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Herbivorous   Listen
Herbivorous  adj.  (Zool.) Eating plants; of or pertaining to the Herbivora.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Herbivorous" Quotes from Famous Books

... rainbow was not seen until after the flood; others, apparently with better reason, inferred that it was then first established as a sign. On coming forth from the ark, men received permission to use flesh as food, the antediluvians having been herbivorous! It would seem that the Deluge had not occasioned any great geographical changes, for Noah, relying on his antediluvian knowledge, proceeded to divide the earth among his three sons, giving to Japhet Europe, to Shem Asia, to Ham Africa. No provision ...
— History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science • John William Draper

... find, that its effect depends mainly upon their self-dependence and individual isolation. A slight injury, a temporary illness, will often end in death, because it leaves the individual powerless against its enemies. If an herbivorous animal is a little sick and has not fed well for a day or two, and the herd is then pursued by a beast of prey, our poor invalid inevitably falls a victim. So, in a carnivorous animal, the least deficiency of vigour prevents its ...
— Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection - A Series of Essays • Alfred Russel Wallace

... derived from the animal or vegetable kingdoms. There are some animals which eat only vegetables, while others live only on animal substances. The number and form of the teeth, and the structure of the stomach, and bowels, determine whether an animal be herbivorous, or carnivorous. The first class have a considerable number of grinders, or dentes molares; and the intestines are much more long and bulky; in the second class, the cutting teeth are predominant, and the intestines are ...
— Popular Lectures on Zoonomia - Or The Laws of Animal Life, in Health and Disease • Thomas Garnett

... Hepatic hepata. Heptagon sepangulo. Her sxin. Her (possessive) sxia. Hers sxia. Herald heroldo. Heraldic heraldika. Heraldry (science) heraldiko. Heraldry blazono. Herb herbo. Herbalist herbovendisto. Herbivorous herbomangxanta. Herd brutaro. Herdsman pasxtisto. Here tie cxi, cxi tie. Here are jen estas. Here is jen estas. Hereafter de nun. Hereat cxi tie. Hereditary hereda. Heresy herezo. Heretic herezulo. Heretical hereza. Herewith tie cxi aldonita. Heritage ...
— English-Esperanto Dictionary • John Charles O'Connor and Charles Frederic Hayes

... lurks, in dormant energy, within the very core of his being, and constitutes a prominent characteristic of his animal existence. The economy and order of nature is no less marked in the carnivorous than in the herbivorous mammalia and quadrumana; and although their physical distinctions are not always so marked as to render apparent, to superficial observation, the uses and functions of their entire organism, yet science has been a tolerably faithful interpreter of cause and effect, and has not failed to ...
— The Right of American Slavery • True Worthy Hoit

Words linked to "Herbivorous" :   grass-eating, plant-eating, anthophilous, fruit-eating, anthophagous, omnivorous, phytophilous, insectivorous, saprophagous, carnivorous, phytophagic, saprophytic

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