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Ferme   Listen
Ferme, Ferm  n.  Rent for a farm; a farm; also, an abode; a place of residence; as, he let his land to ferm. (Obs.) "Out of her fleshy ferme fled to the place of pain."

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"Ferme" Quotes from Famous Books

... Fenayrou was the son of a small chemist in the South of France, and had come to Paris from the Aveyron Department to follow his father's vocation. He obtained a situation as apprentice in the Rue de la Ferme des Mathurins in the shop of a M. Gibon. On the death of M. Gibon his widow thought she saw in Fenayrou a man capable of carrying on her late husband's business. She gave her daughter in marriage ...
— A Book of Remarkable Criminals • H. B. Irving

... declares that William the Fourth attended them at the time he was sojourning incognito at Paris. Amongst the numerous list of Bankers, those which are most frequented by the English are Madame Luc Callaghan and Son, No. 40, Rue de la Ferme-des-Mathurins; Monsieur le Baron Rothschild, Rue Laffitte, and Messrs. Laffitte, Blount and Comp., No. ...
— How to Enjoy Paris in 1842 • F. Herve

... doubtfully about the stability of the Republic, and was evidently worried over the possibility of a general amnesty, "a very dangerous measure which no government should sanction." W. assured him there would be no general amnesty, but he seemed sceptical, repeated several times: "Soyez stable, soyez ferme." The Grande Duchesse talked to me about Paris, the streets were so gay, the shops so tempting, and all the people so smiling and happy. I suppose the contrast struck her, coming from Russia where the people look ...
— My First Years As A Frenchwoman, 1876-1879 • Mary King Waddington

... Ne tirez pas trop vite, menagez vos cartouches! Tenez ferme, mes enfants!" said an old officer, dismounting and walking coolly out beyond ...
— Lorraine - A romance • Robert W. Chambers

... well used to all devices for deceiving his gaolers, he who had been held by so many? There was nothing in his present expedient which could have offended the most tender conscience. He desired that preparations might be made for a great hunting, calling upon "the laird of Ferme, forester of the park of Falkland, and chamberlain of Fife," to warn everybody about and call all the surrounding gentlemen "that had speedie dogs" to hunt with him, appointing the meeting next morning at seven o'clock, "for he was determined to slay ane deare or two for his pleasure." ...
— Royal Edinburgh - Her Saints, Kings, Prophets and Poets • Margaret Oliphant

... il seroit a esperer que y appellant ceulx du Noort et de Cornuailles avec les autres comme ce sont ceulx qui sont demeurez plus ferme en la religion, et qui ont demonstre plus d'affection en son endroit qu'elle trouveroit envers iceulx pour tout ce qu'elle vouldroit ordonner ...
— The Reign of Mary Tudor • James Anthony Froude

... la prompte amelioration de leur sort. A cet effet, la Conference, au nom des Hautes Puissances representees dans son sein, fait appel a Sa Majeste Cherifienne afin que, fidele a ses sentiments de justice et de generosite, elle manifeste sa ferme volonte— ...
— Notes on the Diplomatic History of the Jewish Question • Lucien Wolf

... florescunt, in literis adoleuissem, more nostrorum hominum, ad inuisendas Christiani orbis Academias ablegatus fui. Qua in peregrinatione, non solum complura Musarum hospitia, sed multas etiam sapienter institutas respublicas, multarum Ecclesiarum probatissimas administrationes introspeximus, iam ferme triennio ea in re posito. Fuerat haec nostra, profectio ita a nobis comparata, vt non tantum mores et vrbes gentium videndum, sed in familiaritatem, aut saltem notitiam illustriorum hominum introeundum nobis putaremus, ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of The English Nation, Vol. XII., America, Part I. • Richard Hakluyt

... temeritatem exsecrabar, qui mutae beluae vitam et una literas meas commiserim. Sed audi quiddam, quod tu credas ex veris Luciani narrationibus petitum, 35 ni mihi ipsi Batto teste accidisset. Cum arx iam ferme in prospectu esset, offendimus omnia undique glacie incrustata, quae ut dixi in nivem inciderat. Et erat tanta ventorum vis, ut eo die unus atque alter collapsi perierint. Flabant autem a tergo. Itaque per declive 40 montium me demittebam, per summam glaciem velificans, ...
— Selections from Erasmus - Principally from his Epistles • Erasmus Roterodamus

