"Lim" Quotes from Famous Books
... The name spelled in other cases "U-ru-sa-lim" is here spelled "Uru-sa-lim," showing that the usual explanation, "city of peace," is probable. It has been proposed to translate "city of the god Salim," a deity who is not known otherwise; but in these letters the names of gods have the prefix AN ... — Egyptian Literature
... my liege king in land, lith[2], life and lim, warldly honour, homage, fealty, and leawty, against all ... — Notes & Queries, No. 27. Saturday, May 4, 1850 • Various
... going to waste, that the fellows who got up the terms for radio work couldn't have used words like 'grid,' for instance. They could have called a variocoupler a 'gol,' a potentiometer a 'dit,' an induction coil a 'lim,' (l-i-m) and a variable condenser would look just as pretty if it were written out as a 'sos'—but no! They forgot the good example set by the grid, the volt and the ohm and they went ... — Radio Boys Loyalty - Bill Brown Listens In • Wayne Whipple |