... attention to the notes he had been working at the day before. Presently he wanted a reference—a line from the Philoctetes. 'The Lemnian fire'—where on earth was the passage? He lifted his head instinctively. If only she had been there—it was monstrous that she wasn't there!—he would just have thrown the question across the room, and got an answer. Her verbal memory ... — Elizabeth's Campaign • Mrs. Humphry Ward
... what AEschylus says, who was not only a poet, but a Pythagorean philosopher, also, for that is the account which you have received of him; how doth he make Prometheus bear the pain he suffered for the Lemnian theft, when he clandestinely stole away the celestial fire, and bestowed it on men, and was severely punished by Jupiter for the theft. Fastened to mount Caucasus, ... — The Academic Questions • M. T. Cicero