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List   Listen
List  n.  
A strip forming the woven border or selvedge of cloth, particularly of broadcloth, and serving to strengthen it; hence, a strip of cloth; a fillet. "Gartered with a red and blue list."
A limit or boundary; a border. "The very list, the very utmost bound, Of all our fortunes."
The lobe of the ear; the ear itself. (Obs.)
A stripe. (Obs.)
A roll or catalogue, that is, row or line; a record of names; as, a list of names, books, articles; a list of ratable estate. "He was the ablest emperor of all the list."
(Arch.) A little square molding; a fillet; called also listel.
(Carp.) A narrow strip of wood, esp. sapwood, cut from the edge of a plank or board.
(Rope Making) A piece of woolen cloth with which the yarns are grasped by a workman.
(Tin-plate Manuf.)
The first thin coat of tin.
A wirelike rim of tin left on an edge of the plate after it is coated.
Civil list (Great Britain & U.S.), the civil officers of government, as judges, ambassadors, secretaries, etc. Hence, the revenues or appropriations of public money for the support of the civil officers. More recently, the civil list, in England, embraces only the expenses of the reigning monarch's household.
Free list.
A list of articles admitted to a country free of duty.
A list of persons admitted to any entertainment, as a theater or opera, without payment, or to whom a periodical, or the like, is furnished without cost.
Synonyms: Roll; catalogue; register; inventory; schedule. List, Roll, Catalogue, Register, Inventory, Schedule. A list is properly a simple series of names, etc., in a brief form, such as might naturally be entered in a narrow strip of paper. A roll was originally a list containing the names of persons belonging to a public body (as Parliament, etc.), which was rolled up and laid aside among its archives. A catalogue is a list of persons or things arranged in order, and usually containing some description of the same, more or less extended. A register is designed for record or preservation. An inventory is a list of articles, found on hand in a store of goods, or in the estate of a deceased person, or under similar circumstances. A schedule is a formal list or inventory prepared for legal or business purposes.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"List" Quotes from Famous Books

... to these questions may be furnished by looking over the list of men of literary genius in our age. Among these, no more instructive name occurs than that of Goethe, to represent the power and duties of the scholar ...
— Representative Men • Ralph Waldo Emerson

... list (in order of appearance) of corrections made to the original text, with the corrections indicated ...
— Vanity, All Is Vanity - A Lecture on Tobacco and its effects • Anonymous

... Versailles and at Paris, for twenty persons." At Chambord,[2169] Marshal de Saxe always has two tables, one for sixty, and the other for eighty persons; also four hundred horses in his stables, a civil list of more than 100,000 crowns, a regiment of Uhlans for his guard, and a theater costing over 600,000 livres, while the life he leads, or which is maintained around him, resembles one of Rubens's bacchanalian scenes. As to the ...
— The Origins of Contemporary France, Volume 1 (of 6) - The Ancient Regime • Hippolyte A. Taine

... called of the whole Catholic Church; (2) it must be left perfectly free, and (3) it must be one whose decrees and definitions were subsequently accepted by the whole Church. It is commonly believed that there have been only six great Councils of the Church that satisfy these conditions. For a list of them see COUNCIL. ...
— The American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia • William James Miller

... up to Birmingham to call on you after you had gone, and found that you had vanished and left no address. The maid-servant declared that you had sailed in a ship called the 'Conger Eel'—which I afterwards found out was Kangaroo. And then she went down; and after a long time they published a full list of the passengers and your name was not among them, and I thought that after all you might have got off the ship or something. Then, some days afterwards, came a telegram from Albany, in Australia, giving the names of Lady Holmhurst and the others ...
— Mr. Meeson's Will • H. Rider Haggard

... thou have the vanity, the pride, the folly, said she, to think thyself actually married to my brother? He is no fool, child; and libertine enough of conscience; and thou art not the first in the list of his credulous harlots.—Well, well, said I, (and was in a sad flutter,) as I am easy, and pleased with my lot, pray, madam, let me continue so, as long as I can. It will be time enough for me to know the worst, when the worst comes. And if it should be ...
— Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded • Samuel Richardson

... credible. That they two were engaged in a conspiracy I cannot doubt. That Lady Eustace was engaged with them, I will not say. But I will ask you to consider whether such may not probably have been the case. At any rate, she then perjures herself again. She gives a list of the articles stolen from her, and omits the diamonds. She either perjures herself a second time,—or else the diamonds, in regard to which my client is in jeopardy, were not in the house at all, and could not then have been stolen. It may very probably have been so. Nothing ...
— The Eustace Diamonds • Anthony Trollope

... consciously for or against a story. To the titles of certain stories, however, in the American "Roll of Honor," an asterisk is prefixed, and this asterisk, I must confess, reveals in some measure a personal preference. It is from this final short list that the stories reprinted in ...
— The Best Short Stories of 1917 - and the Yearbook of the American Short Story • Various

... taken all from me; what now? Let me look about me. They have left me the sun and moon, a loving wife, and many friends to pity me, and some to relieve me; and I can still discourse, and, unless I list, they have not taken away my merry countenance and my cheerful spirit, and a good conscience; they have still left me the providence of God, and all the promises of the Gospel, and my religion, and my hopes of ...
— Character • Samuel Smiles

... In Austrian white, or Spanish yellow, or Prussian blue,—even in the blood-coloured breeks of Gallia's legions, but especially, and preferred above all, in the "old red rag" of the British grenadier, have Irishmen displayed their valour. And on the list of heroes whom the Green Isle has produced, a proud and prominent place is justly held by that gallant corps, the ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 378, April, 1847 • Various

