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Impregnate   Listen
Impregnate  adj.  Impregnated; made prolific. "The scorching ray Here pierceth not, impregnate with disease."

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"Impregnate" Quotes from Famous Books

... such an one, and find him in conversation full of thought, feeling, and experience, which he has lacked the art to employ in his writings. But Burns was not thus hampered in the practice of the literary art; he could throw the whole weight of his nature into his work, and impregnate it from end to end. If Doctor Johnson, that stilted and accomplished stylist, had lacked the sacred Boswell, what should we have known of him? and how should we have delighted in his acquaintance as we do? Those who ...
— The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 3 (of 25) • Robert Louis Stevenson

... valuable ground, as in olden times, and as mentioned by us under "Signs, Omens, and Warnings," at page 399. At the Tweed, fishermen still (1879) have a belief in the power of fairies to affect the fisheries. It is the custom not only to impregnate nets with salt, but also to throw part of that commodity into the water, to blind the mischievous elves, who are said to prevent fish being caught. The salting process was carried on at Coldstream very recently, with a result highly satisfactory to ...
— The Mysteries of All Nations • James Grant

... space of air, with thundering sound, At every leap the immortal coursers bound Troy now they reach'd and touch'd those banks divine, Where silver Simois and Scamander join There Juno stopp'd, and (her fair steeds unloosed) Of air condensed a vapour circumfused For these, impregnate with celestial dew, On Simois, brink ambrosial herbage grew. Thence to relieve the fainting Argive throng, Smooth as the sailing ...
— The Iliad of Homer • Homer

... may be impregnated by the sun is not uncommon in legends. Thus, for example, among the Indians of Guacheta in Colombia, it is said, a report once ran that the sun would impregnate one of their maidens, who should bear a child and yet remain a virgin. The chief had two daughters, and was very desirous that one of them should conceive in this miraculous manner. So every day he made ...
— Balder The Beautiful, Vol. I. • Sir James George Frazer

... interesting to note, in connection with Scheurer's view, that, many years ago, Gladstone and Wilson (1860) proposed to impregnate colored materials with some colorless fluorescent substance, e.g., sulphate of quinine, evidently with the idea of filtering off the active ultra-violet rays. How far some such method as this might prove successful I cannot say, but since we cannot keep our dyed textile materials in a vacuum, ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 810, July 11, 1891 • Various

... reasons it is important that, in our well-intentioned endeavours to impregnate the Oriental mind with our insular habits of thought, we should proceed with the utmost caution, and that we should remember that our primary duty is, not to introduce a system which, under the specious cloak ...
— Political and Literary essays, 1908-1913 • Evelyn Baring

... Nevertheless if the fervent Love disposes and imprints the clear Light of the primal Power, complete perfection is acquired here.[6] Thus of old the earth was made worthy of the complete perfection of the living being;[7] thus was the Virgin made impregnate;[8] so that I commend thy opinion that human nature never was, nor will be, what it ...
— The Divine Comedy, Volume 3, Paradise [Paradiso] • Dante Alighieri

... continuity of germ-plasm cannot be maintained in the form originally propounded, it is in the main true and illuminating. (It is interesting to see how nearly Butler was led by natural penetration, and from absolutely opposite conclusions, back to this underlying truth: "So that each ovum when impregnate should be considered not as descended from its ancestors, but as being a continuation of the personality of every ovum in the chain of its ancestry, which every ovum IT ACTUALLY IS quite as truly as the octogenarian IS the ...
— Darwin and Modern Science • A.C. Seward and Others

... impregnate canvas, timber, or cordage with Sir William Burnett's fluid, a solution of chloride ...
— The Sailor's Word-Book • William Henry Smyth

... remembered, had held these views while he was yet only a Congregationalist generally, and before he had become a Baptist. Though he found them among the Baptists, therefore, he may be said to have recovered them for Independency at large, and to have been the first to impregnate modern "Independency" with them through and through. Nay, as he had himself gone out of the camp of the mere Baptist Congregationalists when he published his treatise,—as he had begun to question whether there was ...
— The Life of John Milton Vol. 3 1643-1649 • David Masson

... chin it rested, On her lips it perched a moment, Hastened to her tongue expectant To and fro it rocked and lingered, Thence it hastened on its journey, Settled in the maiden's bosom. Mariatta, child of beauty, Thus became a bride impregnate, Wedded to the mountain-berry; Lingered in her room at morning, Sat at midday in the darkness, Hastened to her couch at evening. Thus the watchful mother wonders: "What has happened to our Mary, To our virgin, Mariatta, That she throws aside her girdle, Shyly slips through ...
— The Kalevala (complete) • John Martin Crawford, trans.

