"Landtag" Quotes from Famous Books
... the world adored and thwarted in about equal proportions. "At Christmas, yes, that will be a good time. We still keep the Christ- Fest at Schlachsenberg, though the 'Sozi' keep telling our schoolchildren that it is only a Christ myth. Never mind, I will have the Vice-President of our Landtag to listen to you; he is 'Sozi' but we are good friends outside the Parliament House; you shall blay to him, my young friendt, and gonfince him that there is a Got in Heaven. You will ... — When William Came • Saki
... fluency and accuracy. In 1847 he married Johanna von Putkammer, nine years younger than himself, who proved a model wife, domestic and wise, of whom he was both proud and fond. The same year, his father having died and left him Schoenhausen, he was elected a member of the Landtag, a quasi-parliament of the eight united Diets of the monarchy; ... — Beacon Lights of History, Volume X • John Lord |