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Fille   Listen
fille  n.  A young unmarried woman.
Synonyms: girl, filly, miss, missy, gal, young lady, young woman.

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"Fille" Quotes from Famous Books

... fille," then a moment's silence, a roving about of the small hot eyes, and with a bound she tore from an American artist's hand his big soft felt hat. Turning the flapping brim up, she fastened it to the crown in three ...
— Stage Confidences • Clara Morris

... trop confusement pour en faire usage ici une scene tres belle d'une vieille chanson de geste, GIRART DE ROUSILLON, je crois, ou l'on voit une fille de roi contempler, la nuit, apres une bataille, la plaine ou gisent les guerriers innombrables tomber pour sa querelle. "Elle eut voulu, dit le poete, les embrasser tous." Et, du fond de mes tres ...
— Defenders of Democracy • The Militia of Mercy

... SAUSSAYE, Histoire du Chateau de Blois 4eme edition Blois et Paris p. 175: En mariant sa fille ainee a Francois, comte d'Angouleme, Louis XII lui avait constitue en dot les comtes de Blois, d'Asti, de Coucy, de Montfort, d'Etampes et de Vertus. Une ordonnance de Francois I. lui laissa en 1516 l'administration du comte de ...
— The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci, Complete • Leonardo Da Vinci

... of the ordinary plane. Cold and merciless in the use of this point de vue De Maupassant undoubtedly is, especially in such vivid depictions of love, both physical and maternal, as we find in "L'histoire d'une fille de ferme" and "La femme de Paul." But then the surgeon's scalpel never hesitates at giving pain, and pain is often the road to health and ease. Some of Maupassant's short stories are sermons more forcible than any moral dissertation could ...
— Selected Writings of Guy de Maupassant • Guy de Maupassant

... constitutionally abhorrent to me; and I have never been able to read with any very thorough sense of pleasure even the opening lines of "Rolla," that splendid lyrical outburst. What I remember of it now are those two odious chevilles—marchait et respirait, and Astarte fille de l'onde amere; nor does the fact that amere rhymes with mere condone the offence, although it proves that even Musset felt that perhaps the richness of the rhyme might render tolerable the intolerable. ...
— Confessions of a Young Man • George Moore

... "garrison hack" has had the credit of being. Quite a late, but a very successful example, with the complaisance limited to strictly legitimate extent, and the good-nature tempered by a shrewd determination to avenge two sisters of hers who had been weaker than herself, is the Georgette of La Fille aux Trois Jupons, who outwits in the cleverest way three would-be gallants, two of them her sisters' actual seducers, and extracts thumping solatia from ...
— A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 - To the Close of the 19th Century • George Saintsbury

... really forgotten to what an extent the beautiful queens of antiquity had just cause to complain of the strangers whom fortune brought to their borders? The poet, Victor Hugo, pictured their detestable acts well enough in his colonial poem called la Fille d'O-Taiti. Wherever we look, we see similar examples of fraud and ingratitude. These gentlemen made free use of the beauty and the riches of the lady. Then, one fine morning, they disappeared. She was indeed lucky if her lover, having ...
— Atlantida • Pierre Benoit

... ta, ta! Come, ma fille, bella signorina, the train is just there—I will telegraph your friend. Let me help you, ...
— The Halo • Bettina von Hutten

... ta fille au tombeau descendue Par un commun trepas, Est-ce quelque dedale ou ta raison perdue ...
— Avril - Being Essays on the Poetry of the French Renaissance • H. Belloc

... would have wept with the other women, and with the wail of the weary children, and all the agitation, and the weariness, and the length of the way, had not I recalled her to herself. 'Courage!' I said to her. 'Courage, ma fille! We will throw open all the chambers. I will give up even that one in which my Martin Dupin, the father of thy husband, died.' 'Ma mere,' she said, holding my hand to her bosom, 'he is not dead—he is in Semur.' Forgive me, dear Lord! It gave me a pang that she could see him and not I. 'For ...
— A Beleaguered City • Mrs. Oliphant

... personne de son tres cher et bien aime Oncle le Roi Guillaume IV. d'auguste et venerable memoire. La vive et sincere amitie que je porte a votre Majeste, et a ceux qui lui sont chers, les liens de parente qui rapprochent nos deux familles par l'alliance de ma fille cherie avec le Roi des Belges votre Oncle bien aime, et enfin le souvenir qui m'est toujours bien cher de la tendre amitie qui m'attachait au feu Prince votre Pere, depuis que nous nous etions vus en Amerique, il y a deja trente-huit ans,[55] me determinent a ne pas attendre les formalites ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume 1 (of 3), 1837-1843) • Queen Victoria

