J'ai vu M. le Baron d'Holbach dans deux voyages que j'ai faits aux eaux de Contrexville. S'occuper de sa souffrance et de sa gurison, c'est le soin de chaque malade. M. le Baron d'Holbach devenait le mdecin, l'ami, le consolateur de quiconque venait aux eaux et il semblait bien moins ...
— Baron d'Holbach - A Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France • Max Pearson Cushing

... fanatical savagery: "Leur cruaute ne s'estendit pas seulement sur les personnes, mais sur les marbres et les anciennes statues. Les Lansquenets, qui nouvellement estoient imbus de la nouvelle Religion, et les Espagnols encore aussi bien que les autres, s'habilloient en Cardinaux et evesques en leur habits Pontificaux et se pourmenoient ...
— The Works of Lord Byron - Poetry, Volume V. • Lord Byron

... vouloir toujours imiter les Anglais; ceux-ci, a leur tour, commencent a en etre atteints." p. 19. A little farther it is thus: "Enfin c'est en imitant qu'on reussit presque toujours mal; vous en etes encore, une preuve evidente. J'ai vu en beaucoup d'endroits de votre Lettre, que vous avez voulu imiter Sterne;[4] qu'est-il arrive? Vous etes reste au-dessous de lui, comme tous les Imitateurs de notre bon La Fontaine sont restes en deca de l'immortel Fabuliste." ...
— A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume One • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... a part of the gray tone so often observed. The officers fought to stretch them out. Every line of fear that the human mouth can express Peter saw. Now the drum of the Austrian pieces. It was not as they had heard it in the heights, but like an encore at first—as if some tremendous mass of men in a wooden gallery had started a buffeting of feet. The valley muffled the volleys; the actual steel was not heard until it neared like a rain torrent; indeed it found their immediate lines before they heard the murderous cutting ...
— Red Fleece • Will Levington Comfort

... over the audience seems glad, and clap their hands because they are polite, and it don't cost anything to clap hands, and the performers turn some more flip flaps, and go running out to the dressing-room, and take a peek back into the big tent as though expecting an encore, but the audience has forgotten them and is looking for the next mess of performers, and the ones who have just been in go and lie down on straw and wonder if they can hit the treasurer for an advance on their salaries, so they can go to a beer garden ...
— Peck's Bad Boy at the Circus • George W. Peck

... an encore followed. It was long since Harry had heard Bluebell's voice, but he alone did not applaud. The play proceeded, and then Sir Robert came in as Amesfort. It hung a little here. He floundered, gagged, forgot the cue, and the voice of the prompter became distinctly ...
— Bluebell - A Novel • Mrs. George Croft Huddleston

... most of it. She volunteered to recite, and wound out a long poem in such a rapid, breathless monotone that it was hardly possible to distinguish a word. The party politely expressed gratitude, whereupon she announced: "I'll say it for you again!" and plunged at once into an encore. ...
— The Madcap of the School • Angela Brazil

... en has jusqu'an fond du mer, Ils ne l'ont pas encore trouve Je crois qu'il est certainement mouille. Monsieur McGinte, je le repete, allait jusqu'au fond du mer, Habille ...
— A Nonsense Anthology • Collected by Carolyn Wells

... is the only worthy object of effort. Social polity therefore includes the whole of development; the intellect should have no other end but to subserve the needs of the race, and always be second to the altruistic sentiments. Love toward others should absorb self-love. "Il est encore meilleur d'aimer ...
— The Religious Sentiment - Its Source and Aim: A Contribution to the Science and - Philosophy of Religion • Daniel G. Brinton

... this new rapprochement was that Schiller began to take a more lively interest in the French drama, and out of this interest grew presently his translations of two of Picard's comedies, 'Mediocre et Rampant' and 'Encore des Menechmes'. In both he took his task very lightly. Picard's alexandrines, in 'Mediocre et Rampant', were converted into German prose, and the play was christened 'The Parasite'. In the case of the other, renamed 'The Nephew as Uncle', the original ...
— The Life and Works of Friedrich Schiller • Calvin Thomas