... that after having met her as a Lady of the Blended Rose? Pshaw, man, I could almost give you a list of the loyalist dames who make sport for the British garrison, an' Mistress Claire is not least in rank or beauty among them. What else could you expect of a young girl when her father wears the green an' white, while her lover has made a reputation hereabout ...
— My Lady of Doubt • Randall Parrish

... attired, our hospitable host, Don Felipe, who has already offered us his country residence, together with the surroundings, including horses, cattle, tobacco, coffee, and all that is his, does not hesitate to add to his list of gifts, the model-ladies that have attracted our observation; so, after his accustomed declaration, 'They are at your disposal,' he promises to have them 'forwarded' to Don Benigno's hacienda ...
— The Pearl of the Antilles, or An Artist in Cuba • Walter Goodman

... curiosity, greed, sheer folly, as also the performance of just and willing service on the part of the mortal, have been among the causes of his entrance thither and his sojourn amid its enchantments. Human nature could hardly have been what it is if the supreme passion of love had been absent from the list. Nor is it wanting, though not found in the same plenteous measure that will meet us when we come to deal with the Swan-maiden myth—that is to say, with the group of stories concerning the capture by men of ...
— The Science of Fairy Tales - An Inquiry into Fairy Mythology • Edwin Sidney Hartland

... Eliza, how the flowers Around us sweetly spring; And list how in these woodland bowers The birds with rapture sing; Behold that vale whose streamlet clear Flows on in waving line; Can Paradise more bright appear? A shepherd's life ...
— The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume V. - The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century • Various

... a list of your wants?" asked Mr Ferris, "and I and my friends will gladly send them on board as soon as we return ...
— The Missing Ship - The Log of the "Ouzel" Galley • W. H. G. Kingston

... fair inference from the list before us is that we have here the original nucleus again, the first five, with a couple more, and the couple more are 'Thomas, who is called Didymus' —and we shall see the reason for his presence in a moment—and the brother of John, one of the ...
— Expositions of Holy Scripture: St. John Chaps. XV to XXI • Alexander Maclaren

... the list of things I want Harriet to remember," explained Mrs. Horton. "Sunny, dear, did you say good-bye to her? All right then, run along with Daddy. And I'll meet you at the south entrance not later than a ...
— Sunny Boy in the Big City • Ramy Allison White

... handsprings and cartwheels. Because I'm a Federal employee. The United States Patent Office is my beat. There's one nice thing to be said about working for the bewhiskered old gentleman in the star-spangled stovepipe and striped britches: it's permanent. Once you get your name inscribed on the list of Civil Service employees it takes an act of Congress to blast it off again. And of course I don't have to remind you how long it takes that body of vote-happy windbags to act. Terrapins in treacle are greased lightning ...
— Lighter Than You Think • Nelson Bond

... Shaddai is raising of an army to come against you, to destroy you root and branch:[76] and this, O Mansoul, is now the cause that at this time I have called you together; namely, to advise what in this juncture is best to be done; for my part, I am but one, and can with ease shift for myself, did I list to seek my own ease, and to leave my Mansoul in all the danger. But my heart is so firmly united to you, and so unwilling am I to leave you, that I am willing to stand and fall with you, to the utmost hazard that shall befall me.[77] What say you, O my Mansoul? Will you now desert your ...
— The Works of John Bunyan • John Bunyan

... also a medical man. He examined their injuries and attended to them. His statement discloses the dreadful condition he found them in. The Tibetan guards made over some of Mr. Landor's property to him at Taklakot. It was then found that much property had not been restored. Mr. Landor had a list drawn up from memory of his unrestored property. This list (a copy) was handed to ...
— An Explorer's Adventures in Tibet • A. Henry Savage Landor

... fate, I will still act greatly! Away, then, with the Count Rosalvo, whom all Naples idolised; now—now, I am the beggar Abellino. A beggar—that name stands last in the scale of worldly rank, but first in the list of the famishing, the outcast, and ...
— The Bravo of Venice - A Romance • M. G. Lewis

... wounded on the 8th of September, 1847, while leading the forlorn hope at the capture of Molino del Rey. For his gallant conduct on this occasion he was promoted Brevet Captain, and was placed, with full pay, for more than two years on the sick list of the army. When convalescent, he joined Gen. R. E. Lee at Baltimore as Assistant Engineer, and afterwards was on the Coast Survey. He was Assistant Professor of Engineering at West Point from January, 1855, ...
— Kinston, Whitehall and Goldsboro (North Carolina) expedition, December, 1862 • W. W. Howe

... list does not aim to be complete, but is based simply on the magazines which I have ...
— The Best Short Stories of 1917 - and the Yearbook of the American Short Story • Various

... will be surprised to know that many of the most learned men of our own days are giving much time and thought to the careful and patient study of this very list of names; and the more carefully they study it, the fuller and wider does ...
— The Bible in its Making - The most Wonderful Book in the World • Mildred Duff

... at all! Quitting your job at the end of the first week, going off explosively, as I did, doesn't endear the Honest Working Girl to the management. It simply isn't done. She was so frigid that I decided to scratch domestic labor from my list. I shall join the gainful army ...
— Jane Journeys On • Ruth Comfort Mitchell

... contrary, Damascene says (De Fide Orth. ii, 26): "It is in our power to learn an art or not, as we list." But a thing is in our power by the will, and we learn art by the intellect. Therefore the will moves ...
— Summa Theologica, Part I (Prima Pars) - From the Complete American Edition • Thomas Aquinas

... the party formed under the superintendence of the Surveyor-General left Parramatta to travel by easy stages to Buree, where they were to be overtaken by their leader. The list of the members is a long one. We who live in the days of well-equipped small parties, composed of reliable, experienced men only, would feel considerably handicapped with such a retinue. In addition to Major Mitchell, Richard ...
— The History of Australian Exploration from 1788 to 1888 • Ernest Favenc

