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Fu   Listen
Fu  n.  A department in China comprising several hsein; also, the chief city of a department; often forming the last part of a name; as, Paoting-fu.

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"Fu" Quotes from Famous Books

... mixed mercantile business, and they seemed to be prosperous people, but I take it Fu Shan mainly carried on the business, and Sadler was the reason why the firm's property was respected and let alone by the Caucasians. There is a big Chinese company in Singapore, called "Shan Brothers," whose name is well known on bills of lading, ...
— The Belted Seas • Arthur Colton

... founder of the second school, which has exerted a far more extensive and beneficial influence on the political and social institutions of China. Confucius is a Latin name, corresponding to the original Kung-fu-tse, Kung being the proper name, and Fu-tse signifying reverend teacher or doctor. He was born 551 B.C., and educated by his mother, who impressed upon him a strong sense of morality. After a careful study of ...
— Handbook of Universal Literature - From The Best and Latest Authorities • Anne C. Lynch Botta

... was their only love, And that they loved fu' dearly, O! They dinna care a flea for men, Let them court hooe'er ...
— The Cariboo Trail - A Chronicle of the Gold-fields of British Columbia • Agnes C. Laut

... grey father, Sobbing fu' sair; Down came his auld mother, Tearing her hair: Down came his sweet wife, Wi' her bonnie bairns three— Ane at her bosom, ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 10, No. 279, October 20, 1827 • Various

... trwy osod sach a'i cheg yn agored ar dwll yr arferai y pryf fyned iddo, ond ni byddai byth yn dyfod allan drwyddo am ei fod yn rhy serth a llithrig. A'r modd a gosodasant y sach oedd rhoddi cortyn trwy dyllau yn ei cheg, yn y fath fodd ag y crychai, ac y ceuai ei cheg pan elai rhywbeth iddi. Felly fu; aeth pawb i'w fan, ac i'w wely y noson hono. Gyda'r wawr bore dranoeth, awd i edrych y sach, ac erbyn dyfod ati yr oedd ei cheg wedi crychu, yn arwydd fod rhywbeth oddifewn. Codwyd hi, a thaflodd un hi ar ei ysgwydd i'w dwyn adref. Ond pan yn agos i Bryn y Fedw wele dorpyn ...
— Welsh Folk-Lore - a Collection of the Folk-Tales and Legends of North Wales • Elias Owen

... banks and braes o' bonnie Doon, How can ye bloom sae fair? How can ye chant, ye little birds, And I sae fu' of care? ...
— Robert Browning • G. K. Chesterton

... the period Wan-li, there came, among the thousands of students who gathered at Peking for the examinations, a certain Li, whose first name was Chia and his surname Ch'ien-hsi, or "Purified-a-thousand times." His family were from Shao-hsing fu in Chekiang; his father was Judge of the province of Kang-su; and Li himself was the eldest of three brothers. He had studied in the village school from childhood and, not having yet attained to literary rank, had come, according to custom, to present himself for examination at Peking. While ...
— Eastern Shame Girl • Charles Georges Souli

... splendid city named Cle Men Fu [near where Peking now stands], and, on arriving, a gracious reception awaited the three merchants, who narrated events and delivered the messages from Rome with the papal presents. Taking special notice of young Marco, the grand khan enrolled ...
— The World's Greatest Books, Volume 19 - Travel and Adventure • Various

... the south, and for more than two to the boundary of the Lido. It was the deeper channel, just in front of the Ducal Palace, continuing the line of the great water street itself which the Venetians spoke of as "the Grand Canal." The words of Sansovino are: "Fu cominciato dove si vede, vicino al ponte della paglia, et rispondente sul canal grande." Filiasi says simply: "The palace was built where it now is." "Il palazio fu fatto dove ora pure esiste."—Vol. iii. chap. 27. The Savina Chronicle, ...
— Stones of Venice [introductions] • John Ruskin

... on a cartellino at the base of the picture, "Ritratto di uno di Casa Pesaro in Venetia che fu fatto generale di Sta chiesa. Titiano fecit," is unquestionably of much later date than the work itself. The cartellino is entirely out of perspective with the marble floor to which it is supposed to adhere. The part of the background showing the galleys of Pesaro's ...
— The Earlier Work of Titian • Claude Phillips

... been in Bontoc longer than the endurance of tradition, for he says he never lived elsewhere, that he never drove any people out before him, and that he was never driven; and has always called himself the "I-pu-kao'" or "I-fu-gao'" — the "people." ...
— The Bontoc Igorot • Albert Ernest Jenks

... Eastern race, accumulated in one giant intellect, with all the resources of science past and present, with all the resources, if you will, of a wealthy government—which, however, already has denied all knowledge of his existence. Imagine that awful being, and you have a mental picture of Dr. Fu-Manchu, the yellow peril incarnate ...
— The Insidious Dr. Fu-Manchu • Sax Rohmer

... epistles and sonnets, love billets and groan-ets, Ye'll tear the poor Postie to shivers and rags. Noo Jock sends to Jenny, it costs but ae penny, A screed that has near broke the Dictionar's back, Fu' o' dove-in and dear-in, and thoughts on the shearin'!! Nae need noo o' whisp'rin' ayont a wheat stack. Auld drivers were lazy, their mail-coaches crazy, At ilk public-house they stopt for a gill; But noo at the gallop, cheap mail-bags maun wallop. Hurrah for our Postman, the great Roland ...
— A Hundred Years by Post - A Jubilee Retrospect • J. Wilson Hyde

... qui fu la mia mente si ristretta dentro da se, che di fuor non venia cosa che fosse allor ...
— Art • Clive Bell

... eyes Who's pappy's darlin' an' who's pappy's chile? Who is it all de day nevah once tries Fu' to be cross, er once loses dat smile? Whah did you git dem teef? My, you's a scamp! Whah did dat dimple come f'om in yo' chin? Pappy do' know you—I b'lieves you's a tramp; Mammy, dis hyeah's some ...
— The Book of American Negro Poetry • Edited by James Weldon Johnson

... said Helbeck. "It used to be told of several roads about here. Old Wilson once said to me, 'When Aa wor yoong, ivery field an ivery lane wor fu o' bogles!' It is strange how the old tales have died out, while a brand new one, like our own ghost story, ...
— Helbeck of Bannisdale, Vol. II • Mrs. Humphry Ward

... a little,' Nelly said. 'He is sure to come this way, and it will be such a nice long ride back. You, Little Yi, can ride with the ma-fu (groom). It will ...
— The Little Girl Lost - A Tale for Little Girls • Eleanor Raper

... di eloquenza; buono grammatico, megliore rettorico, autorista buono...Oh, come spesso diceva, 'Dove sono questi buoni Romani? Dov'e loro somma giustizia? Poterommi trovare in tempo che questi fioriscano?' Era bell 'omo...Accadde che uno suo frate fu ucciso, e non ne fu fatta vendetta di sua morte: non lo poteo aiutare; pensa lungo mano vendicare 'l sangue di suo frate; pensa lunga mano dirizzare la cittate di Roma male guidata."—"Vita di Cola ...
— Rienzi • Edward Bulwer Lytton

