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Home-grown   Listen
home-grown, homegrown  adj.  
Grown or produced at home or in a specific locality; of plants or animals.
Synonyms: local.
Originating in a particular place or region; as, homegrown talent; applied broadly, to people (especially people with specific skills), products of manufacture, etc.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Home-grown" Quotes from Famous Books

... ought to have snow; as it ought to have holly and candles and stockings and mistletoe and a tree. I wonder if England will send us mistletoe this year? Perhaps we shall have to use our home-grown; but then, mistletoe is mistletoe, and one is n't asking one's self what kind of mistletoe hangs overhead when one chances to get under the chandelier. They tell me there are going to be no toys this year, none of old Chris's kind but only weird, fierce, Fourth-of-July things ...
— The Hills of Hingham • Dallas Lore Sharp

... all vineyardists is that it is better to buy nursery-grown vines than to attempt to grow them. The high quality of the vines which can be purchased and the reasonable purchase price make it hardly worth while to try home-grown vines, especially since considerable investment, experience and skill are required ...
— Manual of American Grape-Growing • U. P. Hedrick

... agreeable channels. He had an indulgent employer whose clothes fitted Jeff. Indeed, anybody's clothes fitted Jeff. He had one of those figures which seem to give and take. He was well nourished, gifted conversationally, of a nimble wit, resourceful, apt. Moreover, home-grown watermelons were ripe. The Eighth of August, celebrated in these parts by the race as Emancipation Day, impended. The big revival—the biggest and most tremendously successful revival in his people's local history—was in full swing at the Twelfth Ward tabernacle, affording thrill ...
— Sundry Accounts • Irvin S. Cobb

... Cinquevalli or Chung Ling Soo of Finance would have been a more accurate title. As a juggler with other people's money he was at the head of his class. And yet, when one came to examine it, his method was delightfully simple. Say, for instance, that the Home-grown Tobacco Trust, founded by Geoffrey in a moment of ennui, failed to yield those profits which the glowing prospectus had led the public to expect. Geoffrey would appease the excited shareholders by giving them Preference Shares (interest guaranteed) ...
— A Man of Means • P. G. Wodehouse and C. H. Bovill

... to partake of a wild boar, you set before me a home-grown pig. I'm half-boar, half-pig, if you can cheat ...
— Post-Augustan Poetry - From Seneca to Juvenal • H.E. Butler

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