"Laurentian" Quotes from Famous Books
... very realm she dared. E'en now mad hearts to Trojan wives by wickedness she gave, And foully burned his ships; and him with crippled ship-host drave To leave his fellow-folk behind upon an outland shore. I pray thee let the remnant left sail safe thine ocean o'er, And let them come where into sea Laurentian Tiber falls, If right I ask, and unto these Fate ... — The AEneids of Virgil - Done into English Verse • Virgil
... every tract is claimed, however short, which they had written. Scotti published one in 1650, five years after the publication of the Monarchia Solipsorum; and I have a letter of his, of the same period, containing a list of his writings. Scioppius left one, dated 1647, now in MS. in the Laurentian Library with his other MSS., and which carefully mentions every tract he had written against the Jesuits. The Monarchia Solipsorum does not appear in the lists of these two writers; and no good reason can be assigned why it ... — Notes and Queries, Number 71, March 8, 1851 • Various
... of the county is occupied by the elevated ranges of Laurentian rocks; flanking these occur the Potsdam, Calciferous and Trenton beds, which appear in succession in parallel bands through the central part of the county. These are covered in the southern half of the county by the Utica and ... — Saratoga and How to See It • R. F. Dearborn
... Fragment 70—Laurentian Scholiast on Sophocles' Electra, 539: 'And she (Helen) bare to Menelaus, famous with the spear, Hermione and her youngest-born, Nicostratus, a scion ... — Hesiod, The Homeric Hymns, and Homerica • Homer and Hesiod
... from the land of bays between Cape Lookout and Cape May, while in the third there are similar (though perhaps less definite) indications of an inland drift from the northern Atlantic bays and along the Laurentian ... — The Siouan Indians • W. J. McGee
... shows, I take it, that though the axis may have been a good deal more inclined than at present, it has not, at all events since Jupiter's Palaeozoic period, been as much so as that of Uranus or Venus. The land on Jupiter, corresponding to the Laurentian Hills on earth, must even here have appeared at so remote a period that the first surface it showed must long since have been worn away, and therefore any impressions it ... — A Journey in Other Worlds - A Romance of the Future • John Jacob Astor
... rough bed, said to me, "Sit down, Canon, and give us some of your nature poems to take our minds off this beastly business." It was very seldom that I was invited to recite my own poems, so such an opportunity could not be lost. I sat down on the steps and repeated a poem which I wrote among the Laurentian mountains, in the happy days before we ever thought of war. It ... — The Great War As I Saw It • Frederick George Scott
... resolved on setting Michelangelo at work in earnest on the Sacristy. At the very beginning of January he also projected the building of the Laurentian Library, and wrote, through his Roman agent, Giovanni Francesco Fattucci, requesting to have two plans furnished, one in the Greek, the other in the Latin style. Michelangelo replied as follows: "I gather from your last that his Holiness our Lord wishes ... — The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti • John Addington Symonds |