... whether he had "ever expressed any opinion as to the merits or demerits of this case." The Judge interfered, and said that "as a special juryman he was not bound to answer the question." Eight names were then added from the common jury list, and the trial proceeded. Denman was counsel for Edmonds, and Matthew Davenport Hill for Major Cartwright. The others defended themselves in person. The Judge summed up unfavourably, and after twenty minutes' deliberation the jury gave a verdict of guilty against all ...
— Personal Recollections of Birmingham and Birmingham Men • E. Edwards

... retired with them into his room, to run his eye over the list of articles brought by the "Arrow," and to calculate their present market value. The result I know was satisfactory. I had afterwards to note down the prices which they fetched. Merchants who could make so large a percentage ...
— The Two Supercargoes - Adventures in Savage Africa • W.H.G. Kingston

... It had not been opened for more than ten years. Some of his clothes, papers, handkerchiefs, whips and caps, fishing-rods and sporting gear, were still there. An army list of 1814, with his name written on the cover; a little dictionary he was wont to use in writing; and the Bible his mother had given him, were on the mantelpiece; with a pair of spurs, and a dried inkstand ...
— Boys and girls from Thackeray • Kate Dickinson Sweetser

... is aware. When thoughts Of the last hitter hour come like a blight Over thy spirit, and sad images Of the stern agony, and shroud, and pall, And breathless darkness, and the narrow house, Make thee to shudder, and grow sick at heart;— Go forth, under the open sky, and list To Nature's teachings, while from all around— Earth and her waters, and the depths of air— Comes a ...
— McGuffey's Sixth Eclectic Reader • William Holmes McGuffey

... about? Anything—absolutely anything. They didn't mind what it was, so long as they heard her voice. Five shillings, the committee had decided, was to be paid by every man who came within earshot. And any one who wanted a free list was requested to argue the ...
— Stories by English Authors: Africa • Various

... consistence harder than that of a pumpkin tho easily cut with a knife. there are some dark brown fibers reather harder than any other part which pass longitudinally through the pulp or fleshey substance wich forms the interior of this marine production.The following is a list of the names of the commanders of vessels who visit the entrance of the Columbia river in the spring and autumn fror the purpose of trading with the natives or hunting Elk. these names are spelt ...
— The Journals of Lewis and Clark • Meriwether Lewis et al

... name was unknown. In Aix he met with little success. Evidently the fame of the recluse had not reached his birthplace. At last Bernard was advised to go to the Mayor's office, where he would find an electoral list. Among the voters he discovered a Paul Cezanne, who was born January 19, 1839, who lived at 25 Rue Boulegon. Bernard lost no time and reached a simple dwelling house with the name of the painter on the door. He rang. The door opened. He entered and mounted a staircase. Ahead ...
— Promenades of an Impressionist • James Huneker

... unrolled a long list and began to read in a loud voice the names of all who were to appear before the Tribunal the following day. What a strange medley of names! Names of plebeians and of nobles; of nuns and of priests; of royalists and of republicans; of old men and of children; of men and of women; it was ...
— Which? - or, Between Two Women • Ernest Daudet

... Tribune, price one cent. To start it he borrowed a thousand dollars and printed five thousand copies of the first number. It was difficult to give them all away. He began with six hundred subscribers, and increased the list to eleven thousand in six weeks. The demand for the Tribune grew faster than new machinery could be obtained to print it. It was a paper whose editor always tried ...
— How to Succeed - or, Stepping-Stones to Fame and Fortune • Orison Swett Marden

... to answering these and other questions, it seems to me it would be helpful to generate a list of desirable capabilities that would help me select a response option. This list of capabilities would be useful to focus (1) scarce R&D dollars to fill in the holes with technology, (2) intelligence and surveillance ...
— Shock and Awe - Achieving Rapid Dominance • Harlan K. Ullman and James P. Wade

... less suspicion of himself. From there he managed the affair through his confidants; and in order to assure himself better of the result, and to ascertain the number of men of his race, and to make a census and list of them, he cunningly had each of them ordered to bring him a needle, which he pretended to be necessary for a certain work that he had to do. These needles he placed, as he received them, in a little box; and when he took them out of it, he found that ...
— History of the Philippine Islands Vols 1 and 2 • Antonio de Morga

... political abilities nor political opinions, but had some floating idea that it would get himself and his wife to some more balls and dinners, and who was duly ticketed for 'a good thing' in the candidate list of the Tadpoles and the Tapers, was of opinion that an immense deal might be done by properly patronising borough races. That was his ...
— Coningsby • Benjamin Disraeli

... than you do yourself the number of drinks you have poured down. You keep a list; but a more accurate list has been kept than yours. You may call it Burgundy, Bourbon, cognac, Heidsieck, sour mash, or beer. God calls it "strong-drink." Whether you sell it in low oyster-cellar or behind the polished counter of a first-class hotel, the divine curse is upon you. I tell ...
— The world's great sermons, Volume 8 - Talmage to Knox Little • Grenville Kleiser

... Italy, and the Grecian Archipelago, where they may have enjoyed, during the era of floating icebergs, a climate resembling that now prevailing in higher European latitudes. (E. Forbes Mem. Geological Survey of Great Britain volume 1 page 386.) The Professor gave a list of fifty shells which inhabited the British seas while the Coralline and Red Crag were forming, and which, though now living in our seas, were wanting, as far as was then known, in the glacial deposits. Some few of these species have subsequently been found in the glacial drift, ...
— The Student's Elements of Geology • Sir Charles Lyell

