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English Dictionary      examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

Loblolly   Listen
Loblolly  n.  Gruel; porridge; so called among seamen.
Loblolly bay (Bot.), an elegant white-flowered evergreen shrub or small tree, of the genus Gordonia (Gordonia Lasianthus), growing in the maritime parts of the Southern United States. Its bark is sometimes used in tanning. Also, a similar West Indian tree (Laplacea haematoxylon).
Loblolly boy, a surgeon's attendant on shipboard.
Loblolly pine (Bot.), a kind of pitch pine found from Delaware southward along the coast; old field pine (Pinus Taeda). Also, Pinus Bahamensis, of the West Indies.
Loblolly tree (Bot.), a name of several West Indian trees, having more or less leathery foliage, but alike in no other respect; as Pisonia subcordata, Cordia alba, and Cupania glabra.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Loblolly" Quotes from Famous Books

... the mill, the stables, and barns. Hard-earned rest was theirs, and they were prepared to enjoy it. It was supper-time. In the square a great fire of brush-wood had been kindled, and around it squatted a ring of negroes, busy with bowls of loblolly and great chunks of corn bread. They chattered like monkeys, and one who had finished his mess raised a chant in which one note was a yell of triumph, the next a long-drawn plaintive wail. The rich barbaric voice filled the night. A figure, rising, tossed ...
— Prisoners of Hope - A Tale of Colonial Virginia • Mary Johnston

Words linked to "Loblolly" :   gruel

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