... udendo che finalmente le sia giunto l'involto contenente le copie stampate del Carme, ch' ebbi l'onore di poterle offerire, mentre io era in gran pensiero non forse fossero insorte difficolta, o ritardi, in causa della posta. Ma, ben piu che per questo la sua graziosissima lettera mi fu di vera consolazione, per l'accoglienza tutta benevola e generosa ch' Ella fece a' miei versi. La ringrazio delle parole piene di bonta ch' Ella mi scrive, e di aversi preso la gentil cura di farlo in italiano; cosi potess' io ricambiarla scrivendo a Lei in inglese! ...
— Personal Recollections, from Early Life to Old Age, of Mary Somerville • Mary Somerville

... is," Mrs. Mixon was wont to say, "my man, Madison, was nevah no han' to wo'k. He was de settin'-downest man you evah seed. Hit wouldn't 'a' been so bad, but Madison was a lakly man, an' his tongue wah smoothah dan ile; so hit t'wan't no shakes fu' him to fool ol' Mas' 'bout his wo'k an' git erlong des erbout ez he pleased. Mas' Madison Mixon, hisse'f, was a mighty 'dulgent so't o' man, an' he liked a laugh bettah dan anyone in de worl'. Well, my ...
— The heart of happy hollow - A collection of stories • Paul Laurence Dunbar

... anco da questo istesso ex torsero queste isole Hesperidi, che noi diciamo, onde senza alcun dubbio si de tenere, che in quel tempe questo isole sotto la signoria della Spagna stessero, e sotto un medesmo Re, che fu (come Beroso dice) 1658 anni prima che il nostro Salvatore nascesse. E perche al presente siamo nel 1535 della salute nostra, ne segue che siano ora tre milo e cento novantatre anni che la Spagna e'l suo Re Hespero signoreggiavano queste Indie o Isole Hesperidi. E come cosa sua ...
— The Conquest of Canada (Vol. 1 of 2) • George Warburton

... got no chance me, fu' go fine nuttin in de 'ood" (woods), he answered purposely in English, to annoy his father who did ...
— At Fault • Kate Chopin

... giant living on a hill who stretched out his hand to pick up shell-fish. This myth remained current until the eighteenth century, and stone axes exhumed from the heaps were called thunder-axes (rai-fu) just as similar relics in Europe ...
— A History of the Japanese People - From the Earliest Times to the End of the Meiji Era • Frank Brinkley and Dairoku Kikuchi

... o' Windybarns? The bull had near ca'ed oot his harns, His een were blinkin' fu' o' starns, An' doon they ...
— The Auld Doctor and other Poems and Songs in Scots • David Rorie

... al mondo senza exempio Che 'l ciel di tue bellezze innamorasti, Cui ne prima fu simil ne seconda, Santi penseri, atti pietosi et casti Al vero Dio sacrato et vivo tempio Fecero in tua verginita feconda. Per te po la mia vita esser ioconda, Sa' tuoi preghi, o Maria, Vergine dolce et pia, Ove 'l fallo abondo, la gratia abonda. Con le ginocchia de la mente inchine, Prego che sia ...
— Woman in the Ninteenth Century - and Kindred Papers Relating to the Sphere, Condition - and Duties, of Woman. • Margaret Fuller Ossoli

... de l'Exploration de la Compagnie Francaise des Chemins de Fer de l'Indochine et du Yuen-nan, Hanoi, Tonking; M. Henry Wilden, Consul de France, Shanghai; M. Kraemer, Consul de France, Hongkong; Mr. Howard Page, Standard Oil Co., Yuen-nan Fu; the Hon. Paul Reinsch, Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary to the Chinese Republic, Mr. J.V.A. McMurray, First Secretary of the American Legation, Peking; Mr. H.G. Evans, British-American Tobacco Co., Hongkong; ...
— Camps and Trails in China - A Narrative of Exploration, Adventure, and Sport in Little-Known China • Roy Chapman Andrews and Yvette Borup Andrews

... I kenned weel that they didna bide in the groonds, and that they were awa' whenever they got a chance wi' Maister Fothergill West tae Branksome, but the general was too fu' o' his ain troubles tae ken aboot it, and it didna seem tae me that it was pairt o' my duties either as coachman or as gairdner tae mind the bairns. He should have lairnt that if ye forbid a lassie and a laddie ...
— The Mystery of Cloomber • Arthur Conan Doyle

... weel enough in some particulars, sir; but they're just fairly eat up wi' pride and superstition, and fu' o' prejudices. At hame or abroad it's aye the like; they're of a race that can only be improved by amalgamation and time. I wish you a very pleasant passage hame, sir, and a good ...
— Impressions of America - During The Years 1833, 1834, and 1835. In Two Volumes, Volume II. • Tyrone Power

... suggestion that a thing had better be done at present than put off till a future time, or vice versa. "Ae wise body's eneugh in the married state. But if your heart's ower fu', take what siller will serve ye, and let it be when ye come back again—as gude ...
— The Proverbs of Scotland • Alexander Hislop

... pint o' wine, And fill it in a silver tassie; That I may drink, before I go, A service to my bonny lassie; The boat rocks at the pier o' Leith, Fu' loud the wind blaws frae the Ferry; The ship rides by the Berwick law, And I ...
— English Songs and Ballads • Various

... grande, erta sopra i cieli, ampla da coprire con sua ombra tutti i popoli toscani, fatta sanza alcuno aiuto di travamenti o di copia di legname, quale artificio certo, se io ben giudico, come a questi tempi era incredibile potersi, cosi forse appresso gli antiqui fu non saputo ne conosciuto?" ...
— Renaissance in Italy Vol. 3 - The Fine Arts • John Addington Symonds

... also is moved by Fathah, we obtain fa'al, meaning in colloquial Arabic "he did" (the classical or literary form would be fa'ala). Pronouncing the first letter with Zammah (u), the second with Kasrah (i), i.e., fu'il, we say "it was done" (classically fu'ila). Many more forms are derived by prefixing, inserting or subjoining certain additional letters called Huruf al-Ziyadah (letters of increase) to the original radicals: fa'il, for instance, with an Alif of prolongation ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 10 • Richard F. Burton

... literature. In the Official Book of Kau, generally supposed to be a work of the twelfth or eleventh century B.C., among the duties of the Grand Music-Master there is 'the teaching,' (that is, to the musical performers,) 'the, six classes of poems:—the Fang; the Fu; the Pi; the Hsing; the Ya; and the Sung.' That the collection of the Shih, as it now is, existed so early as the date assigned to the Official Book could not be; but we find the same account of it given in the so-called Confucian Preface. ...
— The Shih King • James Legge

... raucle carlin, Wha kent fu' weel to cleek the sterling, For monie a pursie she had hooked, And had in mony a well been ducked. Her dove had been a Highland laddie, But weary fa' the waefu' woodie! Wi' sighs and sobs she thus began To wail her braw ...
— The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. • Robert Burns and Allan Cunningham

... England has been built up by the Tories. I do and will defend them: it is the fashion to decry them now. They have the honour and safety of the country at heart. They do not play disgracefully at reductions of taxes, as the Liberals do. They have given us all our heroes. Non fu mai gloria senza invidia. They have done service enough to despise the envious mob. They never condescend to supplicate brute force for aid to crush their opponents. You feel in all they do that the instincts of ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... at long, long last, and I am allowed to be alone with my thoughts. They sang 'Keerie fu Snaighty' after you left, and 'The King can only love his wife, And I can do the sa-a-me, And I can do the same.' But there is really nothing to tell you, for nothing happened of the slightest consequence. Good night! I am going to bed ...
— The Manxman - A Novel - 1895 • Hall Caine

... met, I wot he was fu' fain: They swakkit swords, and they twa swat, Till the blude ran down ...
— Ballad Book • Katherine Lee Bates (ed.)