... players' outfits consist of a driver, brassie, cleek, iron, and putter. We can add to this list almost indefinitely if we wish, as there are all sorts of clubs made for various shots and with various angles. The game of golf consists in covering a certain fixed course in the fewest number of shots. We shall have to ...
— Outdoor Sports and Games • Claude H. Miller

... the back of her chair, scanned the list beginning with a's and thoughtfully read aloud, "Abigail, Achsa, Ada, Adaline, Addie, Adela, Adelaide, Adora, Agatha, Agnes, Alethea, Alexandra, Alice, Almeda, Amanda, Amarilla, Amy, Angeline, Anna, Annabel, ...
— Heart of Gold • Ruth Alberta Brown

... railer, List old ladies o'er your tea, At description Tom's a tailor, When he is compared to ...
— Tom Cringle's Log • Michael Scott

... time to come "when we shall speak of the doll and the hobby horse as the first plays of the awakening life of the girl and the boy," but he died before he had done so. In the Mother Songs, too, we find quite a good list of toys which are now to ...
— The Child Under Eight • E.R. Murray and Henrietta Brown Smith

... wallowed in galantine, As I in love am wallowed and y-wound; For which full oft I of myself divine That I am true Tristram the second. My love may not refrayed [cooled down] be nor afound [foundered]; I burn ay in an amorous pleasance. Do what you list, I will your thrall be found, Though ye to ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 - "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy" • Various

... warning voice! Wail and not rejoice!" A nice sort of caution to be injected into a merrymaking. "The foe to thy rest, is the one you love best. Think not my warning wild, 'tis thy refound child. She loves a youth of the tribe I sway, and braves the world's reproof. List to the words I say, he is now beneath thy roof!" This was quite enough to drive the entire ...
— Operas Every Child Should Know - Descriptions of the Text and Music of Some of the Most Famous Masterpieces • Mary Schell Hoke Bacon

... to use fertilizers at all—and for certain purposes they will be very valuable—I would advise restricting the list to the following pure materials which are not mixed, and which are always uniform; nitrate of soda, cottonseed meal, pure fine ground bone, and wood ashes. (Several of the other chemicals are good, ...
— Gardening Indoors and Under Glass • F. F. Rockwell

... establishments. For instance, in some seminaries the regimen places piano-playing first, and the French language second, and then the above department of housewifery; while in other seminaries the knitting of "surprises" heads the list, and then the French language, and then the playing of pianos—so diverse are the systems in force! None the less, I ...
— Dead Souls • Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol

... he at last. "If you refuse to make up a list of your friends, help me to make up a list of mine. You know you said you would like ...
— The Hoyden • Mrs. Hungerford

... Richardson has supplied me with the following list of questions, through many of which his scholars at Bootham School, York, have worked. They are inserted here to afford hints to other teachers and to show how the lessons may be varied. They should also prove useful for revising and testing the ...
— Lessons on Soil • E. J. Russell

... Union had extinguished about seventy small boroughs, and had at the same time greatly diminished the importance of the Irish representatives, and therefore the necessities for corruption. Peel noticed that while 'the pension list of Great Britain was limited to 90,000l. per annum, the pension list of Ireland may amount to 80,000l. a year; and he found almost all Irish patronage still employed for political purposes, and almost every office honeycombed ...
— Historical and Political Essays • William Edward Hartpole Lecky

... difference in the story of the origin and early development of the art of painting. One may doubt the accuracy of the mosaic account of the Creation, the authorship of the Fourth Gospel or the Shakespearean poems, or the list of names of the Normans who are recorded to have fought with William the Conqueror. But what if one may? The Creation, the poems and plays of Shakespeare and the battle of Hastings are all of them historic facts, and neither science, nor literature, nor ...
— Six Centuries of Painting • Randall Davies

... JEFFREY (since 11 August 2003) head of government: Prime Minister John Winston HOWARD (since 11 March 1996); Deputy Prime Minister John ANDERSON Deputy Prime Minister John ANDERSON (since 20 July 1999) cabinet: Parliament nominates and selects, from among its members, a list of candidates to serve as government ministers; from this list, the governor general swears in the final selections for the Cabinet elections: none; the monarch is hereditary; governor general appointed by the monarch on the recommendation of the ...
— The 2003 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency

... PERENNIALS Perennial herbs suitable for lawn and "planting" effects A brief seasonal flower-garden or border list of herbaceous perennials One hundred ...
— Manual of Gardening (Second Edition) • L. H. Bailey

... Jr., (now judge of the General Sessions) who had been trying murder cases for nearly ten years. It so happened that he had kept a complete record of all of them and this he courteously placed at my disposal. The list contains sixty-two cases, and the defendants were of divers races. These homicides included seventeen committed in cold blood (about twenty-five per cent, an extraordinary percentage) from varying motives, as follows: One defendant (white) murdered ...
— Courts and Criminals • Arthur Train

... consequently it is manifest, possibility of evil is no power. By all which the power of the good and the undoubted infirmity of evil appeareth. And it is manifest that the sentence of Plato is true: that only wise men can do that which they desire, and that the wicked men practise indeed what they list, but cannot perform what they would. For they do what they list, thinking to obtain the good which they desire by those things which cause them delight; but they obtain it not, because shameful ...
— The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy • Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius

... the maidens, Of the mighty race of Saari, Would not list to any lover, Not the greatest man among them; 160 Kyllikki, the fairest maiden, Loveliest flower ...
— Kalevala, Volume I (of 2) - The Land of the Heroes • Anonymous

... suffering for want of wafer and fatigue of labor, several of the crew were reported upon the sick-list. Manuel, who had borne his part nobly and cheerfully, was among the number; and his loss was more severely felt, having done a double duty, and succeeded, as far as the means were at hand, in making everybody on board comfortable. He had attended upon those who gave up first, like a good nurse, ...
— Manuel Pereira • F. C. Adams

... generic names of Numidians, Gaetulians and Moors or Maurusiani. Herodotus mentions a great number of these tribes. During the Roman period, according to Pliny, there were settlements of 26 indigenous tribes extending from the Ampsaga as far as Cyrenaica. The much more detailed list of Ptolemy enumerates 39 indigenous tribes in the province of Africa and 25 in Mauretania Caesariensis. Ammianus Marcellinus, Procopius and Flavius Cresconius Corippus give still further names. Besides the Afri (Aourigha) of ...
— Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia

... continue to function, and continues to fly the flag of the former Yugoslavia. For a variety of reasons, a number of other organizations have not yet taken action with regard to the membership of the former Yugoslavia. The The World Factbook therefore continues to list Yugoslavia under international organizations where the SFRY seat remains or where no action ...
— The 1993 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.

