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Highfalutin'   Listen
highfalutin', highfaluting, highfalutin  adj.  (Written also hifalutin)  Affectedly genteel; pretentious; haughty; snobbish. (informal)
Synonyms: grandiose, hifalutin, hoity-toity, la-di-da.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Highfalutin'" Quotes from Famous Books

... boasting &c. v.; boast, vaunt, crake|; pretense, pretensions; puff, puffery; flourish, fanfaronade[obs3]; gasconade; blague[obs3], bluff, gas*; highfalutin, highfaluting[obs3]; hot air, spread-eagleism [obs3][U. S.]; brag, braggardism[obs3]; bravado, bunkum, buncombe; jactitation[obs3], jactancy[obs3]; bounce; venditation|, vaporing, rodomontade, bombast, fine talking, tall talk, magniloquence, teratology|, heroics; Chauvinism; exaggeration ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

... him!" exclaimed Happy Tom. "Old Arthur grows dithyrambic and hexametrical. He fairly distills the essence of highfalutin poetry." ...
— The Tree of Appomattox • Joseph A. Altsheler

... "I always knew he was no good, a jailbird, a hoodlum, a slugger. My heart sunk into my boots when I heard you was runnin' with a prizefighter. I told you so at the time. But no; you wouldn't listen, you with your highfalutin' notions an' more pairs of shoes than any decent woman should have. You knew better'n me. An' I said then, to Tom, I said, 'It's all up with Saxon now.' Them was my very words. Them that touches pitch is defiled. If you'd ...
— The Valley of the Moon • Jack London

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