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Ich   Listen
Ich  pron.  I. (Obs.) Note: In the Southern dialect of Early English this is the regular form. Cf. Ik.

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"Ich" Quotes from Famous Books

... Commandments, the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and some Psalm. I do this because I want to make myself cling to these truths. I shall not suffer my faith to become mildewed with the imagination that I am above these things (dass ich's koenne)." His sermon on the First Sunday in Advent in the same year he begins thus: "Dear friends, I am now an old Doctor, still I find every day that I must recite with the children the Ten Commandments, the Creed, and the Lord's Prayer, and I have always derived ...
— Luther Examined and Reexamined - A Review of Catholic Criticism and a Plea for Revaluation • W. H. T. Dau

... barn and come upon a great devil of a Wurtemberger, who was tugging at the beam with a certain enthusiasm. 'Aho! aho!' I shouted, trying to make him understand that he must desist from his toil. 'Gehe mir aus dem Gesicht, oder ich schlag dich todt!—Get out of my sight, or I will kill you,' he cried. 'Ah! yes, just so, Que mire aous dem guesit,' I answered; 'but that is not the point.' I picked up his gun that he had left on the ground, and broke his back with it; then I turned in again, and went off ...
— The Country Doctor • Honore de Balzac

... denk ich nur an Dich, Als in den Mond zu seh'n, Ein suesser Friede weht um mich, Weiss ...
— Old Fritz and the New Era • Louise Muhlbach

... do you care about what Kink wins? If we was Kinks, you an' me, all right. But we ain't Doc. We're little fellows. Our graft ain't big like the Dutch Emperor's, but maybe it comes just as regular on pay day. Ich ...
— Barbarians • Robert W. Chambers

... which left its impress so deeply on the German as to make thrift his first characteristic. A spirit of lofty, self-sacrificing patriotism imbued the whole people. Young girls cut off their long golden hair to be sold for the Fatherland. Jewels were given by all who possessed them. "Gold gab ich fuer Eisen" (I gave gold for iron) became a saying based on the readiness with which the rich made sacrifices to the cause of country. And with this patriotism, and with this penury, came into every home a more intimate family life, ...
— Face to Face with Kaiserism • James W. Gerard

... sich also nicht befremden lassen, wenn ich mich unterstehe zu sagen, dass eher die Bildung aller Himmelskoerper, die Ursache ihrer Bewegungen, kurz der Ursprung der ganzen gegenwaertigen Verfassung des Weltbaues werden koennen eingesehen werden, ehe die Erzeugung eines einzigen Krautes oder einer Raupe aus mechanischen ...
— Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews • Thomas Henry Huxley

... cousin, should presently loom through the fog, bearing down upon me? Suppose Fraulein Wundermacher should pounce upon me suddenly from behind, coming up noiselessly in her galoshes, and shatter my castles with her customary triumphant "Fetzt halte ich dich aber fest!" Why, what was I thinking of? Fraulein Wundermacher, so big and masterful, such an enemy of day-dreams, such a friend of das Praktische, such a lover of creature comforts, had died long ...
— Elizabeth and her German Garden • "Elizabeth", AKA Marie Annette Beauchamp

... but requested his friends not to make any use of it in their intercourse with him. Muhlenberg died October 7, 1787. Taking leave of his friend for this life, he spoke of the journey ahead to his true fatherland, repeating the words of the hymn: "Ich hab' vor mir ein' schwere Reis' Zu dir in's Himmels Paradeis, Das ist mein rechtes Vaterland, Darauf du hast dein Blut gewandt." Shortly before his death he prayed the stanza: "Mach' End', o Herr, mach' Ende ...
— American Lutheranism - Volume 1: Early History of American Lutheranism and The Tennessee Synod • Friedrich Bente

... but his own lusts and pleasures; and when they are gone, then comes the pan of charcoal—and all is over. What drives the German? His faith in nothing but his own brain. He has fallen down and worshipped that miserable 'Ich' of his, and made that, and not God's will, the centre and root of his philosophy, his poetry, and his self-idolizing aesthetics; and when it fails him, then for prussic acid, and nonentity. Those old Romans, too—why, they are the very experimentum crucis of suicide! ...
— Alton Locke, Tailor And Poet • Rev. Charles Kingsley et al

... "'Ich Grolle Nicht,' by Schumann, no," Stern commented, as one by one they examined the records. "'Ave Maria,' Arcadelt-Liszt—no, though it's magnificent. That's the one you sing best of all, Beta. How often you've sung it to me! Remember, at the bungalow, how I used to lay my head in your lap while ...
— Darkness and Dawn • George Allan England

... Ah, Hodge, Hodge, if that ich could find my nee'le, by the reed, Ch'ould sew thy breeches, ich promise thee, with full good double thread, And set a patch on either knee should last this moneths twain. Now God and good Saint Sithe, I pray to ...
— The Growth of English Drama • Arnold Wynne

... man looked up, fear staring from his deep-sunk eyes. "Aber, ich bin krank."—"I am sick; I can't stand the work; it is too schwer, too heavy," ...
— Astounding Stories, May, 1931 • Various

... mensche in der einung unbeweglich und got lest den ussern menschen her und dar bewegt werden von diesem zu dem. Das muss und sol sin und geschehen, dass der usser mensche spricht und es ouch in der warheit also ist, 'ich wil weder sin noch nit sin, weder leben oder sterben, wissen oder nicht wissen, tun oder lassen, und alles das disem glich ist, sunder alles, das da muss und sol sin und geschehen, da bin ich bereit und gehorsam zu, es si in lidender wise oder in tuender wise.' Und alsoe hat der usser mensch kein ...
— Memories • Max Muller

... "For w'ich you'll smart yet," growled the landlord, who stood in a dishevelled heap like a bad boy in ...
— Under the Waves - Diving in Deep Waters • R M Ballantyne

... kuss' die handt, gnadiges Fraulein." She actually did it, to Fanny's consternation. "Ich hab' ihr das gelernt, Gnadige. Selbst. Ist es nicht ganz entzuckend! Tante ...
— Fanny Herself • Edna Ferber

... five. Here, in the tracery, in addition to other heraldic badges, is the "Dragon of the great Pendragonship," holding a banner with the arms of Henry VII. Also there is seen the ostrich feather of the Prince of Wales with the motto "Ich Dien."[7] ...
— A Short Account of King's College Chapel • Walter Poole Littlechild

... interests. "The rival theatre," wrote Horace Walpole, "is said to be magnificent and lofty, but it is doubtful whether it will be suffered to come to light; in short the contest will grow political; 'Dieu et mon Droit' (the King) supporting the Pantheon, and 'Ich dien' (the Prince of Wales) countenancing the Haymarket. It is unlucky that the amplest receptacle is to hold ...
— Haydn • J. Cuthbert Hadden

... that, my puss. Ole Walsingham Nix do kno' a few things yet, ef he ar' a hard old nut fer w'ich thar is not cra'kin'." ...
— Deadwood Dick, The Prince of the Road - or, The Black Rider of the Black Hills • Edward L. Wheeler