... this list of perfections failed to arouse any enthusiasm for Jose in Pearl, or to convince her that the proper place for him was not within the sheltering walls of ...
— The Black Pearl • Mrs. Wilson Woodrow

... Here is a list of the various Social enterprises we have in hand. I do not vouch for its completeness; but, anyway, we have here a goodly number of schemes for the benefit of the poor and friendless already ...
— The Authoritative Life of General William Booth • George Scott Railton

... of contemporary protest. There existed in Dublin in 1828 a Society for the Improvement of Ireland, an active body which included in its membership the Lord Mayor (a high Tory, of course), Lord Cloncurry, and a long list of notable names such as Latouche, Sinclair, Houghton, Leader, Grattan, Smith O'Brien, George Moore, and Daniel O'Connell. In the year mentioned the Society appointed a number of committees to report on the state of Irish agriculture, commerce, and industry. One of these ...
— The Open Secret of Ireland • T. M. Kettle

... and keen competition that each successive fair brought, there were those who had been winners of first prizes ever since the Elmbrook show was instituted, and would probably always be. The Elmbrook prize-list was a stable institution, and if any one but Ella Anne Long should have taken first for managing a horse, or Bella Winters for painting apple blossoms on white velvet, or old Miss McQuarry for bread and butter, all Oro would have felt ...
— Treasure Valley • Marian Keith

... thirteen districts for the war with the Pirates and put a responsible lieutenant in command of each, thus enabling him by concurrent action in all the districts to clear the seas in three months. Appian gives the list of officers and the limits of their commands, saying: "The coasts of Sicily and the Ionian sea as far as Acarnania were entrusted to Plotius and Varro." It is difficult to understand Varro's own reference to Delos, ...
— Roman Farm Management - The Treatises Of Cato And Varro • Marcus Porcius Cato

... careful calculations, yet still without incurring debt, so their social position had been secured by unremitting diligence and care, but with no loss of self-respect or even of dignity. They were honestly proud both of their house and of their list of acquaintances and saw no reason to regard them as less worthy achievements of an industrious life than their four creditable grown-up children or Judge Emery's honorable reputation at the bar. In their youth they had conceived of certain things as ...
— The Squirrel-Cage • Dorothy Canfield

... the astute Cockerell had "touched the spot"—and was turning away, when suddenly the billeting officer's eye encountered an illegible scrawl at the very foot of his list. ...
— All In It K(1) Carries On - A Continuation of the First Hundred Thousand • John Hay Beith (AKA: Ian Hay)

... which covers every Grosset & Dunlap book. When you feel in the mood for a good romance, refer to the carefully selected list of modern fiction comprising most of the successes by prominent writers of the day which is printed on the back of every Grosset & ...
— Wunpost • Dane Coolidge

... had been prepared a comprehensive list of the Nelson holdings, together with maps showing their acreage and production, the location of drilling wells, the ownership of adjoining properties, and the like. There was also a considerable amount of data concerning the terms of the Nelson leases, renewal dates, ...
— Flowing Gold • Rex Beach

... have been distributed according to a list drawn up by the under-steward; here it is," and he handed a paper to Lady Beltham, who ...
— Fantomas • Pierre Souvestre

... well prepared. He brought with him seditious libels and a list of disorders which, he said, the violation of a law that was refused to be put in execution had occasioned, in leaving unpunished a crime which appeared in so obvious ...
— Eastern Tales by Many Story Tellers • Various

... unique, splendid. And I need not say, Mr. Gorman, that if you see your way to oblige us in this matter your services will not go unrecognized. If there is any particular way in which you would like us to show our appreciation you have only to mention it. The next Honours List——" ...
— The Island Mystery • George A. Birmingham

... England proper, a good many relics of the old Welsh Caers still bespeak the incompleteness of the early Teutonic conquest. If we might trust the mendacious Nennius, indeed, all our Casters and Chesters were once good Cymric Caers; for he gives a doubtful list of the chief towns in Britain, where Gloucester appears as Cair Gloui, Colchester as Cair Colun, and York as Cair Ebrauc. These, if true, would be invaluable forms; but unfortunately there is every reason to believe that Nennius invented them himself, by a simple transposition ...
— Science in Arcady • Grant Allen

... Gertrude met Lady Brandon, her lot was secretly wretched, and she was glad to accept an invitation to Brandon Beeches in order to escape for a while from the admiral's daily sarcasms on the marriage list in the "Times." The invitation was the more acceptable because Sir Charles was no mushroom noble, and, in the schooldays which Gertrude now remembered as the happiest of her life, she had acknowledged that ...
— An Unsocial Socialist • George Bernard Shaw

... the evening shades prevail, The moon takes up the wondrous tale, And nightly to the list'ning earth, Repeats the story of her birth: While all the stars that round her burn, And all the planets in their turn, Confirm the tidings as they roll, And spread the truth from ...
— Twilight And Dawn • Caroline Pridham

