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Hyphenated   Listen
Hyphenated  adj.  United by hyphens; hyphened; as, a hyphenated or hyphened word.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Hyphenated" Quotes from Famous Books

... born to the purple—or rather entitled to a narrow border of discreet mauve on all occasions of ceremony in Manhattan, was a dreamer of dreams. One of her dreams concerned her hyphenated husband, and she put him away; another concerned Penrhyn Cardemon; and she woke up. But the persistent visualisation, which had become obsession, of a society to be formed out of the massed intellects of Manhattan regardless of ...
— The Common Law • Robert W. Chambers

... Brissenden paused and rested his hands. "Strawn- Hamilton's his name—hyphenated, you know—comes of old Southern stock. He's a tramp—laziest man I ever knew, though he's clerking, or trying to, in a socialist cooperative store for six dollars a week. But he's a confirmed hobo. Tramped into town. I've seen him sit all day on a bench and never a bite pass his ...
— Martin Eden • Jack London

... lifetime to make money quickly; it meant also less vividly helping the Allies, who needed everything they could get from us and were willing to pay almost any price for it. Sometimes they talked of the long list of "accidents" that were happening daily in American factories and genially cursed the hyphenated Germans. As for the other sort of Germans they felt vaguely that some day America must reckon with them, too. Evidently they put small faith in the "three thousand miles of cool sea-water" as a nonconductor of warfare! So here was another aspect of the war—the possible dangers to us, without ...
— The World Decision • Robert Herrick

... in thinking of Hungary as an Austrian province and in counting Austria-Hungary one country, whose name has been hyphenated with the sole purpose of inconveniencing conversation in foreign countries. As a matter of fact, Hungary and Austria are two distinct nations, inhabited by antagonistic races who speak different ...
— The Note-Book of an Attache - Seven Months in the War Zone • Eric Fisher Wood

... younger son of an English duke, and I contributed the hyphenated surname of a New York swell, and between us we soon had all the dances on Miss Gage's card taken by the most distinguished people. We really studied probability in the forgery, and we were proud of the air of reality it wore in the carefully ...
— Henry James, Jr. • William Dean Howells

... not entire right to the best wherever[original has where-ever hyphenated across a line break] he may ...
— The Twentieth Century American - Being a Comparative Study of the Peoples of the Two Great - Anglo-Saxon Nations • H. Perry Robinson

... "withdraw" or "w{i}t{h}draw" was inconsistently hyphenated; it was left as printed, and line-end hyphens were retained. Superscripts are shown with carets as ^e. Except for markers and similar, and the letters noted above, all brackets ...
— The Earliest Arithmetics in English • Anonymous

... chiefly of "younger sons" of English and British-Canadian families, every member possessed of a "past" more or less disreputable; men who had left their country for their country's good, and for their family's peace of mind—adventurers, wanderers, soldiers of fortune, gentlemen-vagabonds, men of hyphenated names and even noble birth, whose appellations were avowedly aliases. He told them of his meeting with Billy Isham, one of the club's directors, and of the happy-go-lucky, reckless, unpractical character of the man; of their acquaintance, intimacy, and ...
— Blix • Frank Norris

... silver. Plug of tobacco. Hymn-book, which refuses to open; found to contain whiskey. Memorandum book bearing no name. Scattering entries in it, recording in a sprawling, ignorant hand, appointments, bets, horse-trades, and so on, with people of strange, hyphenated name—Six-Fingered Jake, Young-Man- afraid-of his-Shadow, and the ...
— Innocents abroad • Mark Twain

... President's message on the hyphenated gentlemen bully? You could not have beaten that yourself. And your dear friend T. Roosevelt, did certainly write himself down as one large and glorious ass in his criticism of the message. He hates Wilson so, that he has just ...
— The Letters of Franklin K. Lane • Franklin K. Lane

... hyphenated words have been left as in the original. Inconsistencies in spelling and other unexpected spelling have been retained ...
— Health on the Farm - A Manual of Rural Sanitation and Hygiene • H. F. Harris

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