... Childe Harold Symphony and the Slow Movement from the Romeo and Juliet Symphony.[229] There is much valuable and stimulating reading[230] about Berlioz and his influence; for, as Theophile Gautier acutely remarks, "S'il fut un grand genie, on peut le discuter encore, le monde est livre aux controverses; mais nul ne penserait a nier qu'il fut un grand caractere." The Symphonie[231] fantastique, op. 14, episode de la vie d'un artiste, in five movements is significant for being the first manifestation of Berlioz's conviction that music should be ...
— Music: An Art and a Language • Walter Raymond Spalding

... the men with us what it all meant, and the man said it was the greatest show on earth. Dad began to think he was nutty, and when I laughed, and said: "That is great," and clapped my hands, and said: "Encore," dad stopped and said: "Hennery, this is no leg show, this is a morgue," but to cheer him up I told him his head must be wrong, and I pointed to about a hundred dried corpses, a thousand years old, in a corner, ...
— Peck's Bad Boy Abroad • George W. Peck

... old papers I find the following invitation to go with him to the Odeon to see a piece called "Les Pilules du Diable": "Je viens rappeler a Sara Une date encore lointaine, Et lui dire que ce sera Le jeudi de l'autre semaine Que la-bas a l'Odeon, Derriere les funambules, Sans etre M. Purgon, Je lui fais ...
— Maximilian in Mexico - A Woman's Reminiscences of the French Intervention 1862-1867 • Sara Yorke Stevenson

... any had been recognized as such in the minds of commanders of armies, they had not made it known. [Footnote: Jomini, in the work already cited, quotes Marshal Saxe thus: "Que toutes les sciences avaient des principes, mais que la guerre seule n'en avait point encore; si ces principes ont existe dans la tete de quelques generaux, nulle part ils n'ont ete indiques ou developpes." The same idea has been put quite as trenchantly by one of the most recent writers ...
— Military Reminiscences of the Civil War V1 • Jacob Dolson Cox

... an ear unheeding To the sorrows of art, as it cries 'encore.' And she played on the harp till her hands were bleeding, And her brow was bruised by the laurels she wore. She knew the trend of it, She knew the end of it - Men heard the music and men felt the thrill. Bound to the altar Of art, could she falter? Then came a silence—the ...
— Poems of Experience • Ella Wheeler Wilcox

... we gave our lighter baggage in charge of the porter of the hotel, who knew us well, and according to his wont, gave us a friendly greeting. "Monsieur visite encore St. Malo," said he, "et nous apporte le beau temps. Soyez le bienvenu!" This was not in the least ...
— The Argosy - Vol. 51, No. 1, January, 1891 • Various

... iterative, recursive [Comp.], unvaried; mocking, chiming; retold; aforesaid, aforenamed^; above-mentioned, above-said; habitual &c 613; another. Adv. repeatedly, often, again, anew, over again, afresh, once more; ding-dong, ditto, encore, de novo, bis^, da capo [It]. again and again; over and over, over and over again; recursively [Comp.]; many times over; time and again, time after time; year after year; day by day &c; many times, several times, a number of times; ...
— Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget

... Monsieur que dit il? Boy. Encore qu'il et contra son Iurement, de pardonner aucune prisonner: neantmons pour les escues que vous layt a promets, il est content a vous donnes le liberte ...
— The First Folio [35 Plays] • William Shakespeare

... and great abundance of cedar trees that went to the building thereof, it was compared to Mount Lebanon.' Calmet, in his very valuable translation, accompanied by the Vulgate Latin, gives the same idea: 'Il batit encore le palais appelle la maison du Leban, a cause de la quantite prodigeuse de cedres qui entraient dans la structure de cet edifice.' [Translation: 'Another thing he did was build the palace which was called the house of Lebanon ...
— The Works of John Bunyan • John Bunyan

