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Forceps   Listen
Forceps  n.  
A pair of pinchers, or tongs; an instrument for grasping, holding firmly, or exerting traction upon, bodies which it would be inconvenient or impracticable to seize with the fingers, especially one for delicate operations, as those of watchmakers, surgeons, accoucheurs, dentists, etc.
(Zool.) The caudal forceps-shaped appendage of earwigs and some other insects. See Earwig.
Dressing forceps. See under Dressing.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Forceps" Quotes from Famous Books

... Scout pokes at a deep wound, the better. He can wash it out with hot water, and maybe can pick out particles of visible dirt or splinters with forceps which have been boiled for ten minutes. Then he can bandage it loosely, and wait for Nature ...
— Pluck on the Long Trail - Boy Scouts in the Rockies • Edwin L. Sabin

... make an experiment, and when it is swallowed I begin operations. It is well not to wait till the worm is much digested. I put the polype, whose stomach is well filled, in a little water in the hollow of my left hand; I then press it with a small forceps nearer to the tail end than to the head. In this way I push the swallowed worm against the mouth of the polype, which is thus forced to open, and by again slightly pressing the polype with my forceps I cause the worm partly to come out from its mouth, and thus draw ...
— Country Walks of a Naturalist with His Children • W. Houghton

... prima donna was more concerned with the care of her skin, complexion and hair than he. The analogy extends even to superfluous hair which he had removed, not by the modern electrolysis, but by depilation with forceps and main force. The attendants at his bath would polish his epidermis, for his satisfaction, until it resembled alabaster ...
— The Glands Regulating Personality • Louis Berman, M.D.

... by a peculiar sort of tap, tap, on the floor, as if a cat with walnut shells had been moving about the room. The feline race, in all its varieties, is my detestation, so I slipped out of bed to expel the intruder; but the instant my toe touched the ground, it was seized as if by a smith's forceps. I drew it into bed, but the annoyance followed it; and in an agony of alarm and pain, I thrust my hand down, when my thumb was instantly manacled to the other suffering member. I now lost my wits altogether, and roared murder, ...
— Tom Cringle's Log • Michael Scott

... belief, - how can he suffer longer? Do you feel the pain of tooth-pulling, when you believe that nitrous-oxide gas has made you unconscious? 346:27 Yet, in your concept, the tooth, the operation, and the forceps are unchanged. ...
— Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures • Mary Baker Eddy

... sir, that pains you?" Asked of him the honest barber, And the patient in affected Language grandly thus made answer, "The penultimate"; the dentist Not being used to such pedantic Talk as this, with ready forceps Soon the last of all extracted. The poor patient to be certain, With his tongue the spot examined, And exclaimed, his mouth all bleeding, "Why, that 's not the right tooth, master". "Is it not the ultimate molar?" Said the barber quite as grandly. "Yes" ...
— The Two Lovers of Heaven: Chrysanthus and Daria - A Drama of Early Christian Rome • Pedro Calderon de la Barca

... simple part of the operation," he explained, "a very simple part, indeed, and attended with absolutely no pain. A sponge, please. Thank you. Now the forceps. Yes." ...
— The Prospector - A Tale of the Crow's Nest Pass • Ralph Connor

... renewed the exhausted batteries and passed the current through the bowl of quicksilver. For sixteen hours I sat watching the metal, marking how it slowly seemed to curdle, to grow firmer, to lose its silvery glitter and to take a dull yellow hue. When I at last picked it up in a forceps, and threw it upon the table, it had lost every characteristic of mercury, and had obviously become another metal. A few simple tests were enough to show me that this other ...
— The Doings Of Raffles Haw • Arthur Conan Doyle

... maintain the width of woman's pelvis, as it formerly did, and a certain amount of reversion in this respect is probably taking place—a reversion which, if unchecked, would necessarily lead after a long time to a reduction in the average size of skull of that part of the human race which frequently uses forceps at childbirth. The time would be long because the forceps permit the survival of some large-headed infants who ...
— Applied Eugenics • Paul Popenoe and Roswell Hill Johnson

