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Irk   Listen
Irk  v. t.  To weary; to give pain; to annoy. "To see this sight, it irks my very soul." "It irketh him to be here."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Irk" Quotes from Famous Books

... grim of mood; among them, too, Ortwin of Metz. "It doth irk me much to hear these words of peace," spake he; "the mighty Siegfried hath defied you for no just cause. Had ye and your brothers no meet defense, and even if he led a kingly troop, I trow well so to fight that the daring man have good cause ...
— The Nibelungenlied • Unknown

... her forthwith to her mistress, who was alone with Leonetto, and called her, saying:—"Madam, Messer Lambertuccio is here below, quite alone." Whereat the lady was vexed beyond measure; and being also not a little dismayed, she said to Leonetto:—"Prithee, let it not irk thee to withdraw behind the curtain, and there keep close until Messer Lambertuccio be gone." Leonetto, who stood in no less fear of Messer Lambertuccio than did the lady, got into his hiding-place; and the lady bade the maid go open to Messer Lambertuccio: she ...
— The Decameron, Vol. II. • Giovanni Boccaccio

... Captain Sword, But their chief look'd vex'd, and said not a word, For thought and trouble had touch'd his ears Beyond the bullet-like sense of theirs, And wherever he went, he was 'ware of a sound Now heard in the distance, now gathering round, Which irk'd him to know what the issue might be; But the soul of the cause of it well ...
— Captain Sword and Captain Pen - A Poem • Leigh Hunt

... scarcely-yet shaped planet, peopled with Things whose enjoyment was to be in blindness— 100 A Paradise of Ignorance, from which Knowledge was barred as poison. But behold What these superior beings are or were; Or, if it irk thee, turn thee back and till The earth, thy task—I'll waft thee ...
— The Works of Lord Byron - Poetry, Volume V. • Lord Byron

Words linked to "Irk" :   gall, anger

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