... as an English town. At Nancy, where Father O'Leary was travelling, his native country happened to be mentioned when one of the party, a quiet French farmer of Burgundy, asked, in an unassuming tone, 'If Ireland stood encore?' 'Encore,' said an astonished John Bull, a courier coming from Germany—'encore! to be sure she does; we have her yet, I assure you, monsieur.' 'Though neither very safe, nor very sound,' interposed an officer of the Irish ...
— Irish Wit and Humor - Anecdote Biography of Swift, Curran, O'Leary and O'Connell • Anonymous

... as Braugaene, and her manner of inducing the Princess of the Most Distressful Country to take to the bottle—KINAHAN's L.L.L.—deserved the encore which she ought to have received. No matter—Fraeulein RALPH played with spirit, which is a dangerous thing to do as a rule. House crammed: ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 102, June 25, 1892 • Various

... regrets et d'erreurs en desirs Les mortals insenses promenent leur folie. Dans des malheurs presents, dans l'espoir des plaisirs Nous ne vivons jamais, nous attendons la vie. Demain, demain, dit-on, va combler tous nos voeux. Demain vient, et nous laisse encore plus malheureux. Quelle est l'erreur, helas! du soin qui nous devore, Nul de nous ne voudroit recommencer son cours. De nos premiers momens nous maudissons l'aurore, Et de la nuit qui vient nous attendons encore, Ce qu'ont en vain ...
— Letters on England • Voltaire

... Hellen told me at the time you lived at the old maids' house that, I believe, they wished you to marry their ward." Countess Catherine Ivanovna always hated Nekhludoff's aunts on his father's side. "So, that is she? Elle est encore jolie?" ...
— The Awakening - The Resurrection • Leo Nikoleyevich Tolstoy

... Anglaise n'est pas encore ici,' announced the Postmaster as though it were a funeral to come. He did not even look up. His protests passed ...
— A Prisoner in Fairyland • Algernon Blackwood

... he's too busy looking after the piece. But Joe Mortimer was splendid; I nearly died of laughing when he fell down and lost his wig in the middle of the stage. And Frank Bret looked such a swell, and he got an encore for the song, "Oh, Certainly I Love Clairette." And he and Miss Leslie got another for the duet. To-morrow they ...
— A Mummer's Wife • George Moore

... le secretaire a fait encore la lecture d'une lettre du colonel Humphreys, secretaire d'ambassade de l'Amerique, par laquelle il prie l'academie, au nom du Congres, de faire trois medailles votees par le meme Congres; l'une pour le general Morgan, la ...
— The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876 • J. F. Loubat

... follows that scarcely one man in a hundred is worth your disputing with him. You may let the remainder say what they please, for every one is at liberty to be a fool—desipere est jus gentium. Remember what Voltaire says: La paix vaut encore mieux que la verite. Remember also an Arabian proverb which tells us that on the tree of silence there hangs its fruit, ...
— The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer; The Art of Controversy • Arthur Schopenhauer

... however, like most unhappy men, loved music; and actuated by this feeling, and the interest which he began to take in the character of Mr. Beckendorff, he could not, when that gentleman had finished his air, refrain from very sincerely saying "encore!" ...
— Vivian Grey • The Earl of Beaconsfield

... pendulous to wait the happy hour When new attractions should restore their power: So, in this procreant theatre elate, Echoes unborn their future life await; Here embryo sounds in ether lie conceal'd, Like words in northern atmosphere congeal'd. Here many a foetus laugh and half encore Clings to the roof, or creeps along the floor; By puffs concipient some in ether flit, And soar in bravos from the thundering pit; Some forth on ticket-nights {66} from tradesmen break, To mar the actor they design to make; ...
— Rejected Addresses: or, The New Theatrum Poetarum • James and Horace Smith

... give you her sweetest smile if you hand her a handsome check." "I've heard this Phebe Moore, and she really has a delicious voice such a pity she won't fit herself for opera!" "Only sings three times tonight; that's modest, I'm sure, when she's the chief attraction, so we must give her an encore after the Italian piece." "The orphans lead off, I see. Stop your ears if you like, but don't fail to applaud or the ladies ...
— Rose in Bloom - A Sequel to "Eight Cousins" • Louisa May Alcott