... Gladden who has shown in the west what a scholar's service may and should be to his city, when he chose to sit in its council. These examples can be multiplied many times to show that the educated man has taken for his motto that highest one—"Ich dien"—I serve—a service by leading and made both necessary and fitting by ...
— The Educated Negro and His Mission - The American Negro Academy. Occasional Papers No. 8 • W. S. Scarborough

... company from Warsaw, and the writer once—can he ever forget it?—saw "Hamlet" played by jargon actors. When Hamlet offers advice to Ophelia in the words: "Get thee to a nunnery!" she promptly retorts: Mit Eizes bin ich versehen, mein Prinz! (With good advice I am ...
— Jewish Literature and Other Essays • Gustav Karpeles

... thee N. to my weddid wyf, for fayroure for foulore, for ricchere for porer, for betere for wers, in sicknesse and in helthe, forte deth us departe, and only to the holde and tharto ich ...
— Folklore as an Historical Science • George Laurence Gomme

... und Klagen, Des Lebens Wiedersprueche, neu vermaehlt,— Die Harfe tausendstimmig frisch geschlagen, Die Shakspeare einst, die einst Homer gewaehlt,— Darf ich in fremde Klaenge uebertragen Das Alles, wo so Mancher schon gefehlt? Lass Deinen Geist in meiner Stimme klingen, Und was Du sangst, lass ...
— Faust • Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

... interrupted me and said: 'My dear child, I cannot give you an opinion of your compositions; I have far too little time; I can't even get my own letters written. I understand nothing at all about music (Ich verstehe gar nichts ...
— Musicians of To-Day • Romain Rolland

... the sacrifice?" said Klesmer, going to seat himself at the piano, and touching the keys so as to give with the delicacy of an echo in the far distance a melody which he had set to Heine's "Ich hab' dich geliebet ...
— Daniel Deronda • George Eliot

... ist im Hochland, mein Herz ist nicht hier, Mein Herz ist im Hochland im gruenen Revier. Im gruenen Reviere zu jagen das Reh; Mein Herz ist im Hochland, wo immer ich geh." ...
— The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 23 (of 25) • Robert Louis Stevenson

... learned, even by the foreign reader. But a good German scholar would be somewhat puzzled by the consolidation of several abbreviated words into a single one, which occurs in almost every Alemannic sentence: for instance, in woni he would have some difficulty in recognizing wo ich; sagene does not suggest sage ihnen, nor uffeme, ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 9, No. 54, April, 1862 • Various

... was well known to the Gunner, but had been forgotten by him in the stress of the moment. He ignored the interruption, and proceeded smoothly. 'S'pose your missis, if you 'ad one, w'ich you 'aven't, as I well knows, seein' me 'n' you walked out two sisters at Woolwich up to the larst night we was there. ...
— Between the Lines • Boyd Cable

... "Ich woll," "Er sholl," and by-talk similar, Nigh as they speak who in this month's moon gird At England's very loins, thereunto spurred By gangs whose ...
— Moments of Vision • Thomas Hardy

... said the lady. "If I let you look into the larder now (w'ich I won't, along of knowin' you too well), there'd be no gettin' you out to work to-day. Murty, that turkey weighed ...
— Back To Billabong • Mary Grant Bruce

... "Wenn ich in Wien war—" He was telling her of his home and his people in the language of his childhood. I glanced across. She sat listening with kindling eyes. Mamma slumbered sweetly; her worn old hands clutched unconsciously the umbrellas in her lap. ...
— Children of the Tenements • Jacob A. Riis

... sufficiently plausibly to convince the most knowing expert. The well-known recipe for making a Macedonian Slav village Bulgar is to add -ov or -ev (pronounced -off, -yeff) on to the names of all the male inhabitants, and to make it Serb it is only necessary to add further the syllable -ich, -ov and -ovich being respectively the equivalent in Bulgarian and Serbian of our termination -son, e. g. Ivanov in Bulgarian, and Jovanovit in ...
— The Balkans - A History Of Bulgaria—Serbia—Greece—Rumania—Turkey • Nevill Forbes, Arnold J. Toynbee, D. Mitrany, D.G. Hogarth

... Englander got in his first blow. We became quite notorious for our methods of fighting, and when we would be put to work with any new men, their first question would be, "What did you do before joining the Army?" and we always said, "We were boxers." They would smile and say, "Ich nix boxer—nice Englaender, good Englaender"—this amused us immensely and their fear of us made ...
— Into the Jaws of Death • Jack O'Brien

... all these ultimate questions turn, as it were, up their hinges; and from looking backwards upon principles, upon an erkenntnisstheoretische Ich, a God, a Kausalitaetsprinzip, a Design, a Free-will, taken in themselves, as something august and exalted above facts,—see, I say, how pragmatism shifts the emphasis and looks forward into facts themselves. The really vital ...
— Pragmatism - A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking • William James

... to the French custom, in a red coat with black buttons; but soon discovered that Aloysia's feelings towards him had undergone a change. She seemed scarcely to recognize one for whose sake she had once shed so many tears. On which Mozart quickly seated himself at the piano and sang, "Ich lass das Madel gern das mich nicht will," ["I gladly give up the girl who slights me."] His father, moreover, was displeased in the highest degree by Wolfgang's protracted absence, fearing that the Archbishop might recall his appointment; so Wolfgang ...
— The Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, V.1. • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

... think what an odd effect it is to take up an English book and read it and then look up and hear the men cry, 'Yah Mohammad.' 'Bless thee, Bottom, how art thou translated;' it is the reverse of all one's former life when one sat in England and read of the East. 'Und nun sitz ich mitten drein' in the real, true Arabian Nights, and don't know whether 'I be I as I suppose I be' ...
— Letters from Egypt • Lucie Duff Gordon

... fine passage is: "Nun setzen wir den Fall, die Stimme Beethoven's habe aus den Grabe einem Dirigenten zugerufen; Halte du meine Fermate lange und furchtbar! Ich schrieb keine Fermaten zum Spass oder aus Verlegenheit, etwa um mich auf das Weitere zu besinnen; sondern, was in meinem Adagio der ganz und voll aufzusaugende Ton fur den Ausdruck der schwelgenden Empfindung ist, dasselbe werfe ich, wenn ich es brauche, in das heftig und schnell figurirte Allegro, ...
— On Conducting (Ueber das Dirigiren): - A Treatise on Style in the Execution of Classical Music • Richard Wagner (translated by Edward Dannreuther)

... Hab ich nur Schmerz und Plag Und darf am Abend doch nit weine. Wen ich am Fendersteh, Und in die Nacht nei seh, So ganz ...
— Hurricane Island • H. B. Marriott Watson

... pressed his hand; but when he was left standing alone in the fresh, damp air, in the just dawning sunrise, he looked round him, shuddered, shrank into himself, and crept up to his little room, with a guilty air. "Ich bin wohl nicht klug" (I must be out of my senses), he muttered, as he lay down in his hard short bed. He tried to say that he was ill, a few days later, when Lavretsky drove over to fetch him in an open carriage; but Fedor Ivanitch went up into his room and managed to persuade him. What ...
— A House of Gentlefolk • Ivan Turgenev