... the revised edition of 1884, by Despres, Gillettte, and Horteloup, the subject of dilatation is dismissed in two short lines. St. Germain, of Paris, uses, as has been before observed, a two-bladed forceps, used after the manner of Nelaton, and reports good results. Dr. J. Lewis Smith agrees in his statements with Dr. St. Germain. Dr. Holgate, of New York, reports a like experience. In my own practice the prepuce has often been made temporarily ...
— History of Circumcision from the Earliest Times to the Present - Moral and Physical Reasons for its Performance • Peter Charles Remondino

... soon demonstrated beyond question the fact that the veins do carry the return blood. "But this, in particular, can be shown clearer than daylight," says Harvey. "The vena cava enters the heart at an inferior portion, while the artery passes out above. Now if the vena cava be taken up with forceps or the thumb and finger, and the course of the blood intercepted for some distance below the heart, you will at once see it almost emptied between the fingers and the heart, the blood being exhausted by the heart's pulsation, ...
— A History of Science, Volume 2(of 5) • Henry Smith Williams

... shoe-button eyes; and we are not certain whether they reflect to the head ganglion two or three hundred bits of leaf, or one large mosaic leaf. Below all is swung the pair of great scythes, so edged and hung that they can function as jaws, rip-saws, scissors, forceps, and clamps. The thorax, like the head of a titanothere, bears three pairs of horns—a great irregular expanse of tumbled, rock-like skin and thorn, a foundation for three pairs of long legs, and sheltering somewhere in its ...
— Edge of the Jungle • William Beebe

... so venerable! Benedict the Jew in vain pleaded parchments; his usuries were too many. The King said, "Go to, for all thy parchments, thou shalt pay just debt; down with thy dust, or observe this tooth-forceps!" Nature, a far juster Sovereign, has far terribler forceps. Aristocracies, actual and imaginary, reach a time when parchment pleading does not avail them. "Go to, for all thy parchments, thou shalt pay ...
— Past and Present - Thomas Carlyle's Collected Works, Vol. XIII. • Thomas Carlyle

... tremor. Along with this I purchased every possible accessory—draw-tubes, micrometers, a camera lucida, lever-stage, achromatic condensers, white cloud illuminators, prisms, parabolic condensers, polarizing apparatus, forceps, aquatic boxes, fishing-tubes, with a host of other articles, all of which would have been useful in the hands of an experienced microscopist, but, as I afterward discovered, were not of the slightest present ...
— The Diamond Lens • Fitz-James O'brien

... a forge, the heat of which is urged by a pair of double bellows of a very simple construction, being made of two goats' skins; the tubes from which unite, before they enter the forge, and supply a constant and very regular blast. The hammer, forceps, and anvil, are all very simple, and the workmanship (particularly in the formation of knives and spears) is not destitute of merit. The iron, indeed, is hard and brittle, and requires much labour before it can be made ...
— Life and Travels of Mungo Park in Central Africa • Mungo Park

... more than five thousand sea-anemones of various kinds in the Aquarium; and they have an attendant, whose sole occupation is to feed them, by means of a pair of long wooden forceps. ...
— Brothers of Pity and Other Tales of Beasts and Men • Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing

... was taken out of its box, sprayed with warm water, and gently deposited on the gravel floor of our most spacious python apartment. Later on pails of warm water, sponges and forceps were procured, and five strong keepers were assembled for ...
— The Minds and Manners of Wild Animals • William T. Hornaday

... Forceps sensitive enough to lay hold of an antenna could not capture the vagariousness of all of this, but none the less it was just that ridiculous and irrelevant flash across her vision that eliminated the almost unbearable tugging of nostalgia at her ...
— Star-Dust • Fannie Hurst

... the surgeon drew forth his forceps from the wound and dropped a bullet to the floor. Next he gently rolled the patient over on his back, and then it was that Jacqueline saw in Murguia's hand, in the hand that had been under him, a little ivory cross. Fainting, unconscious, he still clutched ...
— The Missourian • Eugene P. (Eugene Percy) Lyle

