"Lacedaemonian" Quotes from Famous Books
... army was collected for him in the Chersonesus opposite Abydos, in the following method. Clearchus, a Lacedaemonian, happened to be in exile. Cyrus, having met with him, was struck with admiration for him, and made him a present of ten thousand darics.[12] Clearchus, on receiving the gold, raised, by means of it, a body of troops, and making excursions ... — The First Four Books of Xenophon's Anabasis • Xenophon
... ambassadors were sent to the Achaeans, by his brother Lucius Quinctius, by Attalus, and by the Rhodians and Athenians—a general assembly being summoned to meet at Sicyon to give them audience. Now, the state of feeling of the Achaeans was by no means uniform. Nabis the Lacedaemonian, their constant and inveterate enemy, was the object of their dread; they dreaded the arms of the Romans; they were under obligations to the Macedonians, for services both of ancient and recent date; but the king himself, on account ... — History of Rome, Vol III • Titus Livius |