... de Lisbeth. Flore: Issue de Tigris et Biche. Eleanor: Issue de Moulay et de Cadette. Diomede: Issu de Premium et de Gabrielle. Cirus: Issu de Toley et de Miss. Aline: Issue de Snail et d'une jument Normande. Leonie: Issue de Massoud et d'une fille de D-y-o. ...
— Jorrocks' Jaunts and Jollities • Robert Smith Surtees

... was old enough to form a desire, she learned to hear it opposed. "Une petite fille attend qu'on lui donne se qui lui faut," was the invariable reply to all her childish longings. According to the old French system, every slight offence was followed by her mother's "Allez vous coucher, mademoiselle;" so that half her ...
— Graham's Magazine Vol. XXXII No. 2. February 1848 • Various

... was at once the theatre and the audience, making music within himself for himself alone. In this city of Paris he lived as a nightingale lives among the thickets; and for twenty years he sang on, mateless, till he met with a second self in Pons. [See Une Fille d'Eve.] ...
— Cousin Pons • Honore de Balzac

... in complete success northeast of Vienne-le-Chateau. Our troops took by storm the enemy positions in the hills extending over a width of three kilometers (about a mile and three-quarters) and a depth of one kilometer. Hill No. 285, La Fille Morte, is in our possession. Two thousand five hundred and eighty-one uninjured prisoners, including fifty-one officers, fell into our hands. In addition, 300 wounded were taken under our care. Two field cannon, two revolver ...
— New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 5, August, 1915 • Various

... father. The poor old man was very much out of heart, and it was some time before we could make him understand that we wanted to help him. At Susette's name he looked mournfully in my face as I sat down by him, murmuring that she was gone, gone, bonne fille! ...
— My Young Days • Anonymous

... every way. For instance, I have to pretend to be a jeune fille. I am not a jeune fille; no American girl is a jeune fille; an American girl is an intelligent, responsible creature. I have to pretend to be very innocent, but I am not ...
— The Pension Beaurepas • Henry James

... French. Her affaires d'amour appear to have ended with her repentance. She did not try to marry a duke, elevate the stage or break into swell society. After closing her maison de joie she ceased to be "bonne camarade et bonne fille" in the tough de tough quarter of the Judean metropolis. There were no more strolls on the Battery by moonlight alone love after exchanging her silken robe de chambre for an old- fashioned nightgown with never ...
— Volume 1 of Brann The Iconoclast • William Cowper Brann

... homosexual scene in Les Plaisirs du Cloitre, a play written in 1773 (Le Theatre d'Amour an XVIIIe Siecle, 1910.) Balzac, who treated so many psychological aspects of love in a more or less veiled manner, has touched on this in La Fille aux Yeux d'Or, in a vague and extravagantly romantic fashion. Gautier made the adventures of a woman who was predisposed to homosexuality, and slowly realizes the fact, the central motive of his wonderful romance, Mademoiselle ...
— Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 2 (of 6) • Havelock Ellis

... Cartier. Near one hundred soldiers of the English detachment were frost-bitten, and were brought back to the garrison on sleighs. Capt. Herbin, the commanding officer, escaped; but his watch, hat, and feather, 'fille de joie,' with a cask of wine and case of liqueurs, ...
— The Campaign of 1760 in Canada - A Narrative Attributed to Chevalier Johnstone • Chevalier Johnstone

... in Furetiere's "Roman bourgeois" how the reading of "Astree" made of Javotte "la plus grande causeuse et la plus coquette fille du quartier" (Ed. Janet, ...
— The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare • J. J. Jusserand

... petite fille qui vendait des pommes sur un eventaire qu'elle portait devant elle. Elle avait beau vanter sa marchandise, elle ne trouvait plus de chalands. "Combien toutes vos pommes? lui dis-je.—Toutes mes ...
— French Conversation and Composition • Harry Vincent Wann

... that come with hem? Anon as his lady herd his voys, and perceyved a certeyn signe in his frount,[FN570] she knew fully therby that it was her husbond; and therfore she ran to him, and crypt him and kyst him, and for joy fille doun to the erth, as she had be deaf. So aftir this passion, she was reised up; and then the maister seid to her, "Telle me, feir woman, whi thou clippest me, and kyssist me so?" She seid, "I am thi wif, that thou leftist with the maister of the ship; and tines ...
— Supplemental Nights, Volume 2 • Richard F. Burton

... your cane at the door, look for one instant at the statue-room. Yonder is Jouffley's "Jeune Fille confiant son premier secret a Venus." Charming, charming! It is from the exhibition of this year only; and I think the best sculpture in the gallery—pretty, fanciful, naive; admirable in workmanship and imitation of Nature. I have seldom seen flesh ...
— The Paris Sketch Book Of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh • William Makepeace Thackeray