... employment in the Sanscrit of the auxiliary verbs as and bhu (asti and bhavati* (* In the branch of the Germanic languages we find bhu under the forms bim, bist; as, in the forms vas, vast, vesum (Bopp page 138).)); the Latin, of es and fu, or fus;* (* Hence fu-ero; amav-issem; amav-eram; pos-sum (pot-sum).) the Biscayan, of izan, ucan, and eguin. There are certain points in which idioms the most dissimilar concur one with another. That which is common ...
— Equinoctial Regions of America • Alexander von Humboldt

... bloody seemed to threaten depopulation to Rome itself, by a continual drain of its forces; so that a law was obliged to be made, for all bachelors to marry the widows of the soldiers who were slain. 6. Fu'rius Camil'lus was now created dictator, and to him was entrusted the sole power of managing the long protracted war. 7. Camil'lus, who, without intrigue or solicitation, had raised himself to the first eminence in the state, had been made one of the censors some time before, ...
— Pinnock's Improved Edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome • Oliver Goldsmith

... endeavoured, by sundry queries, to elicit from him what the innuendo might mean; but Davie had no mind to explain, and had wit enough to make his folly cloak his knavery. Edward could collect nothing from him, excepting that the Laird of Balmawhapple had gone home yesterday morning, 'wi' his boots fu' o' bluid.' In the garden, however, he met the old butler, who no longer attempted to conceal, that, having been bred in the nursery line with Sumack & Co., of Newcastle, he sometimes wrought a turn in the flower-borders ...
— Waverley • Sir Walter Scott

... occasionally produced some little effect; but my constitution became weaker every day, and there was no restoring it. After casting about this way and that, there seemed but one resource left to me—to take advantage of a steamer bound for Fu (i.e., Shanghai), and then to return by way of the Yangtsze River to my native place and put myself under medical advice. Prostrate I implore the Heavenly Compassion to grant me three months' leave of absence, in order to establish a complete cure, so that perhaps I may not contract disease that ...
— The Contemporary Review, Volume 36, September 1879 • Various

... ransacked Italy in vain for a portrait of Monsignor Giovanni Guidiccioni, President of Romagna, painted by Luca Longhi in 1540. This portrait possesses more than ordinary interest, since (to use the words of Armenini, author of Veri Precetti della Pittura) "fu predicato per maraviglioso in Roma da Michelangelo Buonarrotti." Count Cappi, supposing that the picture may have found its way to England, hopes by the publication of this notice to discover its whereabouts. ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 182, April 23, 1853 • Various

... Tarn kend what was whni fu' brawlie: There was ae winsome wend and wawlie, Thai night enlisted in the core, Lang after kend on Carrick shore. —Tam ...
— Gryll Grange • Thomas Love Peacock

... outrages on women during the original march, and subsequently the Germans similarly distinguished themselves. This was more particularly the case with small bodies of men who were detached from the main force. In a village on the way to Paoting-fu, for instance, through which a body of Germans had just passed, three girls were taken by our troops out of a well, into which they had been thrown before the Germans left. They were still alive. This method of disposing of their victims was frequently ...
— Impressions of a War Correspondent • George Lynch

... village, situated in the western part of the modern province of Shantung. His name was K'ung Ch'iu, and his style (corresponding to our Christian name) was Chung-ni. His countrymen speak of him as K'ung Fu-tzu, the Master, or philosopher K'ung. This expression was altered into Confucius by the Jesuit missionaries who first carried his fame ...
— The Sayings Of Confucius • Confucius

... Marietta, on her highest note. "Married? He?" Then she winked and nodded—as one man of the world to another. "Ma molto porn! La mamma fu robaccia di Milano. But after his death, the Duchessa had her brought to the castle. She ...
— The Cardinal's Snuff-Box • Henry Harland

... bodies, use him weel, An' hap him in a cozie biel; [cover, shelter] Ye'll find him aye a dainty chiel, [fellow] And fu' o' glee; He wad na wrang'd the vera deil, That's owre ...
— Robert Burns - How To Know Him • William Allan Neilson

... Lo Sciatti fu subito raccolto da alcuni cittadini, che, per mezzo della pubblica vettura n. 365, lo transporto ...
— The $30,000 Bequest and Other Stories • Mark Twain

... any we have seen. His air is calm, dignified, forceful, persistent. He announces to those about him that they are at one of the mouths of the great Mississippi, or, as he well calls it "La rivire fu-neste," the fatal river. "Here shall we land all our men," he adds, "and here shall our vessels ...
— The Junior Classics • Various

... to woo, Ha, ha, the wooing o't, On blythe yule night when we were fou, Ha, ha, the wooing o't. Maggie coost' her head fu' high, Look'd asklent and unco skeigh, Gart poor Duncan stand abeigh; ...
— Old Ballads • Various

... Here awa', there awa', baud awa', sin! Wi' the licht o' God in his flashin' ee, Sayin', Darkness and sorrow a' work for me! Whaur the lark springs up on his ain sang borne, Wi' bird-shout and jubilee hailin' the morn; For his hert is fu' o' the hert o' the licht, An', come darkness or winter, a' maun be richt! Oh! the bonny, bonny dell, whaur the sun luikit in, Sayin', Here awa', there awa', ...
— Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood • George MacDonald

... prohibitions, they were all buried alive in pits [2], for a warning to the empire, while degradation and banishment were employed more strictly than before against all who fell under suspicion. The emperor's eldest son, Fu-su, remonstrated with him, saying that such measures against those who repeated the words of Confucius and sought to imitate him, would alienate all the people from their infant dynasty, but his interference offended him ...

... She had felt herself confronted by the most insurmountable difficulties, and yet whenever she had gone away from Christianity—she had gone away from Christianity, to the Theosophists and the Christian Scientists—she had felt she was only "st'aying fu'tha." And then suddenly when he was speaking last night, she had felt he knew. It was so wonderful to hear the "k'eed was ...
— Soul of a Bishop • H. G. Wells

... agreed, suddenly assuming the abrupt accents of an improbable Englishman, "oh very right, old chap. Let's toddle along and see what Fu Manchu has to say for himself. First off though I shall have to phone in to Fleet ...
— Greener Than You Think • Ward Moore

... o' bonnie Doon, How can you bloom so fresh and fair, How can ye chant, ye little birds, And I sae weary fu' ...
— The Emigrants Of Ahadarra - The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two • William Carleton

... the Ancient, shaking his head, "I've seed 'im all blood from 'ead to foot, an' once a gert, big sailor-man knocked 'im sideways, arter which Jarge got fu'rus-like, an' put 'im ...
— The Broad Highway • Jeffery Farnol

... care that is lavished on those heathen monsters passes belief. Maids are employed to carry them up and down stairs, and men are called in the night to hurry for a doctor when Chi has over-eaten or Fu develops colic; yet their devoted mistress tells me, with tears in her eyes, that in spite of this care, when she takes her darlings for a walk they do not know her from the first stranger that passes, and will follow any boy who whistles ...
— The Ways of Men • Eliot Gregory