... his body and waving both hands with magnificent courtesy; "alight, gen'lemen, alight! I'm sorry I ain't no staggah juice to offah ye, but yo' right welcome to sweet potatoes an' pussimmon beah, w'ich's all—" ...
— Stories by American Authors, Volume 7 • Various

... to notes of the softest music. But unhappy is the mortal who joins in their joys or ventures to partake of their dainties. By this indulgence he forfeits for ever the society of men, and is bound down irrevocably to the condition of Shi'ich, or Man of Peace.'" ...
— The Lady of the Lake • Sir Walter Scott

... gone, before Tenacity come. Then am I dress'd even to my utter shame: A fool return'd, like as a fool I came. Cham sure chave come vorty miles and twenty, With all these bags you see and wallets empty: But when chave sued to Vortune vine and dainty, Ich hope to vill them up with money plenty: But here is one, of whom ich will conquire, Whilk way che might attain to my desire. ...
— A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. VIII (4th edition) • Various

... Ladies when ill were taken home, and this poor child had no home. The other maids of honour were a gentler, simpler set than Catherine's squadron, and were far from unkind; but between them and her, who had so lately been the brightest child of them all, there now lay that great gulf. 'Ich habe gelebt und geliebet.' That the little blackbird, as they used to call her, should have been on the verge of running away with her own husband was a half understood, amusing mystery discussed in exaggerating ...
— The Chaplet of Pearls • Charlotte M. Yonge

... that the telephone business has become strong, its next anxiety must be to develop the virtues, and not the defects, of strength. Its motto must be "Ich dien"—I serve; and it will be the work of the future statesmen of the telephone to illustrate this motto in all its practical variations. They will cater and explain, and explain and cater. They will educate and educate, until they ...
— The History of the Telephone • Herbert N. Casson

... old scout," he stated, "Ich would like some brodt haben, und sauer kraut, und wiener wurst, and kaffee, and pumpernickel, und kaffekuchen, und Kolbfleisch, und—oh, whatever ...
— Boy Scouts Mysterious Signal - or Perils of the Black Bear Patrol • G. Harvey Ralphson

... irrte ich naeh Liebe, immer Nach Liebe, doch die Liebe fand ich nimmer, Und kehrte um nach Hause, krank und trube. Doch da bist du entgegen mir gekommen, Und ach! was da in deinem Aug' geschwommen, Das war die susse, ...
— The Essays of "George Eliot" - Complete • George Eliot

... Frau Knapf, clinging tightly to the door knob. "I got no time. It gives much to do to-night yet. Kuchen dough I must set, und ich weiss nicht was. I ...
— Dawn O'Hara, The Girl Who Laughed • Edna Ferber

... inscribed circles; on the inner and broader one appear letters, which have been read,—RAHEWISHNBY. They are several times repeated. On the exterior circle is the legend On the exterior circle is the legend—ICH. SART. GELUK. ALZEIT. This likewise is repeated, so as to fill the entire circle. I have never before met with these inscriptions in the large number of dishes of this kind which I have examined. The have been termed alms-dishes, and are used still in parochial collections ...
— Notes & Queries 1849.12.22 • Various

... The word good has no comparative or superlative, but takes the place of a positive to better and best. There was an old comparative bet, which has gone out of use; as in the sentence (14th century), "Ich singe bet than thu dest" (I sing better than thou dost). The superlative I form was betst, which has ...
— An English Grammar • W. M. Baskervill and J. W. Sewell

... God and his Evangel," these are George's own words, "I would rather kneel down here before your Majesty, and have my head struck off,"—hitting his hind-head, or neck, with the edge of his hand, by way of accompaniment; a strange radiance in the eyes of him, voice risen into musical alt: "Ehe Ich wolte meinen Gott und sein Evangelium verlaugnen, ehe wolte Ich hier vor Eurer Majestat niderknien, und mir den Kopf abhauen lassen."—"Nit Kop ab, lover Forst, nit Kop ab!" answered Charles in his Flemish-German; "Not head off, dear Furst, not head off!" said the Kaiser, ...
— History Of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. III. (of XXI.) - Frederick The Great—The Hohenzollerns In Brandenburg—1412-1718 • Thomas Carlyle

... in my family for three generations. The frame was renoo'd before I was born, an' the legs I 'ad taken off an' noo ones putt on about fifteen year ago last Easter as ever was. My last lodger 'ee went through the bottom of it, w'ich obliged me to 'ave that renoo'd, so it's stronger than ever it were. If you only keep it well shoved up agin the wall, sir, it'll stand a'most any weight—only it won't stand jumpin' on. You mustn't jump on it, sir, ...
— Charlie to the Rescue • R.M. Ballantyne

... after the French fashion, a red coat with black buttons. When he appeared, Aloysia hardly seemed to recognize him, and her coldness was so marked, that Mozart quietly seated himself at the piano, and sang in a loud voice, "Ich lass das Maedchen gern das mich nicht will" (I gladly give up the girl who slights me). It was all over, and he had to bear the loss of the fickle girl as best he might. There is a significant line in one of his letters at this time to his father: "In my whole life I never wrote ...
— Great Men and Famous Women, Vol. 8 (of 8) • Various

... "Now ich try menself. Henry Snyder, Henry Snyder, stand up. What hash you bin dain in die ...
— David Crockett: His Life and Adventures • John S. C. Abbott

... nachgeben, dem Anschein nach ungern, unwillkurlich, van der Laune des Augenblicks hingerissen—und, was die Hauptsache ist, lautlos, heimlich vor mir. Sie verstehen? Dafur zahlen Narren ein schweres Geld. Ubrigens brauche ich Sie ...
— Yama (The Pit) • Alexandra Kuprin

... white-clothed girl with the seraphic head? She played a thing of Schumann's called "Warum?" Then Halliday brought out a flute, and the spell was broken. After this they made Ashurst sing, Stella playing him accompaniments from a book of Schumann songs, till, in the middle of "Ich grolle nicht," two small figures clad in blue dressing-gowns crept in and tried to conceal themselves beneath the piano. The evening broke up in confusion, and what Sabina ...
— Forsyte Saga • John Galsworthy

... moorings!" Or for little Mr. Bouncer to cry, "Yoicks! unearthed at last!" No need for anything, save the parental sanction to the newly-formed engagement. Mr. Verdant Green had proposed, and had been accepted; and Miss Patty Honeywood could exclaim with Schiller's heroine, "Ich habe gelebt und geliebet! - I have lived, ...
— The Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green • Cuthbert Bede

... a-hangin' on when things went from bad to worse. Th' herd's been a-goin' down an' down. Calves with their tongues slit so's they'd lose their mothers—fed up in some coulee by hand an' branded. Knowed 'em by my own colour cattle, w'ich I drove in here five year ...
— Tharon of Lost Valley • Vingie E. Roe