... a meme menace, si on ne veut pas prendre le bon chemin qui lui indique, que ma fille s'en ressentira."—Marie-Therese a Mercy, August 28th, 1774, ...
— The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France • Charles Duke Yonge

... hides of suche as thei lateliest before had slaine, and clensyng them cleane fro the heare, thei sokynglie laie them to a softe fire; and when thei be throughly hette, deuide them emong the compaignie, whiche very griedely fille ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries - Vol. II • Richard Hakluyt

... Marie de Gournay, who died in 1645 at the age of eighty, is best known as the adopted daughter of Montaigne, for whom she cherished an enthusiastic reverence, becoming the first editor of his essays. Her short essay, Egalite des Hommes et des Femmes, was written in 1622. See e.g. M. Schiff, La Fille ...
— The Task of Social Hygiene • Havelock Ellis

... was filled with horror. Nobody claimed poor me, the baby. But the battalion, the Montgomery Battalion, it was, which had, by mischance, killed my mother, adopted me as their child. I was voted 'Fille du Regiment.' They paid an assessment annually, which the colonel expended for me. A ...
— The Man Without a Country and Other Tales • Edward E. Hale

... by the king in person, continued quietly encamped between Landshut and Schweidnitz. General Fouquet commanded a large body of troops in the southern part of Silesia; but these being mostly withdrawn, in order to oppose the Russians, the Austrian general de Fille, who hovered on the frontiers of Moravia with a considerable detachment, took advantage of this circumstance; and advancing into Silesia, encamped within sight of Neiss. As mutual calumny and recriminations of all kinds were not ...
— The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.II. - From William and Mary to George II. • Tobias Smollett

... woman is a painter also, and exhibited a picture called "La jeune Fille et la Mort." One critic wrote of it: "Sarah's picture shows very considerable feeling for color and more thought than the vast majority of modern paintings. The envious and evil speakers, who always want to say nasty things, pretend to trace in the picture very frequent touches of Alfred ...
— Women in the fine arts, from the Seventh Century B.C. to the Twentieth Century A.D. • Clara Erskine Clement

... Marguerite, of a Marianna Alcoforado; of a Concetta of Afragola; of a Catalina; of Robert le Diable's Helena, of Isolde; of Lucia of Bologna, the enchantress of Ottaviano; of Francesca; of Guenevere; of the sweet seventeen-year old novice of Andouillets, Margarita, the fille who was "rosy as the morn"; of the Beguine who nursed Captain Shandy; of the fille de chamber who walked along the Quai de Conti with Yorick; of Ameilia Viviani, the inspirer of Shelly's most ecstatic lyric; of Dryden's masque-loving Lucretia. For, ...
— Hints for Lovers • Arnold Haultain

... "Pauvre fille!" said the mother, returning her embrace mournfully, "you will wander away from the church,—our holy church. It would not have been thus, had we remained in sunny Picardy. ...
— Adele Dubois - A Story of the Lovely Miramichi Valley in New Brunswick • Mrs. William T. Savage

... "Les Amies de la Jeune Fille," in its early days, realised the danger to young girls travelling, and thus early commenced to safeguard them against it. Much was done, but nothing commensurate with the great ...
— Fighting the Traffic in Young Girls - War on the White Slave Trade • Various

... of canuas and fille hem full of e same fars [2] & see hem. and whan ey buth ynowz take of the canvas, rost ...
— The Forme of Cury • Samuel Pegge

... pattern, a little jacket she had outgrown buttoned, in spite of opposition, close about her up to the throat, round which a white handkerchief was loosely tied, and a pair of old gauntlets protecting her hands, so that she suggested something between a gypsy, a jaunty soubrette, and the fille du regiment. ...
— The Guardian Angel • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

... said the priest, with a melancholy smile. "C'est L'Isle-Adam, chez ma mere. Vous etes tres savante, ma fille." He patted her yellow turban, calling, "Venez donc, mes garcons! Il y ...
— O Pioneers! • Willa Cather

... with respectful intelligence to the birdlike chatter of Mrs. Gareth-Lawless. (What a pretty woman! The silhouette of a jeune fille!) ...
— The Head of the House of Coombe • Frances Hodgson Burnett

... Father in his Difficultie; but suche, she sayth somewhat bitterlie, is the lot of our Sex. She bade Father mind that she had brought him three thousand Pounds, and askt what had come of them. Answered; helped to fille the Mouths of nine healthy Children, and stop the Mouth of an easie Husband; soe, with a Kiss, made it up. I have the Keys, and am left Mistress of alle, to my greate Contentment; but the Children clamour for Sweetmeats, and Father sayth, "Remember, ...
— The Bed-Book of Happiness • Harold Begbie

