"Fermentative" Quotes from Famous Books
... skin. Of these, the purpose of the colouring matter is obvious; while the essential oils are believed to contribute to the "aroma" of the wine. The albuminoids or nitrogenous substances are of the nature of white of egg; and, when in small proportion, are necessary for the due performance of the fermentative process. But, in excess, they are a source of considerable anxiety to the vigneron, in that they are the cause of much ... — The Art of Living in Australia • Philip E. Muskett (?-1909)
... disturbance, rheumatic conditions, and the ingestion of certain drugs are at times influential. Intestinal toxins are doubtless important etiological factors in some cases. Certain foods, such as are apt to undergo rapid putrefactive or fermentative change, especially pork meats, oysters, fish, crabs, lobsters, etc., are, therefore, not infrequently of apparent causative influence. It is most frequently observed in spring and autumn months, and in early adult life. The disease is ... — Essentials of Diseases of the Skin • Henry Weightman Stelwagon |