... Daffy Duck holds up a sign saying "SILENCE IS FOO!"; oddly, this seems to refer to some approving or positive affirmative use of foo. It has been suggested that this might be related to the Chinese word 'fu' (sometimes transliterated 'foo'), which can mean "happiness" when spoken with the proper tone (the lion-dog guardians flanking the steps of many Chinese restaurants are properly called ...
— The Jargon File, Version 4.0.0

... man," said Campbell, "and dinna sit clattering your jaws there like a pair of castanets! I think there can be nae difficulty in your telling Mr. Justice, that ye have seen me of yore, and ken me to be a cavalier of fortune, and a man of honour. Ye ken fu' weel ye will be some time resident in my vicinity, when I may have the power, as I will possess the inclination, to do you as ...
— Rob Roy, Complete, Illustrated • Sir Walter Scott

... son luce del cielo unica e trina, Principio e fine di ciascuna cosa, Del quai men fu, ne ...
— Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral Drama - A Literary Inquiry, with Special Reference to the Pre-Restoration - Stage in England • Walter W. Greg

... the Japanese pronunciation of the name of the Chinese philosopher Kung Ts[u], or Kung Fu ...
— Tales of Old Japan • Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford

... for a while to forget it, if we could. We went to the Lung Fu-Ssu, a sort of rag-fair held every ten days in the grounds of an old temple in the East City. It's a wonderful fair, usually, with booths and stalls stretching in every direction, and spreading all over the ground, underfoot as well. Everything is sold at this bazaar, everything ...
— Peking Dust • Ellen N. La Motte

... after his Peridon. He had met Victor near the Exchange, and had left him humming the non fu sogno ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... feudal (fu'dal), the feudal ystem, by which the holding of land depended upon rendering military service to the king or feudal lord during ...
— Elson Grammer School Literature, Book Four. • William H. Elson and Christine Keck

... what appeared to Smith an intricate maze of narrow alleys, and presently pushed open the door of a hut, and called the name of Ching-Fu, entering without ceremony. The Englishmen heard voices raised as in altercation, and after some minutes the guide reappeared, followed by a burly ...
— Round the World in Seven Days • Herbert Strang

... day of one family who took refuge in a cave, but when finally smoked out by suffocating flames, refused life at the cost of denying their Master, and went to death singing a hymn in Chinese, "Jesus Is Leading Me." At Taiyan-fu an especially touching incident occurred: Five or six young girls, just in their teens, were about to be killed, when a leader intervened, declaring: "It is a pity to slaughter mere children," and urged them to recant. Their only answer was: "Kill us quickly, since that is ...
— Where Half The World Is Waking Up • Clarence Poe

... TEI FU (Right): The previous speaker overlooks the fact that the rate of wages depends, rot upon the will of the employer, but upon supply and demand. That the receiver of a hunger-wage has been degraded to a beast is unfortunately too true, and the massacres with which the masses of ...
— Freeland - A Social Anticipation • Theodor Hertzka

... Song! And while my boat paused, and I caught something of the enthusiasm of the serenaders, the boatman touched me, and, pointing to a part of the lake on which the setting sun shed its rosiest smile, he said, "There, Signor, was drowned one of your countrymen 'bellissimo uomo! che fu bello!'"—yes, there, in the pride of his promising youth, of his noble and almost godlike beauty, before the very windows—the very eyes—of his bride—the waves without a frown had swept over the idol of many hearts—the graceful and gallant Locke.* And above his grave was the voluptuous sky, and ...
— Ernest Maltravers, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... are hung round the neck. In China the family name comes first, and the personal name afterward. Instead of saying Benjamin Franklin or Walter Scott they would say Franklin Benjamin, Scott Walter. Thus the Chinese name of Confucius, Kung-fu-tsee, means the Holy Master Kung;—Kung is the family name. In the recent wars with the English the mandarins or soldiers would sometimes run away, and then commit suicide to avoid punishment. In ...
— Ten Great Religions - An Essay in Comparative Theology • James Freeman Clarke

... society at large, the public. Dif-fu'sion, extension, spread. En-light'ened, elevated by knowledge and religion. 2. Fab'ric, any system composed of connected parts. Erased', blotted out. 3. Per'pe-tra-tor, one who commits a crime. Ex-tinc'tion, a putting an end to. 4. Fer'ti-lize, to make fruitful. ...
— McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader • William Holmes McGuffey

... comin' with me—got to run both blockades at oncet. Now, if you'd been a good Secesh and could somehow or 'nother of got a pass through the Union lines you'd of been all gay. But bein' Union, the fu'ther you git along the wuss off you air, 'less-n I kin take you and carry you 'way 'long yonder to where you kin jess jump onto a south-bound Rebel railroad and light down amongst folks that'll never think o' you ...
— Dr. Sevier • George W. Cable

... here jess long's you like. We don' care where you come from, an' you need n't to go no fu'ther, less you wanter. But we ain't got no use for French names round here. Guess we 'll call him Fiddlin' Jack, hey, Sereny? He kin do the chores in the day-time, an' ...
— The Ruling Passion • Henry van Dyke

... creation, Lak an ocean's overflow; When de worl' jes' stahts a-spinnin' Lak a picaninny's top, An' you' cup o' joy is brimmin' 'Twel it seems about to slop. An' you feel jes' lak a racah Dat is trainin' fu' to trot— When you' mammy ses de blessin' An' de ...
— History of Negro Soldiers in the Spanish-American War, and Other Items of Interest • Edward A. Johnson

... bought that farm, and deeded it, afore I left the town, With "title clear to mansions in the skies," to Mary Brown! And fu'thermore, I took her and the childern—fer, you see, They'd never seed their Grandma—and I fetched 'em ...
— Riley Love-Lyrics • James Whitcomb Riley

... of doctrine. But it's time, Miss Mally, that we were taking the road; Becky and Miss Isabella, make yourselves ready. Noo, Mrs. Craig, ye'll no be a stranger; you see I have no been lang of coming to give you my countenance; but, my leddy, ca' canny, it's no easy to carry a fu' cup; ye hae gotten a great gift in your gudeman. Mr. Craig, I wish you a good-night; I would fain have stopped for your evening exercise, but Miss Mally was beginning, I saw, to weary—so good-night; and, Mrs. Craig, ye'll take tent of what I have said—it's for your ...
— The Ayrshire Legatees • John Galt

... xq yq zq I ar br cr dr er fr gr hr ir jr kr lr mr nr or pr qr rr sr tr ur vr wr xr yr zr J as bs cs ds es fs gs hs is js ks ls ms ns os ps qs rs ss ts us vs ws xs ys zs K at bt ct dt et ft gt ht it jt kt lt mt nt ot pt qt rt st tt ut vt wt xt yt zt L au bu cu du eu fu gu hu iu ju ku lu mu nu ou pu qu ru su tu uu vu wu xu yu zu M av bv cv dv ev fv gv hv iv jv kv lv mv nv ov pv qv rv sv tv uv vv wv xv yv zv N aw bw cw dw ew fw gw hw iw jw kw lw mw nw ow pw qw rw sw tw uw vw ww xw yw zw O ax bx cx dx ex fx gx hx ix jx kx lx mx nx ox px qx rx sx tx ...
— The Treasure-Train • Arthur B. Reeve