... en chagrin, ma mere en grand' tristesse, Et moi je suis fille de trop grand' merci Pour ouvrir ma porte a ...
— The Devil's Pool • George Sand

... Madame de B. in return, who exclaimed, "Mais, monsieur, est-ce possible! Mademoiselle votre fille n'a-t- elle point ...
— The Diary and Letters of Madam D'Arblay Volume 2 • Madame D'Arblay

... venir sa partie Qui de Ferrare fille du duc estait; De fin drap d'or en tout ou en partie De jour en jour volontiers se vestait Chaines, colliers, affiquetz, pierrerie, Ainsi qu'on dit en ung commun proverbe, Tant en avait que c'etait diablerie. Brief mieulx valait le lyen que le gerbe. Autour ...
— Beatrice d'Este, Duchess of Milan, 1475-1497 • Julia Mary Cartwright

... plus vive satisfaction que les projets que votre Majeste avait concus pour le bonheur de la Princesse Royale allaient bientot se realiser. On dit tant de bien du jeune Prince Frederic Guillaume que je ne doute pas que votre charmante fille ne soit heureuse. L'Imperatrice, qui attend avec impatience le moment de pouvoir ecrire a votre Majeste, a ete bien touchee de votre aimable lettre. Vers le commencement de Mai nous irons a St Cloud ou votre souvenir nous y accompagne toujours, car ces lieux nous rappellent le sejour de votre ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume III (of 3), 1854-1861 • Queen of Great Britain Victoria

... conception of the annoyances to which this great poet is exposed. The low conspiracies that have been formed against him are almost incredible. They are about to bring out a play at the Theatre Francais called 'La Fille de Faust' It is not D'Argenton's play, because his is not written, but it is his idea, and his title! We do not know whom to suspect, for he is surrounded with faithful friends. Whoever the guilty party may be, our friend has been most ...
— Jack - 1877 • Alphonse Daudet

... Sonnerat. In speaking of the mode of marriage called pariam, which, like the jujur, n'est autre chose qu'un achat que le mari fait de sa femme, he says, le mari doit aussi fournir le tali, petit joyau d'or, qu'il attache avec un cordon au col de la fille; c'est la derniere ceremonie; elle donne la sanction au marriage, qui ne peut plus etre rompu des que le tali est attache. Voyage aux Indes etc. tome 1 page 70. The reader will also find the Sumatran mode of marriage by ambel anak, or adoption, exactly described ...
— The History of Sumatra - Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And - Manners Of The Native Inhabitants • William Marsden

... soie, bien ouvres a devis. Et aveukes tout che que je chi vous devis, I a. ij'e puchelles qui moult ont cler les vis, Carolans et tresquans, menans gales et ris. Et si est li dieuesse, dame et suppellatis, Qui doctrine les autres et en fais et en dis, Celle est la fille au Roy c'on dist ...
— The Travels of Marco Polo Volume 1 • Marco Polo and Rustichello of Pisa

... authority second only to that of the Church. The faithful ally of the sovereigns of France against the ambition of the nobles and against the usurpations of Papal Rome, she bore the proud title of "The eldest Daughter of the King,"—La Fille ainee du Roi. She upheld the Oriflamme against the feudal gonfalons, and was largely instrumental in establishing the central power of the crown.[E] In the terrible struggle of Philip the Fair with Boniface VIII., she furnished the legal weapons of the contest. She furnished, in her Chancellor ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 107, September, 1866 • Various

... that a head of such a house, dating from the Crusades, was overheard saying to his son, a Chevalier of St. Louis, "Chevalier, as-tu donne au cochon a manger!" Now, it is clearly made out by the surviving evidence, that D'Arc would much have preferred continuing to say—"Ma fille as-tu donne au cochon a manger?" to saying "Pucelle d'Orleans, as-tu sauve les fleurs-de-lys?" There is an old English copy of ...
— Miscellaneous Essays • Thomas de Quincey

... flounces and knots of pale-coloured ribbon. Open-eyed, open- mouthed, she stared at the tide of foaming steeds, like a maiden martyr gazing at the on-rushing waves of ocean! "Caramba!" said Marmalada, "voila une jeune fille pas trop bien gardee!" Giovanelli turned pale, and, muttering Corpo di Bacco, quaffed a carafon of green Chartreuse, holding at least a quart, which stood by him in its native pewter. Young Ponto merely muttered, "Egad!" I leaped through ...
— Old Friends - Essays in Epistolary Parody • Andrew Lang

