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English Dictionary      examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

Leet   Listen
Leet  past  Of Let, to allow.

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"Leet" Quotes from Famous Books

... Watty Links eagerly. "She can see ta big white ullet flitting aboot and roond and roond because Meester Stevey's leeting ta fire. She wushes she'd gane. She can leet a fire better tan Meester Stevey, and she could ha' blow in it wi' her brath and beat it wi' her bonnet to mak' a big blaze ...
— Steve Young • George Manville Fenn

... Dr. Leet that was in the party? I remember dancing a cotillon with a very good looking youth of that name in the prehistoric ages. He was a senior at Yale, very rich and very good looking. I wore his fraternity pin over my heart ...
— Lady of the Decoration • Frances Little

... the hotel on the Heath, but the races have been suppressed. In a paper contributed to Baines' book on Hampstead a correspondent says: "The Castle Hotel is associated with the meetings of the Courts Leet, and in the old days during the Middlesex Parliamentary elections the house was a famous rendezvous for candidates and voters." A brick house two centuries old at the corner of Spaniards Road is Heath House. ...
— Hampstead and Marylebone - The Fascination of London • Geraldine Edith Mitton

... Oamfrey's orchert i' Warston lone, to luk efter him. Weel, whon ey gets ower t' stoan wa', whot dun yo think ey sees! twanty or throtty poikemen stonding behint it, an they deshes at meh os thick os leet, an efore ey con roor oot, they blintfowlt meh, an clap an iron gog i' meh mouth. Weel, I con noather speak nor see, boh ey con use meh feet, soh ey punses at 'em reet an' laft; an be mah troath, lads, yood'n a leawght t' hear ...
— The Lancashire Witches - A Romance of Pendle Forest • William Harrison Ainsworth

... of April the sheriffs accompanied the Lord Mayor to hold a Court Baron and Court Leet at the Mitre in St. James's parish, in Duke's-place, which is "a franchise within the liberty of London." After a jury had been sworn, &c., the names of the inhabitants being called over, those who were absent and sent no excuse were amerced, ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, No. 569 - Volume XX., No. 569. Saturday, October 6, 1832 • Various

... madame Eglentyne. Ful wel sche sang the servis divyne, Entuned in hire nose ful semly; And Frensch sche spak ful faire and fetysly, After the scole of Stratford att Bowe, For Frensch of Parys was to hire unknowe. At met wel i-taught was sche withalle; Sche leet no morsel from hire lipps falle, Ne wette hire fyngres in hire sauc deepe. Wel cowde sche carie a morsel, and wel keepe, That no drop ne fille upon hire breste. In curteisie was set ful moche hire leste. Hire overlipp wypede sche ...
— Six Centuries of English Poetry - Tennyson to Chaucer • James Baldwin

... began to export wool to the Baltic, and had developed a wine trade with the south of France, while soap-making and tanning were flourishing industries. Bristol was still organized manorially rather than municipally. Its chief courts were the weekly hundred court and the court leet held three times a year, and presided over by the reeve appointed by the earl of Gloucester. By the marriage of Earl John with the heiress of Earl William of Gloucester, Bristol became part of the royal demesne, the rent payable to the king being fixed, and the town ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 - "Brescia" to "Bulgaria" • Various

... Parsons, Ebenezer Coe, Sergeants; Eleazer Brooks, Samuel Buck, Jr., Cornelius Coverling, Aaron Drake, Benjamin Hills, Alexander Ingham, Elias Leet, Levi Loveland, Elijah Roberts, Reuben Shipman, Samuel Strictland, Seth Turner, Nathan Whiting, ...
— The Campaign of 1776 around New York and Brooklyn • Henry P. Johnston

... of her body corresponding to that by which the hound had seized the hare. Squire Caryll, however, declined to be hard on the broomstick and its riders, as the following entry in the records of the Court Leet, held for the Hundred of Dumford in 1747, shows:—"Also we present the Honble. John Caryll, Esq., Lord of this Mannor, for not having and keeping a Ducking Stool within the said Hundred of Dumford according to ...
— Highways & Byways in Sussex • E.V. Lucas

... answers to these questions Fergus Teeman formed his own short leet. It was a very short one. There was only the Rev. Farish Farintosh upon it. He took "cent.-per-cent." in the examination. Some of the others made a point or two in their host's estimation, but Farish Farintosh cleared the paper. He was just out of ...
— Bog-Myrtle and Peat - Tales Chiefly Of Galloway Gathered From The Years 1889 To 1895 • S.R. Crockett