... Of the general mass of wealth, Gunther observes, ut de pauperibus et advenis cives ditissimi redderentur, (Hist. C. P. c. 18; (Villehardouin, (No. 132,) that since the creation, ne fu tant gaaignie dans une ville; Baldwin, (Gesta, c. 92,) ut tantum tota non videatur ...
— The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 6 • Edward Gibbon

... battle-axes in order to succor their generation. The SSU-MA FA says: "If one man slay another of set purpose, he himself may rightfully be slain." He who relies solely on warlike measures shall be exterminated; he who relies solely on peaceful measures shall perish. Instances of this are Fu Ch'ai [11] on the one hand and Yen Wang on the other. [12] In military matters, the Sage's rule is normally to keep the peace, and to move his forces only when occasion requires. He will not use armed force unless driven to it by necessity. Many books have I read on the ...
— The Art of War • Sun Tzu

... large, converts were numerous, churches and Franciscan convents had been organized in the East, travelers were appealing for the truth of their accounts to the "many" persons in Venice who had been in China, Tsuan-chau-fu had a European merchant community, and Italian trade and travel to China was a thing that occupied two ...
— The Hindu-Arabic Numerals • David Eugene Smith

... "Non fu si santo ni benigno Augusto, Come la tuba di Virgilio suona; L'haver havuto in poesia buon gusto, La ...
— Discourses on Satire and Epic Poetry • John Dryden

... est (ben vus l'os dire) Pais, reaume, ne empire U tant unt este bons rois E seinz, cum en isle d'Englois ... Seinz, martirs e confessurs Ki pur Deu mururent plursurs; Li autre forz e hardiz mutz, Cum fu Arthurs, Aedmunz, e Knudz." ...
— The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare • J. J. Jusserand

... the past the authorities claimed to be the government of all China, the central administrative divisions include the provinces of Fu-chien (some 20 offshore islands of Fujian Province including Quemoy and Matsu) and Taiwan (the island of Taiwan and the Pescadores islands); note - the more commonly referenced administrative divisions are those of Taiwan Province - 16 ...
— The 1997 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.

... I've been transferred to Feu Chou Fu, the new hospital there. I've been called home by the board to help raise funds for the plant. I left so sudden I didn't have time to write you and I wasn't certain either that I would come here. But my father! Do you know about ...
— The High Calling • Charles M. Sheldon

... debbi esterminar costui. Nessuno fra i Celesti, fuorche tu solo, e valevole ad uccidere quell' iniquo. Egli, O domator de' tuoi nemici, sostenne per lungo tempo acerbissime macerazioni: per esse fu di lui contento l'augusto sommo Genitore: e un di gli accordo propizio la sicurezza da tutti gli esseri, eccettutine gli uomini. Per questo favore a lui concesso nou ha egli a temere offesa da alcuna parte, fuorche dall' uomo, percio, assumendo la natura umana, costui ...
— The Ramayana • VALMIKI

... avea l'una e l'altra man mozza, Levando i moncherin per l'aura fosca, Si che 'l sangue facea la faccia sozza, Grido:—"Ricorderati anche del Mosca, Che dissi, lasso: Capo ha cosa fatta, Che fu 'l mal seme ...
— Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 3 (of 3) • Isaac D'Israeli

... the sun's red rays are streamin', Warm on the meadow beamin', Or o'er the loch wild gleamin', My heart is fu' o' thee. An' tardy-footed gloamin', Out o'er the hills slow comin', Still finds me lanely roamin', ...
— The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume V. - The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century • Various

... talk ter her; but she didn' paid no 'tention ter 'im, fer she wuz studyin' 'bout Dan, en she did n' lack dis nigger's looks nohow. So w'en she got ter whar she wuz gwine, dis yer man wa'n't no fu'ther 'long dan he wuz w'en ...
— The Conjure Woman • Charles W. Chesnutt

... quella bolla anco cortese Mi fu, della quale ora il mio Bibbiena Espedito m'ha il resto ...
— Stories from the Italian Poets: With Lives of the Writers, Vol. 2 • Leigh Hunt

... of pioneer years. Help in the language from the Home Base. Prayer-opened doors. Deliverance in time of peril. "Kept by the power of God." Prayer and medical work. Converts from the first. Wang Feng-ao, the proud Confucian scholar. Wang Fu-Lin, the opium fiend. Dr. Hunter Corbett's testimony. The result of obedience. From the gates of death. ...
— How I Know God Answers Prayer - The Personal Testimony of One Life-Time • Rosalind Goforth

... it's this way, lassock: Ah've jist got to mak' ma' way in the warld. Wully is a kind brither, but the hoose is too fu' already. An' the bairns are aye merryin' here an merryin' there, an' yon daft Peter 'll be bringin' yon harum-scarum girl o' yours in ane o' thae days—not but that she's a guid honest lass, but ah dinna see whit he wants wi' an Eerish thing like yon; an' ...
— 'Lizbeth of the Dale • Marian Keith

... detta, ma una dichiarazione di quello che fu gia concordato, o un nuovo trattato" (Diritto ...
— Letters To "The Times" Upon War And Neutrality (1881-1920) • Thomas Erskine Holland

... far frae my hame, I am weary aften whiles For the langed for hame-bringin An' my Faether's welcome smiles. An' I'll ne'er be fu' content, Until my e'en do see The gowden gates o' ...
— The Birds' Christmas Carol • Kate Douglas Wiggin

... {{Murray}} heit, und Landkarten. Er hatte offenbar Reisegedanken. Und niemand hinderte ihn daran,[2-7] weder sein Weib noch sein Geld. Denn das erste besa er nicht, desto mehr aber vom zweiten. Ob ihn am Fu das Zipperlein plagte oder im oberen Stockwerke der Spleen, oder ob er um diese Zeit berhaupt gewohnt war, sich in London unsichtbar zu machen, das wei der Verfasser nicht zu sagen.—Er ffnete ...
— Eingeschneit - Eine Studentengeschichte • Emil Frommel

... he said after awhile, "this man came to Shanghai whilst we were there, and there was trouble-trouble. Once he was thrown out from Wing Fu's tea-house, where he had been smoking opium. Also there was another ...
— The Daffodil Mystery • Edgar Wallace

... addict instead of a Western story addict, he would have heard of the HIBK or "Had I But Known" school of detective writing. You know: "Had I But Known that, at that moment, in the dismal depths of a secret underground meeting place, the evil Chuman-Fu was plotting...." ...
— Hanging by a Thread • Gordon Randall Garrett

... per diletto Di Lancilotto, e come amor lo strinse. * * * * * Galeotto fu il libro, e chi ...
— Famous Reviews • Editor: R. Brimley Johnson

... Div ye ken the new asseestant? He's a wee-bit, finger-fed mannie, ower sma' maist to wear a goon! I canna thole him, wi' his lang-nebbit words, explainin' an' expoundin' the gude Book as if it had jist come oot! The auld doctor's nae kirk-filler, but he gies us fu' meesure, pressed doun an' rinnin' over, nae bit-pickin's like the haverin' asseestant; it's my opeenion he's no soond, wi' his parleyvoos an' his clish-maclavers!... Mr. C?" (Now comes the shaking and straightening and smoothing ...
— Penelope's Progress - Being Such Extracts from the Commonplace Book of Penelope Hamilton As Relate to Her Experiences in Scotland • Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin

... grey out o'er the welkin keeks, Whan Batie ca's his owsen to the byre, Whan Thrasher John, sair dung, his barn-door steeks, And lusty lasses at the dighting tire: What bangs fu' leal the e'enings coming cauld, And gars snaw-tappit winter freeze in vain, Gars dowie mortals look baith blythe and bauld, Nor fley'd wi' a' the poortith o' the plain; Begin, my Muse, and ...
— English Dialects From the Eighth Century to the Present Day • Walter W. Skeat

... gowns and curches. Ken them! Wha that has a character to lose, or a property to keep against the claims o' auld parchment, doesna ken thae fifteen auld runts? They keep the hail country side in a steer wi' their scandal. Nae man's character is safe in their keeping; and they're sae fu' o' mischief that they hae even blawn into the king's lug that my tower o' Gilnockie was escheat to the king by the death o' my ancestor, who was hanged at Carlenrig. They say a' the mischief that has come on the Borders sin' the guid auld times, has its beginning in that coterie ...
— Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume 2 - Historical, Traditional, and Imaginative • Alexander Leighton

... and inventions had far surpassed those of the Germans, and where the Germans had had a hundred men at work the Asiatics had ten thousand. There came to their great aeronautic parks at Chinsi-fu and Tsingyen by the mono-rails that now laced the whole surface of China a limitless supply of skilled and able workmen, workmen far above the average European in industrial efficiency. The news of the German World Surprise ...
— The War in the Air • Herbert George Wells

... when they saw his gore; Too late for life, but not too late to die,[ft] With, though a hostile hand, to close his eye. A limb was broken, and he drooped along The crag, as doth a falcon reft of young.[fu] The sound revived him, or appeared to wake Some passion which a weakly gesture spake: 330 He beckoned to the foremost, who drew nigh, But, as they neared, he reared his weapon high— His last ball had been aimed, but from his breast He tore the topmost button from his vest,[408][fv] Down the ...
— The Works of Lord Byron - Poetry, Volume V. • Lord Byron

... Tu Fu saw in the blues and purples of the morning-glory the colors of the silken garments of the lost poet Ssema Hsiangju, of a thousand years before—that is, of the silken garments of his rich emotion and adventures. China somehow has understood this deep connexion between ...
— The Crest-Wave of Evolution • Kenneth Morris

... hurried away, Pa Briskow said: "I been studyin' you, Mister Gray, and I got you down as a first-class man. When Ma and Allie come over to Dallas to get rigged out, I'd like you to help 'em. They 'ain't never been fu'ther from home than Cisco—that's thirty mile. I'll pay ...
— Flowing Gold • Rex Beach

... made my bed fu' braid, The night I'll mak' it narrow, For a' the live-lang winter night I lie twined ...
— The Golden Treasury - Of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language • Various

... important figures came to mean single letters or short sounds like "fu" or "em" or "dee" or "zee," or as we write them, f and m and d and z. And with the help of these, the Egyptians could write anything they wanted upon every conceivable subject, and could preserve the experience of one ...
— Ancient Man - The Beginning of Civilizations • Hendrik Willem Van Loon

... essa da il, modo di fare realmento e in effeto, cio che 1' uom dice in proverbio, della necessita virtu. Insegna a continuare con sapienza cio che e stato intrapreso per leggerezza, piega l'animo ad abbracciare con propensione cio che e stato imposto dalla prepotenza, e da ad un elezione che fu temeraria, ma che e irrevocabile, tutta la santita, tutto il consiglio, diciamolo pur francamenta, tutte ...
— The Daisy Chain, or Aspirations • Charlotte Yonge

... been formed from vegetable fibers charred by fire, but that it has more probably been produced in the moist way by the action of sulphuric acid, is strikingly demonstrated by the excellent observation made by Goppert (Karsten, 'Archiv fu Mineralogie', bd. xviii., s. 530), on the conversion of a fragment of amber-tree into black coal. The coal and the unaltered amber lay side by side. Regarding the part which the lower forms of vegetation may have had in the formation of coal beds, see Link, in the 'Abhandl. ...
— COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1 • Alexander von Humboldt

... la quale e socera de la dicta madona Julia (Farnese), che ha sempre governata essa sposa (Lucrezia) in casa propria per esser in loco de nepote del Pontifice, la fu figliola de messer Piedro de Mila, noto a V. Ema Sigria, cusino carnale del Papa. Despatch from the above named to Ercole, Rome, June 13, 1493, in the state archives of Modena. And again she is mentioned in a despatch of May 6, 1493, as madona Adriana Ursina soa governatrice ...
— Lucretia Borgia - According to Original Documents and Correspondence of Her Day • Ferdinand Gregorovius

... my lassie? Eh, but I'm feart your yead, too, is fu' o' gauds!—Wal, it's but nateral to females. She's aw in white satin, my lassie,—an in her brown hair theer's pearls, an a blue ribbon just howdin down t' little luve-locks on her forehead—an on her saft neck theer's pearls again—not soa white, by a thoosand mile, ...
— The History of David Grieve • Mrs. Humphry Ward

... that notice is agreeable reading. I expect to be home in June: you will have gathered that I am pretty well. In addition to my labours, I suppose I walk five or six miles a day, and almost every day I ride up and see Fanny and Lloyd, who are in a house in the bush with Ah Fu. I live in Apia for history's sake with Moors, an American trader. Day before yesterday I was arrested and fined for riding fast in the street, which made my blood bitter, as the wife of the manager of the German Firm ...
— Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson - Volume 2 • Robert Louis Stevenson

... at my head, Marg'ret, There 's nae room at my feet; My bed it is fu' lowly now, Amang the hungry worms ...
— Book of English Verse • Bulchevy

... is gathahed hyeah, my brothahs, In dis howlin' wildaness, Fu' to speak some words of comfo't To each othah in distress. An' we chooses fu' ouah subjic' Dis—we'll 'splain it by an' by; "An' de Lawd said, 'Moses, Moses,' An' de man ...
— The Complete Poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar • Paul Laurence Dunbar

... lo'cal cu'bit na'tal re'gal fo'cal du'el pa'pal re'al vo'cal hu'man pa'gan pe'nal o'ral u'nit ba'by ta'per o'val du'ly la'dy di'al to'tal fu'ry la'zy tri'al bo'ny ju'ry ma'zy fi'nal co'ny pu'ny na'vy vi'tal go'ry pu'pil ra'cy ri'val ro'sy ...
— McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book • W. H. McGuffey

... Those days which witnessed the imprisonment of Kwanghsu were great because they opened wide the portals of the Romance of History: all who were in Peking can never forget the counter-stroke; the arrival of the hordes composed of Tung Fu-hsiang's Mahommedan cavalry—men who had ridden hard across a formidable piece of Asia at the behest of their Empress and who entered the capital in great clouds of dust. It was in that year of 1898 also that Legation ...
— The Fight For The Republic in China • Bertram Lenox Putnam Weale