... subject. Nothing is more necessary in these researches than accuracy of statement. Now, Dr. Janet has taken a set of experiences, or experiments, of Miss X.'s from that lady's interesting essay, already cited; has attributed them, not to Miss X., but to various people—for example, to une jeune fille, une pauvre voyante, une personne un peu mystique; has altered the facts in the spirit of romance; and has triumphantly given that explanation, revival of memory, which was assigned by Miss ...
— The Making of Religion • Andrew Lang

... almost forgotten to tell you that the little girl who showed us in is a girl whom she is educating. 'Elle m'appelle maman, mais elle n'est pas ma fille.' The manner in which this little girl spoke to Madame de Genlis and looked at her appeared to me more in her favour than anything else. I went to look at what the child was writing; she ...
— A Book of Sibyls - Miss Barbauld, Miss Edgeworth, Mrs Opie, Miss Austen • Anne Thackeray (Mrs. Richmond Ritchie)

... for money. Don Juan treats him with all imaginable courtesy, but every time he attempts to revert to business interrupts him with some such question as, Comment se porte Madame Dimanche? or Et votre petite fille Claudine comment se porte-t-ell? or Le petit Colin fait-il toujours bien du bruit avec son tambour? or Et votre petit chien Brusquet, gronde-t-il toujours aussi fort ...? and, after a time, he says he ...
— Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol 1 - A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook • The Rev. E. Cobham Brewer, LL.D.

... ait place en ta mmoire. 15 Que tous les soins qu'il prend pour soutenir la gloire Soient gravs de ta main au livre o sont crits Les noms prdestins des rois que tu chris. Tu m'coutes. Ma voix ne t'est point trangre. Je suis la Pit, cette fille si chre, 20 Qui t'offre de ce roi les plus tendres soupirs. Du feu de ton amour j'allume ses desirs. Du zle qui pour toi l'enflamme et le dvore La chaleur se rpand du couchant l'aurore. Tu le vois tous les jours, devant toi prostern, ...
— Esther • Jean Racine

... apiece; the brother's places are worth about fifty pounds a year, and his connexions at court are confined to a commis or clerk in the secretary's office, with whom he corresponds by virtue of his employment. My landlord piques himself upon his gallantry and success with the fair-sex: he keeps a fille de joye, and makes no secret of his amours. He told miss C— the other day, in broken English, that, in the course of the last year, he had made six bastards. He owned, at the same time, he had sent them all to the hospital; but, now his father is dead, he would himself take care of his future productions. ...
— Travels Through France and Italy • Tobias Smollett

... sulked and had to be laid down, for "beautiful woman! beautiful girl!" spelled themselves between me and the printed page. Translate me those words into French, O ye who can even render Shakespeare into French Alexandrines—"Belle femme? Belle fille?" Ha! ha! ...
— Peter Ibbetson • George du Marier et al

... the same. It does give me a queer sensation to see them climbing this hill. The little Montmartre-Saint-Pierre bus, that climbs up the hill to the funicular in front of Sacre-Coeur, came up the hill bravely. It was built to climb a hill. But the Bastille-Madeleine and the Ternes-Fille de Calvaine, and Saint-Sulpice-Villette just groaned and panted and had to have their traction changed every few steps. I thought they would never get up, ...
— A Hilltop on the Marne • Mildred Aldrich

... bring your sister," said Lawrence. "She is the most charming young girl I've met for years, if a man of my mature age may say so. She is so natural, a rare thing nowadays: the modern jeune fille ...
— Nightfall • Anthony Pryde

... the poor perplexed parson was about to make another attempt for liberty, a side-door swung open; a well-built, comely servant-girl, dressed like Jenny Lind in the "Fille du Regiment," appeared. Bringing the back of her hand to ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 32, June, 1860 • Various

... Society, 1873. It was translated into French (several times), Italian, German, Dutch. French text in MS. Reg. 19, C vii. in the British Museum: "Uns jouvenceauls appele Melibee, puissant et riches ot une femme nomme Prudence, et de celle femme ot une fille. Advint un jour...." "A young man," says Chaucer, whose tale is also in prose, "called Melibeus, mighty and riche, bigat up-on his wyf that called was Prudence, a doghter which that called was Sophie. Upon a ...
— A Literary History of the English People - From the Origins to the Renaissance • Jean Jules Jusserand

... after this, not fulliche al awhaped, Out of the temple al esiliche he wente, Repentinge him that he hadde ever y-iaped Of loves folk, lest fully the descente Of scorn fille on him-self; but, what he mente, 320 Lest it were wist on any maner syde, His wo he gan ...
— Troilus and Criseyde • Geoffrey Chaucer