... favour?" "I'm sure," interposed Mrs. Craig, before her husband could reply, "it winna be wi' my gudewill that he shall come in upon us—a pridefu' wight, whose saft words, and a' his politeness, are but lip-deep; na, na, Mrs. Glibbans, we maun hae another on the leet ...
— The Ayrshire Legatees • John Galt

... but I startit up to goa to th' tits, on slurr'd deawn to th' lower part o' th' heymough, on by th' maskins, lord! whot dust think? boh leet hump stridd'n up o' summot ot felt meety heury, on it startit weh meh on its back, deawn th' lower part o' th' mough it jumpt, crost th' leath, eaw't o' th' dur whimmey it took, on into th' weturing poo, os ...
— Tales and Novels, Vol. IV • Maria Edgeworth

... Anglo-Saxon government, than that stated in the Introduction to Gilbert's History of the Common Pleas, [5] viz.. "that the County aud Hundred Courts," (to which should have been added the other courts in which juries sat, the courts-baron and court-leet,) "in those times were the real and only Parliaments of the kingdom." And why were they the real and only parliaments of the kingdom? Solely because, as will be hereafter shown, the juries in those courts tried causes on their intrinsic merits, according to their own ideas of justice, ...
— An Essay on the Trial By Jury • Lysander Spooner

... Lake—a stream of water the property of the inhabitants. On such occasions the Portreeve completely effaced the Mayor, who is not mentioned by name in connexion with the proceedings. The following extracts from a record in the Court Leet books of the proceedings on September 1, 1774, will demonstrate that the celebration, which took place entirely within the confines of the borough, was a survival of a state of things anterior to the grant ...
— The Customs of Old England • F. J. Snell

... misbehave with the knife, or strayeth from her master's bed, the laws of the Burg meddle not therein. For the wise men say that such folk are no more within the law than kine be, and may not for their deeds be brought before leet or assize any more than kine. So that if the master punish her not for her misdoings, unpunished she needs must go; yea even if her deed be ...
— The Well at the World's End • William Morris

... poor, and thus in several ways remind one of the selectmen of New England. The parish officers were all elected by the ratepayers assembled in vestry-meeting, except the common driver and hayward, who were elected by the same ratepayers assembled in court leet. Besides electing parish officers and granting the rates, the vestry-meeting could enact by-laws; and all ratepayers had an equal ...
— Civil Government in the United States Considered with - Some Reference to Its Origins • John Fiske

... do; yet there they must mingle with leet-men and indented slaves whose terms have expired," and Hugh heaved a sigh and dug his boot heel into the ground, adding, "It was not a merry day for old England when they ...
— The Real America in Romance, Volume 6; A Century Too Soon (A Story - of Bacon's Rebellion) • John R. Musick

... of this month or of the next, I have submitted to those who desire to govern me in this matter, and that is in regard to Luggershall. My lawyers and Mr. T. Townshend,(122) who is the heir of entail to that estate, have entreated me not to omit any longer the holding what they call a Court Leet. ...
— George Selwyn: His Letters and His Life • E. S. Roscoe and Helen Clergue

... could be; 'Twur a few wizend flaars he'd faand, An' they seem'd to ha fill'd him wi glee: An' he sed, "Come on, Billy, may be We shall find summat else by an by, An' if net, tha mun share thease wi me When we get to some spot where its dry." Leet-hearted they trotted away, An' aw follow'd, coss 'twur i' mi rooad; But aw thowt awd nee'er seen sich a day— It worn't fit ta be aght for a tooad. Sooin th' big en agean slipt away, An' sam'd summat else aght o'th' ...
— Yorkshire Ditties, First Series - To Which Is Added The Cream Of Wit And Humour From His Popular Writings • John Hartley

... law was originally dispensed in the free gilds into which the city was divided, under the presidency of an alderman. These divisions were afterwards called wards, and were analogous to the corresponding division of the shire into hundreds. In each ward was held a court-leet, or ward-mote, dating from the time of Alfred, though the actual institution of wards by that name is no later than the reign of Edward I. Civil causes, in London at least, were tried before a peculiar tribunal, the president of which was probably the ...
— The Corporation of London: Its Rights and Privileges • William Ferneley Allen

... hundred and seventy-five dollars. With these exceptions his suits were directed against the "Courier and Enquirer," edited by James Watson Webb; "the Albany Evening Journal," edited by Thurlow Weed; the "Tribune," edited by Horace Greeley, and the "Commercial Advertiser," edited by William Leet Stone. These were the leading Whig journals in the state, and among the most influential in the whole country. It could not be said that Cooper hesitated ...
— James Fenimore Cooper - American Men of Letters • Thomas R. Lounsbury

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