... the present case belongs to this list of incredible patents which the Patent Office has spawned. The fact that a patent as flimsy and as spurious as this one has to be brought all the way to this Court to be declared invalid dramatically illustrates how far our patent system frequently departs from ...
— The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation • Edward Corwin

... and acceptable enlargement of the list of offenses for which extradition may be claimed and granted is most desirable between this country and Great Britain. The territory of neither should become a secure harbor for the evil doers of the other through any avoidable shortcoming ...
— Complete State of the Union Addresses from 1790 to the Present • Various

... He proceeded to the list of Hates: Welfare Statism; tyranny by tax ("Remember the Boston Tea Party!"); loose divorce laws; fraternal lodges; "promiscuous enfranchisement"; water fluoridation; and so on. These were but a few of the cancers, he screamed, that must be ruthlessly ...
— Telempathy • Vance Simonds

... and butter and a small coffee seemed the only things on the list that hadn't been specially prepared by the nastier-minded members of the Borgia family for people they had a particular grudge against, so I chose them, and Mabel ...
— Death At The Excelsior • P. G. Wodehouse

... a great staff of umpires for this season, as will be seen from the following list appointed at the meeting: Tim C. Hurst, of Ashland, Pa.; Herman Doescher, of Binghamton; John H. Gaffney, of Worcester, and Charles N. Snyder, of Washington. It was voted to increase the staff to five, and President Powers will sign another ...
— Spalding's Baseball Guide and Official League Book for 1895 • Edited by Henry Chadwick

... trustee is required on the board of every State institution where women are placed as patients, paupers or criminals, but this is not strictly obeyed. A list of the boards of eleven hospitals shows twelve women and sixty-five men, but four have no women members. Two women are on the board of Craig Colony of Epileptics; three on that of ...
— The History of Woman Suffrage, Volume IV • Various

... constable without the consent of the estate owners of the district, and raves about local police prerogative. His only newspaper, beside the little local one, is the Kreuzzentung, he is learned in the Army List, and the writing-table at which I am sitting is strewed with volumes of the Almanac de Gotha. He looks after his subjects—for I think he calls his workmen his subjects—in a truly fatherly or feudal manner, but I do not doubt that he would drive the best of them off the estate ...
— The Malady of the Century • Max Nordau

... the blood of those Who long have winked a proud disdainful eye Beware! I say, beware! for mercy then is dead. Francos: But Quezox, hold! Water thy burning thoughts. 'Twere well to bridle firm such wordy steed, For mayhap there be one with list'ning ear, Who wide would publish what were worthy thoughts; But which should covered be by mantle wise, Until time furnisheth the proper hour, To tongue them into words with cautious garb So they shall mellow sound ...
— 'A Comedy of Errors' in Seven Acts • Spokeshave (AKA Old Fogy)

... quarters, and gladly respond to sundry calls for news of him, though my personal knowledge ended five months ago. Next to my good John—I hope the grass is green above him, far away there in Virginia!—I placed the Sergeant on my list of worthy boys; and many jovial chat have I enjoyed with the merry-hearted lad, who had a fancy for fun, when his poor arm was dressed. While Dr. P. poked and strapped, I brushed the remains of the Sergeant's brown mane—shorn sorely ...
— Hospital Sketches • Louisa May Alcott

... It was possible that a man like Cole, with a large list of properties under his management, might be somewhat vague in his recollection of the names of a few of his tenants. This case was different. The Atwoods, according to the girl's story, had sub-leased their apartment quite recently, presumably ...
— The Sheridan Road Mystery • Paul Thorne

... may rail as they list," said the Baron, while he and Flemming were returning from a stroll in the leafy gardens, outside the moat; "but, after all, Goethe was a magnificent old fellow. Only think of his life; his youth of passion, alternately aspiring and desponding, stormy, impetuous, ...
— Hyperion • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

... Prince, looking up from the wine list, "why cannot I be satisfied with you? And why cannot you be satisfied with me? It would ...
— The Yellow Crayon • E. Phillips Oppenheim

... Fresh Sea and land breezes and fair weather. I had forgot to mention, that upon our arrival here I had not one man upon the Sick List; Lieut. Hicks, Mr. Green, and Tupia were the only people that had any complaints occasioned by a long continuance at Sea.* (* This was an achievement indeed, and Cook records it in this simple observation. Of the many ships which had arrived at Batavia after ...
— Captain Cook's Journal During the First Voyage Round the World • James Cook

... Canal must be enlarged for ship navigation more effectually than it has been. I subjoin a list of colonial shipping for 1844 from ...
— Canada and the Canadians - Volume I • Sir Richard Henry Bonnycastle

... sure that this permission is not abused, the Burgomasters of Beyne-Heusay and of Grivegnee shall immediately draw up a list of persons who shall be held as hostages, at the fort of Fleron, in twenty-four-hour shifts; on Sept. 6, for the first time, from 6 o'clock in the evening until ...
— Current History, A Monthly Magazine - The European War, March 1915 • New York Times

... who arrived at noon, meant little but disappointment for Alan. After a few polite words of congratulation, the lawyer dived into business, explaining Alan's position as the result of his uncle's deed of gift, and reciting a short list of securities mixed up ...
— Till the Clock Stops • John Joy Bell

... color of certain infusorians, of the common fresh water hydra and of the fresh water sponge, was due to the same pigment, but little more attention was paid to the subject until 1870, when Ray Lankester applied the spectroscope to its investigation. He thus considerably extended the list of chlorophyl containing animals, and his results are summarized in Sachs' Botany (Eng. ed.). His list includes, besides the animals already mentioned, two species of Radiolarians, the common green sea anemone (Anthea cereus, ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 324, March 18, 1882 • Various

