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Fibula   Listen
Fibula  n.  (pl. fibulae)  
A brooch, clasp, or buckle. "Mere fibulae, without a robe to clasp."
(Anat.) The outer and usually the smaller of the two bones of the leg, or hind limb, below the knee.
(Surg.) A needle for sewing up wounds.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Fibula" Quotes from Famous Books

... displeased with anything are unable to confine the displeasure to one spot. We dislike everything a little when we dislike anything much. It must indeed be admitted that his prose is often too latinized and stiff. But I prefer his heavy cut velvet, with its ill-placed Roman fibula, to the spangled gauze and gummed-on flowers and puffy flounces of our present street-walking literature. So do you, ...
— Imaginary Conversations and Poems - A Selection • Walter Savage Landor

... considered. The shape and size of a bone when injured, determines in a measure, the course and probable outcome in most cases, but of first and greater importance is the function of the bone. A fracture of the fibula in the horse need not incapacitate the subject, but a tibial fracture is serious and generally proves cause for fatal termination. The body of the scapula may be completely fractured and recovery will probably result ...
— Lameness of the Horse - Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1 • John Victor Lacroix

Words linked to "Fibula" :   leg bone

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