... flower to flower, collecting the honey and carrying pollen. I frequently saw them cross the limits of the neighboring beds. Loaded with the pollen of the variety they visit the flowers of the different species and impregnate the stigma with it. And returning to the variety they bring about similar crosses in the flowers of the latter. Hybrid seeds will develop in both cases and become mixed with the crop. We now have to ask the question, what sort of plants will arise from these hybrid seeds. As ...
— Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation • Hugo DeVries

... summit; its top is whitened by perpetual snow, and the flame and smoke, for ever issuing from its crater, are seen shading the sky at the distance of many miles. Sometimes quantities of ashes are thrown out, so fine as to impregnate the atmosphere, and be inhaled in breathing; and, it is said, that occasionally a white clammy substance, resembling, perhaps, the honey dew elsewhere observed, has flowed from the crater, sweet to the taste, and very adhesive when touched. ...
— The American Quarterly Review, No. 17, March 1831 • Various

... collected mind abroad. Then saw I a bright band, in liveliness Surpassing, who themselves did make the crown, And us their centre: yet more sweet in voice, Than in their visage beaming. Cinctur'd thus, Sometime Latona's daughter we behold, When the impregnate air retains the thread, That weaves her zone. In the celestial court, Whence I return, are many jewels found, So dear and beautiful, they cannot brook Transporting from that realm: and of these lights Such was the song. Who ...
— The Divine Comedy • Dante

... join &c. 43; combine &c. 48; commix, immix[obs3], intermix; mix up with, mingle; commingle, intermingle, bemingle[obs3]; shuffle &c. (derange) 61; pound together; hash up, stir up; knead, brew; impregnate with; interlard &c. (interpolate) 228; intertwine, interweave &c. 219; associate with; miscegenate[obs3]. be mixed &c.; get among, be entangled with. instill, imbue; infuse, suffuse, transfuse; infiltrate, dash, tinge, tincture, season, sprinkle, besprinkle, attemper[obs3], medicate, ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

... naivete. If he added something slightly humorous which has an indefinite charm, he lacked that freshness as of 'cool, meek-blooded flowers' and boyish voices, which fascinates us in Luini. Sodoma was closer to the earth, and feared not to impregnate what he saw of beauty with the fiercer passions of his nature. If Luini had felt passion, who shall say? It appears nowhere in his work, where life is toned to a religious joyousness. When Shelley compared the poetry of the ...
— Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece • John Addington Symonds

... quintroon, sacatra zebrule [Lat.]; catalo^; cross, hybrid, mongrel. V. mix; join &c 43; combine &c 48; commix, immix^, intermix; mix up with, mingle; commingle, intermingle, bemingle^; shuffle &c (derange) 61; pound together; hash up, stir up; knead, brew; impregnate with; interlard &c (interpolate) 228; intertwine, interweave &c 219; associate with; miscegenate^. be mixed &c; get among, be entangled with. instill, imbue; infuse, suffuse, transfuse; infiltrate, dash, tinge, tincture, season, sprinkle, besprinkle, attemper^, medicate, ...
— Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget

... in the minds of our people already; and we only need to foster them and impregnate them with a Christian element, in order to produce convictions about public duty which would have the most blessed results. We might train our people to feel keenly the woe of mankind and especially the moral blots on the fair fame ...
— The Preacher and His Models - The Yale Lectures on Preaching 1891 • James Stalker

... continually before us the great works of art to impregnate our minds with kindred ideas, we are then, and not till then, fit to produce something, of the same species. We behold all about us with the eyes of these penetrating observers, and our minds, accustomed to think the thoughts of the noblest and brightest ...
— Seven Discourses on Art • Joshua Reynolds

... epithets were common, in the Egyptian religion, to most of the gods of fertility. Amun, called in some of the inscriptions "the soul of Osiris," derives his name from the root men, to impregnate, to beget. In the Karnak inscriptions he is also termed "the husband of his mother." This, too, was the favorite appellation of Chem, who was a form of Horos. See Dr. C.P. Tiele, History of the Egyptian Religion, pp. 124, 146. 149, ...
— American Hero-Myths - A Study in the Native Religions of the Western Continent • Daniel G. Brinton

... principal fabric. To speak yet more narrowly, there was never anything ugly or misshapen but the chaos; wherein, notwithstanding, to speak strictly, there was no deformity, because no form, nor was it yet impregnate by the voice of God; now nature is not at variance with art, nor art with nature, they being both servants of his providence: art is the perfection of nature: were the world now as it was the sixth day, there were yet a chaos; nature hath made one world, and art another. ...
— Library Of The World's Best Literature, Ancient And Modern, Vol 6 • Various

