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Hele   Listen
Hele  n.  Health; welfare. (Obs.) "In joy and perfyt hele."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Hele" Quotes from Famous Books

... who haue vouchsafed to trauaile in the rugged and wearyfome path of mine ill-pleasing stile, that now your iourney endeth with the land; to whose Promontory (by Pomp. Mela, called Bolerium: by Diodorus, Velerium: by Volaterane, Hele- nium: by the Cornish, Pedn an laaz: and by the English, The lands end) be- cause we are arriued, I will heere sit ...
— The Survey of Cornwall • Richard Carew

... That the customary tenants of the said manor have right to feed their cattle in the three coppices called South Holmes, Hele Coppice, and Holman Coppice, within the said manor, and a ...
— John Keble's Parishes • Charlotte M Yonge

... pryde The moder and the feruent rote Of all the synnes at euery tyde Wherfore trede thou her vnder fote With helpe of vertue so swete and sote Whiche is best salue to hele thy sore And to thy helth the ...
— The Example of Vertu - The Example of Virtue • Stephen Hawes

... baite, [Sidenote: Beautie sone fadeth.] to poison other. Beautie in fewe yeres, is not onely blemi- shed, but decaied, and wholie extinguished: it is vncredible, that the Grecians would seeke to bryng home Helena, who had loste the chaste loue toward her housband, beyng caught [Sidenote: Paris Hele- nas louer. Phrigia.] with the adulterous loue of Paris, soonne to Priamus kyng of Troie. The lande of Phrigia was a mightie Region, the people noble, puissaunte in warre: the kyng for nobilitie of ...
— A booke called the Foundacion of Rhetorike • Richard Rainolde

... Query by MR. HELE, Whatman's paper of 1849 is lightly sized, and not hard rolled, so that twenty minutes' washing in repeated water sufficed to remove the iodide of potassium, and if long soaked the paper became porous, often letting the gallic acid through in the development. ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 237, May 13, 1854 • Various

... that house || there was a couple of pittes, bothe fulle of water to the brynkys, and thay say that ye sprynge of thos pittes is dedicate to our lady, that water is very colde, and medycynable for the hede ake and that hartburnynge. Me. If that cold water wyll hele the paynes in the hede and stomake, than wyll oyle put owte fyre from hensforthe. Ogy. It is a myrakle that I tell, good syr, or els what maruayle shuld it be, that cowld water shuld slake thurste? Me. This may ...
— The Pilgrimage of Pure Devotion • Desiderius Erasmus

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