... middle life before becoming pregnant. They may need to exercise more patience than younger women, though they have no greater reason to apprehend serious difficulties. Whenever rigidity of the muscles adjacent to the birth-canal arrests delivery the physician may employ the obstetrical forceps, which have been in use ...
— The Prospective Mother - A Handbook for Women During Pregnancy • J. Morris Slemons

... of love and beauty, with "fields, or waves, or mountains" and "shapes of sky or plain," has made little advance in the art and instruments of good living. It swallows its food whole, scarcely knowing the taste of it, and a pair of forceps for picking it up, tipped and cased with horn, is the whole of its dining furniture. For the bill of a bird, primarily and essentially, is that and nothing else. In the chickens and the sparrows that come to steal their food, and the robin that looks on, and all the little dicky-birds, ...
— Concerning Animals and Other Matters • E.H. Aitken, (AKA Edward Hamilton)

... deed were done, and done quickly. He is sorry, but que voulez-vous? the tooth must be taken out, and he has you in the chair, and it is surprising with what courage and vigour of wrist he applies the forceps. Perhaps he would not be quite so active or eager if it were his tooth; but, in fine, it is your duty to have it out. So the doctor, having read the epistle out to Myra and Mrs. Portman, with many damnatory comments upon the young scapegrace who ...
— The History of Pendennis • William Makepeace Thackeray

... taken from unborn lambs: like most Tibetans, he extracts all his beard with tweezers; an operation he civilly recommended to me, accompanying the advice with the present of a neat pair of steel forceps. He aspires to be considered a man of taste, and plays the Tibetan guitar, on which he performed some airs for our amusement: the instrument is round-bodied and long-armed, with six strings placed in pairs, and probably comes from Kashmir: the Tibetan airs ...
— Himalayan Journals (Complete) • J. D. Hooker

... gaze. A stolid, good-natured hind mounts the seat. The dentist examines his mouth, and finds the offending tooth. He then turns to the crowd and explains the case. He takes a little instrument that is neither forceps nor turnkey, stands upon the seat, seizes the man's nose, and jerks his head round between his knees, pulling his mouth open (there is nothing that opens the mouth quicker than a sharp upward jerk of the nose) with a rude jollity ...
— Baddeck and That Sort of Thing • Charles Dudley Warner

... the esophagus with air, the window plug shown in Fig. 6, is inserted into the proximal end of the esophagoscope, and air insufflated by means of the hand aspirator or with a hand bulb. The window can be replaced by a rubber diaphragm with a perforation for forceps if desired. It will be noted that none of the endoscopic tubes are fitted with mandrins. They are to be introduced under the direct guidance of the eye only. Mandrins are obtainable, but their use is objectionable for a number of reasons, chief of which is the danger ...
— Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy - A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery • Chevalier Jackson

... Extraction. — N. extraction; extracting &c. v.; removal, elimination, extrication, eradication, evolution. evulsion[obs3], avulsion[obs3]; wrench; expression, squeezing; extirpation, extermination; ejection &c. 297; export &c. (egress) 295. extractor, corkscrew, forceps, pliers. V. extract, draw; take out, draw out, pull out, tear out, pluck out, pick out, get out; wring from, wrench; extort; root up, weed up, grub up, rake up, root out, weed out, grub out, rake out; eradicate; pull up by the roots, pluck up by ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

... coins, including a "long cross" silver penny, not earlier than the second half of the thirteenth century, which was dug up in the churchyard; a ball probably discharged from a Parliamentary culverin which was found embedded in the north face of the tower; a clumsy pair of forceps which were used for extracting the teeth of nuns suffering from toothache; a mason's punch found under the floor of the destroyed Lady Chapel, and a Roman spearhead found at Greatbridge, a short distance to the ...
— Bell's Cathedrals: A Short Account of Romsey Abbey • Thomas Perkins

... vacant-looking face and a dreadful picture on the wall. It represented Dr. Babb himself, minus the hair, but with double the number of smiles, standing by a patient from whose mouth he had apparently just extracted a huge molar that he held triumphantly in his forceps. A gray-haired old gentleman regarded the pair with benevolent interest. The photograph ...
— The Wit of Women - Fourth Edition • Kate Sanborn