... heaved a heavy sigh, and in a voice of deep depression, said to the Diplomatic table: Eh bien Messieurs —nous avons une fille! It was appalling. No one in Montenegro, it would appear, had thought such a catastrophe even possible. To the Montenegrin the birth of a daughter was a misfortune. "You feed your son for yourself. You feed your daughter for another man." Faced with this mediaeval ...
— Twenty Years Of Balkan Tangle • Durham M. Edith

... possible for me, with a moderate attention to decorum, to introduce any scene more lively than might be produced by the jocularity of a clownish but faithful valet, or the garrulous narrative of the heroine's fille-de-chambre, when rehearsing the stories of blood and horror which she had heard in the servants' hall? Again, had my title borne 'Waverley, a Romance from the German,' what head so obtuse as not to image forth a profligate abbot, an oppressive duke, ...
— Waverley • Sir Walter Scott

... J.S." Mr Dryden also versified it a second time. See his works, vol. iii., 8vo edition, p. 245. Oldys, in his MSS. Notes on Langbaine, says the same story is in Painter's Palace of Pleasure, vol. i., and a French novel called "Guiscard et Sigismonde fille de Tancredus Prince de Salerne mis en Latin. Par Leon Arretin, et traduit in vers Francois, par Jean Fleury." [See Brunet, dern. edit. v. Aretinus, Hazlitt's edit. of Warton, 1871, ...
— A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. VII (4th edition) • Various

... Fille/, despite a certain tone of levity—which, to do Balzac justice, is not common with him, and which is rather hard upon the poor heroine—is one of the best and liveliest things he ever did. The opening picture of the Chevalier, though, like other things of its author's, especially ...
— The Jealousies of a Country Town • Honore de Balzac

... tres gentille, la petite Belinde," remarked Mademoiselle Cerise, the French doll just arrived from Paris. "Elle est une jeune fille fort bien elevee; elle ferme les yeux d'une ...
— Adventures in Toyland - What the Marionette Told Molly • Edith King Hall

... thirty per cent. Finally, the letter concluded: "Mamma's back is better. Louis and I went on Sunday to see a farm. A cow, a stable, an old peasantess saying her rosary, a daughter knitting—all real, not waxwork. Votre fille tres devouee, LEAH." ...
— In Troubadour-Land - A Ramble in Provence and Languedoc • S. Baring-Gould

... conclusion du mariage de notre fils Montpensier avec l'Infante Louise Fernanda. Cet evenement de famille nous comble de joie, parce que nous esperons qu'il assurera le bonheur de notre fils cheri, et que nous retrouverons dans l'Infante une fille de plus, aussi bonne et aussi aimable que ses Ainees, et qui ajoutera a notre bonheur interieur, le seul vrai dans ce monde, et que vous, Madame, savez si bien apprecier. Je vous demande d'avance votre amitie pour notre nouvel ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Vol 2 (of 3), 1844-1853 • Queen Victoria

... Greek step by step throughout his history, which was rather lengthy: suffice it to say, that he was brought by Zea Bermudez from Constantinople to Spain, where he continued in his service for many years, and from whose house he was expelled for marrying a Guipuscoan damsel, who was fille de chambre to Madame Zea; since which time it appeared that he had served an infinity of masters; sometimes as valet, sometimes as cook, but generally in the last capacity. He confessed, however, that he had seldom continued more than three days in the same service, ...
— The Bible in Spain • George Borrow

... here contains a neat little conceit, which cannot be translated, but which is too good to be lost. The French for daughter-in-law is belle fille, literally "beautiful girl." To Fougas' address "Ma belle fille!" Mme. Langevin replies: "I am not beautiful, and I am not a girl." It suggests the similar retort received by Faust from Marguerite, when he addressed her as ...
— The Man With The Broken Ear • Edmond About

... drummed and cymballed the progress of Les Huguenots, Carmen, La Juive, La Fille de Madame Angot and L'Arlesienne through France would mean the rewriting of a "Capitaine Fracasse." To hear the creature talk about it makes my mouth as a brick kiln and my flesh as that of a goose. He was the Adonis, the Apollo, the Don Juan, the Irresistible of the Tournee. Fled truculent ...
— The Joyous Adventures of Aristide Pujol • William J. Locke

... ceremony. Men eminent in literary and philological circles in Paris have often accepted invitations to these festivities. In 1876, a Felibrean club, "La Cigale," was founded in the capital; its first president was Henri de Bornier, author of La Fille de Roland. Professors and students of literature and philology in France and in other countries began to interest themselves in the Felibres, and the Felibrige to-day counts among its members men of science as well ...
— Frederic Mistral - Poet and Leader in Provence • Charles Alfred Downer