... same chirche they were mured up, and men of diverses wardes watched them nyght and day. And the forsaid John Nyauncer and his men forsuoren the kynges lond, and passyd thorugh the citee of London toward Caleys in there schertes and breches, and ich of them a crosse in ...
— A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 • Anonymous

... does not know anything by heart! Gottlieb brings straightway two armfuls of music-books; and the leaves are turned over again and again. First she thinks she will sing Der Holle Rache, etc., then Hebe sich, etc., then Ach, Ich liebte, etc. In this embarrassment, I propose, Ein Veilchen auf der Wiese, etc. But she is for the heroic style; she wants to make a display, and finally selects ...
— Hyperion • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

... dead, burial and cremation, it is as well to remember Dieterich's warning in Mutter Erde, p. 66, note: "den Versuch, aus der Verbreitung und dem Wechsel der Sitte des Verbrennens und Begrabens fuer meine Untersuchung Schluesse zu gewinnen, habe ich voellig aufgegeben, als ich angesichts der ungeheueren Materialen meines Kollegen von Duhn die Unmoeglicheit solcher Schluesse einsehen musste." In Mr. Lawson's book quoted above it seems to me to be proved that the object of both methods is the same, viz. to destroy the ...
— The Religious Experience of the Roman People - From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus • W. Warde Fowler

... nicht was soll es bedeuten, Dass ich so traurig bin; Ein Maerchen aus alten Zeiten, Das kommt mir ...
— Hero Tales and Legends of the Rhine • Lewis Spence

... desperately mustering her scraps of Yiddish. 'Your children are safe. Ich bin vaccinated. Look!' She rolled up her sleeve. 'Der policeman ist vaccinated. Look—if I tap him he ...
— Ghetto Comedies • Israel Zangwill

... me on to another view which likewise dates from a very early time, though it afterwards vanished. As a little boy, when I could not have the same toys which other boys possessed, I could fully enjoy what they enjoyed, as if they had been my own. There is a German phrase, "Ich freue mich in deiner Seele," which exactly expressed what I often felt. It was not the result of teaching, still less of reasoning—it was a sentiment given me and which certainty did not leave me till much later in life, ...
— My Autobiography - A Fragment • F. Max Mueller

... darted a great many mischievous glances which were comprehended much better; when they had passed within the gates of Fairview, being on private land she felt even less need of restraint, and sang "Dich, theure Halle, gruss' ich wieder!" and laughed at her own cleverness quite as much as if her companion had understood ...
— King Midas • Upton Sinclair

... theory and fact of the office which he holds in these sentences: "No situation has been created for which I cannot take the responsibility. As long as I stand in this place I shield the Emperor (trete ich vor den Kaiser). This not for courtiers' considerations, of which I know nothing, but as in duty bound. When I cannot satisfy this my duty you will see me no ...
— The Governments of Europe • Frederic Austin Ogg

... w'en I git back ter camps, dar wuz Cunnel Tip Herndon, w'ich he wuz own br'er ter Miss Hallie. Maybe you been year tell er Marse Tip, ma'am; he cert'ny wuz a mighty fine man. Marse Tip, he 'uz dar, en 'twa'n't long 'fo' Miss Hallie wuz dar, kaze she ain't live so mighty fur; en Miss Hallie say dat my young marster en ...
— Free Joe and Other Georgian Sketches • Joel Chandler Harris

... Vienna, as common as our "hello!" is "I have the honor" (Ich habe die Ehre!). In Hungary—of course one mustn't tell a Hungarian that he is "Austrian"—people tell you that they are your humble servants before they say good morning, and those who really are humble ...
— Antwerp to Gallipoli - A Year of the War on Many Fronts—and Behind Them • Arthur Ruhl

... Kerl, I am! Ich bin ein lustiger Student, mein Pardy; and full of droll practical jokes; worse than even you, when you were a young scapegrace in the Guards, and wrenched off knockers, and ran away with a poor policeman's hat! But I don't put my practical jokes ...
— The Martian • George Du Maurier

... und Grillen Entweihn nicht diese Trift; Ich finde hier im Stillen Des Unmuts Gegengift. Es webet, wallt, und spielet, Das Laub um jeden Strauch, Und jede Staude fuehlet Des lauen Zephyrs Hauch. Was mir vor Augen schwebet Gefaellt und huepft und singt, Und alles, alles lebet, Und alles scheint verjuengt. Ihr Thaeler und ihr ...
— The Development of the Feeling for Nature in the Middle Ages and - Modern Times • Alfred Biese

... the possessions in the Gospels, bear in mind first of all, that spirits are not necessarily souls or 'I's' ('ich-heiten' or 'self-consciousnesses'), and that the most ludicrous absurdities would follow from taking them as such in the Gospel instances; and secondly, that the Evangelist, who has recorded the most of these incidents, ...
— Literary Remains (1) • Coleridge

... said I, in German. To me anything uttered in the German language sounds gruff and belligerent, no matter how gentle its meaning. That amiable sentence: "Ich liebe dich" is no exception; to me it sounds relentless. I am confident that I asked for coffee in a very mild and ingratiating tone, in direct contrast to his command to get out, and was somewhat ruffled by his stare ...
— A Fool and His Money • George Barr McCutcheon

... angels enter to dispute with the fiends for the soul of Faust. They enter singing—"Pardon to sinners and life to the dust." Mephistopheles hears them first, and exclaims to his troop, "Discord I hear, and filthy jingling"—"Mistoene hoere ich; garstiges Geklimper." This, you see, is the extreme of bad taste in music. Presently the angelic host begin strewing roses, which discomfits the diabolic crowd altogether. Mephistopheles in vain calls to them—"What ...
— The Crown of Wild Olive • John Ruskin

... glaubten wir uns selbst aufgeklrt zu haben, und so war der heftige Streit franzsischer Philosophen mit dem Pfafftum uns ziemlich gleichgltig. Verbotene, zurn Feuer verdaminte Bcher, welche damals grossen Lrmen machten, bten keine Wirkung auf uns. Ich gedenke statt aller des Systme de la Nature, das wir aus Neugier in die Hand nahmen. Wir begriffen nicht, wie ein solches Buch gefhrlich sein knnte. Es kam uns so grau, so cimmerisch, so totenhaft vor, das wir Mhe hatten, seine ...
— Baron d'Holbach - A Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France • Max Pearson Cushing

... Gieb dass ich thu mit fleiss was mir zu thun gebuhret (Grant that with zeal and strength this day ...
— With Frederick the Great - A Story of the Seven Years' War • G. A. Henty

... granted his errand in all thing, And gaf him a palfray for his tiding. Then was the lady of the house A proud dame, and malicious, Hoker-full, iche mis-segging,[38] Squeamous, and eke scorning; To iche woman she had envie; She spake these words of felonie: "Ich have wonder, thou messenger, Who was thy lordes conseillor, To teach him about to send, And tell shame in iche an end!"[39] "That his wife hath tway children y-bore! Well may iche man wite therfore That tway men her han hodde in bower: That is ...
— The Lay of Marie • Matilda Betham