... of nine miles an hour: when that will be, it is impossible to tell. My mother is now getting better. All the children are perfectly well: Bessy's eyes are not inflamed: Charlotte est faite a peindre et plus encore a aimer, if ...
— The Life And Letters Of Maria Edgeworth, Vol. 1 • Maria Edgeworth

... fois heureux! Que bni soit le del qui te rend ines voeux, Toi qui de Benjamin comme moi descendue, Fus de mes premiers ans la compagne assidue, Et qui, d'un mme joug souffrant l'oppression, 5 M'aidais soupirer les malheurs de Sion. Combien ce temps encore est cher ma mmoire! Mais toi, de ton Esther ignorais-tu la gloire? Depuis plus de six mois que je te fais chercher, Quel climat, quel dsert a donc pu te ...
— Esther • Jean Racine

... dropped from her and her face shone. She drank in the trills and flourishes of the selection which her friend had chosen as though the notes were golden ambrosia. After Rosamond had ended her song and gracefully yet firmly declined an encore ...
— Miss Pat at Artemis Lodge • Pemberton Ginther

... to say ongrateful. F'r mesilf, if I was wanst pushed off, an' they'd waked me kindly, an' had a solemn rayqueem high mass f'r me, an' a funeral with Roddey's Hi-beryan band, an' th' A-ho-aitches, I have too much pride to come back f'r an encore. I wud so, Jawn. Whin a man's dead, he ought to make th' best iv a bad job, an' not be thrapsin' around, lookin' f'r throuble among ...
— Mr. Dooley: In the Hearts of His Countrymen • Finley Peter Dunne

... le roman pittoresque mais prosaique de Walter Scott il restera un autre roman a creer, plus beau et plus complet encore selon nous. C'est le roman, a la fois drame et epopee, pittoresque mais poetique, reel mais ideal, vrai mais grand, qui enchassera Walter Scott dans Homere.—VICTOR ...
— The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 3 (of 25) • Robert Louis Stevenson

... the tops of the neighbouring trees, but its reflection was brilliantly rippled upon the water. At one of the fires a French half-breed was singing in a rich barytone one of the old chansons that were so much in vogue among the voyageurs of by-gone days—A la Claire Fontaine. After an encore, silence again held sway, until around another fire hearty laughter ...
— The Drama of the Forests - Romance and Adventure • Arthur Heming

... admiration and confidence. There was always a promptness and "all thereness" in his nature, with a decided touch of self-reliance, and I may even say audacity. In fact, without intending any reflection upon him, I might perhaps suggest that he could appropriately take as his motto "De l'audace, encore de l'audace, et toujours de l'audace." In proof of this I may cite one or two incidents ...
— A Tale of One City: The New Birmingham - Papers Reprinted from the "Midland Counties Herald" • Thomas Anderton

... Les granites, les syenites-quartziferes, et les pegmatites (granites graphiques) qui cunstituent le second plan des Muntagnes-Bleues. 2. Les gres ferrugineux, et renfermant d'abondantes paillettes de fer oligiste, qui couvrent non seulement une vaste etendue de pays pres des cotes, mais encore le premier plan des Montagnes-Bleues; et 3. Le lignite stratiforme qu'on exploite au Mont-Yorck, a 1000 pieds au-dessus du niveau de la mer, et dont la presence ajoute aux motifs qui portent a penser que les gres ferrugineux de ces contrees appartiennent au ...
— Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia] [Volume 2 of 2] • Phillip Parker King

... appeared upon the scene, and took leave of his mistress, who made fun of him in "asides" to Jenny, while she uttered the sweetest and tenderest words in his ears. She wept with one side of her face, and laughed with the other. The audience called for an encore. ...
— Library of the World's Best Mystery and Detective Stories • Edited by Julian Hawthorne