... de ses sujets. Jacques II, son fils, fut tue a vingt-neuf ans en combattant contre les Anglois. Jacques III, mis en prison par son peuple, fut tue ensuite par les revoltes, dans une bataille. Jacques IV, perit dans un combat qu'il perdit. Marie Stuart, sa petite-fille, chassee de son trone, fugitive en Angleterre, ayant langui dix-huit ans en prison, se vit condamnee a mort par des juges Anglais, et eut la tete tranchee. Charles Ier, petit-fils de Marie, Roi d'Ecosse et d'Angleterre, vendu par les Ecossois, ...
— Life Of Johnson, Volume 5 • Boswell

... privilege de fille de France ecrit dans un livre qui est a Saint Denis, de faire ouvrir les prisons," etc. Ibid., ...
— The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2) • Henry Martyn Baird

... non, je ne veux point honorer en silence, Toi qui crus par ta mort resusciter la France Et devouas tes jours a punir des forfaits. Le glaive arma ton bras, fille grande et sublime, Pour faire honte aux dieux, pour reparer leur crime, Quand d'un homme a ce monstre ils donnerent ...
— The French Revolution - A Short History • R. M. Johnston

... Comtesse Bolognini, nee Vimercati, who was afterwards married to Prince Porcia, Balzac dedicated Une Fille d'Eve: ...
— Women in the Life of Balzac • Juanita Helm Floyd

... was the first of these, and "Madame Gervaisais" (1869) is perhaps their best; their collaboration was broken in 1870 by the death of Jules; but Edmond still continued to write, and produced amongst other novels "La Fille Elisa"; the "Journal" of the brothers appeared in 1888 in six ...
— The Nuttall Encyclopaedia - Being a Concise and Comprehensive Dictionary of General Knowledge • Edited by Rev. James Wood

... "Une petite fille comme Mademoiselle?" replied the man smiling, but not taking in the sense of the question. "No, he had not." How could there be two little demoiselles, "tout-a-fait pareilles?" He shook his head, good-natured but mystified, and Sylvia, getting ...
— Grandmother Dear - A Book for Boys and Girls • Mrs. Molesworth

... a l'imagination un decor que la peinture serait impuissante a tracer. Ils approchent de l'ermitage; le roi descend a terre, congedie le cocher, les chevaux et le char, entend les voix des jeunes filles et se cache. Un mouvement de curiosite agite les spectateurs; fille d'une Apsaras et creation de Kalidasa, Cakuntala reunit tous les charmes; l'actrice saura-t-elle repondre a l'attente des connaisseurs et realiser l'ideal? Elle parait, vetue d'une simple tunique d'ecorce qui ...
— Translations of Shakuntala and Other Works • Kaalidaasa

... Lettres de Henrik Ibsen a une jeune fille. La Revue (Revue des Revues) [Paris] Ser ...
— Henrik Ibsen - A Bibliography of Criticism and Biography with an Index to Characters • Ina Ten Eyck Firkins

... and somewhat after the manner of Goncourt, with the life of a prostitute of the lowest depths, marks a considerable advance upon the somewhat casual experiments of his earlier manner. It is important to remember that Marthe preceded La Fille Elisa and Nana. 'I write what I see, what I feel, and what I have experienced,' says the brief and defiant preface, 'and I write it as well as I can: that is all. This explanation is not an excuse, it is simply the ...
— Figures of Several Centuries • Arthur Symons

... of Frontenac and Fiesque had constantly followed her, and climbed after her through the hole in the gate. Her father wrote to compliment them on their prowess, and addressed his letter a Mesdames les Comtesses, Marechales de Camp dans l'armee de ma fille contre le Mazarin. Officers and soldiers took part in the pleasantry; and, as Madame de Frontenac passed on horseback before the troops, they saluted her with the honors ...
— Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV • Francis Parkman

... anything he has ever written. My only reason for telling them is that I found them so interesting when he told me, and so characteristic of himself. He was "bon raconteur." I'm afraid I'm not, and that I've lugged these good people in by the hair of the head; but I'm doing my best. "La plus belle fille au monde ne peut donner que ce ...
— The Martian • George Du Maurier

... have most enjoyed making were those of Debussy's Il pleure dans mon coeur, and La Fille aux cheveaux de lin. Debussy was my cherished friend, and they represent a labor of love. Though Debussy was not, generally speaking, an advocate of transcriptions, he liked these, and I remember when I first ...
— Violin Mastery - Talks with Master Violinists and Teachers • Frederick H. Martens

... constitutionally abhorrent to me; and I have never been able to read with any very thorough sense of pleasure even the opening lines of "Rolla," that splendid lyrical outburst. What I remember of it now are those two odious chevilles—marchait et respirait, and Astarté fille de l'onde amère; nor does the fact that amère rhymes with mère condone the offence, although it proves that even Musset felt that perhaps the richness of the rhyme might render tolerable the intolerable. And it is to my credit that the ...
— Confessions of a Young Man • George Moore