... of that masterpiece, and only a word about "The Great Hoggarty Diamond." "I have been re-reading it. Upon my word and honour, if it doesn't make you cry, I shall have a mean opinion of you. It was written at a time of great affliction, when my heart was very soft and humble. Amen. Ich habe auch viel geliebt." Of "Pendennis," as it goes on, he writes that it is "awfully stupid," which has not been the verdict of the ages. He picks up materials as he passes. He dines with some officers, and perhaps he stations them at Chatteris. He meets Miss G—-, ...
— Essays in Little • Andrew Lang

... 'ere fowl, Mrs Brown, it's remarkably tender, it is; just suited to the tender lips of—dear me, Mrs Brown, how improvin' the mountain hair is to your complexion, if I may wenture to speak of improvin' that w'ich is perfect already." ...
— Freaks on the Fells - Three Months' Rustication • R.M. Ballantyne

... And so all yours; O these naughtie times Puts bars betweene the owners and their rights. And so though yours, not yours (proue it so) Let Fortune goe to hell for it, not I. I speake too long, but 'tis to peize the time, To ich it, and to draw it out in length, To ...
— The First Folio [35 Plays] • William Shakespeare

... hand. "I know him, I myself, also," he said, looking Belden full in the face with a steady eye. "Ich selbst." He struck his breast and ventured on the liberty of a smile—a smile slow and sinister, one that called for an ...
— With the Procession • Henry B. Fuller

... "Ja, ich kann nicht anders—um so mehr schade!"[12] he replied mournfully. He was an Alsatian "volunteer," he explained, having deserted for the French side at an opportune moment. It was odd to hear him declaiming against ...
— Leaves from a Field Note-Book • J. H. Morgan

... by your expression, darling, you were miles away, too," said the irrepressible Wallace. "How are you, Brunhilde? Ich liebe dich! Yes'm, we ought to be miles away, but to tell you the honest truth, the season is simply ROTTEN here on the coast. We've bust up, for the moment, but dry those tears. Here's my contract for seven weeks in San Francisco—seven ...
— Martie the Unconquered • Kathleen Norris

... gibt nur a Kaiserstadt Es gibt nur a Wien; Da muss es praechtig sein, Da moecht' ich hin! ...
— By Water to the Columbian Exposition • Johanna S. Wisthaler

... da ich ausgewachsen, Viel gelesen, viel gereist, Schwillt mein Herz, und ganz von Herzen, Glaub' ...
— Giordano Bruno • Walter Horatio Pater

... very happy after her heroic sacrifice. She was very distraite, nervous, silent, and ill to please. The family had never known her so peevish. She grew pale and ill. She used to try to sing certain songs ("Einsam bin ich nicht alleine," was one of them, that tender love-song of Weber's which in old-fashioned days, young ladies, and when you were scarcely born, showed that those who lived before you knew too how to love and to sing) certain songs, I say, to which the Major was partial; and as she warbled ...
— Vanity Fair • William Makepeace Thackeray

... Lorbeer geb ich him mit Freuden Frs erste Veilchen, das der Merz uns bringt, Das duftige Pffand der ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Vol I and II • Samuel Taylor Coleridge

... Prinzessin und ich finden es eine unserer angenehmsten Pflichten, Ihnen einen Besuch hier zu machen, um uns von der Fruchtbarkeit, welche Ihre Kolonie charakterisirt, ...
— Memories of Canada and Scotland - Speeches and Verses • John Douglas Sutherland Campbell

... universe. Absolutely there is the keep and central stronghold of your triumphantly-conscious self. There you are, and you know it. So stick out your tummy gaily, my dear, with a Me voila. With a Here I am! With an Ecco mi! With a Da bin ich! There you ...
— Fantasia of the Unconscious • D. H. Lawrence

... M'. The Portuguese could not pronounce the "-ich" and consequently it dropped off, resulting in the formation of what is probably one of the ...
— The German Element in Brazil - Colonies and Dialect • Benjamin Franklin Schappelle

... water-sprites brought him greetings from the "Nord See." He was . . . so kind to me and so sarcastic to every one else.' Twenty years afterwards the little girl whose 'braune Augen' Heine had celebrated in his charming poem Wenn ich an deinem Hause, used to go and see the dying poet in Paris. 'It does one good,' he said to her, 'to see a woman who does not carry about a broken heart, to be mended by all sorts of men, like the ...
— Reviews • Oscar Wilde

... ich soutere hys sone seten to schole, And ich a beggeres brol on the book lerne, And worth to a writere and with a lorde dwelle, Other falsly to a frere the fend for to serven; 4 So of that ...
— Early English Meals and Manners • Various

... suet, and a moderate allowance of currants and raisins, an admirable squencher of appetite. It's portable too, and keeps well. Besides, if I can't get through with it at supper, it fries up next mornin' splendidly.—Come, I'll let you taste a bit, an' that's a favour w'ich I wouldn't ...
— Post Haste • R.M. Ballantyne

... slackened his pace, took out a morocco case of cigars, and, lighting one with his briquet, said, while he walked on, and bestowed as much of its fragrance as he could upon the face of his intrusive companion, "Vergeben sie, mein herr—ich bin erzogen in kaiserlicher ...
— St. Ronan's Well • Sir Walter Scott

... into the postoffice for the Prince de Conde, and had just returned. The fashion then in England was a black dress, Spanish hat, and yellow satin lining, with three ostrich feathers forming the Prince of Wales's crest, and bearing his inscription, 'Ich dien,' ("I serve.") I also brought with me a white satin cloak, trimmed with white fur. This crest and motto date as far back, I believe, as the time of Edward, ...
— The Memoirs of Louis XV. and XVI., Volume 6 • Madame du Hausset, and of an Unknown English Girl and the Princess Lamballe

... Huish; "I don't believe he would either; and I'm sure I 'ope he won't! So then you can call us ashore. Next point is to get near the managin' direction. And for that I'm going to 'ave you write a letter, in w'ich you s'y you're ashymed to meet his eye, and that the bearer, Mr. J. L. 'Uish, is empowered to represent you. Armed with w'ich seemin'ly simple expedient, Mr. J. L. 'Uish will proceed ...
— The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. XIX (of 25) - The Ebb-Tide; Weir of Hermiston • Robert Louis Stevenson

... "Dann kehr ich von der Haide, Zur hauslich stillen Freude, Ein frommer Jagersmann! Ein frommer Jagersmann! Halli, hallo! halli, hallo! ...
— Sunrise • William Black

... Herz, was soll das geben, Was bedraenget dich so sehr; Welch ein neues fremdes Leben, Ich erkenne ...
— Beethoven's Letters 1790-1826, Volume 1 of 2 • Lady Wallace

... anzusehen wie die Sternen Nacht.' Good! good!" she exclaimed, while her dark and deep eye sparkled. "There you have a dim and mighty archangel fitly set before you! The line is worth a hundred pages of fustian. 'Ich wage die Gedanken in der Schale meines Zornes und die Werke mit dem Gewichte meines ...
— Jane Eyre - an Autobiography • Charlotte Bronte

