"Keeled" Quotes from Famous Books
... lines. Geoffroy tries to show that the sternum in other animals is composed of these nine bones, or at least of a certain number of them, always in the same invariable relative positions. Thus in birds the sternum consists of five pieces, of a huge keeled entosternal, and of two "annexes" on either side, which are the hyo-and hyposternals. These are separate only in young birds. Occasionally, especially in young birds, rudiments of episternals and xiphisternals also ... — Form and Function - A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology • E. S. (Edward Stuart) Russell
... boy. Go and make your preparations at once. Divert your thoughts into new channels. Be a resolute man for a few days, and then your own manhood will right you as a boat is righted when keeled over by a ... — The Earth Trembled • E.P. Roe
... too sick and too long abed. He turned dizzy and keeled over, and I dumped him back on the bunk. Then I put my ... — Arizona Nights • Stewart Edward White
... took a quick, careless aim, and fired. A long-legged, flying cockerel keeled over and ... — A Daughter of the Dons - A Story of New Mexico Today • William MacLeod Raine
... four, five miles back—right close to where we saw that pile of bones this mornin'. 'Fore he knew what hit us Jim Berry was face down an' never got up again. An' th' Old Man took him a crease 'crost th' ribs that made him bleed like a stuck pig. Got him patched up an' into town; then he keeled over when he tried to git down off his hoss an' ... — Rebel Spurs • Andre Norton
... roster, that is, according to their turn. Sergeant Jones got out one night in a turnip patch in front of our lines. There was a German sniper in the same patch so they began to stalk each other. Jones got his man first, but as the German keeled over he fired and the bullet tore some fingers off Jones' hand and gave him a severe flesh wound in the chest. We got Jones in and bound him up, and brought him to my headquarters where a motor ambulance came and took him away. ... — The Red Watch - With the First Canadian Division in Flanders • J. A. Currie
... the spectacle of what are practically keeled racing-planes driven a clear five foot or more above the water, and only eased down to touch their so-called "native element" as they near the line. Judges and starters have been conveniently blind to this absurdity, but the public demonstration off St. Catherine's Light at the Autumn Regattas ... — With The Night Mail - A Story of 2000 A.D. (Together with extracts from the - comtemporary magazine in which it appeared) • Rudyard Kipling
... a few coppers to the diving-boys, who are expert as the Somali savages of Aden, and we quit our water prison in the three-keeled boats, ... — To the Gold Coast for Gold - A Personal Narrative in Two Volumes.—Vol. I • Richard F. Burton
... of the old woman again appeared in the hatchway. A bar of keen, white light thrust its way into the cabin. It came from somewhere above. No longer could Peter hear the groan and swish of the sweep, and the cabin no longer keeled from side to side. He guessed that ... — Peter the Brazen - A Mystery Story of Modern China • George F. Worts
... ballasting up with the truck we'd bought at the store—the feller 'most keeled over when he found we was going to pay cash for it—we went out on the piazza again, and looked at the breakers and the pine trees and the sand, and held our hats ... — Cape Cod Stories - The Old Home House • Joseph C. Lincoln
... were aimed at him went through his neck, cutting the bone clean and leaving his head hanging by two little bits of skin. The other bullet bored a hole through his body, breaking both wings. I did not blame him when he keeled over. The leader disposed of, Hubbard and George again fired in quick succession, and two of the other geese dropped just as they were turning back upstream and vainly trying to rise on their wings, which were useless so soon after the moulting season. ... — The Lure of the Labrador Wild • Dillon Wallace
... the wood-block floor. Then, abruptly, one of the trucks vanished in a monstrous, actinic flash of blue-white flame and a roar so horrible that it was not sound but pure concussion. The other truck keeled over and crashed from the blast, but did not explode. Men jumped from it. There must have been screamed orders, but Joe could hear nothing at all. He only saw men waving their arms, and others seized things from the toppled load and rushed toward ... — Space Platform • Murray Leinster
... easy. They were mostly dynamited, or else shot close to the water line. The sinking process took longer or shorter, according to where they were struck and the nature of the cargo. Mostly the ships keeled over on their sides till the water flowed down the smokestacks, a last puff of smoke came out, and then they were gone. Many, however, went down sharply bow first, the stern rising high ... — World's War Events, Vol. I • Various
... but it was enough for the Grand Secretary. She gave a ghastly scream, and keeled ... — Bunch Grass - A Chronicle of Life on a Cattle Ranch • Horace Annesley Vachell |