... just beyond the eye, They struggle some for breath, And yet the crowd applauds below; They would not encore death. ...
— Poems: Three Series, Complete • Emily Dickinson

... encore, Ivan rose, in the midst of a little babel of "Bis!" and, taking the virtuoso of the world by the arm, led him to the piano. Well repaid, it seemed, in that moment, for the disappointment he had lately had to endure. For every face about him was alive with friendliness and admiration ...
— The Genius • Margaret Horton Potter

... he took leave of the good matron, and bade "God bless her," his voice faltered, and the tears stood in his eyes,—just as they were wont to do in the eyes of George the Third, when that excellent monarch was pleased graciously to encore ...
— Paul Clifford, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... ceint votre noble front. En 1860 votre parole sublime sonna en faveur des Rayahs Italiens, et l'Italie n'est plus une expression geographique. Aujourd'hui vous plaidez la cause des Rayahs Turcs, plus malheureux encore. C'est une cause qui vaincra comme la premiere, et Dieu benira vos vieux ans.... Je baise la main a votre precieuse epouse, et suis pour la vie ...
— Lady John Russell • Desmond MacCarthy and Agatha Russell

... glasses had subsided, and when Major Scuppernong, of North Carolina—who had dined very freely, and was not strictly following the order of events, but cried out in a loud voice in the midst of the applause, "Encore, encore! good for Belch!"—had been reduced to silence, then the honorable gentleman who had been toasted rose, and expressed his opinion of the state of the country, to the general effect that General Jackson—Sir, and fellow-citizens—I mean my friends, and you, Mr. Speaker—I ...
— Trumps • George William Curtis

... arm, but a people fighting for an ideal is not to be crushed. France has faith in her ideal of liberty and fraternity, questionable or worse though some of the methods are by which she endeavours to realise it. But Danton is right: "il nous faut de l'audace, et encore de l'audace, et toujours de l'audace;" and with superb audacity the Republic defies the armed powers of Europe, decrees (November 19) assistance to every nation that will strike a blow for freedom, and cast off its tyrants. A yet more daring act of defiance ...
— The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay Volume 3 • Madame D'Arblay

... bitterly regretted not having a boatman whose principles were more strict. At the end of the hour Captain Jay, who by nature was inclined to be taciturn and crabbed, waxed loquacious and even jovial. He sang us the songs he had learned in the winter lumber-camps, which Mr. Cooke never failed to encore to the echo. My client vowed he had not spent a pleasanter afternoon for years. He plied the captain with cigars, and explained to him the mystery of the strings and labels; and the captain experimented until he had broken ...
— The Crossing • Winston Churchill

... healthily, religious her children were. If she did not, I can but apply to her what Diderot said to David the painter, when the latter confessed that he had not intended to produce some artistic effect which the former had discovered in one of his pictures: "Quoi! c'est a votre insu? C'est encore mieux." To make children religious without intending to do so is a profoundly significant achievement, for it means that the fatal distinction between religious and secular education has ...
— What Is and What Might Be - A Study of Education in General and Elementary Education in Particular • Edmond Holmes

... shapely head back and the squeal of her laughter smote the ceiling. And at that the company made its decision. Everybody laughed. Everybody urged Ashe to give an encore. Everybody was his friend and admirer—-everybody but Beach, the butler. Beach, the butler, was shocked to his very core. His heavy-lidded eyes rested on Ashe with disapproval. It seemed to Beach, the butler, that this young man ...
— Something New • Pelham Grenville Wodehouse

... evaporer, versee dans la Mediterranee par le Bosphore de Thrace et La Propontide, forme aux Dardanelles des courans si violens, que souvent les batimens, toutes voiles dehors, out peine a les vaincre. Les pilotes doivent encore observer, lorsque le vent suffit, de diriger leur route de maniere a presenter le moins de resistance possible a l'effort des eaux. On sent que cette etude a pour base la direction des courans, qui, renvoyes d'une ...
— Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 6 (of 6) - With his Letters and Journals • Thomas Moore

Words linked to "Encore" :   call for, quest

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