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Lean-faced   Listen
Lean-faced  adj.  
Having a thin face.
(Typog.) Slender or narrow; said of type the letters of which have thin lines, or are unusually narrow in proportion to their height.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Lean-faced" Quotes from Famous Books

... neither spoke; they looked at each other very hard in the eyes, and Ransom heard the organ, beyond partitions, launching its waves of sound through the hall. They seemed to be very near it, and the whole place vibrated. The policeman was a tall, lean-faced, sallow man, with a stoop of the shoulders, a small, steady eye, and something in his mouth which made a protuberance in his cheek. Ransom could see that he was very strong, but he believed that he himself was not materially less so. However, he had not come there to show physical ...
— The Bostonians, Vol. II (of II) • Henry James

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