... people," but also that it belongs to a musical epoch in which symmetry of melody and rhythm was beginning to assume artistic importance. The growing sense of form shown by some of Luther's own tunes (e.g. Vom Himmel hoch, da komm' ich her) soon advanced, especially in the tunes of Crueger, beyond any that was shown by folk-music; and it provided an invaluable bulwark against the chaos that was threatening to swamp music on all sides at the beginning of the 17th century. By Bach's time all the ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 6, Slice 3 - "Chitral" to "Cincinnati" • Various

... Wusten meine Reise, Ich folg, und lehne mich auf Dich Du gibst mir aus der Wolken Speise Und Traenkest aus dem Felsen mich, Ich traue Deinen Wunderwegen, Sie enden sich in Lieb und Segen, Genug, wenn ich Dich bei ...
— The Petticoat Commando - Boer Women in Secret Service • Johanna Brandt

... Leben, Dem hab' ich mich ergeben, ergeben; Tabak ist meine Lust. Und eh' ich ihn sollt' lassen, Viel lieber wollt' ich hassen, Ja, hassen selbst eines ...
— Atlantic Monthly Volume 6, No. 34, August, 1860 • Various

... [c]ichevinak, chi vahxaki [t]anel xoc [c]am [c]eche, tantahauar Huny[t] ka mama tan [c]a nima rahpop achi ymama chiri ok xoc labal [c]echee, yxnu[c]ahol, he[c]a ki xebano chic labal [c]iche ri y mama rahpop Achi Balam, rahpop achi Y[t]ich, ru [t]alel achi [c]atu, [c]iya camic [c]eche vinak cuma; maquina xaquere xe[t]a[t]ar ka tata ...
— The Annals of the Cakchiquels • Daniel G. Brinton

... from the nearest town up a steep hill? Latin, French, English, German, failed to make me understand the situation. At last I took in the Pfarrer's meaning. I was to send it by the milkman after leaving it at a certain hotel. "Ja," I cried in an ecstasy of joy, at last grasping his meaning, "Ja, ich mittam der Gepaeck von der milkman." I arrived the next day. I found the Pfarrer knew Latin, Greek (but he pronounces both quite differently from me), German, French, Russian, Syriac, Hebrew, and a little English. His usual custom is to address me in German. If I fail to understand, ...
— Letters to His Friends • Forbes Robinson

... gold Gehabt gehaben Richter weiss Ein Schlabbergasterfeldt un Sold Gehaben Meister treulich heiss "Ich dich! Ich dich!" die Maedchein tzwei ...
— Eugene Field, A Study In Heredity And Contradictions - Vol. I • Slason Thompson

... translation of necessity presents a very unreliable yard-stick of a man's work, the following translation of Brorson's version of the well-known German hymn, "Ich Will Dich Lieben, Meine Starke" may at least indicate the nature of his work as ...
— Hymns and Hymnwriters of Denmark • Jens Christian Aaberg

... some Drink, e'er the Soldier came in, to whom the Gentleman gave one Pot, and drank to him out of another. Lostall, that was the Soldier, whipp'd off his Flaggon, and said, bowing, Well, Master, God bless your Worship! Ich can but love and thank you, and was going; but the Gentleman, who had farther Business with him, with some Difficulty prevail'd on him to sit down, for a Minute or two, after the Soldier had urg'd that he must mind his Business, for he had yet half a Day's Work almost to ...
— The Works of Aphra Behn - Volume V • Aphra Behn

... Ich bin ein deutscher Dichter, Bekannt im deutschen Land; Nennt man die besten Namen So wird auch der meine genannt. Und was mir fehlt, du Kleine, Fehlt manchem im deutschen Land; Nennt man die schlimmsten Schmerzen, So wird auch die ...
— The Journal of Arthur Stirling - "The Valley of the Shadow" • Upton Sinclair

... single lighted window of the government buildings a face still spoke ... "Ich bin Egelhofer, ihr ...
— Erik Dorn • Ben Hecht

... ich wulle varen to Avalun: And I will fare to Avalun, To vairest alre maidene, To fairest of all maidens, To Argante there quene, To Argante the queen, Alven swithe sceone. An elf very beautiful. And heo seal mine wunden And she shall my wounds Makien alle isunde, Make all sound; ...
— English Literature - Its History and Its Significance for the Life of the English Speaking World • William J. Long

... taken from the old German edition of the discourses of Dr. Johann Geiler von Keysersperg, a famous preacher in Strasbourg. The volume is entitled: "Die Emeis. Dis ist das Bch von der Omeissen, und durch Herr der Knnig ich diente gern. Und sagt von Eigenschafft der Omeissen, und gibt underweisung von der Unholden oder Hexen, und von Gespenst, der Geist, und von ...
— The Book of Were-Wolves • Sabine Baring-Gould

... the book in the Quarterly in his accustomed strain of playful brutality, rejoiced savagely over the numerous blunders, [Footnote: The most amusing of these is the derivation of the Prince of Wales' motto 'Ich dien' from two Welsh words, 'Eich deyn,' said to signify 'This is your man!'] and credited the author with almost as many blasphemies as Lady Morgan herself. The Edinburgh, in a more impartial notice, observed that a great part ...
— Little Memoirs of the Nineteenth Century • George Paston

... England. As early as the beginning of the thirteenth century, this dialect had thrown off most of the old inflexions, and had become almost as flexionless as the English of the present day. Let us note a few of the more prominent changes. —The first personal pronoun Ic or Ich loses the guttural, and becomes I. —The pronouns him, them, and whom, which are true datives, are used either as datives or as objectives. —The imperative plural ends in eth. "Riseth up," Chaucer makes one of his characters say, "and stondeth by me!" —The useful and almost ...
— A Brief History of the English Language and Literature, Vol. 2 (of 2) • John Miller Dow Meiklejohn

... reitet mein Kaiser wohl ueber mein Grab, Viel' Schwerter klirren und blitzen; Dann steig' ich gewaffnet hervor aus mein Grab,— Den ...
— The Tree of Heaven • May Sinclair

... to 'Peter Bell', at this time, by students of poetry in general; but some, even of Mr. Wordsworth's greatest admirers, do not quite satisfy me in their admiration of 'The Waggoner', a poem which my dear uncle, Mr. Southey, preferred even to the former. 'Ich will meine Denkungs Art hierin niemandem aufdringen', as Lessing says: I will force my way of thinking on nobody, but take the liberty, for my own gratification, to express it. The sketches of hill and valley in this poem have a lightness, ...
— The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, Vol. III • William Wordsworth

... the care of him is on my shoulders. He has no more idea of taking care of himself than a baby! He is exactly like that learned man—I think it was our great Neander—who was running out of his college one day and ran into a cow; so he pulled off his hat and said, 'Gnaedige Frau, ich bitte um Verzeihung' ('Gracious lady, I beg your pardon'), and went on; and the week after he came tearing round the same corner, thinking, I suppose, of those heathen gods and goddesses whose pictures shame a modest woman to look at, and he ran up against a lady, ...
— A War-time Journal, Germany 1914 and German Travel Notes • Harriet Julia Jephson

