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Fair-spoken   Listen
Fair-spoken  adj.  Using fair speech, or uttered with fairness; bland; civil; courteous; plausible. "A marvelous fair-spoken man."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Fair-spoken" Quotes from Famous Books

... fair-spoken when he chooses to be, can talk with judgment and good sense, and has at command the arts of a gentlemanly and dignified bearing. The two Windsor wives, meeting him at a social dinner, and seeing him in his best suit of language and manners, think him honourable as ...
— Shakespeare: His Life, Art, And Characters, Volume I. • H. N. Hudson

... hundred and thirty-eight, and he did no more. During the morning hours, while the invaders of the Invalides were distributing the plundered arms and ammunition, emissaries penetrated into the Bastille, under various pretexts, to observe the defences. One fair-spoken visitor was taken to the top of the dreaded towers, where he saw that the guns with which the embrasures had bristled, which were beyond the range of marksmen, and had Paris at their mercy, were dismantled ...
— Lectures on the French Revolution • John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton

... Joseph could get control of his voice, he asked his father if the twain were gone away together to the cenoby on the eastern bank of Jordan, and Dan answered that he thought he had heard of the great Essenes' encampment by the Dead Sea. A fellow fair-spoken enough, Dan continued, that has bewitched the poor folk about the lakeside. But, Joseph, thy cheek is like ashes, and thou'rt all of a tremble: drink a little sherbet, my boy. No, Father, no. Tell me, is the Galilean as tall or as heavy as I am, or of slight build, with a forehead broad ...
— The Brook Kerith - A Syrian story • George Moore

... It is the king I cosen of his choice, And he nill brook Earl Ethenwald should prove False to his prince, especially in love. Then thus it shall be: I'll tell the king the maid is fair, Of nut-brown colour, comely and fair-spoken, Worthy companion to an earl or so, But not a bride for Edgar, England's king. This will allay the strong effects in love Fame wrought in Edgar's mind of Alfrida. Well, I'll to court, and dally with the king, And work some means to draw ...
— A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. VI • Robert Dodsley

... to see Miss Carstairs in order to ask of her if she knew the whereabouts, in Hunston or New York, of the fair-spoken yet elusive Higginson. But with every step he found the force of this errand weakening within him. The memory of that gentleman's villany, so burning a moment since, grew steadily fainter and more inconsequential. Failing to locate him, he would of course make ...
— Captivating Mary Carstairs • Henry Sydnor Harrison

... parted for the time. The former, however, was a constant visitor at Dame Lanreath's cottage. He did not disguise his admiration for Nelly Trefusis. She might have been flattered, for he was a good-looking, fair-spoken youth, and as he dressed well and had always plenty of money in his pocket, he was looked upon as one of the principal young men ...
— Michael Penguyne - Fisher Life on the Cornish Coast • William H. G. Kingston

... against him. What doest thou here of all men in the world? asked Evangelist, with a severe and dreadful countenance. Did I not direct thee to His gate, and why art thou here? Christian told him that a fair-spoken man had met him, and had persuaded him to take an easier and shorter way of getting rid of his burden. Read the whole place for yourselves. The end of it was that Evangelist set Christian right again, and gave him two counsels ...
— Bunyan Characters - First Series • Alexander Whyte

... property of miller Oliver Sands, and the Quaker and his steed were well known in all that locality. He was a fair-spoken man whom few loved and many feared, and between him and the "Learned Blacksmith" there was "no love lost." Why he had come to the smithy now Seth couldn't guess; nor why, as he stepped down from his buggy and observed, "I'd like to have thee look at George's off ...
— Dorothy's House Party • Evelyn Raymond

... if you put it in that way. A Board School was as high as ever his parents could afford to send him: and then he went into the greengrocery, and at one time was said to be going to fail for over three hundred, when this place was found for him. A fair-spoken little man, but scientific in ...
— Nicky-Nan, Reservist • Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch (Q)

... Brotherhood, whin he was kilt betune the cars. It was sivin hundred an' fifty dollars, an' now Thronson offers me four thousan'. I told him I'd sell, fer it's a fortune for a workin' woman; but befure I signed papers, I wanted to ask Mr. Elkins; he's such a fair-spoken man, an' knowin' to me ...
— Aladdin & Co. - A Romance of Yankee Magic • Herbert Quick

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