... le juge," was the reply of M. Amand Fille. "His family has been here since Frontenac's time. He is a figure in the district, with a hand in everything. He does enough foolish things to ruin any man, yet swims along—swims along. He has many kinds of business—mills, stores, farms, lime-kilns, and ...
— The Judgment House • Gilbert Parker

... "Vieille fille fait jeune mariee." Silence was ten years younger as a bride than she had seemed as a lone woman. One would have said she had got out of the coach next to the hearse, and got into one some half a dozen behind it,—where there ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 122, December, 1867 • Various

... and the year of its production (J. Clesinger, 1850), the following incorrect biographical data: "Frederic Chopin, ne en Pologne a Zelazowa Wola pres de Varsovie: Fils d'un emigre francais, marie a Mile. Krzyzanowska, fille ...
— Frederick Chopin as a Man and Musician - Volume 1-2, Complete • Frederick Niecks

... un chemin long 'to Tepararee', C'est un chemin long, c'est vrai; C'est un chemin long 'to Tepararee', Et la belle fille qu'je connais. Bonjour, Peekadeely! Au revoir, Lestaire Squaire! C'est un chemin long 'to Tepararee', ...
— Rhymes of a Red Cross Man • Robert W. Service

... sur un homme qui dans trois ans sera un quasi vieillard, deja valetudinaire aujourd'hui et sachant a peine distinguer le seigle du froment! Oh! l'admirable cultivateur modele que vous aurez la! Soyez franc, mon cher Gendre, vous avez rumine ce pretexte avec ma fille pour m'assurer des invalides et donner a ma vieillesse un repos et un abri que mon labeur n'a pas voulu conquerir au prix de mon honnetete. [Footnote: My father had been offered a very important post in the government ...
— Philip Gilbert Hamerton • Philip Gilbert Hamerton et al

... ce qui me touche a moy en particulier, encores que j'ayme unicquement tous mes enffans, je veulx preferer, comme il est bien raysonnable, les filz aux filles; et pour le regard de ce que me mandez de celluy qui a faict mourir ma fille, c'est chose que l'on ne tient point pour certaine, et ou elle le seroit, le roy monsieur mondit filz n'en pouvoit faire la vengence en l'estat que son royaulme estoit lors; mais a present qu'il est tout uni, il aura assez de moien et de forces pour sen ressentir quant ...
— The History of Freedom • John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton

... elles sont moins promptes a deviner le mal et a mesurer leurs maris.... Elles n'ont pas la nettete, la hardiesse d'idees, l'assurance de conduite, la precocite qui chez nous en six mois font d'une jeune fille une femme d'intrigue et une reine de salon. La vie enfermee et l'obeissance leur sont plus faciles. Plus pliantes et plus sedentaires elles sont en meme temps plus concentrees, plus interieures, plus disposees a suivre des yeux le noble reve ...
— Home Life in Germany • Mrs. Alfred Sidgwick

... right specially and straytly hath me commanded and fille, laquelle tres especialement et estroitement ...
— An Introductorie for to Lerne to Read, To Pronounce, and to Speke French Trewly • Anonymous

... wisdom over a cafe table that Cronshaw with his keen intellect and his passion for beauty could ally himself to such a creature. But he seemed to revel in the coarseness of her language and would often report some phrase which reeked of the gutter. He referred to her ironically as la fille de mon concierge. Cronshaw was very poor. He earned a bare subsistence by writing on the exhibitions of pictures for one or two English papers, and he did a certain amount of translating. He had been on the staff of an English paper in Paris, but had been ...
— Of Human Bondage • W. Somerset Maugham

... comes useful to the detective," remarked Holmes. "Even the trivial fact that in the year 1865 a picture by Greuze entitled La Jeune Fille a l'Agneau fetched one million two hundred thousand francs—more than forty thousand pounds—at the Portalis sale may start a train of reflection in ...
— The Valley of Fear • Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

... drinking with the Maid and her brothers. Indeed, he says, taking a distinction, that in his early childhood—'son jeune aage'—he visited the family of d'Arc, with his father, at Domremy, and saw the Maid, qui pour lors estoit jeune fille.* ...
— The Valet's Tragedy and Other Stories • Andrew Lang

Words linked to "Fille" :   girl, flapper, gal, party girl, rosebud, tsatske, sexpot, sex kitten, wench, tshatshke, working girl, belle, sweater girl, baby, shop girl, chachka, romp, maid, young lady, gamine, lassie, babe, Gibson girl, doll, sister, fille de chambre, maiden, chick, sex bomb, hoyden, lass, miss

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