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Gre   Listen
Gre  n.  See Gree, good will. (Obs.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Gre" Quotes from Famous Books

... de wor-r-rst fightar ever leeve! He like-a to fight fo' de sport of keelin'. Take-a my advice, senors, an' go 'way from New Orle'n'. Yo' make ver' gre't mistake to get in ...
— Frank Merriwell Down South • Burt L. Standish

... a red mist into the clear: and there laid my poor missus's favourite hen; I had been and killed her for a sarpint!" He sighed, then, after a moment's pause, lowered his voice to a whisper: "Now suppose I was to go and take some poor Christian for one of these gre-at bloody dragons I do see at odd times, I might do him a mischief, you know, and not mean him no harm neither. Oh, dooee take and have me locked up, gentlemen, dooee now: tellee I ain't fit to be about, my poor ...
— Hard Cash • Charles Reade

... que vous m'avez fait l'honneur de m'adresser en date du 10 Novembre 1846. Vos observations, sur l'etat, de nos ecoles Israelites, m'ont vivement interesse, et je vous sais gre de les juger favorablement car ce ne sont que les premiers commencements, d'une ere nouvelle dans l'education de vos correligionaires en Russie. Il est cependant permis d'esperer que l'organisation des fonds, ...
— Diaries of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore, Volume I • Sir Moses Montefiore

... a red cent; but if you uns over thar," jerking his thumb in the direction of the white pine towers,—"if you all 'd kin' o' gin me a small sum, an' ef you'd jes' start a paper, as 'twere, an' al-so ef you yo'self 'ud hev the gre't kin'ness ter come out an' conduc' the fun'al obskesies, it 'ud gratify the corpse powerful. Mistress Demming'll be entered[A] then like a bawn lady. Yes, sir, thet thar, an' no mo', 's w'at I'm emboldened ter ax ...
— Stories by American Authors, Volume 7 • Various

... out, cautiously, for it was not the usual place for any one to make an appearance. Presently she came back with big eyes and a somewhat scared expression. "Hit's a man, Miss Dimple," she said, in an excited whisper, "with a gre't big haid an' long hair, an' somethin' ...
— A Sweet Little Maid • Amy E. Blanchard

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