... to Guy, smilingly, and resting her body against his for its entire length, she paused for a moment while she held the lapel of his jacket, and from head to foot she gazed at him with a look that seemed to impregnate him with ...
— His Excellency the Minister • Jules Claretie

... this manner of sensitizing is to impregnate only the very surface of the paper with the ferric salts, and thereby to obtain an intense blue with very good whites, which latter it would be impossible of obtaining should the sensitizing solution be allowed to reach in the fibers of the paper, for, in this condition, it is impossible, ...
— Photographic Reproduction Processes • P.C. Duchochois

... and contain a small percentage of carbon derived from the decay of these zoophytes; whilst the petroleum so largely worked in North America has not improbably an animal origin. That the fatty compounds present in animal bodies should more or less extensively impregnate fossiliferous rock-masses, is only what might be expected; but the great bulk of the carbon which exists stored up in the earth's crust is derived from plants; and the form in which it principally presents itself is that of coal. We shall have to ...
— The Ancient Life History of the Earth • Henry Alleyne Nicholson

... does well so to kick against the pricks as to set himself against tendencies of such depth, strength, and permanence as this. If he is to be in harmony with the dominant opinion of his own and of many past ages, he will see a single God-impregnate substance as having been the parent from which all living forms have sprung. One spirit, and one form capable of such modification as its directing spirit shall think fit; one soul and one body, ...
— God the Known and God the Unknown • Samuel Butler

... fabrications of man's hands that are personalities. Enterprise builds the factory, Greed the tenement, but Love alone builds the house, and by Love alone is it maintained against the city's relentless encroachments. Once hallowed by habitation, what warm and vivid influences impregnate it! Ambition, pride, hope, joys happily shared; suffering, sorrow, and loss bravely endured—the walls outlive them all, gathering with age, from grief and joy alike, kind memories and stanch traditions. Yes, I love the old houses. Yet ...
— From a Bench in Our Square • Samuel Hopkins Adams

... people who go into it are reduced to ashes. Mr. Le Gallienne will not accept Spinoza's view that "pain is an unmistakable evil; joy the vitalising, fructifying power." But the great mystic, William Blake, said the same thing in, "Joys impregnate, sorrows bring forth." George Meredith has expressed the same view in saying that "Adversity tests, it does not nourish us." Even the struggle for existence does not add any strength to the survivors. It sometimes cripples them. By eliminating the unfit—that is, the weak—it ...
— Flowers of Freethought - (Second Series) • George W. Foote

... His sandals pressed! Sweet fountains of His noonday rest! O light and air of Palestine, Impregnate with His life divine! ...
— The Complete Works of Whittier - The Standard Library Edition with a linked Index • John Greenleaf Whittier

... glistening, crumpled-velvet blue substance of which two urchins of five and three were, breechless, and naked from the waist upwards, kneading yellow feet amid a silence as absorbed as though their one desire in life had been to impregnate the mud with the red radiance of the sun. And so much did this laudable task interest me, and engage my sympathy and attention, that I stopped to watch the strapping youngsters, seeing that even in ...
— Through Russia • Maxim Gorky

... of little parasitic Orchideae. Crossing it, we came on many pine-trees; these had five-years' old cones on them, as well as those of all succeeding years; they bear male flowers in autumn, which impregnate the cones formed the previous year. Thus, the cones formed in the spring of 1850 are fertilised in the following autumn, and do not ripen their seeds till the second following ...
— Himalayan Journals (Complete) • J. D. Hooker

... statue in the false light of the tapers, with the chaplet shop full of jostling customers on the one hand, and the large stone pulpit whence a Father of the Assumption was shouting "Aves" on the other. Had his soul become utterly withered then? Could no divine dew again impregnate it with innocence, render it like the souls of little children, who at the slightest caressing touch of the sacred legend give ...
— The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete - Lourdes, Rome and Paris • Emile Zola

... within her and became almost ungovernable. She had her independence too, her pride, her self-respect. And now she saw them in dust that Emile had surely heaped about them. A storm of almost hard anger shook her. She tasted an acrid bitterness that seemed to impregnate her, to turn the mainspring of her life to gall. She heard the violent voice of the young Neapolitan saying: "He is master, he is master, he has always been master here!" And she tried to look back over her life, and to see how things had been. And, shaken ...
— A Spirit in Prison • Robert Hichens