... of Fu[:a]rfed (a Scandinavian Island). Ton-Thormod asked her in marriage, and being refused by the father, made war upon him. Fingal sent his son Ossian to the aid of Mal-Orchol, and he took Ton-Thormod prisoner. The king ...
— Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama - A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook, Vol. 3 • E. Cobham Brewer

... there lived an old man and woman in a village near a mountain, from which flowed a stream of purest water. This old couple loved each other so dearly and lived together so happily, that the neighbors called them oshi-dori fu-fu (a love-bird couple), after the mandarin ducks which always dwell together in pairs, and are so affectionate that they are said to pine and die if one be taken from the other. The old man was a woodcutter, and the old woman kept house, but they were very lonely for they had no ...
— Japanese Fairy World - Stories from the Wonder-Lore of Japan • William Elliot Griffis

... called Ah-Fang-Fu, but better known as 'Pidgin.' His establishment is called locally 'The ...
— The Golden Scorpion • Sax Rohmer

... as weel the morn as ye hae spoken this nicht, the morn shall my dochter, Janet, be yer wife, wi' a fu' purse for her portion that neither o' ...
— Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume VI • Various

... Scottishmen spend a' our king's goud, And a' our queenis fee." "Ye lee, ye lee, ye lears loud! Fu' loud ...
— The Ontario High School Reader • A.E. Marty

... the French language and French literature in the midst of us. We have heard many of our leading savants and scholiasts frequently express poignant regret that they were unable to read "La Fem de Fu," "Mamzel Zheero Mar Fem," and other noble old French classics whose fame has reached this modern Athens. With the romances of Alexandre Dumas, our public is thoroughly acquainted, having seen the talented James O'Neill in Monty Cristo, and the beautiful ...
— Second Book of Tales • Eugene Field

... as published in Paris, is printed by Strype (Life of Parker, iii. 197). La prima occasione che a cio lo mosse fu per lo stratagemma fatto da Carlo Nono Christianissimo Re di Francia contra Coligno Ammiraglio, capo d' Ugonotti, et suoi seguaci, tagliati a pezzi in Parigi (Ciappi, Vita di Gregorio XIII., ...
— The History of Freedom • John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton

... looked fu' lang in their een, sighing, And sair and sair grat she: She has slain her young son at her breast, Her auld ...
— Poems and Ballads (Third Series) - Taken from The Collected Poetical Works of Algernon Charles - Swinburne—Vol. III • Algernon Charles Swinburne

... word to Miranda that set their hostesses agape. "Now, good Lawd, child, ain't you in hahdship and dangeh enough? Not one o' you ain't goin' one step fu'ther this day. Do you want to git shot? Grant's men are a-marchin' into Bolton's Depot right now. Why, honey, you might as well go huntin' a needle in a haystack as to go lookin' fo' Brodnax's brigade to-night. Gen'al Pemberton himself—why, he'd jest send ...
— Kincaid's Battery • George W. Cable

... Perlesvaus, where the failure of the predestined hero to ask concerning the office of the Grail is alone responsible for the illness of the King and the misfortunes of the country. "Une grans dolors est avenue an terre novelement par un jeune chevalier qui fu herbergiez an l'ostel au riche roi Pescheor, si aparut a lui li saintimes Graaus, et la lance de quoi li fiers seigne par la poignte; ne demanda de quoi ce servoit, ou dont ce venoit, et por ce qu'il ne demanda sont toutes les terres commeues an guerre, ne ...
— From Ritual to Romance • Jessie L. Weston

... half-ta'en kiss, The first fond fa'in' tear, Is, heaven kens, fu' sweet amends, An' tints o' ...
— The Home Book of Verse, Vol. 2 (of 4) • Various

... am far from my hame an' I'm weary aften whiles For the langed-for hame-bringing an' my Father's welcome smiles. I'll ne'er be fu' content until mine eyes do see The shinin' gates o' heaven ...
— The Story of the Hymns and Tunes • Theron Brown and Hezekiah Butterworth

... is a possibility. Canton at night is as much China as the border town of Lan-Chow-fu. A white man takes his life in his hands. But Ah Cum is widely known for his luck. Besides," he added cynically, "it is said that God watches over fools ...
— The Ragged Edge • Harold MacGrath

... is in imitation of his two favorite authors, —Sallust, who occasionally wrote in hexametrical measure as, "ex vir/tute fu/it mul/ta et prae/clara re/i mili/taris." Jug. V.; —and Livy, who, if Sallust sometimes exceeded the number of feet, sometimes fell short of them, as in the opening words of the Preface to his History: "factu ...
— Tacitus and Bracciolini - The Annals Forged in the XVth Century • John Wilson Ross

... cat maks a proud mouse. Better a toom[151] house than an ill tenant. Jouk[152] and let the jaw[153] gang by. Mony ane speirs the gate[154] he kens fu' weel. The tod[155] ne'er sped better than when he gaed his ain errand. A wilfu' man should be unco wise. He that has a meikle nose thinks ilka ane speaks o't. He that teaches himsell has a fule for his maister. It's an ill cause that the lawyer thinks shame o'. Lippen[156] to me, but look to ...
— Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character • Edward Bannerman Ramsay

... Un jur fu Karl['e]un al Seint-Denis muster, Reout prise sa corune, en croiz seignat sun chef; E ad ceinte sa esp['e]e: li pons fud d'or mer. Dux i out e dermeines e baruns e chevalers. Li emper['e]res reguardet la reine sa muillers. Ele fut ben corun['e]e al plus bel e as meuz. Il la ...
— A Handbook of the English Language • Robert Gordon Latham

... doubt, plays like Mr. Wu and The Dragon (by R. E. JEFFREY) will be forbidden by the League of Nations. Meanwhile let us allow ourselves to be diverted by the motiveless villainies of crooked cruel "Chinks" like Wang Fu Chang, who sold opium at a terrific profit in Mayfair, hung his servants up by their thumbs and belonged to a Society of Elder Brethren, as to whose activities we were given no clue, unless indeed their job was the kidnapping of Younger Sisters for ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 159, December 8, 1920 • Various

... nous nous rendimes de Jaffe, est une ville sans murailles, mais bonne et marchande, sise dans un canton agreable et fertile. Nous allames dans le voisinage visiter ung village ou monseigneur saint Georg fu martirie; et de retour a Rames, nous reprimes notre route, et arrivames en deux jours en la sainte cite de Jherusalem, ou nostre Seigneur Jhesu Crist recut mort et ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, - and Discoveries of The English Nation, Volume 10 - Asia, Part III • Richard Hakluyt

... patrono, furimensata detta naue nel presente general porto di Malta, secondo l'ordine del venerando Generale de dette galere, et essendo qua, monsignor Inquisitore ha impedita quella per conto del sancto officio, et si diede parte alla santita di nostro signor Gregorio papa xiij. A la fin fu licenciata per andarsene al suo viaggio. Han donque humilmente supplicato detti magnifico Giouanni Keale et Dauid Filly per nome et parte delli magnifici Edwardo Osborn senatore et Richardo Staper merchanti Inglesi della nobile citta di Londra, et anco di Tomaso Wilkinson scriuano, ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, - and Discoveries of The English Nation, Volume 9 - Asia, Part 2 • Richard Hakluyt