... cover-slips, by means of a pair of clean forceps, previously heated in the Bunsen flame to destroy any trace of grease, to a small beaker of ...
— The Elements of Bacteriological Technique • John William Henry Eyre

... ages who might return to swim in these waters would find on all sides, in the dark chasms, and along the coasts, the same life and the identical struggles as in his youth. The animal of combat with his green carapace, armed with curving claws and with forceps for torture, implacable warrior of the dark submarine caverns, has never united with the graceful fish, swift and weak, which trails its rose and silver tunic through the transparent waters. His destiny is to devour, to be strong, and, if he should ...
— The Dead Command - From the Spanish Los Muertos Mandan • Vicente Blasco Ibanez

... aged 32 years, was taken with labour with her first child, on the 12th Feb. 1825. The pains soon ceased, and on the 15th of Feb. M. BEDEL, physician at Schirmack, was consulted, who speedily delivered her, by means of the forceps, of a dead child. The haemorrhage was so considerable, as to render the immediate removal of the placenta necessary; but the uterus did not contract, and the bleeding continued, with tremblings, syncope, cold sweats, &c. ...
— North American Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, July, 1826 • Various

... for dunning you, for extorting information from you as if with forceps—suppose I were to ask you a really personal question—this faculty ...
— La-bas • J. K. Huysmans

... by shipwrights for drawing bolts, &c. Also, a kind of forceps used for bringing up specimens of the bottom in ...
— The Sailor's Word-Book • William Henry Smyth

... can take in that way is a suit of clothes and a spare flannel shirt or two, and some socks. I have got two cases of surgical instruments. I will take a few of the most useful and some other things, a pair of forceps for instance. We may come across a Tartar with a raging tooth, and make him our friend for ever by extracting it, and I will put a bandage or two and some plaster in my pocket. They are things one ...
— Condemned as a Nihilist - A Story of Escape from Siberia • George Alfred Henty

... back." There was a curve to his words that hooked into her heart like forceps about a block of ice. But she outstared him, holding her lips in the center of the comedy rim so that he could see ...
— The Vertical City • Fannie Hurst

... quantity should be regulated by the size of the breed: for a medium breed, an inch is sufficient to be cut off at this age. Some sportsmen in England, Mr. Blain also informs us, draw out the lower tendons of the tail, which present themselves after amputation, with a pair of forceps, with a view of causing the tail to be carried higher, which adds to the style and appearance of the dog, when in the field. This practice, we agree with Mr. Youatt, is cannibal-like, and very painful; ...
— The Dog - A nineteenth-century dog-lovers' manual, - a combination of the essential and the esoteric. • William Youatt

... showers are likely to bring me patients, Nancy, on foot or in cabs, and you ought to know it. If it's a patient, ask him in, by all means, and give him last Saturday week's Times to read, while I rub the rust off my forceps. There, that will do; take your tray—or, stop; I've some news to tell you." He rose, and stood with his back to the fire and his eyes bent upon the hearthrug, while Mrs. Woolper waited by the table, with the tray packed ready for removal. Her master kept her waiting ...
— Birds of Prey • M. E. Braddon

... the sting of bees before all of the poison has come away. A fine pair of forceps is useful for this purpose; or, by pressing the hollow tube of a small key directly down over the puncture made by the sting, ...
— The Home Medical Library, Volume I (of VI) • Various

... found this wasn't going to do. Keg's spirits were down about two notches below the absolute zero. If this was college life, he said, would somebody kindly take a pair of forceps and remove it. It ached. The upshot was we made Keg steward of the frat-house table, which paid his board and room and moved him into the chapter house. He objected at first, because of what his father would say when he ...
— At Good Old Siwash • George Fitch

... suggest. The comments of Elise on the habits and peculiarities of every plant and flower that they attempted demonstrated to Miss Hartwell that the real science of botany was not wholly dependent upon forceps and scalpel. Another demonstration was to the effect that the first and hardest step in drawing, if not in painting, was a clear-cut conception of the object to be delineated. Elise knew her object. From the ...
— Blue Goose • Frank Lewis Nason

