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English Dictionary      examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

Lene   Listen
Lene  v. t.  To lend; to grant; to permit. (Obs.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Lene" Quotes from Famous Books

... penates, Colligit agresti lene papaver humo. Dum legit oblito fertur gustsse palato, Longamq{ue} imprudens exsoluisse famem". - ...
— The Natural History of Wiltshire • John Aubrey

... escaped; but him they caught, and had already taken aim at him with their firelocks, when his wife Lizzie Kolken came out of the church with another troop and beckoned to them to leave him in peace. But they stabbed Lene Hebers as she lay in childbed, speared the child, and flung it over Claus Peer's hedge among the nettles, where it was yet lying when they came away. There was not a living soul left in the village, and still less a morsel of bread, so that unless ...
— Sidonia The Sorceress V2 • William Mienhold

... parlement, and it began at Cristemas and lasted til Estre; at the whiche parlement was ordeyned that the see schulde ben kept half a yere at the kynges coost, and therfore to paye an holl fyftene, and London to lene hym iij m^{l} lib'. And that yere, the laste day of —— save on, there was a batayle in Smythfeld, withinne lystes, aforn the kyng, betwen the lord Beaufe a Arrogonere, and John Ashele squyer of the kynges hous, a chalange for spere to caste pollex and dagger at the lord ...
— A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 • Anonymous

... /alacer, alacris, alacre /audax, audax /celer, celeris, celere /citerior, citerius /difficilis, difficile /dissimilis, dissimile /facilis, facile gracilis, gracile /humilis, humile /ingens, ingens /interior, interius /lenis, lene /maior, maius /melior, melius /minor, minus /nobilis, nobile /peior, peius ——, /plus /prior, prius /recens, recens /similis, simile ...
— Latin for Beginners • Benjamin Leonard D'Ooge

... High chiefs whose bards, in strong transmitted line, Filled with the name of Fionn, and thine, Oiseen, The blue glens of that never-vanquished land - From those purpureal mountains that o'ergaze Rock-bowered Loch Lene broidered with sanguine bead, They came, and many a ridge o'er sea-lake stretched That, autumn-robed in purple and in gold, Pontific vestment, guard the memories still Of monks who reared thereon their mystic cells, Finian and Kieran, Fiacre, and Enda's self Of hermits sire, and ...
— The Legends of Saint Patrick • Aubrey de Vere

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