... victoriae adductus ex opportunitate loci, quam maximas potest copias omnium generum parat ac per tramites occultos exercitum Metelli antevenit.[271] Erat in ea parte Numidiae, quam Adherbal in divisione possederat, flumen oriens a meridie, nomine Muthul; a quo aberat mons ferme milia passuum viginti tractu pari,[272] vastus ab natura et humano cultu. Sed ex eo medio quasi collis oriebatur, in immensum pertingens,[273] vestitus oleastro ac murtetis aliisque generibus arborum, ...
— De Bello Catilinario et Jugurthino • Caius Sallustii Crispi (Sallustius)

... his hand still clasped in hers, his wife could not make her voice heard in answer. Then he talked again murmuringly of old times; and last of all when the low musical tones had grown very feeble, but were musical still, Mary heard, "Mon Dieu, j'espere avec une ferme confiance"—There the words seemed to fail, until they grew audible again for one last moment—"la ...
— A Canadian Heroine, Volume 2 - A Novel • Mrs. Harry Coghill

... commandement; Violemment rien ne prendras, Mais en payant exactement. Age et sexe respecteras, Etant soldat et non brigand. Les comites corrigeras, Et les mouchards chretiennement; Ne Breton, tu n'oublieras, Afin d'agir loyalement. Dans le succes clement seras; Dans le malheur, ferme et constant. Chaque jour ton Dieu tu prieras; Que peux tu ...
— Brittany & Its Byways • Fanny Bury Palliser

... est ferme a cause de la mobilisation." "M. Jean Cochin et quatre fils sont au front des armees." "Tout le personel de cet ...
— The Soul of the War • Philip Gibbs

... omnia redigentes. Hac itaque patrata eversione, locus, qui tauto honoris splendore diu viguerat, exturbatis omnibus ac subuersis domibus, cA"pit esse cubile ferarum et volucrum: maceriis in sua soliditate in sublime porrectis, arbustisque densissimis; et arborum virgultis per triginta ferme annorum curricula ...
— Account of a Tour in Normandy, Vol. II. (of 2) • Dawson Turner

... sufficiently designated by Ag. d'Aubigne (Hist. univ., i. 263) "a Bonni pres Sancerre;" by Jean de Serres (iii. 242) "ad Sangodoneum vicum (Saint Godon) qui tribus ferme milliaribus distat ab ea fluminis parte, qua transiit Condaeus;" by Hotman, Gasparis Colinii Vita, 1575 (p. 68), "ad flumen accessit, quo Sancerrani collis radices alluuntur," and by the "Vie de Coligny" (p. 351), "vis a vis de Sancerre." It ...
— History of the Rise of the Huguenots - Volume 2 • Henry Baird

... Maxentius... tandem urbe in Saxa Rubra, millia ferme novem aegerrime progressus. Aurelius Victor. See Cellarius Geograph. Antiq. tom. i. p. 463. Saxa Rubra was in the neighborhood of the Cremera, a trifling rivulet, illustrated by the valor and glorious death of the three ...
— The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 1 • Edward Gibbon

... maniere a detourner de plus graves dangers, que tous mes efforts, je vous assure, tendront sans cesse a empecher. L'attention impartiale avec laquelle j'ai suivi les causes qui ont fait echouer jusqu'a present toutes les tentatives de conciliation, me donne la ferme conviction qu'il n'existe pas d'obstacle reel qui ne puisse etre ecarte ou promptement ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Vol 2 (of 3), 1844-1853 • Queen Victoria

... hurriedly, "to gang doon to the ferm an' see if he can find oot onything aboot Marion Clerk an' Isabel Scott. I'm wae for thae lassies. They're ower guid to let live in peace at a time like this. Tell him to tell them frae me to flee to the hills. Noo ...
— Hunted and Harried • R.M. Ballantyne

... ferm the feneeter, Gogo. It geals to pier-fend! we shall be inrhumed!" or else, if I failed to immediately understand—"Gogo, il frise a splitter les stonnes—maque aste et chute le vindeau; mais chute—le donc vite! Je snize deja!" which ...
— Peter Ibbetson • George du Marier et al

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