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Gryllus   Listen
Gryllus  n.  (Zool.) A genus of insects including the common crickets.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Gryllus" Quotes from Famous Books

... when Polycrates and his corrector Isocrates extolled tyranny; Glauco, injustice; Favorinus, deformity and the quartan ague; Synescius, baldness; Lucian, the fly and flattery; when Seneca made such sport with Claudius' canonizations; Plutarch, with his dialogue between Ulysses and Gryllus; Lucian and Apuleius, with the ass; and some other, I know not who, with the hog that made his last will and testament, of which also even St. Jerome makes mention. And therefore if they please, let them suppose I played at tables for my diversion, or if they had rather have it so, ...
— The Praise of Folly • Desiderius Erasmus

... equal to any test. He declined the grasshoppers tendered him by the chief, pleading that he had already breakfasted, but watched with peculiar sensations the movements of his host, as handful after handful of the crisp and juicy gryllus vulgaris were crammed into his capacious mouth, and swallowed. What he saw and smelt, and the absence of fresh air, began to tell upon the Bishop—he became sick and pale, while a gentle perspiration, like unto that felt in the ...
— California Sketches, Second Series • O. P. Fitzgerald

... direct or indirect palinode as there is in most other cases. As for the play itself, it seems to me very good. Miss Gryll must have looked delightful as Circe (we get a more distinct description of her personality here than anywhere else), Gryllus has an excellent standpoint, and the dialogue, though unequal, is quite admirable at the best. Indeed there is a Gilbertian tone about the whole piece which I should be rather more surprised at being ...
— Gryll Grange • Thomas Love Peacock

... the 4th of June, and continue in succession for near a fortnight. See Swammerdam, Derham, Scopoli, etc.) (** Vagrant cuckoo; so called because, being tied down by no incubation or attendance about the nutrition of its young, it wanders without control.) (*** Charadrius aedicnemus.) (**** Gryllus campetris.) (***** In hot summer nights woodlarks soar to a prodigious height, and hang singing in the air. (****** The light of the female glow-worm (as she often crawls up the stalk of a grass ...
— The Natural History of Selborne • Gilbert White

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