... conquered; she made him prove the truth of his own profound observation of clerical human nature by taking a piece of money from the purse. "If I must take it—I must!" he remarked. "Thank you for setting the good example! thank you for giving the timely help! What name shall I put down on my list?" ...
— The New Magdalen • Wilkie Collins

... "printed at Paris in 1718" without the name of author, publisher or printer, I have not been able to trace another copy. In other points of interest connected with Calderon's drama, particularly to the clearing up of the difficulty hitherto felt as to the confused list of authorities at the end, the reader is also referred ...
— The Wonder-Working Magician • Pedro Calderon de la Barca

... of the coast, in the days of Henry VIII., by the sons of Surrey, one of whom, Sir Thomas Howard, was Lord Admiral at the time, and so, in a measure, responsible for the defence of the English coast. The loss of his brave sea-captain and his "goodly ships" was one of the grievances in the long list which led King James IV. to declare war against England, and led to the fatal field of Flodden, in which Admiral Sir Thomas Howard and his brother took part under the command of their father, ...
— Northumberland Yesterday and To-day • Jean F. Terry

... wife was calling him, he went downstairs. She had written out a list of what had to be done during the morning, and he was horrified when he saw ...
— Maupassant Original Short Stories (180), Complete • Guy de Maupassant

... eldest of the family, and lately on the invalid list, the victim of a cactus thorn, "my toe's all well; can ...
— Judith Of The Plains • Marie Manning

... her money? That's the worst thing on his list, I suppose, eh, Ellie?" Before he finished the sentence he was almost grave again. "I know where you got that information." He shook the paper-knife at me. "Women's gossip is an invention of the devil! Don't listen to it! The poor fellow has ...
— The Other Side of the Door • Lucia Chamberlain

... Byrd Prillerman, as secretary, to meet at the Simpson M. E. Church in Charleston. More than fifty teachers and race leaders attended. Inasmuch as H. B. Rice, the chairman of the committee, was absent on account of illness, P. B. Burbridge, whose name was second on the list of the committee, called the meeting to order, and delivered the address of welcome. William T. McKinney of Huntington was elected temporary chairman. The Association was then permanently organized by naming Byrd Prillerman its first president and Mrs. Rhoda Weaver its first secretary. Among the ...
— The Journal of Negro History, Volume 7, 1922 • Various

... list of the things the cloud does. Read aloud the lines in which the poet tells of each of these. Why is lightning spoken of as the pilot of the cloud? Where does it sit? Where is the thunder? How is the cloud "the daughter of the earth and water"? How "a nursling of the sky"? ...
— The Literary World Seventh Reader • Various

... Samuel Garth, physician to George I as well as poet. He protested at one meeting that he would have to leave early to visit his patients. But the evening wore on and still he stayed, until at length Steele reminded him of his engagements. Whereupon Garth pulled out a list of fifteen patients, and remarked, "It matters little whether I see them or not to-night. Nine or ten are so bad that all the doctors in the world could not save them, and the remainder have such tough ...
— Inns and Taverns of Old London • Henry C. Shelley

... give you any, they'd lie uselessly about. I'll put them away for you now for a time, and, when you want them, I'll let you have some. You should, however, keep them for the exclusive purpose of painting fans; for were you to paint such big things with them it would be a pity! I'll draw out a list for you to-day to enable you to go and apply to our worthy senior for the items; as it isn't likely that you people can possibly know all that's required. I'll dictate them, and cousin Pao can ...
— Hung Lou Meng, Book II • Cao Xueqin

... well-developed toe in each foot provided with a hoof; 6, A bushy tail; and 7, Callosities on the inner sides of both the fore and the hind legs. The asses, again, form a distinct species, because, with the same characters, as far as the fifth in the above list, all asses have tufted tails, and have callosities only on the inner side of the fore-legs. If animals were discovered having the general characters of the horse, but sometimes with callosities only on the ...
— Darwiniana • Thomas Henry Huxley

... Oh! may he ne'er visit this land or this lake. The small swimming spider, with silky lined cell, I have seen her manoeuvre her own diving-bell. They are endless the wonders of shallow and deep, But I spare you the list, ...
— The Quadrupeds' Pic-Nic • F. B. C.

... first her tale was a halting one enough, but seeing no sign of anger in Gay's amiable countenance, she became more courageous, and substantially she said all that was necessary to make her companion acquainted with her list of peccadilloes. ...
— Madame Flirt - A Romance of 'The Beggar's Opera' • Charles E. Pearce

... about; but one day, a tiger cub having done the same, the tigress exhibited great restlessness, and, on the little one's return, in a sudden accession of jealous fury she dashed her paw on it and killed it. I am indebted to Mr. Shillingford for a long list of tigresses with cubs killed during the years 1866 to 1880. Out of 53 cubs (18 mothers) 29 were males and 22 females, the sex of two cubs not being given. This tends to prove that there are an equal number of each sex born—in fact here the advantage is ...
— Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon • Robert A. Sterndale

... fame is great, justly earned in many a battle. My friend in deerskin is Armand Dubois, born a Canadian of good French stock, and a most valiant and trustworthy man. As for me, I am Raymond Louis de St. Luc, Chevalier of France and soldier of fortune in the New World. And now you know the list of us. It's not so long as Homer's catalogue of the ships, nor so interesting, but ...
— The Hunters of the Hills • Joseph Altsheler

... naturally was forced to deal with the black market, just as everyone else engaged in research was; it was, for instance, the only source for a good many technical publications which had been put on the Restricted List. Sam wasn't as dependent on them as college and university research men were, simply because he was engaged in industrial work, which carried much higher priorities ...
— Damned If You Don't • Gordon Randall Garrett

