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Intire   Listen
Intire  adj.  See Entire, a.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Intire" Quotes from Famous Books

... constituting filaments are so great, and their substances so various, that whereas those of the Silk are small, round, hard, transparent, and to their bigness proportionably stiff, so as each filament preserves its proper Figure, and consequently its vivid reflection intire, though twisted into a thread, if not too hard; those of Flax are flat, limber, softer, and less transparent, and in twisting into a thread they joyn, and lie so close together, as to lose their own, and destroy each others particular reflections. There seems therefore three Particulars ...
— Micrographia • Robert Hooke

... doubt not but you may perceive, by the civilities I have treated you with, that you are not indifferent to me; but as you cannot be sensible to how great a degree my regard for you extends, it remains that I confess to you there is but one thing wanting to compleat the intire conquest of my heart'; 'and that is,' continued she, fixing her eyes intently on his face, 'that you will cease for the future to pay those extraordinary assiduities to Elgidia you ...
— Life's Progress Through The Passions - Or, The Adventures of Natura • Eliza Fowler Haywood

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