... spurrers into Brer Fox flanks, en you better b'leeve he got over groun'. W'en dey got ter de house, Miss Meadows en all de gals wuz settin' on de peazzer, en stidder stoppin' at de gate, Brer Rabbit rid on by, he did, en den come gallopin' down de road en up ter de hoss-rack, w'ich he hitch Brer Fox at, en den he santer inter de house, he did, en shake han's wid de gals, en set dar, smokin' his seegyar same ez a town man. Bimeby he draw in a long puff, en den let hit out in a cloud, en squar hisse'f back en holler ...
— Uncle Remus • Joel Chandler Harris

... is enough about my "Ich." You shall have a photographic image of him and my wife and child as soon as I can find ...
— The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley Volume 1 • Leonard Huxley

... and land in Kent, And if you'll love me, love me now; Two-pence half-penny is my rent, - Ich cannot come every day to woo. Chorus. Two-pence half-penny is his rent, And he cannot come every ...
— Ancient Poems, Ballads and Songs of England • Robert Bell

... "a ferli cas! Other ich am of wine y-drunk, Other the firmament is sunk, Other wexen is the ground, The thickness of four leaves round! So much to-night higher ...
— Supplemental Nights, Volume 2 • Richard F. Burton

... candydate for Preserdent, on the no-nuthin platform, with Benny Butler hung on the tail of the ticket, wen I was woke up by feelin sumthin like a lectric shock creepin over me. I begun to get scared, cos I felt like I was gettin the seven yares ich, so I crep outer bed & lit the gas. On xammenashun I found a feerful lot of little wite lumps all over my bodie. Then I looked at the sheets, & a grande site was presented to my vishun. There on a littel knoll, of ...
— The Bad Boy At Home - And His Experiences In Trying To Become An Editor - 1885 • Walter T. Gray

... of Concord, and the list of signatures, by a page containing the trade-mark of the printer. The center of this page features a cut inscribed, "Matthes Stoeckel Gimel Bergen 1579." The cut is headed by Ps. 9, 1. 2: "Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen und erzaehle all deine Wunder. Ich freue mich und bin froehlich in dir und lobe deinen Namen, du Allerhoechster. I thank the Lord with all my heart and proclaim ...
— Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church • Friedrich Bente

... cultivated the sugar-cane, and supplied Rome with sugar from it, yet they derived their knowledge of it from India; for the Arabic name, shuker, which was adopted by the Greeks and Romans, is formed from the two middle syllables of the Sanskrit word, ich-shu-casa. ...
— Robert Kerr's General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 18 • William Stevenson

... ich hash; when der water wash low, and mein stones wash dull, ich take leetle too ...
— David Crockett: His Life and Adventures • John S. C. Abbott

... Meyer, and others of literary or medical celebrity, and I remain where I was, and where the first perusal of Klug's work had left me, without having moved an inch backward or forward. The reply of Treviranus, the famous botanist, to me, when he was in London, is worth recording:—'Ich habe gesehen was (ich weiss das) ich nicht wuerde geglaubt haben auf ihren erzaehlung,' &c. 'I have seen what I am certain I would not have believed on your telling; and in all reason, therefore, I can neither expect nor wish that you should ...
— Specimens of the Table Talk of S.T.Coleridge • Coleridge

... child consented to go to bed she opened the little "brown book," which was a German Bible, and read aloud, slowly but distinctly, the last verse of the Fourth Psalm: "Ich liege und schlafe ganz mit Frieden; denn allein Du, Herr, hilfst mir, dass ich sicher wohne" ("I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety"). Then she knelt down, and prayed in simple words her evening prayer, ...
— Little Frida - A Tale of the Black Forest • Anonymous

... ist als ob ich die Haende, Auf's Haupt dir legen sollt', Betend dass Gott dich erhalte, So rein mid schoen ...
— Ilka on the Hill-Top and Other Stories • Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen

... was certainly comical and not a little shaky, for it was a fragmentary remembrance of the German read in my early college course, and never since revived, that "I was doing nothing—that I was a strangers" (ich bin ein Fremden), and had come out to see the effects on the river, pointing to the glimmering lights; but, fortunately, my German was so funny that he burst out laughing, and after a "sehr schoen, sehr schoen," ...
— The Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume I • Stillman, William James

... stir humanity—such, for instance, as the obsolete "sense of sin,"—but once it is done, he works miracles. Take, for example, the scene in which Jesus tells His disciples that one of them will betray Him. They ask, in chorus, "Herr, bin ich's?" There is a pause, and the chorale, "Ich bin's, ich sollte buessen," is thundered out by congregation and organ; then the agony passes away at the thought of the Redeemer, and the last line, "Das hat verdienet meine Seel," is ...
— Old Scores and New Readings • John F. Runciman

... seinem Sohne: Gegenwrtig bin ich gerade sechsmal so alt als du; nach zwlf Jahren werde ich nur dreimal so alt sein als du; wie alt ist der Vater und wie ...
— German Science Reader - An Introduction to Scientific German, for Students of - Physics, Chemistry and Engineering • Charles F. Kroeh

... old hymn-tune, 'O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden,' composed A.D. 1600 (by Hans Geo. Hassler to a secular tune), and used by Bach five times to different words in the 'Matthaeus-Passion,' is again used in this oratorio to the words of Paul Gerhard's Advent hymn, 'Wie soll ich dich empfangen,' and to the hymn of triumph, 'Nun seid ihr wohl gerochen,' at the end of the last part. As this tune was familiar to the hearers in connection with a hymn for Passion Week, its adaptation to ...
— The Standard Oratorios - Their Stories, Their Music, And Their Composers • George P. Upton

... Schwartzmeister th' Shan-van-Voght before we was through; an' I've got th' German naytional chune be heart,—'Ich vice nit wauss allus bay doitan'. What'll ye ...
— Mr. Dooley in Peace and in War • Finley Peter Dunne

... Jerry with emphasis, "than the weathercock of a Dutch Reformed Church. Of course I know 'ow to load—powder first, ball or shot arterwards; it's usually gravel with me, that bein', so to speak, 'andy and cheap. An' I knows w'ich end o' the piece to putt to my shoulder, likewise 'ow to pull the trigger, but of more than that I'm hinnocent as the babe unborn. Ah! you may laugh, sir, but after all I'm a pretty sure shot. Indeed I seldom miss, because I putt in such a 'eavy ...
— The Settler and the Savage • R.M. Ballantyne

... When I had drafted the first scene, my sisters happened to discover the MS. and literally laughed it to scorn, and, to my great annoyance, for a long time afterwards they chaffed me by repeating one particular sentence which I had put into the mouth of the heroine, and which was—Ich hore schon den Ritter trapsen ('I hear his knightly footsteps falling'). I now returned with renewed ardour to the theatre, with which, even at this time, my family was in close touch. Den Freischutz in particular appealed very strongly to my imagination, mainly on account of its ghostly theme. ...
— My Life, Volume I • Richard Wagner