... be made of this concession. Only a determination to make out a case could, as it seems to me, have framed such an indictment as that which the secretary constructed by stringing together a slender list of pretended peccadillos. One instance will show the extreme slightness which characterizes many of the ...
— The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (The Physician and Poet not the Jurist)

... books. Lady Carbery, with a view to the amusement of Lady Massey and my sister, for both of whom youth and previous seclusion had created a natural interest in all such scenes, accepted two or three times in every week dinner invitations to all the families on her visiting list, and lying within her winter circle, which was measured, by a radius of about seventeen miles. For, dreadful as were the roads in those days, when the Bath, the Bristol, or the Dover mail was equally perplexed oftentimes ...
— Memorials and Other Papers • Thomas de Quincey

... I shall insist upon having the ful six guineas," remarked her mother angrily. "No, on second thoughts I won't ask for it. Whether he leaves or not, I may find him very useful. I quite mean to ask him to every day publish a 'list of ...
— Chinkie's Flat and Other Stories - 1904 • Louis Becke

... "How much time have your people spent checking lists? You are the world's best list-checkers. And the worst. I wish we were just a handful of warriors going out for a fight. But whole families are coming along. Apparently the Brons intend to sow their seed among the stars. And with families. I'll wager that your lists are ...
— Hunters Out of Space • Joseph Everidge Kelleam

... convenient to some readers for the purposes of this book to have by them a list of Shakespeare's plays, arranged in periods. No such list, of course, can command general assent, but the following (which does not throughout represent my own views) would perhaps meet with as little objection from scholars as any other. For some purposes the Third and Fourth Periods are ...
— Shakespearean Tragedy - Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth • A. C. Bradley

... country's sands for water. Only they who have known the pain of carrying such questions, like a fire in their bones, can know the joy which she felt when she found one to whom she could speak them. It is something of a drop to pass from Solomon's wisdom to the list of the splendours of his household, and the effect which these produced on the queen; but the whole account of Solomon's reign is marked by the same naive blending of wisdom and material wealth. In those days, outward prosperity was the sign of divine favour. But even in those days they knew ...
— Expositions Of Holy Scripture - Volume I: St. Luke, Chaps. I to XII • Alexander Maclaren

... named the provision-thieves, the grub-murderers and the house-grabbers who levy tribute on the Mason-bee. Does that end the list? Not at all. The old nests are cities of the dead. They contain Bees who, on achieving the perfect state, were unable to open the exit-door through the cement and who withered in their cells; they contain dead larvae, turned into black, brittle cylinders; ...
— The Mason-bees • J. Henri Fabre

... which I have attempted to form an arrangement of knowledge is that I may test the amount of my own acquirements. I shall form an extensive list of subjects on this plan, and as I acquire any one of them I shall strike it out of the list. May the list soon get black! though at present I shall hardly be able, I am afraid, to spot ...
— The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley Volume 1 • Leonard Huxley

... matter, so far as Juffrouw Pieterse was concerned. She would have nothing more to do with the Juffrouw from below. I may add that the lady from below did not come, and that her name was stricken from the calling-list of ...
— Walter Pieterse - A Story of Holland • Multatuli

... | Transcriber's Note: | | | | Inconsistent hyphenation and spelling in the original | | document has been preserved. | | | | Obvious typographical errors have been corrected in this | | text. For a complete list, please see the end of this | | document. | ...
— Scottish Ghost Stories • Elliott O'Donnell

... follows: a series of lessons in spelling and reading, which, because prepared especially for her "unfortunate child," Fanny Imlay, are an interesting relic; the "Letters on the French Nation," mentioned in a previous chapter; a fragment and list of proposed "Letters on the Management of Infants;" several letters to Mr. Johnson, the most important of which have been already given; the "Cave of Fancy," an Oriental tale, as Godwin calls it,—the story of an old philosopher who lives in a desolate sea-coast district and there ...
— Mary Wollstonecraft • Elizabeth Robins Pennell

... a path paved with unknown gems. These precious stones are mentioned on the various inscriptions in the list of precious jewels with gold, diamonds, pearls, etc., taken as spoils ...
— Babylonian and Assyrian Literature • Anonymous

... of the field and garden, with their lovely faces, and angelic language—sending the while such ambrosial incense up to heaven—insinuate the sweetest truths into the human heart. They lead us to the delightful conclusion that beauty is in the list of the utilities—that the Divine Artist himself is a lover of loveliness—that he has communicated a taste for it to his creatures and most ...
— Flowers and Flower-Gardens • David Lester Richardson

... the examination. At its close, the day before the breaking-up, the list was posted on the door of the great school-room, and most boys made an impetuous rush to see the result. But Eric was too nervous to be present at the hour when this was usually done, and he had asked Russell to bring him ...
— Eric • Frederic William Farrar

Words linked to "List" :   take stock, agenda, corrigenda, blacklist, bill, position, masthead, list price, catalog, leaning, shopping list, identify, push-down stack, FAQ, agendum, play list, shortlist, push-down list, calendar, posting, free list, move, directory, calorie chart, order of business, catalogue, stock-take, credits, table of contents, short list, price list, register, tilt, roll, distribution list, class list, post, playlist, schedule, grocery list, wish list, angle, stock list, character set, list-processing language, A-list, list processing, point, portfolio, index, impanel, hit parade, codex, slant, inclination, flag, stack, enumerate, black book, hit list, number, tip, itemize, name, menu, lean, inventory, mailing list, itemise, queue, listing, record, bibliography, shitlist, ticket, criminal record, slate, Civil List, enumeration, contents, heel, numbering, recite, sick list, list system, standing, item, key, database, necrology, lister, spatial relation, computer menu, roster, honours list, canon, waiting list, checklist, empanel

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