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Hermaphroditical   Listen
Hermaphroditical, Hermaphroditic  adj.  
(Biol.) Partaking of the characteristics of both sexes; having male and female reproductive organs in the same plant or animal; characterized by hermaphroditism. Opposite of dioecious.
Synonyms: monoecious, monecious, hermaphrodite.
Specifically: (Botany) Having pistils and stamens in the same flower. Opposite of diclinous.
Synonyms: monoclinous.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Hermaphroditical" Quotes from Famous Books

... me, why should it not be true?" or "That work enchants me, why should it not be beautiful?" or "That artist enlarges me, why should he not be great?" Perhaps they will not only have a smile, but a genuine disgust for all that is thus rapturous, idealistic, feminine, and hermaphroditic, and if any one could look into their inmost hearts, he would not easily find therein the intention to reconcile "Christian sentiments" with "antique taste," or even with "modern parliamentarism" (the kind of reconciliation necessarily found even among philosophers in our very uncertain ...
— Beyond Good and Evil • Friedrich Nietzsche

... another ancient focus of abominations, borrowed from Egypt and exaggerated the worship of androgynic and hermaphroditic deities. Plutarch (De Iside) notes that the old Nilotes held the moon to be of "male-female sex," the men sacrificing to Luna and the women to Lunus.[FN387] Isis also was a hermaphrodite, the idea being that Aether or Air (the lower heavens) was the menstruum of generative nature; ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 10 • Richard F. Burton

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