... head. He knew it was Avice, with Henri Leverre—by this time, he supposed, her husband. Her remorseful grief, though silent, seemed to impregnate the atmosphere with its heaviness. Perceiving that they had not expected him to be there Pierston edged back; and when the service was over he kept still further aloof, an act of considerateness which ...
— The Well-Beloved • Thomas Hardy

... earnest natures are the fiery pith, The compact nucleus, round which systems grow! Mass after mass becomes inspired therewith, And whirls impregnate with the ...
— English: Composition and Literature • W. F. (William Franklin) Webster

... chiefly, for with Spring Warmth doth their frames revisit, then they stand All facing westward on the rocky heights, And of the gentle breezes take their fill; And oft unmated, marvellous to tell, But of the wind impregnate, far and wide O'er craggy height and lowly vale they scud, Not toward thy rising, Eurus, or the sun's, But westward and north-west, or whence up-springs Black Auster, that glooms heaven with rainy cold. Hence from their groin slow drips a poisonous juice, By shepherds truly named ...
— The Georgics • Virgil

... vegetable refuse, decomposing into disease, or sometimes in their imperfect course filling foul pits or spreading into stagnant pools, while a concentrated solution of every species of dissolving filth was allowed to soak through and thoroughly impregnate the ...
— Sybil - or the Two Nations • Benjamin Disraeli

... VI. 1. Various secretions produced by the extremities of the vessels, as in the glands. Contagious matter. Many glands affected by pleasurable ideas, as those which secrete the semen. 2. Snails and worms are hermaphrodite, yet cannot impregnate themselves. Final cause of this. 3. The imagination of the male forms the sex. Ideas, or motions of the nerves of vision or of touch, are imitated by the ultimate extremities of the glands of the testes, which mark ...
— Zoonomia, Vol. I - Or, the Laws of Organic Life • Erasmus Darwin

... had already been sown. Strabo tells us that even in early Imperial days the city was obtaining an unenviable reputation for malaria: a circumstance that was due to the over-flowing of the unwholesome streamlet, the Salso, whose reeking and fever-bearing waters began to impregnate the earth. Engineering works on a large scale were planned to remedy this drawback, but these were never executed, and in consequence the unhealthiness of the place increased. With the decline of the Roman power the population and prosperity of Paestum likewise tended to ...
— The Naples Riviera • Herbert M. Vaughan

... an impression of immensity, infinity, formlessness, and barren changeableness, well suited to a notion of chaos. It is sterile, receiving all things, producing nothing. Hence the necessity of a creative power to act upon it, as it were to impregnate its barren germs. Some cosmogonies find this in one, some in another personification of divinity. Commonest of all is that of the wind, or its emblem the bird, types of ...
— The Myths of the New World - A Treatise on the Symbolism and Mythology of the Red Race of America • Daniel G. Brinton

... odors that correspond to the love of their wisdom, while the spirits in hell find delight only in the odors that correspond to a love opposed to wisdom; these are foul odors, but the former are fragrant. It follows that men in the world impregnate their blood with similar things according to correspondence with the affections of their love; for what the spirit of a man loves, his blood according to correspondence craves and by respiration attracts. From this correspondence it results that man as regards ...
— Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom • Emanuel Swedenborg

... who have had the immense advantage of taking lessons from Chopin, to impregnate themselves with his style and manner, we must cite Gutmann, Lysberg, and our dear colleague G. Mathias. The Princesses de Chimay, Czartoryska, the Countesses Esterhazy, Branicka, Potocka, de Kalergis, d'Est; Mdlles. Muller ...
— Frederick Chopin as a Man and Musician - Volume 1-2, Complete • Frederick Niecks

... stirr'd; In the blossom'd acacia the lone cricket chirr'd; The scent of the roses fell faint o'er the night, And the moon on the mountain was dreaming in light. Repose, and yet rapture! that pensive wild nature Impregnate with passion in each breathing feature! A stone's throw from thence, through the large lime-trees peep'd In a garden of roses, a white chalet, steep'd In the moonbeams. The windows oped down to the ...
— Lucile • Owen Meredith

... and I cannot but have my suspicions of the wily Saracen. They are curious in the art of poisons, and can so temper them that they shall be weeks in acting upon the party, during which time the perpetrator has leisure to escape. They can impregnate cloth and leather, nay, even paper and parchment, with the most subtle venom. Our Lady forgive me! And wherefore, knowing this, hold I these letters of credence so close to my face? Take them, Sir ...
— The Talisman • Sir Walter Scott

Words linked to "Impregnate" :   drench, imbrue, imbue, inoculate, fecundate, inseminate, soak, alcoholise, knock up, charge, thoriate, stuff, tincture, infuse, fill, fertilise, medicate, saturate, instill

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