... no fear," said Elmer, bringing up his iron box of nitrous oxide, and selecting a pair of forceps from the mass of instruments in ...
— The Galaxy - Vol. 23, No. 1 • Various

... its place, behind a screen. The straps were cut, and consequently useless, so he wrapped them up in a newspaper and threw them into the waste basket. He cleaned his knife with unusual care, and wiped an ugly stain from his forceps. ...
— A Spinner in the Sun • Myrtle Reed

... out a card-table and Kathleen brought forceps, strips of oiled paper, pins, setting-blocks, needles, and oblong glass weights; and together, seated opposite each other, they removed the delicate-winged contents ...
— The Danger Mark • Robert W. Chambers

... when the crane claimed the reward of the wolf for using his long neck and bill as a forceps in extracting a bone from the latter's oesophagus, Lupus suggests that for the crane to have had his head down in the lupine throat and not get it snapped off was reward enough for any reasonable fowl. The petty officer was ...
— Lippincott's Magazine Of Popular Literature And Science, No. 23, February, 1873, Vol. XI. • Various

... Tiger, sadly. "It seems to fill my whole body, from the end of my throat to the tip of my tail. I am very sure the appetite doesn't fit me, and is too large for the size of my body. Some day, when I meet a dentist with a pair of forceps, I'm going to ...
— Ozma of Oz • L. Frank Baum

... Osmosis.*—1. Separate the shell from the lining membrane at one end of an egg, over an area about one inch in diameter. To do this without injuring the membrane, the shell must first be broken into small pieces and then picked off with a pair of forceps, or a small knife blade. Fit a small glass tube, eight or ten inches long, into the other end so that it will penetrate the membrane and pass down into the yolk. Securely fasten the tube to the shell ...
— Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schools • Francis M. Walters, A.M.

... his left hand, sliding it into the neck of the womb, and into the lower part of it towards the feet, as hollow in the palm as he can, and then between the head of the infant and the neck of the womb. Then, having a forceps in the right hand, slip it up above the left hand, between the head of the child and the flat of the hand, fixing it in the bars of the temple near the eye. As these cannot be got at easily in the occipital bone, be careful still to keep the hand in its place, and gently move ...
— The Works of Aristotle the Famous Philosopher • Anonymous

... now to examine the mind's influence upon the body from the standpoint of the body. To do this we must go forth and investigate. We must use eye, ear and hand. We must use the forceps and scalpel and microscope of the ...
— Psychology and Achievement • Warren Hilton

... reading in the papers about doctors that perform operations leaving sponges, forceps, and things inside of patients, when they close up the place, and since dad has got pretty fussy since his operation he thinks they left something in him. Some days he thinks they left a roll of cotton batting, or ...
— Peck's Bad Boy Abroad • George W. Peck

... the arrays of pins, needles, tubes, forceps, jars and bottles, magnifying-glasses, microscope, slides, drying-ovens, relaxing-box, cabinets, and above all, the mounted specimens, raised his spirits somewhat. This, at least, looked workman-like; this, at least, promised ...
— Slippy McGee, Sometimes Known as the Butterfly Man • Marie Conway Oemler

... the hooked probe nor hum of whirring file, The fearful forceps nor the needled lance Will wholly banish my expectant smile That greets "the foaming grape of ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 158, May 26, 1920 • Various

... three segments. On dissecting the grub, we find that these spots have to do with the adipose layer, of which they form a considerable part, for, far from being scattered only on the surface, they run through its whole thickness and are present in such numbers that the forceps cannot seize the least fragment of this tissue without picking up ...
— The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles • Jean Henri Fabre

... he said, "I'm going to perform a very delicate test on this man. Here I have the alternating city current and here a direct, continuous current from the storage-batteries of the cab below. Doctor, hold his mouth open. So. Now, have you a pair of forceps handy? Good. Can you catch hold of the tip of his tongue? There. Do just as I tell you. I apply this cathode to his skin in the dorsal region; under the back of the neck, and this anode in the lumbar ...
— The Silent Bullet • Arthur B. Reeve

Words linked to "Forceps" :   forceps delivery, plural form, extractor, lion-jaw forceps, mouse-tooth forceps

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