"Flex" Quotes from Famous Books
... Magersfontein. Entry and exit, in the upper third of the arm internal to the humerus. Complete median paralysis, anaesthesia in the ulnar area, and in the radial supply to the dorsum of the middle and ring fingers. Could flex, extend, and adduct and abduct the wrist; some power of flexion in index finger, in others none. The flexion of the wrist was dependent on the ulnar supply to the muscles of the forearm. No wasting of the interossei, skin normal except for a large trophic blister ... — Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 • George Henry Makins
... less, light breast and shoulders, with irregular dark stripes—tail long—sits hunch'd up by the hour these days, top of a tall bush, or some tree, singing blithely. I often get near and listen, as he seems tame; I like to watch the working of his bill and throat, the quaint sidle of his body, and flex of his long tail. I hear the woodpecker, and night and early morning the shuttle of the whip-poor-will—noons, the gurgle of thrush delicious, and meo-o-ow of the cat-bird. Many I cannot name; but I do not very particularly seek information. (You must not know too much, ... — Complete Prose Works - Specimen Days and Collect, November Boughs and Goodbye My Fancy • Walt Whitman |
Words linked to "Flex" : move, unbend, double, dent, angle, double up, convolute, cower, gnarl, tilt, arc, crawl, incurvate, bow, grovel, shrink, crank, flexure, crouch, change shape, curve, change form, curl, swank, draw in, bend, show off, retroflex, lean, double over, flexible, cringe, turn, ostentate, slant, fawn, flash, indent, stoop, flaunt, twist, curl up, creep, replicate, crook, convolve, contract |
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