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Light-winged   Listen
Light-winged  adj.  Having light and active wings; volatile; fleeting.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Light-winged" Quotes from Famous Books

... Samos one day, while his ship was lading, Perseus lay down under the shade of a great tree, and soon his eyelids grew heavy with sleep, and there came to him, like butterflies that flit over the flowers in a sunlit garden, pleasant, light-winged dreams. But yet another dream followed close on the merry heels of those that went before. And before Perseus there stood one whose grey eyes were as the fathomless sea on the dawn of a summer day. Her long robes were blue as the hyacinths in spring, and the spear ...
— A Book of Myths • Jean Lang

... But light-winged Venus still is smiling fair: By night or noon we heed her call; To pound on midnight doors I still may dare, Or ...
— The Elegies of Tibullus • Tibullus

... there zephyrs frolic train, And light-winged loves, and blameless pleasures reign: There, when two souls congenial ties unite, No hireling bonzes chant the mystic rite; Free every thought, each action unconfined, And light those fetters which no rivets bind. There in each grove, each sloping ...
— English Poets of the Eighteenth Century • Selected and Edited with an Introduction by Ernest Bernbaum

... hideous sin, I never more can pass within Ayodhya, city of our king, Unless beside me thee I bring. One wish is mine, I ask no more, That, when thy banishment is o'er I in my car may bear my lord, Triumphant, to his home restored. The fourteen years, if spent with thee, Will swift as light-winged moments flee; But the same years, without thee told, Were magnified a hundred-fold. Do not, kind lord, thy servant leave, Who to his master's son would cleave, And the same path with him pursue, Devoted, ...
— The Ramayana • VALMIKI

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