... delicacy of buried eggs, of which the not unpleasant, slightly ammoniated flavour is so much appreciated by the Chinese. Once we were faced by a real difficulty on the occasion of receiving a present of meat, when conscientious Mr. Fu, fearful lest we should shelter under a liberty of conscience whereby we would eat and ask no question, hastily came to warn us that this had been offered to idols before being presented to us. Under these circumstances we had no option but to crave leave to refuse a present whereby ...
— The Fulfilment of a Dream of Pastor Hsi's - The Story of the Work in Hwochow • A. Mildred Cable

... doot, for I daurna tak' them hame whan the dragoons is likely to gie us a ca'; besides, the hidy-hole wull be ower fu' soon. Noo, lad," he added, as they surmounted a hillock, from which they had a dim view of the surrounding country, "gang ye doon an' see if ye can fin' oot onything mair aboot thae sodgers. I'll awa' hame an see that a's ...
— Hunted and Harried • R.M. Ballantyne

... but speak and write, there can be nae manner o' doubt that he would be a gran' poet. Safe us! what een in the head o' him! Wee, clear, red, fiery, watery, malignant-lookin een, fu' o' inspiration. ...
— Heads and Tales • Various

... it is necessary to study things modern to keep up with the demands of the times; but they can do this and still reserve some hours for the reading of the classics. Instead of always quoting Byron, Burns, or Shelley, as do my son and daughter, let them repeat the beautiful words of Tu Fu, Li Po, Po Chu-i, our poets ...
— My Lady of the Chinese Courtyard • Elizabeth Cooper

... i. p 296.—Rymer, Foedera, tom. xiii. pp. 350-352.—Guicciardini, Istoria, tom. vi. lib. 11, p82, lib. 12, p. 168.—Mariana, Hist. de Espana, tom. ii. lib. 30, cap 22.—"Fu cosa ridicola," says Guicciardini in relation to this truce, "che nei medesimi giorni, che la si bandiva solennemente per tutta. Ja Spagna, venne en araldo a significargli in nome del Re d'Ingbilterra gli apparati potentissimi, che ei faceva per assaltare la Francia, ...
— The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella The Catholic, V3 • William H. Prescott

... di pennel fu maestro, e di stile Che ritraesse l'ombre, e i tratti, chi' ivi Mirar farieno uno ingegno sottile? Morti li morti, e i vivi parean vivi: Non vide me' di me, chi vide il vero, Quant' io ...
— Selections From the Works of John Ruskin • John Ruskin

... eunuchs had prepared large sheets of yellow, red and pale green paper. Her Majesty took up a large brush and commenced to write. On some of these sheets she wrote the character "Shou" (Long Life) and on others "Fu" (Prosperity). By and bye, when she began to feel tired, she would get either one of the Court ladies or one of the official writers to finish them for her. When finished, they were distributed to the guests and different ...
— Two Years in the Forbidden City • The Princess Der Ling

... media. (Mirando el reloj.) Las nueve y media, y no vuelve an. Todo el da ha estado inquieto, receloso; no bien acabamos de comer se fu a la calle, dicindome tan slo un adis tan fro como la nieve.... Si hubiese empezado ya a perderme el cario!...[1] Tan pronto! Qu infundado recelo! Sin embargo, Miguel y Juana se casaron al mismo tiempo que nosotros, y a estas fechas no se mueren ciertamente ...
— Ms vale maa que fuerza • Manuel Tamayo y Baus

... before receiving yours at last. The German blockhead having said his say, now the Italian one begins. Lei e piu franca nella lingua italiana di quel che mi ho immaginato. Lei mi dica la cagione perche lei non fu nella commedia che hanno giocata i Cavalieri. Adesso sentiamo sempre una opera titolata Il Ruggiero. Oronte, il padre di Bradamante, e un principe (il Signor Afferi) bravo cantante, un baritono, [Footnote: "You are more versed in the Italian language than I believed. Tell me why you ...
— The Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, V.1. • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

... James, wha wears a wig, A widower fresh and canty, Though turn'd o' sixty, gaes fu' trig, He 's rich, and rowes in plenty. Tam 's twenty-five, hauds James's pleugh, A lad deserves regardin'; He 's clever, decent, sober too, But he ...
— The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume II. - The Songs of Scotland of the past half century • Various

... know just the men that will suit you. We had a little bit of trouble in the regiment a week since; four of the men—Allan Macpherson, Jock Hunter, Donald Nicholl, and Sandy Grahame—came in after tattoo, and all a bit fu'. It was not here they got it, though; I know better than to supply men with liquor when it is time for them to be off to the barracks. Captain Muir, who is the only dour carl in the regiment, happened to be on duty, and he spoke a good deal more hardly to them ...
— Won by the Sword - A Story of the Thirty Years' War • G.A. Henty

... aye whumled. For ye see, Lord, kennin' a' thing as ye dee, 'at until I hae a drap i' my skin, I canna even think; I canna min' the sangs I used to sing, or the prayers my mither learnt me sittin' upo' her lap. Till I hae swallowed a mou'fu' or twa, things luik sae awfu'-like 'at I'm fit to cut my thro't; an' syne ance I'm begun, there's nae mair thoucht o' endeevourin' to behaud (withhold) till I canna drink a drap mair. O God, what garred ye mak things 'at wad mak whusky, whan ye kenned ...
— Sir Gibbie • George MacDonald

... soon I'll follow thee, my lassie, Fu' soon I'll follow thee; Thou left me nought to covet ahin', But took ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 379, May, 1847 • Various

... (Kiau-Chau) the Germans, who occupied that port in 1897, have built a beautiful town opposite the Island of Tsingtao, presenting a fine model for imitation, which, however, the Chinese are not in haste to copy. They have constructed also a railway from the sea to Tsinan-fu, very nearly bisecting the province. Weihien is destined to become a railroad centre; and several missionary societies are erecting colleges there to teach the people truths that Confucius never knew. More than half a century ago, when a missionary ...
— The Awakening of China • W.A.P. Martin

... Soulis cam' first into Ba'weary, he was still a young man—a callant, the folk said—fu' o' book learnin' and grand at the exposition, but, as was natural in sae young a man, wi' nae leevin' experience in religion. The younger sort were greatly taken wi' his gifts and his gab; but auld, concerned, serious men and women were moved ...
— Masterpieces of Mystery, Vol. 1 (of 4) - Ghost Stories • Various

... their braws! And, there's that Paisley shawl for herself, too; eh, but they would be the canty pair, cocking down the road on Sunday in that rig! they would take the licht frae Meg Macalister's een—thae Macalisters are always so en-vy-fu'!" Love, vanity, covetousness, present opportunity, are all at work upon the poor body. She succumbs. But the half-crown weekly payments have a habit of lengthening themselves out till the packman has made fifty per cent. by the business. And why not? a man must ...
— The House with the Green Shutters • George Douglas Brown

... answered the man; "we has plenty to eat an' drink, an' clothes to wear, an' some place to stay. I reckon folks ain't got much use fu' nuffin' mo'." ...
— Americans All - Stories of American Life of To-Day • Various

... simmer Sunday morn, When Nature's face is fair, I walked forth to view the corn, An' snuff the caller air. The rising sun, owre Galston muirs, Wi' glorious light was glintin; The hares were hirplin down the furs, The lav'rocks they were chantin Fu' ...
— English Poets of the Eighteenth Century • Selected and Edited with an Introduction by Ernest Bernbaum

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