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Fitt  n.  See 2d Fit.

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"Fitt" Quotes from Famous Books

... pooh-poohed the whole story, arguing that the rock was altogether too far away from the land to be a logical stepping-place, and referring to the only authentic record of that first landing, which merely reads: "They sounded y^e harbor & founde it fitt for shipping, and marched into y^e land & found diverse cornfeilds & little running brooks, a place fitt for situation: at least it was y^e best they could find." The Pilgrims, then, were quite oblivious of the rock, the historians are entirely ...
— The Old Coast Road - From Boston to Plymouth • Agnes Rothery

... a very good and auncient extraction, by father and mother; his education had bene very good, amongst bookes and men. After some yeeres study of the law in the Middle temple, and at an age fitt to make observations and reflexions, out of which that which is commonly called exsperience is constituted, he travelled into forrainge partes, and was acquainted in forrainge partes;[1] he betooke himselfe to the courte, and lyved ther ...
— Characters from 17th Century Histories and Chronicles • Various

... The cruell markes of many a bloody fielde; Yet armes till that time did he never wield: His angry steede did chide his foming bitt, As much disdayning to the curbe to yield: Full iolly[118] knight he seemd, and faire did sitt, As one for knightly giusts[119] and fierce encounters fitt. And on his brest a bloodie crosse he bore, The deare remembrance of his dying Lord, For whose sweete sake that glorious badge he wore, And dead, as living ever, him ador'd: Upon his shield the like was also scor'd, ...
— English Literature - Its History and Its Significance for the Life of the English Speaking World • William J. Long

... a long time. They will now power in all the troups from England on us; but I hope we may hold it this winter in spite of them, tho' we shall have hard quarters in the Highlands. In case of what Mr. H——ll writes me prove true, and happen, for fear of accidents after it does, were it not fitt that you should write to France to send some ships to cruise up and down the north-west coast to save the person Mr. H——ll writes of, if things should not prove right? and our friends in France can either send them from thence or Spain, round ...
— Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. - Volume I. • Mrs. Thomson

... transport together with their Proceedings in the Execu'ion of the aforesaid Articles—Whereunto the said M^{rs}. have conformed themselves—It was therefore & for diverse other Reasons best known to their Lo^{pps}. thought fitt that for this time they should be permitted to proceed on their Voyage, and it was thereupon ordered that Gabriel Marsh Esq^{r}. Marshalle of the Admiralty, & all other His Maj'ty's Officers to whom their said Warr^{t}. was directed should be required upon sight hereof to discharge ...
— Old New England Traits • Anonymous

... gave the Arcbbp. of Canterburye comand to make the Alterations expressed in this Booke, and to fitt a Liturgy for the Church of Scotland. And whersoever they shall differ from another Booke signed by Us at Hampt. Court September 28, 1634, Our pleasure is to have these followed rather than the former, unless the Archbp. of St. Andrews, and his Brethren who are upon the place, shall see apparent ...
— Three Centuries of a City Library • George A. Stephen

... upon the Companies, and then his Plantation would not be lawfull, or on Captain Martin's lande, and so[18] he was but a limbe or member of him, and there could be but two Burgesses for all. So Captaine Warde was comanded to absente himselfe till such time as the Assembly had agreed what was fitt for him to doe. After muche debate, they resolved on this ...
— Colonial Records of Virginia • Various

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