... in meines Lebens Lenze War ich and ich wandert' aus, Und der Jugend frohe Tanze Liess ich ...
— Night and Morning, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... out the gifted and highly-learned students, and would not waste his time in ordinary conversation. Often, when he saw a number of students going off on some empty pleasure-trip, he said to me, 'There they go with the other fellows; their motto is, "Ich gehe mit den andern." I will go my own way, Mr. Dinkel,—and not alone: I will be a leader of others.' In all his doings there was an ease and calm which was remarkable. His studio was a perfect German student's room. It was large, with several wide windows; the furniture consisted of ...
— Louis Agassiz: His Life and Correspondence • Louis Agassiz

... if you do not succeed, well, you must be happy in that. No doubt it is the best you can do. So, then, why will? Why be angry because of what you cannot do? We all have to do what we can.... Als ich kann." ...
— Jean-Christophe, Vol. I • Romain Rolland

... "Oft habe ich die Welt durchwandert, und habe immer gesehen, wie das Grosse am Kleinlichen scheitert, und das Edle von dem aetzenden Gift des Alltaeglichen zerfressen wird." FRITZING, "Erlebtes ...
— The Princess Priscilla's Fortnight • Elizabeth von Arnim

... glaube ich erst recht, Und geht es auch wunderlich, geht es auch schlecht, Ich bleibe ...
— Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Vol. I • Margaret Fuller Ossoli

... fire to hit, an' de wolfs howl an' de fire hit spit an' sputter an' hiss an' crack an' roar, an' all de creeturs on de mountain set up a big cry an' run dis-a-way an' dat ter git outen de fire; dey wuz plumb 'stracted, an' hit soun' lak all de wil' beas'es in creation wuz turnt aloose an' tryin' w'ich kin yell de loudes'. But de tarr'pins jes' drord inter der shells an' sot dar safe an' soun', an' watched de fire burn an' de smoke an' de flame rollin' ...
— The Wit and Humor of America, Volume VII. (of X.) • Various

... journal "How anxious we felt I need not say, but we tried not to give way.... I prayed earnestly for my darling child, and longed for to-morrow to arrive. Read Korner's beautiful, 'Gebet vor der Schlacht,' 'Vater ich rufe Dich,' ('Prayer before the Battle,' 'Father, I call on Thee'). My beloved husband ...
— Life of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen, (Victoria) Vol II • Sarah Tytler

... plying the oar, his long black robe tucked up under the dark blue sash that exactly matched the color of the gondola. The man's motto might have been, "Ich Dien," or that passage of Scripture, "He that is greatest among you shall be your servant." Suspended around his neck by a slender chain was a bronze medal, presented by vote of the Signoria when the great picture ...
— Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Volume 6 - Subtitle: Little Journeys to the Homes of Eminent Artists • Elbert Hubbard

... also "Beyond Good and Evil", pages 120, 121). Nietzsche thought it was a bad sign of the times that even rulers have lost the courage of their positions, and that a man of Frederick the Great's power and distinguished gifts should have been able to say: "Ich bin der erste Diener des Staates" (I am the first servant of the State.) To this utterance of the great sovereign, verse 24 undoubtedly refers. "Cowardice" and "Mediocrity," are the names with which he labels modern ...
— Thus Spake Zarathustra - A Book for All and None • Friedrich Nietzsche

... objective test, first of all in such simple forms as: "How many people are there here?" Answer: "7." "How many of them are women?" Answer: "6." "How many dogs are there in this room?" Answer: "1." "And who is that?" "Ich" (I). A little later I said: "Listen to me, Lola! There are thirty cows in the stalls; ten of those cows go to graze, and two cows have been killed, how many cows remain in the stalls?" Answer: "18." Then I said: "Six oxen are in the stalls—how ...
— Lola - The Thought and Speech of Animals • Henny Kindermann

... Ich bruder Jacob von Caffalis prediger ordens, bin ueberwunder worden von der bruder gebet ... (Ends.) Hie endet sich das buch menschlicher sitten vnd d'ampt ...
— Game and Playe of the Chesse - A Verbatim Reprint Of The First Edition, 1474 • Caxton

... yet the climate in which you carry on this pursuit—vile as it is—is warm, which to me is almost an essential of existence. I beg you to understand that I make no pretension to a thorough knowledge of Fetish ideas; I am only on the threshold. "Ich weiss nicht all doch viel ist mir bekannt," as Faust said—and, like him after he had said it, I have got ...
— Travels in West Africa • Mary H. Kingsley

... Teufel ich gefangen lag, Im Tod war ich verloren, Mein' Suend' mich quaelet Nacht und Tag, Darin war ich geboren, Ich fiel auch immer tiefer d'rein, Es war kein gut's am Leben mein, Die Suend' hat ...
— The Hymns of Martin Luther • Martin Luther

... and if in life's vicissitudes he should become destitute through their lack, he was glad to think that with his sheer valor he was all the freer to work out his salvation. "Wer nur selbst was hatte," says Lessing's Tempelherr, in Nathan the Wise, "mein Gott, mein Gott, ich habe nichts!" This ideal of the well-born man without possessions was embodied in knight-errantry and templardom; and, hideously corrupted as it has always been, it still dominates sentimentally, if not practically, the military and aristocratic view of life. We glorify the soldier as the man ...
— The Varieties of Religious Experience • William James

... gentlemen of his train; and his dead body, and those of his attendants, were afterwards found among the slain, with their horses standing by them in that situation.[***] His crest was three ostrich feathers; and his motto these German words, Ich dien,—"I serve;" which the prince of Wales and his successors adopted in memorial of this great victory. The action may seem no less remarkable for the small loss sustained by the English, than for the great slaughter of the French: there were killed in it only one esquire and ...
— The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part B. - From Henry III. to Richard III. • David Hume

... ich bin ein Amerikaner!" he eagerly cried ("Yes, yes, I am an American!"), relieved to find himself no longer a man without a country. Had he been told that he was a Hindoo, or an Eskimo, he would have acquiesced ...
— In the Claws of the German Eagle • Albert Rhys Williams

... ist's, wenn ich bezwungen Meine irdische Begier; Aber doch wenn's nich gelungen Hatt' ich auch recht ...
— Anna Karenina • Leo Tolstoy

... Welle mit Macht, mit Macht, Und sie singt hinaus in die finstre Nacht, Das Auge von Weinen getruebet. Das Herz ist gestorben, die Welt ist leer, Und welter giebt sie dem Wunsche nichts mehr. Du Heilige, rufe dein Kind zurueck, Ich habe genossen das irdische Glueck, Ich ...
— The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb IV - Poems and Plays • Charles and Mary Lamb

... devilish hungry—Ich bin dem Verhungern nahe and were just on the point of ordering in the provender ...
— Tom Cringle's Log • Michael Scott

... kenne Syr Roger from afar Tryppynge over the lea; Ich ask whie the loverds[20] son Is ...
— The Rowley Poems • Thomas Chatterton

... mit der Kraft des Indra! Durch eignen Grimm war ich so stark geworden! Ich machte fur die Menschen ...
— From Ritual to Romance • Jessie L. Weston

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