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Ironclad   Listen
Ironclad  adj.  
Having an outer covering of iron or steel; as, an ironclad war vessel.
So strong or secure as to be unbreakable; as, an ironclad contract.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Ironclad" Quotes from Famous Books

... future comedian, with his turned-up nose, which cuts the air like the prow of a first-class ironclad, superb, triumphant, dressed like a Brazilian, shaved to the quick, the dearest hope of Regnier's class at the Conservatoire-Jocquelet, who has made an enormous success in an act from the "Precieuses," at the last quarter's ...
— A Romance of Youth, Complete • Francois Coppee

... o'clock Thanksgiving morning found the six girls downstairs and seated at the breakfast table. Mr. Ashe, who made it an ironclad rule always to be in his office at half-past eight o'clock, even on holidays, had time for only a hasty good morning all around before his man announced that his car was at ...
— Grace Harlowe's Fourth Year at Overton College • Jessie Graham Flower

... also, we speak of the architect having created the palace or cathedral, or the ironclad; meaning thereby not the slow process of cutting and joining stone, or riveting steel plates, but the higher antecedent act of mind in evoking the ideal form and providing for all contingencies in the adaptation ...
— Creation and Its Records • B.H. Baden-Powell

... thick. overlie, overarch^; endome^; conceal &c 528. [of aluminum] anodize. [of steel] galvanize. Adj. covering &c v.; superimposed, overlaid, plated &c v.; cutaneous, dermal, cortical, cuticular, tegumentary^, skinny, scaly, squamous [Anat.]; covered &c v.; imbricated, loricated^, armor plated, ironclad; under cover; cowled, cucullate^, dermatoid^, ...
— Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget

... craft had more than the forts against them. Once past the boom they were in the midst of a hostile fleet of fifteen vessels, including a dangerous ironclad ram. A fierce water-fight followed. The Union Varuna was sunk; the flag-ship Hartford set on fire by one of the fire-rafts. The flames, however, were soon put out. Other vessels were disabled. But every one of the Confederate ships was captured or destroyed, and Jackson and ...
— History of the United States, Volume 4 • E. Benjamin Andrews

... was in the Louisiana, an ironclad, carrying nine rifles and seven smooth bores of heavy calibre; the ram Manassas, one gun; the McRae, seven guns; the Moore and Quitman with two guns each; six river steamers with their stems shod with iron to act as rams, ...
— The Bay State Monthly - Volume 1, Issue 4 - April, 1884 • Various

... broadside of thirty guns of small calibre, but on two pivotal 100-pounder columbiads, or, perhaps, if necessary, on blows from her hog snout,—the Fulton was the true prototype of the modern steam ironclad, with its few heavy guns and ram. Almost as significant is the presence of the Torpedo. I have not chronicled the several efforts made by the Americans to destroy British vessels with torpedoes; some very nearly succeeded, and although they failed ...
— The Naval War of 1812 • Theodore Roosevelt

... go lie down. It has never been explained just what horrible insult lies back of this advice, but it is a very dangerous thing to tell a gentleman to do. Hefty lifted one foot heavily and bore down on the disappointed masker like an ironclad in a heavy sea. But before he could reach him Policeman McCluire, mindful of the insult put upon him by this stranger, sprang between them and said: "Here, now, no scrapping here; get out of this," and shoved Hefty back with his hand. Hefty uttered a mighty ...
— Van Bibber and Others • Richard Harding Davis

Words linked to "Ironclad" :   sheathed, inflexible, war vessel

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